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Published by sitizuraifa81, 2019-05-02 04:09:29


Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

DCC3113 :

Course Notes

| Unit 1 : Introduction to Highway and Traffic

| Unit 2 : Pavement Materials

| Unit 3 : Construction Of Flexible Pavement

| Unit 4 : Construction Of Rigid Pavement

| Unit 5: Flexible Pavement Design

| Unit 6 : Highway Maintenance

| Unit 7 : Transportation Planning

| Unit 8 : Traffic Control Equipment And Road Furniture

| Unit 9 : Junction Design

| Unit 10 : Traffic Management

Prepared By :
SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH |Lecturer in Civil Engineering Department, Politeknik Mukah, Sarawak
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

| Introduction

| Video

| Concept

| Assessment

| Summary

Prepared By :
SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH |Lecturer in Civil Engineering Department, Politeknik Mukah, Sarawak
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering



Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:-
CLO 1 : Comprehends and applies the fundamentals engineering concepts of highway and traffic engineering and related act in
Malaysia.(C3, PLO1) (C3,PO1)


construction of UNIT 4:
rigid pavement CONSTRUCTION OF

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering



Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:-
CLO 1 : Comprehends and applies the fundamentals engineering concepts of highway and traffic engineering and related act in
Malaysia.(C3, PLO1) (C3,PO1)


4.1.1 Explain rigid pavement
4.1.2 Compare types of rigid pavement Understand
a. Mass concrete (URC) construction of UNIT 4:
b. Joined reinforced concrete (JRC) rigid pavement CONSTRUCTION OF
c. Continuous reinforced concrete (CRCP) RIGID PAVEMENT
d. Pre-stress concrete (PSC)
4.1.3 Compare methods of paving rigid pavement
a. Fixed form paver
b. Slip form paver
4.1.4 Determine types of joints
a. Transverse joint
b. Longitudinal joint

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Video Video

Source : Rigid Pavement - Concrete Construction 2 -

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Concept Concept

How would your life be without

excellent riding surface??

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

About Construction of rigid pavement highway

5.1 Understand the construction of rigid pavement
5.1.1 Explain rigid pavement
5.1.2 Compare types of rigid pavement
5.1.3 Compare methods of paving rigid pavement
5.1.4 Determine types of joints

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Rigid Pavement Explain rigid pavement

• Cement concrete roads are very high standard.
• They are called rigid pavements because they do not allow any flexibility.
• These roads although require initial heavy expenditure but because of their long span of
life, excellent riding surface and negligible maintenance cost, they prove cheaper than
bitumen roads.
• Moreover engineers have more confidence in cement concrete material and they also
like to construct these roads.

• In Malaysia, the road that used rigid pavement are:
i. Air Keroh-Pagoh Highway
ii. Kuala Lumpur-Tanjung Malim Highway
iii. Gurun-Bukit Kayu Hitam Highway

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Rigid Pavement Explain rigid pavement

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Rigid Pavement Explain rigid pavement

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Rigid Pavement Explain rigid pavement

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

FOUR (4) materials that are used in
construction of rigid pavement

 Concrete

 Steel reinforcement
 Aggregate Aggregate
 Sand

 Joint Sealants

Steel Sand
The materials used
in highway

Sealant Concrete

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of rigid The types of rigid pavement

There are FOUR (4) types of rigid pavement

 Mass Concrete or Unreinforced Concrete (URC)
 Joined Reinforced Concrete (JRC)
 Continuous Reinforced Concrete (CRCP)

 Pre-Stress Concrete (PSC)

Continuous Pre-Stress
Concrete (CRCP) Concrete (PSC)

Concrete (JRC)

Mass Concrete
or Unreinforced
Concrete (URC)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of rigid Unreinforced Concrete (URC)

 Unreinforced / Jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) uses contraction joints to control
cracking and does not use any reinforcing steel.
 Transverse joint spacing is selected such that temperature and moisture stresses do not
produce intermediate cracking between joints.
 This typically results in a spacing no longer than about 6.1 m (20 ft.).

 Dowel bars are typically used at transverse joints to assist in load transfer.
 Tie bars are typically used at longitudinal joints
 Advantage
 Thicker
 Differential joint movement
 More prone to cracking
 More joint to maintain
 Does not use any reinforcing steel

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of rigid Unreinforced Concrete (URC)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of rigid Joined reinforced concrete Pavement (JRCP)

 Jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP, see Figure 5-7) uses contraction joints and
reinforcing steel to control cracking.
 Transverse joint spacing is longer than that for JPCP and typically ranges from about 7.6
m (25 ft.) to 15.2 m (50 ft.).
 Temperature and moisture stresses are expected to cause cracking between joints,
hence reinforcing steel or a steel mesh is used to hold these cracks tightly together.

 Dowel bars are typically used at transverse joints to assist in load transfer while the
reinforcing steel/wire mesh assists in load transfer across cracks.

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of rigid Joined reinforced concrete Pavement (JRCP)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of rigid Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP)

 Continuously reinforced concrete pavement does not require any contraction joints.
 Transverse cracks are allowed to form but are held tightly together with continuous
reinforcing steel.
 Research has shown that the maximum allowable design crack width is about 0.5 mm
(0.02 inches) to protect against spalling and water penetration (CRSI, 1996[1]).

 Cracks typically form at intervals of 1.1 – 2.4 m (3.5 – 8 ft.).
 Reinforcing steel usually constitutes about 0.6 – 0.7 percent of the cross-sectional
pavement area and is located near mid-depth in the slab.

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of rigid Pre-Stress Concrete (PSCP)

• PSC also known as Post Tensioned Concrete Pavement. Normally place in specialized
locations such as airports. The concept for precast pavement incorporates prestressing.
Prestressing not only improves the durability of the pavement, but also permits a
significant reduction in slab thickness by inducing a precompressive stress in the
pavement that must be overcome before tensile stresses that lead to cracking can

• Mostly done in factory
• Easy installation
• Save cost


Tensioned Cable
Applies a compressive force on the bottom of the
concrete. This neutralizes the tension force on
the bottom and the concrete does not bend
Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of rigid Pre-Stress Concrete (PSCP)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Match the TYPES OF RIGIDS below CHECK

Let’s do this activity

Continuous Reinforced
Unreinforced Pre-Stress Concrete Joined reinforced
Concrete Pavement
Concrete (URC) (PSCP) concrete Pavement (JRCP)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Match the TYPES OF RIGIDS below Well Done

Continuous Reinforced
Concrete Pavement

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Match the TYPES OF RIGIDS below CHECK

Let’s do this activity

Continuous Reinforced
Unreinforced Pre-Stress Concrete Joined reinforced
Concrete Pavement
Concrete (URC) (PSCP) concrete Pavement (JRCP)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Match the TYPES OF RIGIDS below CHECK

Concrete (URC)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Match the TYPES OF RIGIDS below CHECK

Let’s do this activity

Continuous Reinforced
Unreinforced Pre-Stress Concrete Joined reinforced
Concrete Pavement
Concrete (URC) (PSCP) concrete Pavement (JRCP)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Match the TYPES OF RIGIDS below Well Done

Joined reinforced
concrete Pavement (JRCP)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Match the TYPES OF RIGIDS below CHECK

Let’s do this activity

Continuous Reinforced
Unreinforced Pre-Stress Concrete Joined reinforced
Concrete Pavement
Concrete (URC) (PSCP) concrete Pavement (JRCP)

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Match the TYPES OF RIGIDS below Well Done

Pre-Stress Concrete

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Advantage The advantages of rigid pavement

 They provide excellent smooth surface for driving and provide better visibility.
 They can deal with very heavy traffic.
 Considering their life span more than 30 – 40 years, maintenance cost etc, cement
concrete roads prove cheaper than bituminous roads.
 Maintenance cost is negligible.
 Heating of aggregates and cement is not to be done.

 Working with cement concrete is much easier and safer than with bituminous materials.
 Cement concrete roads offer comparatively less attractive resistance.
 In high class cement concrete roads heavy rollers are not required for compaction.
 Handling of cement is easier than bitumen
 They perform quite satisfactorily when laid on poor types of sub grades.

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Disadvantage The disadvantages of rigid pavement

• May lose non-skid surface with time
• May have fault at transverse joints

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Method Methods of paving rigid pavement

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Method Compare methods of paving rigid pavement

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Method Compare methods of paving rigid pavement

After the concrete has reached a required strength, the forms are
removed and curing of the edges begins immediately.

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Method Compare methods of paving rigid pavement

Slip form paver
• Task includes placing concrete, leveling, compacting, forming the finishing surface and
installation of reinforcement
• Machinery movement and leveling is done automatically by the detector unit

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Method Slip form paver

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Compare the methods of paving rigid pavement between
manual and mechanical

Manual Mechanical

Set up side form in certain distance of the Set up side form a long distance of the
pavement before paving. pavement before paving.

Cast the concrete by hand (human Cast the concrete by machine as slip paver

labor) and fix pave.

Construction takes a long time Reduce the time of construction period

High labour costs Reduce labour cost

Compacted concrete slab surface use Compaction & forming operations long-run
'Vibrating tamping beam by hand within the term limits of paving machine

Requires the use wooden or metal side
forms that are set up along the perimeter Does not require any steel or wooden forms

of the pavement before paving

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Let’s do this activity

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Compare the methods of paving rigid CHECK
pavement between manual and mechanical

Manual Mechanical

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering
Let’s do this activity

Now, let’s take five and do this activity. Compare the methods of paving rigid CHECK
pavement between manual and mechanical

Manual Mechanical

Set up side form in certain distance of the Set up side form a long distance of the
pavement before paving. pavement before paving.

Cast the concrete by hand (human Cast the concrete by machine as slip paver

labor) and fix pave.

Construction takes a long time Reduce the time of construction period

High labour costs Reduce labour cost

Compacted concrete slab surface use Compaction & forming operations long-run
'Vibrating tamping beam by hand within the term limits of paving machine

Requires the use wooden or metal side
forms that are set up along the perimeter Does not require any steel or wooden forms

of the pavement before paving

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of joint The types of joints

There are two types of joint:
• Transverse joint
• Longitudinal joint

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of joint Transverse joint

 Contraction joints: allow the slab to shorten as it's temperature drops
• There is a crack inducer so that if cracking does occur then it is in the area of

Protective coating

 Expansion joints: allow the slab to expand as it's temperature increases above that at
which it was cast.

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of joint Longitudinal joint

 Warping joint (Sambungan Peledingan) : tie the slabs together and can be thought of as
hinges in the slab.
 They permit small angular movements to occur between adjacent concrete slabs.
Warping stresses are very likely to occur in long narrow slabs.
 They are required in unreinforced slabs only, as in reinforced slabs the warping is kept in
check by the reinforcing bars.

 They are simply a sealed break or discontinuity in the concrete slab itself, with tie-bars
used to restrict any widening and hold the sides together.

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Types of joint Longitudinal joint

 Construction joints (Sambungan binaan) : Construction is normally organised so that work
on any given day ends at the location of an intended contraction or expansion joint.
Where this proves not to be possible, a construction joint can be used. No relative
movement is permitted across the joint.

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering


Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering


Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering


Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering


Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering


Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

Assessment Assessment

• Check your understanding and knowledge by completing the following questions.

• There are 5 questions in this assessment. After you answer all the questions, the result
screen will show your total score.

• You will require a score of 80 % or more to pass the assessment. Question

• Click on the Start button to begin. Question


Question Question
5 3



Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

Civil Engineering Department | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

1 2 3 4 5

Concrete pavement also known as rigid pavement has TWO (2) techniques of paving.
These techniques are known as Fixed Form Paver and Slip Form Paver. Explain FOUR (4)
differences between the two types of paving techniques.

Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH, [email protected]

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