December 2018
In this issue:
• DG Harry Schuh Where Is This Box?
• Veteran’s Stand
• Lion Around
Connecticut TV
• Pediatric Cancer
• Lions Day at the
• Lions Day at the
• GMT and Zone
East Windsor
Glastonbury Centennial
Windsor Locks Here’s a challenge, even for those in the club that owns this box!
Winsted This beautiful eyeglass collection box is hidden in plain sight someplace in the club’s
Woodbury town. Know where it is? Send in your guess to [email protected]. Club
members are ineligible to win.
Last issue’s box belongs to the Avon Lions. You can find it at the Stop&Shop in
Simsbury now that it’s completed its makeover before winter sets in. No one had the
correct answer, so the prize rolls over to this contest.
We still need more pictures of collection boxes for future issues. Does you club have
an eyeglass collection box? Do you want to have it featured in an upcoming contest?
Send a picture of it to [email protected] and see if it appears in a future
Page 2 District 23B Spirit — December 2018
DG Harry S chuh
My Fellow Lions: Let’s extend our congratulations to of our clubs in support of LCIF. This
the newest club in our district – the year, I am asking each Lion to
I am honored to serve as your Glastonbury Centennial Lions Club! consider making an individual
District Governor this year and look Many of you were present on donation to LCIF as well. Just
forward to the rest of my Lions year! October 27th to hear congratulatory access the newly redesigned
My Vice District Governors (1st remarks from our Area GMT PCC website Also
VDG Ev Lyons and 2nd VDG Heidi Mahesh Chitnis from New Jersey. consider reaching out to businesses
Zacchera) and I are busy with in your community and asking them
Cabinet meetings, Zone meetings, We have now established individual to support LCIF with their
and official club visits. During these Service Accounts at the district contributions. Remember that our
meetings I highlight the Global level. LCI initiatives include foundation is consistently rated as
Action Team and how its three Diabetes, Vision, Childhood Cancer, one of the best in the world.
components—Leadership, Environment, and Hunger. We also
Membership, and Service function added VIP Fishing and Hearing In regard to partnerships, we are
as a continuum and further the Preservation. This allows clubs to currently meeting with Rotary Clubs,
Lions mission to be the global contribute funds to district-wide Elks Lodges, and the McCall
leader in community and projects. Foundation to address the Opioid
humanitarian service. crisis. This is perhaps the single
We are moving forward with our MD most pressing issue affecting our
I am pleased that our Zone Chairs 23 Diabetes project led by PCC society today. Its impact is felt in all
are emphasizing Service and are Alan Daninhirsch to establish a one- our communities and touches many
asking Club Presidents to share week day camp for children with of the initiatives in our district:
their Service Projects during their Type 1 diabetes in the summer of Youth, Veterans, the Homeless and
Zone meetings this year. It is 2019. District Diabetes Chair Hungry, etc. Our efforts will focus
gratifying for me to hear at zone Wendella Battey is also planning a on awareness and education. Lion
meetings and during club visits how pilot program in the Hartford school Bob Bessel and 2nd VDG Heidi
our clubs’ many exciting Service system to test for diabetes. Zacchera are spearheading District
Projects are having such a positive 23B representation on the Opioid
impact on our communities. Thank I believe that partnering is a key Task Force.
you all for your SERVICE!! element to the success of our Lions
clubs in the coming years. In the One of my goals this year is to
Our Global Leadership Team has area of Environment, we met with strengthen communication between
been very active. On September the Litchfield Hills Audubon Society our district and our individual Lions
8 all Zone Chairs were trained. (of which Lion Carol and I are club members. We are developing
And on October 6th we conducted members) and the Sharon CT strategies to make sure there is
Guiding Lions Training. Thanks to Audubon Center. Both effective 2-way communication. On
GLT Peter Nevers for organizing organizations are interested in a personal note, Lion Carol and I
and to 1st VDG Ev Lyons for expanding environmental continue to produce our cable
facilitating the training. awareness and interest to our access TV show “Lion Around CT
schools. I plan to involve our Leo with Carol and Harry.” Our half-
The Global Membership Team led clubs as one part of this effort. hour weekly show has been airing
by GMT Jim Trompeter continues to for 5 years and is seen on 6 cable
encourage clubs to use the MD23 Let’s all support Lions Day with the access TV stations as well as on
Membership Plan to increase United Nations (LDUN) this year on our Charter home studio website.
membership. Two of our clubs March 9, 2019! Our Cabinet LCI and International President
recently held a joint membership members and PDGs have been very Gudrun have set ambitious goals for
night resulting in the addition of generous in sponsoring seats for us this year, especially in the area
three new members. Another club Leos on our planned Lions/Leos bus of Service. My theme for this year
is planning an open trip. See the ad by LDUN Chair is LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!
house/membership evening later in PDG Dave Roberts in this issue of
the year. Thanks also to Orientation the District Spirit for more LIGHTS—Shine a light on Lions!
Chair PCC Alan Daninhirsch for information.
conducting a New Member CAMERA—Focus on service!
Orientation seminar with new PCC Dan DiVirgilio is serving as
members from 9 different clubs District LCIF Coordinator this year. ACTION—Dream it and do it!
attending. Another New Member LCIF Campaign 100 is the most
Orientation seminar is planned for ambitious fundraising effort in Harry Schuh
March 21, 2019. LCIF’s history. We rely on and District Governor, Lion District 23B
appreciate the generous donations
District 23B Spirit — December 2018 Page 3
Simsbury Lions Club GLOBAL
The Simsbury Lions Club is off to a parking project for Flamig Farm MEMBERSHIP
busy start of our 2018-19 year with Haunted Hayrides. Several Lions
a very successful September Mum also served as helpers at the Gifts GMTL Jim Trompeter
Sale led by Lions Harolyn Erickson of Love event at the Community
and Jackie Martin. Farm. Greetings, Happy Holidays, and a
Healthy New Year.
Regular year around volunteering November will find our club happily
started at the Senior center providing many volunteer hours on I had the opportunity to attend four
Wednesday lunches and other November 14th, helping Lion Zone meetings this past month.
special Senior Center events as well Marianne Bannan with the Jack The quality of the discussions and
as at the Library where we took part Bannan Turkey Trot started by her the questions asked were probably
in the Health Fair, the Repair Fair, father years ago.(photo 5) Later the best that I have heard. All the
and the monthly Friday night Cafe. this month Simsbury Lions will meeting discussed Service Projects
sponsor the Trolley during the big and how we could better serve our
October brought out 3/4 of our club town wide Simsbury Celebrates local communities.
members to take part in Vision event on the Saturday after
Screening in all five Simsbury public Thanksgiving. And of course we Not only are Service Projects great
elementary schools as well as three are reaching out to the Simsbury for our communities, they are also a
private schools. We screened 1486 Community in hope of welcoming great vehicle for sourcing new
children in K, 1st, and 3rd thru 5th more new members. members particularly the smaller
grades, and made 74 referrals. clubs. Service project bring a focus
The Simsbury Lions are BUSY. different than a fund raiser. People
This busy month continued with Please check us out on our web coming to an Eye Screening,
Pecan Sales with Lion Paddy page and follow us on Facebook. Clothing Drive and Highway
Carpen, and the ambitious car Cleanup are going to be different
than those coming to Fundraisers
such as Dances, Breakfasts, or Car
The Simsbury Lions Club
September Mums Sale with Don’t get me wrong we definitely
Harolyn Erickson and Jackie need the Fund Raisers but the
Martin opportunity to get new members
through service projects is equally
as good if not better than a Fund
Raiser. I feel that this is especially
beneficial for the smaller clubs.
As of October 31st we had 1,871
Lion Sandy Kremer, harpist Mona members’ vs 1,826 last year at the
Martinik, and Lion Steve Shapiro at the same time. We have dropped 21
Simsbury Library’s Friday Night Cafe
more members than what we have
taken in so far this year.
Feel free to contact me
([email protected]) if I can be of
Lions Elaine Giannini, PDG Dan
Utti, District 23b Vision Screening
Chair, and Fran Gauthier
performing screenings at the
Simsbury Library Health Fair
Page 4 District 23B Spirit — December 2018
CT Veterans Stand Empowering Did you know that $100 can pay for
two cataract surgeries? Did you
Down 2018 Service, a World in know that $100 for Youth will fund
Lions Quest curriculum to an entire
By Lion Jim Boulais, Need classroom for one year? Did you
Veterans Programs/ know that $100 can provide for
Diabetes Screenings for 18 at risk
Stand Down Chair By PCC Dan DiVirgilio, people?
District 23B LCIF Coordinator
The 2018 Veteran’s Stand Down
took place on Friday, Sept 21 2018 Most of us are familiar with our LCIF is asking for the following to
in Rocky Hill. Over 20 Lions helped Lions Club International be a model club. $250 per member
do eye and hearing screenings. We Foundation’s Campaign 100. Here per year for three years total $750.
also had help from student nurses are a couple of highlights of our The best part it doesn’t have to be
from CCSU. Also, MANY pairs of accomplishments and what we are all out of your pocket. You can get a
reading glasses were distributed. about to accomplish with our global business, friend, family member, co-
This year the event happened to capital fundraiser. This is all about worker to share the investment in
coincide with the USA/Canada Empowering Service, a World in our association. Please do not be
forum, so it was great to get all the Need. afraid to ask others. They want to
volunteers we did this year. contribute we just need to give them
This results from this year’s event Vision- Did you know that a solid good reason and I have just
(as provided by Lion Dan Uitti) 253 million people are blind given you 7 most worthwhile
or visually impaired? Lions causes. I will work with your clubs
Screened: 104 (over 125 will lead the global charge to visit the community, speak to
registrations were filled out) to eradicate infectious business leaders and your club
Referred: 20 blindness. membership about the importance
of supporting OUR Lions Clubs
Suspects: Diabetes- Did you know International Association and its
o Glaucoma: 22 that by 2040 nearly 650 Foundation.
million people are expected
o Macular to be living with diabetes?
Degeneration: 1 LCIF will reduce the Let’s review some math numbers. If
o Retina Evaluation: prevalence of diabetes and each club donates $1000, that
1 improve quality of life for equals $54,000. If each member of
o Need annual eye those diagnosed. our District donates $100 that
exams: 71 Childhood Cancer- Did equals $180,000, If each club finds
you know that every 2 5 donors that will donate $100 that
Overall, 1001 Veterans were minutes a child is equals $27,000 the total will be
provided access to over 100 service diagnosed with cancer? $261,000. When you break them
providers from Federal, State, We’ll strengthen medical down like this and we all do small
Local, Veterans and Social Services and social services, amounts the numbers become
organizations. increasing life expectancy awesome. Remember too, that we
of children living with cancer can receive a grant up to 15% back
I would like to thank all Lions that and enhancing quality of life to our District depending on the
volunteered their time and energy in for them and their families. numbers we contribute.
assisting during the event. As Hunger- Did you know
usual, it was “organized chaos” at each night more than 800 As PDG and PCC and having the
times, but everything worked out million people go to bed opportunity in meeting with so many
well. hungry? We’ll work toward of you I know in our hearts that
a world in which no one having the opportunity to change
I do have a special shout-out for goes hungry. people’s lives for the better is what
Lion Stephen Polezonis. As the we are all in this International
lone eye-doctor helping out, he had How can we do all that? Simply put, Association. So on behalf of our
the only station without any as the greatest Association on the great LCIF, and as our District LCIF
“backup” and did a wonderful job planet we will accomplish it all with Coordinator I am asking each and
finalizing the results and talking with TEAMWORK. We change people’s everyone one of us to stand up and
each of the vets about their results. lives for the better each and every show the world that we are In
The event symbolizes our motto of day all across the globe. With your Service Globally.
“We Serve”. Again, GREAT JOB financial commitment to
Empowering Service and your
communities we can do this and
District 23B Spirit — December 2018 Page 5
Page 6 District 23B Spirit — December 2018
Harwinton Lions to provide diabetes screenings, East Windsor
community healthcare organizations
Club educational programs and Lions Club
funding, camps, and other
assistance to people with diabetes.
Harwinton Lions Club Funds The East Windsor Lions Club held
Glucose Monitors at Diabetes its 47th Annual Turkey Shoot each
Center Sunday from October 14th thru
November 18th at the Lions Club’s
A $1,000 donation from the shooting grounds at 37 North Road
Harwinton Lions Club will help fund (CT 140) in East Windsor.
programs at Charlotte Hungerford
Hospital’s Diabetes Center in During the “shoot,” shooters use
Torrington, including the newest shotguns from a distance of 25-
continuous glucose monitoring yards to shoot at targets with
technology for its patients. This is turkeys emblazoned on them. There
the 15th consecutive year that the are twenty shooters in each round,
Lions have donated to help diabetes and the shooter whose shot that is
patients at the Center. In what has become an annual tradition closest to the bulls-eye wins the
for the Harwinton Lions, District 23B round.
“Once again we are so thankful to Governor Harry Schuh, Harwinton
the Harwinton Lions Club for their Lions Diabetes Chair Regina Neri, and Shooters can win prizes ranging
generosity and support in assisting Lions Past President David Neri from frozen turkeys, hams, and beef
presented the check to Dr. Egils
us to offer the latest technology and Bogdanovics and Lois Pelletier, RN, roasts, to gift cards and cash.
education to our patients,” said Lois CDE, at the CHH Diabetes Center in Tickets for each round of shooting
Pelletier, Program Coordinator at Torrington. cost from $2.25 to $3.50, depending
CHH Diabetes and Endocrinology. on the prize being awarded for that
The donation will be used to fund round. There are also “special”
new glucose monitors, which are MyLion shooting rounds, where shooters
given to patients to wear for a week. can win larger prizes.
The devices take a reading of blood Looking for a new way to connect
sugar levels every five minutes. with other Lions or to promote your Shotgun ammo is provided, and
After seven days the monitors are club activities? Have you tried the there are shotguns available to use
returned to the Diabetes Center, MyLion app for smartphones? for persons without shotguns who
where physicians analyze the data. are interested in shooting. There
The information collected allows This free program will become an was also a special for Kids 12 &
caregivers to study patterns and important tool as this will be the way under—they got 1 free ticket to
identify unrecognized periods of low to report your club’s service hours. It shoot (in a “small bird” round).
blood sugar, and is used by also allows you to add your club
Diabetes Center staff to adjust information, your personal The East Windsor Lions Club
insulin levels and offer lifestyle and information, share pictures and Turkey Shoot has provided SAFE
medication modifications. events with other Lions, and chat fun for the entire family for the past
with other Lions from around the 46 years of this event, which
“My husband and daughter are both supports the sight-saving and other
Type 2 diabetics,” says Harwinton You can download the MyLion app charitable activities of the club and
Lions Diabetes Chair Regina Neri. “I from Apple’s App Store for iPhones, is its largest fundraising event each
know personally the struggles that or from the Google Store for year.
they both have gone through trying Android devices.
to keep their diabetes under control.
The help they have received from
the CHH Diabetes Center has
helped them immensely.”
Lions Club International (LCI)
established a Diabetes Awareness The East Windsor Lions
Program to assist local Lions Clubs Club 47th Turkey Shoot
in conducting and supporting local brought out quite a
number of “hunters”.
and large-scale efforts leading to
the control and treatment of
diabetes and its complications
through education, prevention, and
research. Lions have worked with
District 23B Spirit — December 2018 Page 7
Page 8 District 23B Spirit — December 2018
Suggested Childhood Cancer (ACTION!) Expert Resources
Projects for Your Lions Club
By Maredith Spector, Childhood Cancer Project Co-chair Lion Bob Bessel
Imagine for a moment that you are Circle of Care, a member If your club wants to do
the parents of Justin, who at age 13 organization of something—start a new project,
had spent two years with that cares for families and children increase membership, reach a new
osteosarcoma, going back and forth with cancer. audience, keep members engaged -
to the hospital, appointments and there’s no better resource than the
missing school friends. You are a Why: patients love to look forward District Cabinet.
mixed bag of hopefulness and to something.
awakening reality. Here are Lion/ Many clubs overlook the expertise
Leo service suggestions in honor of 5. Sponsor a Family Fun Day at a available at the district level. All are
Justin and his mom, Ronee, who local athletic club, dance studio, former club presidents with years of
mentioned unmet needs during playground, or other recreational experience and training to help
Justin’s journey. venue for families and other clubs, and district chairs can help
caregivers. your club do almost anything. And
1. Wear a GOLD ribbon on Feb. you can’t beat the price—free!
15th, International Childhood
Cancer Day (order for everyone at Here’s a quick list of chairs who can
your club or workplace from help your club:
American Cancer Society, the
Ribbon Factory, or Oriental Trading) Membership - Jim Trompeter
Service – PCC Stephen Polezonis
Why: Raise awareness that Publicity - Bob Bessel & Frank
although cancer in children is only Longo
1% of all cancers in the world, one Zone 4 Teen Outreach (Quest) - Nancy
child may mean the world to you. Schnyer
ZC Maureen Lafland Resolving Disputes – DG Harry
2. Stuff/donate Care Bags for a Schuh
Teen: things like a quick acting The Burlington and Harwinton Lions Veterans – Jim Boulais
thermometer, really good heating recently completed KidSight Vision Screenings – PDG Dan Uitti
pad for chemo ravaged muscles, screening at Region 10 schools and Anything else - contact your Zone
more mature coloring books/colored daycare centers. We screened a Chair
pencils, soothing lotions and baby total of 1111 children from pre-
wipes that don’t sting sensitive skin, Kindergarten through Grade 6, The district cabinet is here to serve
and comfortable head scarves. which resulted in 57 Referrals. This your club. Put us to work for you!
is the 6th year of involvement in the
Why: younger children may get program and is a good example of
more toys, attention, and cuteness clubs working together to perform The Spirit, It Is
perks than teens. community service.
A Changin
3. Sponsor/hold a meeting/partner The Terryville Lions Club had their
an event at a local art gallery, annual Safe Halloween Party, the Rumor has it that the District 23B
photography studio, or salon with Lions and the Terryville Leos hosted Spirit may be making some changes
Flashes of Hope the party for the community, a in the future. We want to hear what
( haunted house, magician, games, you think would make our
d) and share your proceeds. food, prizes,.. This was a great newsletter more valuable to your
event for the community. clubs and your members.
Why: professional stylists and
photographers capture young We will continue to publish your club
cancer patients/family with free news and events. We will also try to
photos that, for some, are enduring create a “master calendar” of MD,
memories. District and club happenings.
4. Offer your club’s services or No matter what happens, The Spirit
funds for projects like Art from the relies upon submissions from our
Heart (volunteers redecorate a district clubs. Send us your
child’s room for homecoming), via information, and “All the news that
the Wilton, CT based organization: fits, we’ll print.”
District 23B Spirit — December 2018 Page 9
Lions Day with the
Lion Around CT with Carol and United Nations
Harry is now well into its 5th Year of
producing a weekly half-hour show
Webinar Published four times a year
celebrating Lions events and
activities throughout our district. “All the news that fits, we print!”
Our show is aired in 58 communities
On Thursday, December 6, at 7:00 Editor
on 6 cable access TV stations:
pm, retired United Nations executive Frank Longo
Charter Communications (Winsted),
Cablevision (Litchfield), Charter Dr. Sergei Kambalov will present a
Communications (Newtown), FREE webinar titled "United Advertising Editor
Nations: Past, Present & Future" as Robert Bessel
Charter Communications
a prelude to our District's bus trip
(Willimantic), Nutmeg (Farmington),
and Skye XIII (Waterbury). next March to Lions Day at the District IT Chair
United Nations. Sonny Olomi
Listed below are our last eleven
Here's your chance to hear directly
shows. As you can see we feature Website Guy
a wide variety of Lions Clubs and from an expert about what's really Dan Uitti
Lions-sponsored events. These happening at the United Nations
from the comfort of your own home
include Harwinton’s successful 2nd Layout
and hear updates on Lions Day at
Annual Food Truck Festival and Lauren Ipsum
14th Annual Concert for Sight. We the United Nations. Invite Leos and
also included International President prospective members to join the
webinar. What a great recruitment Printed By
Gudrun Yngvadottir’s LCI video in
tool! Southbury Printing Center
show 274.
Southbury, CT
This was also Fair Season. The The webinar is FREE, but you must
e-mail PDG Dave Roberts at Copyright © 2018
Terryville Fair featured the Skillet
[email protected] to receive by Lions International District 23B
Toss and a very exciting Demolition
Derby. We always enjoy the Berlin the WebEx invitation. To listen to [email protected]
Lions Fair which also features PDG this special webinar, you can just
call 1-510-338-9438 at the start
Mary Krogh and her Petting Zoo.
We had a great time at a very time. The District 23B
successful Colebrook Fair for the
Colebrook Lions. PCC Dan Questions, call PDG Dave at 858- Spirit
DiVirgilio sponsored a $1,000,000 775-9241.
hole-in-one prize at the Meriden Our next issue of the District 23B
Lions Golf Tournament at Tunxis Spirit is March 1, 2018. The
Country Club. We went indoors at 279 Terryville Lions Country Fair deadline for all ads and articles is
the Chowder Pot Restaurant in Part 2 with Demolition Derby February 10, 2018.
and Washington Lions
Hartford for the Hartford Car-B-Que
Multinational Lions Club Halloween 280 Berlin Lions Fair Ad prices are $30/quarter page (3.5”
Bash – great costumes and great 281 PCC Dan - Meriden Lions wide, 5” long), $50 for a half-page
fun! Golf Tournament and (7” wide, 5” long), and $100 for a
Winsted Lion Joe Zibell PSA full-page (7” wide, 10” long). Please
Below are the titles for our latest 282 Colebrook Fair 2018 and provide ads in .BMP, .JPG or .GIF
shows 274 - 283: Burlington Lions Turkey formats only—no .PDF or .PUB
Shoot 2018 files, please. If you don’t know how
283 Hartford Multinational Lions
274 Harwinton Lions 2nd Annual Halloween Bash Part 1 to create an ad, send us your
Food Truck Festival and information and we’ll create one for
IP Gudrun Yngvadottir’s 284 Hartford Multinational Lions
LCI Video Halloween Bash Part 2 you.
275 Harwinton Lions 14th Annual To view our last 10 shows on the
Concert for Sight Part 1 Internet: Any submitted pictures should be in
276 Harwinton Lions 14th Annual Go to .JPG or .GIF format, and should be
Concert for Sight Part 2 Mouse over “What’s On” clear (blurry pictures do not
277 Harwinton Lions 14th Annual Click on “Watch Programs” reproduce well). We need pictures
Concert for Sight Part 3 Type the word Lion in the of collection boxes! PLEASE!
278 Terryville Lions Country Fair Search box and Click on Search
Part 1 with Skillet Toss Submit materials for publication to
[email protected] only.
Page 10 District 23B Spirit — December 2018
Holday Contemplations
Hartland With the Holidays approaching our Zone 2
Lions Club attention is directed to the needs of ZC Frank Longo
others. We often give extra to food
For the Birds banks and other charities at this My first zone meeting of the year
Yes winter is coming and time to time of year but one of the best gifts took place on October 11 at the
Curtis House Inn in Woodbury. I had
think of about those wintering over can be of yourself. Most of us will five of my seven clubs represented,
feathered friends you enjoy outside celebrate these special days with and nine of our District Leaders took
your kitchen window. So if you families and friends. Some however
have not ordered bird seed from a will not be as fortunate or are going the time to attend, including DG
Harry Schuh, 1st VDG Ev Lyons,
Lion of other Service Organization— through hard times. As LIONS we GMT Jim Trompeter, GST Steven
get a move on and stock up. We need to reach out, help others Polezonis, and fellow zone chair
have up here in bird and bear celebrate, overcome loneliness. (and 2nd VDG candidate) Ed
country. Just take yours in each Invite someone who is alone, going Fenton.
night until that good freeze and our through hard times, or someone
furry neighbors take their long who just needs a friend, to join you Once attendees scrambled around
winters nap leaving the easy and your family for one your many to find their seats (you needed to be
feeding to our feathered friends. holiday events. You will be there to understand this), we got
Senior Pot Roast Luncheon right to business on this year’s topic,
Served at HIGH NOON—SHARP. Serve with a smile
Tables were filled with eager Senior but aside differences We discussed how service differs
at HIGH NOON SHARP. No one Serve with compassion from fund raising, and how both are
wanted to miss this meal. With we could easily be in a equally important in helping our
succulent Beef Pot Roast by poor man's shoes communities. We explored
renowned Chef Alan Hill, with sides Serve with humanity strategies to create new service
and dessert individually served by a anyone of us can be avenues, including partnering with
Lion beats any fine restaurant. And misjudged. other groups in town.
time to just sit back, relax and Serve with agape love
rekindle long friendships and start Attendees were given the
new ones. Reminiscing over those All of us, from our little club, from a assignment to find ways to add to
who have passed since last year little town, wish all our brother and their service, and we’ll be
reminds us that we are all sister Lions and their families a discussing these projects at our
connected. From the youngest to Blessed and Happy Holiday next meeting on January 9 with
the oldest we can bring a smile to Season. God Bless, Be Safe and Zone 1.
those in need by just being there, keep SERVING!
listening and caring. After all, no
one is ever beyond needing friends.
Below: Members of the Hartland Lions Club serving their guests at
Eye Screenings their Senior Pot Roast Luncheon
Once again, Eye screening to all in
the school. Any club who has not
gotten into this simple but highly
effective program is missing a
wonderful opportunity not only to
serve our FUTURE LIONS but to
see smiles and giggles.
Election Day - DID YOU VOTE?
If not, shame on you. One of the
nice aspects of living in a small town
is Voting. Voting and getting your
flu shot. Voting and buying, through
donation, home baked goods baked
by Lions, even guys, supporting the
LIONS. Voting and knowing you
have done your patriotic duty no
matter the outcome is what we must
do So no matter where you live if
you voted Thank You, if not, stop
District 23B Spirit — December 2018 Page 11
Spotlight on PDG Keith Wuerthner
By Lion Doug Bray
Earlier this year, Lion Keith He used his skills and training as Chairman of the Kaman
Wuerthner received a citation from either a newspaperman or corporate Corporation) and George Salt, CEO
Lions International President communications specialist. at the time, and asked, “What can
Naresh Aggarwal for his more than Eventually Tom Shearer of New we do as Lions to help your beloved
fifty years of membership and Britain’s Fafnir Bearing selected him Fidelco Guide Dog Program?”
service in Lionism. to be their Communications
Director. After 12-and-a-half years, “We need better transportation,”
A proud son of Big Sky Country Keith literally turned the lights off at was the response.
(Montana), Keith grew up in Great that great American manufacturing
Falls where his father was mayor, corporation. During Keith’s reign, the money was
ran Herbert Hoover’s presidential raised from Connecticut’s three
campaign in 1928, was a Charter Always proud of being a Lion, Keith districts for a new van.
Member of the local Lions Club and is never with-out a Lions pin, or
eventually, became an International many Lions pins, on his lapel. He is Keith says, “I have been very happy
Director. After graduating from a Past Club President, Past District as a Lion all these years. They have
Montana State University with a Governor, USA/Canada Forum been like a family. I have been
degree in journalism, plus two years Presenter and is a recipient of proud to serve.” And Lionism has
in the Army, Keith began, with his Lionism's highest awards: Melvin been proud to have you.
beloved wife of 57 years Betty at his Jones, Ambassador of Sight, and
side, a journey across America Knight of the Blind. [Ed: This article originally appeared in the
(Albuquerque, Virginia, Indiana, and As District Governor, he sat with New Britain Lions Club November/December
Upstate New York). Charlie Kaman (Founder and
PDG Keith Wuerthner accepting an International President’s citation from
IPCC Kathy Randall commemorating his fifty years in Lionism
Page 12 District 23B Spirit — December 2018
Plainville Glastonbury Centennial
Lions Club Lions Club
Our Club hosted a very successful The club was chartered on 27th of Club was excited to hold its first
Fund Raiser for Low Vision on July October, 2018 at The Gallery community outreach event at the
21st. Every year, our Associate Restaurant. PID Scott Storms Glastonbury Apple Harvest Festival
Member, Lion Craig Banks, works performed the official induction of on Oct 13th & 14th. We had several
diligently for months to organize this the club members and installation of Fidelco Guide Dogs on display and
fund raiser at the New Britain officers. It was a nice evening with we collected donations for their
Baseball Field (currently New Britain dinner, raffles and presentations. foundation. It also was a good time
Bees). This year 82 tickets were Guest Speaker GAT CC Mahesh to promote our new club to the
sold; part of the proceeds are Chitnis was in attendance as well as community.
earmarked for the Low Vision DG Harry Schuh, IPDG Bobby
Center. It was great to see Lions Clark, and several other honored Our club has donated several books
and their friends and families from guests and dignitaries. Special to the Welles Turner Memorial
all over the area come to attend. thanks to our Guiding Lion Sia Library and some of our members
Dowlatshahi from the South volunteered at the Veterans Stand
The most memorable event of the Windsor Lions Club and Lion Nora down in Rocky Hill in September. In
evening was provided by our DeLeon-Clark of the Hartford addition we have a secured a new
member, Lion Bill Gaughan. Lion Evening Club. We thank all those venue for our club meetings at the
Craig informed the Bees that Lion who helped make the evening Glastonbury Riverfront Community
Bill has had several years of memorable and enjoyable. Center where we meet on the 2nd
experience performing with the Photographer Lion Frank Rowe of Wednesday of the month at 7 pm.
Plainville Choral Society. The Bees the Ledyard Lions Club did a great We are now eager to start planning
then awarded Lion Bill with the job of capturing pictures of the for upcoming events in our the
honor of opening the game by event. community and full fill the motto of
singing the National Anthem. the Lions “We Serve”
Although he was not provided an The Glastonbury Centennial Lions
opportunity to rehearse, his
rendition was flawless. When Lion President Akella Sarma accepts the Charter for Glastonbury
Tad Graham-Handley was asked for Centennial Lions Club from IPDG Bobby Clark and DG Harry
his opinion, he replied “Billie Schuh
crushed it!” We all agreed with his
Sadly, the Road Warriors shut out
the Bees that evening. We promise
that we will make every effort to
host a winning game next year, and
in the meantime we will savor the
memories of our success on
July 21, 2018!
District 23B Spirit — December 2018 Page 13
Windsor Locks Lions Receive Anthem What Is CLERF?
Foundation Grant CLERF Chair
By Lion George Cooper, PDG Wayne Frombach
In July of this year, Windsor Locks Preliminary work to repair siding to CLERF, the Connecticut Lions Eye
Research Foundation was created
Lions Club President, Lion Kathy the Announcer’s Booth, Snack Bar, in 1956. Prior to the early 1950s,
Doody approached her Board and and the Covered Bleachers was assistance (either medical or
Directors requesting permission to completed on September 27th. In financial) provided to Connecticut
apply for a grant sponsored by the addition to the wood replacement residents was available to those
Anthem Foundation. The basis of and trim work, primer coats were already blind.
the grant was to pair Lions Club applied to the new wood.
members with volunteer employees Recognizing the dearth of financial
from Anthem Insurance Company in On Saturday, September 29th, assistance available for research
local community projects. some sixty Lions, Leos, and Little into the causes of blindness and
League parents responded to the available treatments, the Multiple
An application was filed and in mid- “Call to Serve.” In addition to the District 23 Council of Governors
September, the Club was notified volunteers, two of the members of created CLERF. Most clubs have
that they had been selected to the 1995 World Champions made responded generously to the
receive a grant in the amount of appearances to reminisce about continuing need for financial
$1,500 to paint and make repairs to playing ball on the historic support, allowing the foundation to
the Little League facilities at the site. Work began at 9:00 a.m., and provide grants totaling more than $7
town’s Pesci Park. The Little by 1:00 p.m., new coats of paint had million over the years.
League facility has a history of its been made to the Announcer’s
own, as it was the home field for the Booth, Snack Bar, and the outside Major support has gone to Yale
1965 Little League World Series and inside walls of the covered University for establishment of a
Champions. bleacher sections. Final work, the Macular Degeneration Research
painting of the bleachers was Center and to UCONN for
After a bit of negotiations, the grant accomplished by Adam Chirico, as establishment of a Vascular Eye
request was increased to $1,850, to part of his Eagle Scout project. Center. In addition to the above,
cover additional expenses. The CLERF, through the Connecticut
Club’s selection was one of three The painting and repair work to the Lions Eye Health Program, supports
requests granted statewide by the facilities received coverage from a adult Glaucoma and Diabetic eye
Anthem Foundation. reporter from the Hartford Courant. disease screenings, the Eye Donor
Program, Sight Saver Day, and the
KidSight USA pediatric eye
screening program.
Left: Windsor Locks Lions
prepare to replace wood trim at Several years ago, a CLERF grant
the town's Pesci Park Little of $100,000 that was matched by
League facility.
LCIF, allowed the purchase
of 23 new screening cameras that
are currently being used in the
KidSight USA program.
CLERF's Knight of the Blind Award
was created to promote
Connecticut's foundation and at the
same time, recognize people who
have given unselfishly of their time
and efforts to promote its goals.
Individuals, clubs and others may
As a result of a grant received from
LCIF/Anthem Foundation, the Windsor nominate someone for this award by
Locks Lions Club was able to make repairs submitting an application and
and paint the Little League facilities at the contributing a total of $1,000 in full
town's Pesci Park. At right: Lion Andy
Hussain applies a coat of paint to the or over 5 years.
Announcers Booth on September 29th.
Additional details are available on
the CLERF website. Thank you for
your continued support!
Page 14 District 23B Spirit — December 2018
Project Planning: Barkhamsted Lions Club
A Primer
What elements make for a
successful project? As we start Left: Club members celebrate
Lion Francis Lattizori’s 85th
planning new service projects, we birthday and thank him for a
want to make sure that we’re lifetime spent in service to
covering all the bases. others.
Right: Club President Rejean
At the very least, your project plan Labrie models one of the parade
should include the following: uniforms brought back from the
101st Lions Clubs International
Convention in Las Vegas that
Project Scope (What you’re was a gift presented to PDG
doing) Dave Roberts by the Japanese
Project Deliverables (end delegation.
Project Timeline (Start to
Human Resources (Do you
have the right seats filled on
the bus?) Windsor Lions Club
Communications (between
team members)
Promotional Needs Lion Suzie, Lion Al and Lion Jim
(pictured), along with Lion Gary
Cook and President Todd,
If you’re missing any of these items supported the Rocky Hill Veterans
on your project plan, you’ll find Lions Club with their recent
yourself scrambling around at the spaghetti dinner. This was their first
ever fundraiser. This team
last minute to cover areas you didn’t representing our club also did eye
anticipate. screenings to help the Rocky Hill
Veterans Club.
Remember: Proper Planning
Prevents Poor Projects!
Winsted Lions Club
The Winsted Lions Club honored Past President Blanche Sewell on
October 24 with a Life Membership in recognition of her 20-plus years
as an outstanding Lion. She has also been honored with a Knight of
the Blind and Melvin Jones award. District Governor Harry Schuh
presented her award at a recent meeting of the Club.
Above: DG Harry Schuh with Life Membership recipient Lion Blanche
Sewell and pst club president Pam Wright
Right: DG Harry presenting Lion Blanche with her life membership
District 23B Spirit — December 2018 Page 15
Woodbury The second event is a clothing drive
for the benefit of Waterbury Youth
Services, in conjunction with the
Lions Club District Red Barn, the outreach program of
The Woodbury Lions Club is still the First Congregational Church of
recovering from our 28th Annual Officers Woodbury. Gently used and new
Haunted Hayride. After many weeks c winter clothing, including coats,
of preparation, we managed to get hats, and gloves, will be accepted
Mother Nature to cooperate three of by the Red Barn from November 10
our four nights, losing the last night Harry Schuh through December 22, and the
Woodbury Lions will have a
to rain. We still managed to scare District Governor
the daylights out of over 2000 collection box available from
attendees, and had a blast doing it. V. Everett Lyons November 24 through December 8
Thanks go out to all the volunteers next to our eyeglass collection box
who helped us stage this event. First Vice District at the local grocery store. Donations
We’ve already started the planning Governor will be turned over to Waterbury
for next year’s event, which we Youth Services for distribution to
hope will be the biggest and best Heidi Zacchera children and youth in need of winter
one yet. clothing.
Second Vice District
One of our most anticipated Governor This is all just the warm-up to our
meetings during the year is the traditional holiday projects. The
annual Thanksgiving Dinner, where Sunday after Thanksgiving means
we present our donation to the Pat Daigle the Woodbury Lions decorate the
Woodbury Community Services Secretary Leroy Anderson Bandstand on the
Council, and hold a club food drive town’s North Green. We built the
for the local food bank. Last year, bandstand in 1986 as a legacy
the club gathered 600 pounds of Steven Daigle project, and we’ve been covering it
non-perishable food, household Treasurer in lights for Christmas every year
supplies, and toiletries to help stock since, a silent nod to Anderson’s
the shelves. This is also the meeting David Boilard famous holiday song, “Sleigh Ride”,
where our Giving Tree is brought which was written here in town. It’s
out. The tiny fake fir is decorated Zone 1 Chair a couple of hours of camaraderie,
with slips of paper indicating a store music, and coffee and doughnuts
and an amount where a gift card is Frank Longo that we look forward to every year.
to be purchased. The cards are Zone 2 Chair
collected before Christmas and After that, we gear up for the annual
given to the Community Services Christmas Eve Luminaria Display
Council. Last year, $1200 in cards Phyllis Perry along Main Street in Woodbury.
were donated, all purchased by club Zone 3 Chair This is a massive project, requiring
members. the coordination of over one
hundred volunteers placing sand in
Not wanting to rest on our laurels, Maureen Lafland paper bags, laying a candle on top,
our Service Director, Lion Skip Jaret Zone 4 Chair spacing them along the side of the
has us busy with two new service road, and going back just before
activities. Under his guidance, we’ve James Daniels dark to light the candles. Luminaria
partnered with three churches in kits will be also be available for sale
at several locations around town for
town to put on the Annual Free Zone 5 Chair
Thanksgiving Dinner. The event, in homes and businesses who would
its 21st year, provides a community Edward Fenton like to share the light, but aren’t
gathering for those in need, those in along Main Street.
need of companionship on the Zone 6 Chair
holiday, and those who want to The Woodbury Lions Club would
like to thank the Town of Woodbury
spend the day helping others. Lions Jamie LaForge
will be helping to prepare and serve and its residents for the loyal
food, delivering dinners to shut-ins, Zone 7 Chair support for us in the past year, and
and providing transportation for we’re anticipating a busy 2019.
those who cannot drive. We are
pleased to be a part of this A Happy Holidays to all of District
community event. 23B from the Woodbury Lions Club.