Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
DCC3113 :
Course Notes
| Unit 1 : Introduction to Highway and Traffic
| Unit 2 : Pavement Materials
| Unit 3 : Construction Of Flexible Pavement
| Unit 4 : Construction Of Rigid Pavement
| Unit 5: Flexible Pavement Design
| Unit 6 : Highway Maintenance
| Unit 7 : Transportation Planning
| Unit 8 : Traffic Control Equipment And Road Furniture
| Unit 9 : Junction Design
| Unit 10 : Traffic Management
Prepared By :
SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH |Lecturer in Civil Engineering Department, Politeknik Mukah, Sarawak
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
| Introduction
| Video
| Concept
| Assessment
| Summary
Prepared By :
SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH |Lecturer in Civil Engineering Department, Politeknik Mukah, Sarawak
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:-
CLO 2 : Assesses design performance based on specifications and requirements for well defined highway and traffic, problems with
appropriate consideration for public safety, society and environment. (C5,PLO4)(C5,PO3)
Design the
concrete mix
of materials in
road and
2.1 construction
the materials TOPIC 2:
and test on
material PAVEMENT
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:-
CLO 2 : Assesses design performance based on specifications and requirements for well defined highway and traffic, problems with
appropriate consideration for public safety, society and environment. (C5,PLO4)(C5,PO3)
Design the
concrete mix
of materials in
road and
2.1 construction
2.1.1 The materials used in the materials TOPIC 2:
highway construction and test on
2.1.2 The objectives and PAVEMENT
characteristics of MATERIALS
asphaltic concrete mix
2.1.3 The uses, types and
grades of aggregate and
2.1.4 The types and their
objectives of tests on
road construction
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:-
CLO 2 : Assesses design performance based on specification and requirement for well-defined highway and traffic, problems with
appropriate consideration for public safety, society and environment.(C5, PLO4) (C5,PO3)
Design the
concrete mix
of materials in
road and
2.1 construction
the materials TOPIC 2:
and test on
material PAVEMENT 2.2.1 Design of asphaltic
MATERIALS concrete mix using
Marshall Mix Design
2.2.2 Calculate the optimum
bitumen content
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Video Video
Source : Project of Reuse of Waste Plastic to Making Road -
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Concept Concept
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Concept Concept
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Concept Flexible Pavement
(Emulsion Tack-Coat)
Surfacing – Wearing Course Asphalt Concrete
Surfacing – Base course; Binder
Course Asphalt Concrete
Base; Roadbase Crushed Aggregate
Natural Sand
Sub-base Gravel
(possibly more than one) Crushed Rock
Crushed Concrete
Natural Soil
Subgred Imported Fill
Stabilised Soil *
* Optional treatment for very poor subgrades
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Material use The materials used in highway construction
Reinforce Fillers
The materials
used in highway
Cement And
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Material use The materials used in highway construction
also known as reinforcing steel, Aggregate
reinforcement steel, or a main material that makes up about 93 % of the mix. The
deformed bar, is a common steel strength is resulted from the interlocks between the aggregate
bar and is commonly used as a and assist to distribute loads from the traffic in the pavement
tensioning device in reinforced
concrete and reinforced masonry
structures holding the concrete in
Reinforce Fillers
The materials
used in highway its fills the voids between aggregate
construction and help stiffening the binder to
produce a stronger and stiffer mix
that could last long.
Cement And
is a binder to glue the aggregate together
is a binder, a substance that sets and to form an improved mix
hardens independently and can bind other
materials together.
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Aggregate Aggregates
• “Aggregate” is a collective term for sand, gravel and crushed stone mineral materials in
their natural or processed state (NSSGA, 1991).
• In hot mix asphalt (HMA), aggregates are combined with a asphalt binding medium to
form a compound material.
• The raw material which is used as road aggregate can be further classified as:
a. Naturally occurring aggregate :
i. Igneus
ii. Sedimentary
iii. Metamorphic
b. Artificial Aggregate Figure : Naturally occurring aggregate sources
i. Blast Furnace Slag
ii. Burnt Shale
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Aggregate Classification of road aggregates
Road Aggregate
Natural Artificial
Igneus Sedimentary Metamorphic
Basalt Flint Hornfels
Gabbro Gritstone Quartzite Blast furnace
Granite Limestone Schist Slag
Porphry Gravel Burnt Shale
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Broad category of coarse particulate material
used in construction
Broad category of coarse
particulate material used in
Recycled concrete construction Gravel
Crushed stone
Geosynthetic aggregates
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Aggregate Terms used for aggregate
In road construction materials, some other terms used for aggregate are:
• Coarse Aggregate – pass sieve 28 mm and retained sieve 2.36 mm
• Fine Aggregate – pass sieve 2.36 mm and retained sieve 75 micron
• Mineral Filler – pass sieve 75 micron, consist fine material such as cement, lime, crushed
aggregate dust
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Aggregate The uses, types and grades of aggregate and binder
The types and grades of aggregate :
• Dense or well graded: Refers to a gradation that is near maximum density.
• Gap graded: Refers to a gradation that contains only a small percentage of aggregate
particles in the mid-size range. These mixes can be prone to segregation during
• Open graded: Refers to a gradation that contains only a small percentage of aggregate
particles in a small range. This results in more air voids because there are not enough
small particles to fill in the voids between the large particles.
• Uniformly graded: Refers to gradation that contains most of the particles in a very narrow
size range. In essence, all the particles are the same size.
Gap graded
Open graded Figure : Typical Gradations
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Aggregate Aggregate physical properties
• Aggregates can be classified by their mineral, chemical and physical properties. The
pavement industry typically relies on physical properties for performance
characterization. An aggregate’s physical properties are direct result of its mineral and
chemical properties.
• Important properties of aggregates are:
i. Strength – to withstand crushing, impact during construction and traffic load
ii. Soundness – resistance to disintegration under weathering
iii. Shape and surface texture – help in interlocking, resistance to sliding, affect strength
iv. Affinity – properly coated by binder
v. Relative density and absorption – stripping, drying time and mix design
vi. Resistance to wear (hardness) – polished under traffic, skid resistance
vii. Gradation – quality and pavement strength
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Aggregate Aggregate Shape
i. Rounded, ii. Irregular, iii. Angular, iv. Flaky, v. Elongated, vi. Flaky & Elongated
(Source: BSI 812 : 1975)
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Match the aggregate shape below CHECK
Let’s do this activity
Flaky &
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
The types and their objectives of tests on road construction
Type of test
The tests for evaluate on Aggregates Properties are divided into several type which is
• Aggregate Crushing Value (BS 812:Part 110:1990)
• Ten Percent Fine Value (BS 812:Part 111:1990)
• Aggregate Impact Value (BS 812:Part 112 :1990)
• Los Angeles Abrasion (ASTM C: 131-81)
• Soundness (AASHTO-T :104)
• Flakiness Index (BS 812:Section 105.1 :1989)
• Elongation Index (BS 812 :part 1 :1975)
• Water Absorption and Specific Gravity (BS 812:part 2:1975)
• Coating and Striping (AASHTO-T :182)
• Polished Stone Value (BS 812:Part 14:1989)
• Sieve analysis (BS 1377:Part 2:1990)
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
The types and their objectives of tests on road construction
Type of test
The tests for evaluate on Aggregates Properties are divided into several type which is
Coating and Flakiness
Striping Index (BS
(AASHTO-T 812:Section
:182) 105.1 :1989)
Ten Percent
Fine Value (BS Sieve analysis
(BS 1377:Part
812:Part 2:1990)
Index (BS 812
:part 1 :1975)
Polished Stone
Value (BS Soundness
812:Part (AASHTO-T
14:1989) :104)
Crushing Los Angeles
Value (BS Abrasion
812:Part (ASTM C: 131-
110:1990) Water 81)
and Specific
(BS 812:part
Impact Value
(BS 812:Part
112 :1990)
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Aggregate Crushing Value Test (BS 812:Part 110:1990)
• To determine the percentage aggregate crushed by applying compressive load
• Standard size of aggregate is normally used i.e passing 14 mm and retained on 10 mm
sieve size. Place about 3000 gm of aggregate in the mould in three layers and compact
with rod 25 times for each layer. Use compression machine to compress the aggregate
for 10 minutes with gradually applying load from 0 to 400 kN. Then, sieve out the
aggregate using 2.36 mm sieve size and determine the weight passing and calculate the
ACV = Weight pass sieve 2.36 mm x 100
Weight Original
Mould and rods for ACV and TFV Test
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Ten Percent Fine Value Test (BS 812:Part 111:1990)
• To determine the load needs to crush the aggregate with 10 percent fine
• Sample is prepared similar to ACV test, then apply the expected load that could
produce ten percent fine.
• Calculate the exact percentage of fine and calculate the exact load using the following
formula provided the fine is the range of 7.5 to 12.5%
TFV = 14f
4 + y
Mould and rods for ACV and TFV Test
Where : f = Load applied
y = Percent Crushed
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Aggregate Impact Value Test (BS 812:Part 112 :1990)
• To determine percent crush due to impact load
• Size used is aggregate passing 14 mm retained 10 mm. Aggregate is placed in the mould
and compacted in a mould with 25 times of rodding. Then, it is subjected to 15 times of
impact loading. After impact, calculate the weight crushed using 2.36 mm sieve size and
determine the AIV :
AIV = Weight pass sieve 2.36 mm x 100
Weight Original
AIV Equipment
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Los Angeles Abrasion (LAAV) (ASTM C: 131-81)
• To determine the percent of degradation under combination of abrasion or attrition,
impact and grinding
• Aggregates weight 5000 gram are placed in a steel drum with specified number of steel
balls. Drum is rotated 500 revolutions at 33 rpm. Then, aggregates are sieved with 1.70mm
sieve size and calculate :
LAAV = Weight pass sieve 1.70 mm x 100
Weight Original
Steel Balls
500 revolutions at 33 rpm
Result before and after rotate in steel drum
LAAV Equipment
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Soundness (AASHTO-T :104)
• To determine resistance to disintegration due to cycle of wetting and drying, heating and
cooling (weathering)
• Aggregates are soaked in solution of sodium or magnesium sulphate for 16-18 hours.
Remove sample and put in oven at 105C or 16-18 hours. Repeat the same process until
complete 5 circles. Then wash and dry the sample. Sieve the sample and calculate :
Soundness = Weight of loss x 100
Weight Original
Result before and after soaked in solution
Sodium or magnesium sulphate
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Flakiness Index (BS 812:Section 105.1 :1989)
• To determine percentage of flaky aggregate. An aggregate is considered flaky when its
thickness is less than 0.6 times its average dimension. Aggregate that needs to be tested
is between 6.3 mm and 63 mm.
• Aggregate according to the size and weight is recorded. Each aggregate is to be
inserted to the specific slot and record the weight of passing aggregate. Aggregate
passes the slot is considered flaky.
Flakiness Index (FI) = Weight pass slot x 100
Weight Original
Sample of flaky aggregate
Flakiness Index Equipment
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Elongation Index (BS 812 :part 1 :1975)
• To determine percentage of elongated aggregate. An aggregate is considered
elongated when its thickness is more than 1.8 times its average dimension. Aggregate
that needs to be tested is between 6.3 mm to 63 mm
• Aggregate according to size and weight is recorded. Each aggregate is to be inserted to
the specific slot and record the weight of retained aggregate. Aggregate retained the
slot is considered elongated
Elongation Index (FI) = Weight retained slot x 100
Weight Original
Sample of elongated aggregate
Elongation Index Equipment
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Water Absorption and Specific Gravity (BS 812:part 2:1975)
• To indicate the strength and porosity of aggregate. Aggregate with high specific gravity is
expected to have high strength. High water absorption suggests the aggregate needs
more time to dry during the mixing process could absorb more bitumen which result in
higher cost of production
• Aggregate is washed and soaked in distilled water 24 hours. Weight in water and record
it as C. Remove the aggregate and dry with damp towel and weight it as B. Then put it in
the oven for 24 hours to dry and weight it as A
Water Absorption (WA) = B - A x 100
Specific Gravity (SG bulk ) = A x 100
B - C
Equipment using water
displacement method for SG
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Coating and Striping (AASHTO-T :182)
• To determine the adhesion of the bitumen and the aggregate with the influence of water
• Aggregate and bitumen are heated and mixed. Soaked and coated aggregate 16 to 18
hours in distill water. Determine the coated surface area whether more or less than 95%
The coated surface area
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Polished Stone Value (BS 812:Part 14:1989)
• This test is only for aggregate to be used for wearing course. PSV indicates the resistance
to polishing effect by traffic. Polished aggregate influences the skidding resistance of
pavement surface
• This test consists of three stages :
i. Sample preparation
ii. Sample polishing
iii. Measure skidding resistance
PSV specimen
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Sieve analysis (BS 1377:Part 2:1990)
• In the sieve analysis, a sample dry aggregate of
known weight is separated through a series of
sieves with progressively smaller opening. Once
separated, the weight of particles retained on
each sieve is measured and compared to the
total sample weight. Particle size distribution is
then expressed as a percent retained by
weight on each sieve size. Result are usually
expressed in tabular or graphical format
Sieve Machine and set of sieves
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Bitumen Bitumen or Asphalt
Asphalt or bitumen is a dark brown to black, highly viscous, hydrocarbon produced from
petroleum distillation residue. This distillation can occur naturally, resulting in asphalt lakes or
occur in petroleum refinery using crude oil. The primary use (70%) of asphalt/bitumen is in
road construction, where it is used as the glue or binder mixed with aggregate particles to
create asphalt concrete. Its other main uses are for bituminous waterproofing products,
including production of roofing felt and for sealing flat roofs.
Bituminous binders preparations most commonly used are:
• Penetration bitumen : Grade of bitumen is determined by Penetration and Viscosity Test .
• Cut-back bitumen : Bitumen (60-85%) + light solvent (kerosene, gasoline, and
• Bitumen emulsion : Bitumen (55-70%) + water, either penetration bitumen or cutback
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Tar Tar
• Tar is a dark brown or black viscous liquid of hydrocarbons and free carbon, substance
obtained from a variety of organic materials through destructive distillation. Tar can be
produced from coal, wood, petroleum, or peat. It is black, and a mixture of hydrocarbons
and free carbon.
Definition of peat : a brown, soil-like material characteristic of boggy, acid
ground, consisting of partly decomposed vegetable matter.
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Difference The difference between tar and bitumen
• Not the distillation of petroleum.
• Easily change shape on temperature changes.
• Easily damaged at high temperatures and brittle at low temperatures.
• Easy to enter the cavity on aggregates.
• Insoluble in solvents such as gasoline, kerosene and others.
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
The types and their objectives of tests on
Type of test
road construction materials
• The tests for evaluate on Bitumen Properties are divided into several type which is
Penetration Flash and Fire
84) T48-84)
Softening point
Ductility Loss on
86) 83)
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Penetration Test (AASHTO T 53-84)
• To examine the consistency of a sample of bitumen by determining the distance in tenths
of a millimeter that a standard needle vertically penetrates the bitumen specimen under
known conditions of loading (100 gram), time (5 seconds) and temperature (25 C).
• Can characterize asphalt binder at one temperature 25C (77F). Penetration grades are
listed as a range of penetration units (one penetration unit = 0.1 mm of penetration by
the standard needle)
• In Malaysia, use of 80-100 PEN is very common. However, the 60-70 PEN is recommended
in the new JKR specification. For cold climate regions, softer grade is preferred whereas
hot climate demands harder grade. Typical range of pen. value is 40 to 300 PEN
Penetration Test Apparatus
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Softening point test (AASHTO T53)
• To determine the softening point of bitumen with range 30 C to 157 C by means of the
Ring and Ball apparatus.
• In this test, bitumen is heated and poured in pair of rings. When the bitumen is hard,
placed the rings in a container filled with water at 5C. Two steel balls are placed on the
rings and gradually heat the water container. When temperature increases, the bitumen
softens thus the balls which act as weight, start to fall and land on the plate, 25.4 mm
below. The temperature at which ball touches the plate is called softening point
• Softening Point (SP) together with Penetration Value (P) are used to determine the
Penetration Index (IP). IP can indicate the properties of bitumen tested and its suitablity.
• IP can be determined using nomograph or the following eqution (BS 4987):
IP = 1951.4 – 500 log P – 20 SP x 100
50 log P – SP – 120.14
• Normally IP of bitumen for road construction is 25 mm
between -1 and +1
3.5g steel ball
Bitumen in brass ring Heater and magnetic stirrer unit
Starting point End Point
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Ductility (AASHTO T51-86)
• To determine the ductility of a bitumen. Sample of bitumen will be stretched at a rate of 5
cm/min in 25 C water. The distance where it breaks is recorded. This test could predict
the potential of cracks of bitumen.
Mould for Ductility
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Flash and Fire Point Test (AASHTO T48-84)
• To determine at what temperature the bitumen start to flast and catch fire. This more
toward the safety at the plant. The Cleveland open cup method is normally used.
Apparatus for Flash and Fire Point Test
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Viscosity (AASHTO T 202-84)
• To determine the resistance to flow of a bitumen
Apparatus for Viscosity Test
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Type of test The objectives of tests on road construction materials
Loss on Heating (AASHTO T 47-83)
• To determine the loss of weight due to heat. Sample weight 50 gram is placed in a
rotating oven at 163C for 5 hours. The weight of loss is calculated after testing
Loss on Heating Test Equipment
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Explain the objectives and characteristics
AC Mix
of asphaltic concrete mix
• Asphalt Concrete is the asphalt mix in place on the road including levelling and surface
courses during and after spreading and compacting. This work shall consist of furnishing,
placing, shaping and compacting asphaltic concrete binder course and/or wearing
course on a prepared and accepted bituminous or bitumen primed pavement course,
and shall include the careful and thorough cleaning of surfaces which are to be covered
without receiving a bituminous tack coat.
Different between Asphalt vs Bitumen
Asphalt Bitumen
American European
Thailand Malaysia
Asphalt / Asphalt Cement (AC) Bitumen
Hot Mix = AC + Aggregate Premix = Bitumen + Aggregate
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) / Asphaltic Asphalt Concrete
Concrete / Asphalt Concrete
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Explain the objectives and characteristics
AC Mix
of asphaltic concrete mix
The design of an asphalt concrete mixture includes the selection of the best blend of
aggregates and the optimum asphalt content to provide a material that meets the required
specifications as economically as possible.
The objectives of asphaltic concrete mix design is to produce an asphaltic concrete mix by
proportionating various components so as to have:
• Sufficient asphalt to ensure a durable pavement
• Sufficient stability under traffic loads
• Sufficient air voids
– Upper limit to prevent excessive environmental damage
– Lower limit to allow room for initial densification due to traffic
• Sufficient workability
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Explain the objectives and characteristics
AC Mix
of asphaltic concrete mix
An asphalt concrete mixture must be designed, produced and placed in order to obtain
the following desirable mix properties:
• Stability - is its ability to resist shoving and rutting under loads (traffic).
• Durability - it is the resistance against abrasion and weathering. Impermeability -
Impermeability is the resistance of an asphalt pavement to the passage of air and
water into or through it.
• Workability – it is measure of ease with which a bituminous mix can be laid and
compacted. This property is a function of the aggregate grading, shape of particles,
texture of particles, type of bitumen used, and bitumen content.
• Flexibility – this property of the mix measures the capability of the surface in bending,
without shearing and cracking.
• Fatigue Resistance - is the pavement’s resistance to repeated bending under wheel
loads (traffic).
• Skid Resistance - Skid resistance is the ability of an asphalt surface to minimize skidding
or slipping of vehicle tires, particularly when wet.
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Design the concrete mix of materials
AC Mix
in road and highway construction
• Design objectives : Develop an economical blend of aggregates and asphalt that meet
design requirements
• The two most common traditional methods for making and evaluating trial mixes have
i. The Marshall method : use impact hammer
ii. The Hveem method : use kneading compactor
iii. New method (Superpave gyratory) : use gyratory compactor to simulate field
compaction, able to accommodate large size aggregate (Developed by the Strategic
Highway Research Program (SHRP) )
The Hveem method Superpave gyratory
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Design of asphaltic concrete mix
AC Mix
using Marshall Mix Design Method
• Developed by Bruce Marshall for the Mississippi Highway Department in the late 30’s and
was refined by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the 1940s and 1950s.
• OBJECTIVE : To determine the optimum bitumen content in the mix wearing course and
binder course in designing the pavement structural of flexible pavement
• Procedures
Plotting test results
Marshall Mix Design and determination
Method Aggregate Sample preparation Density Marshall stability of optimum
evaluation determination and flow test
Procedures bitumen content
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
AC Mix
i. Determine aggregate physical properties, i.e toughness and abrasion, durability and
abrasion, cleanliness and particle shape
ii. If the aggregate is acceptable according to the step no (i), then performed other
required tests : gradation, specific gravity and absorption
iii. Perform blending calculations to achieve the mix design gradation. Often, aggregates
from more than one source or stockpile are used to obtain the final aggregate
gradation used in a mix design. Trial blends of these different gradations are usually
calculated until an acceptable final mix design gradation is achieved
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]
Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
AC Mix
i. For each laboratory design mix gradation, four specimens shall prepared for each
bitumen content with the range given in Table 3.1 at increments of 0.5 percent, in
accordance with ASTM D1159 using 75 blows/face compaction standard.
ii. All bitumen contents shall be in percentage by weight of the total mix
Table 3.1: Design Bitumen Contents
Source : Jabatan Kerja Raya, STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ROADWORKS, JKR/SPJ/2008-S4, 2008 (page 27)
AC 10 - Wearing Course 5.0 - 7.0%
AC 14 - Wearing Course 4.0 - 6.0 %
AC 28 - Binder Course 3.5 - 5.5%
Aggregate Mixing Specimen
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]