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We are pleased to share the 3rd Quarter Issue of the Oronan Newsletter.

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Published by Dilg Aurora, 2022-11-21 03:12:23


We are pleased to share the 3rd Quarter Issue of the Oronan Newsletter.

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DILG Aurora Officers participated on the Strategic Trainings for Excellence in Local

Governance and other Learning Approaches Towards a Responsive DILG R3

(STELLAR) – Optimal Retooling and Continuing Legal Education (ORACLE) on

September 5-7, 2022 at Royce Hotel, Clark Freeport Zone. Cont. page 7


On August 30, 2022, Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to DILG
Contact Tracers for bravely contributing to the province's efforts to com-
bat COVID-19 and its negative impact, and for exhibiting their generous
and unselfish deeds that contributed to the smooth and effective contact
tracing operations of the Department during the pandemic. SALUDO KAMI SA INYO!



“Masasabi natin na tunay ninyong naipapama- organizations and Advocacy Support Groups Relations Month. We would also like to con-
las ang brand of public service ng isang DILG. in PNP's mission to enforce the law, to pre- gratulate the PPO of Aurora on this celebration
Ito ay ang serbisyo publiko na Matino, Mahusay vent and control crimes, to maintain peace of the PCR month which is indeed a very lauda-
at Maaasahan. Ang brand of public service na and order, and to ensure public safety and ble undertaking.”
“Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” ang internal security.
kailangan natin upang maabot ang isang paya- The presentation of plaques and certificates to “This year’s theme “Ugnayang Pulisya at
pa, maunlad at mapagkalingang pamahalaan. meritorious employees, units, agencies, and Komunidad tungo sa Mapayapa, Maayos, at
Kami po na mga kapatid ninyo sa DILG at katu- stakeholders for their support and exception- Maunlad na Pamayanan” could not be more
wang sa serbisyo publiko, ay patuloy na su- al performance in the field of police communi- appropriate and fitting since the good relation-
suporta sa inyong mga programa at gawain ty relations is the event's high point. ship between the community and our law en-
towards the achievement of our mission to pro- The PCR Month celebration is a good oppor- forcement agencies is a key ingredient in realiz-
mote peace and order, ensure public safety tunity to increase community involvement in ing a peaceful, orderly and progressive commu-
through active people participation.” nity.”

-Dir. Ener P. Cambronero, CESE crime prevention. It also strengthens commu- “But we know that the PNP is working tireless-
nity support for the Philippine National Po- ly, not only during the PCR Month, but all the
(through LGOO VI Mary Joyce T. Bautista) lice's peacekeeping and public safety initia- month, week and days of the year to engage the
tives. community to become active partners in crime
The DILG Aurora headed by Dir. Ener P. Cam- Representing the Provincial Director, LGOO VI prevention and solution.”
bronero, CESE, represented by LGOO VI Mary
Joyce T. Bautista, Program Manager, joins the Bautista delivered the message of Dir. Cam- “We, at the DILG, recognize the PNP as one the
Aurora Police Provincial Office, under the bronero and served as the Guest of Honor and key players in the realization of our shared goal
leadership of PCOL JULIO S. LIZARDO, Provin- Resource Person for the culminating activity. of having a community where people can live
cial Director, and the whole nation, in the ob- safely and happily.”
servance of the 27TH POLICE COMMUNITY In his message, PD Cambronero commended PM Bautista received the Certificate of Appre-
RELATIONS MONTH CULMINATING CEREMO- PCol Julio S. Lizardo, APPO Provincial Direc- ciation for the Department’s unyielding sup-
NY held at Camp Ravina, Brgy. Sabang, Baler, tor, and the other PNP Officers for their dedi- port and for being a constant partner of the
Aurora on July 25, 2022. cation and commitment to fostering the rela- PNP organization in delivering its mandate
tionship between the police and the communi-
The culminating activity of the PCR Month ty through programs and related actions, that led to the realization of mutual trust mak-
with the theme “Ugnayang Pulisya at Komuni- which led to a decline in crime incidents in the ing the Aurora Province peaceful and safe to
dad Tungo sa Mapayapa, Maayos at Maunlad province. live and do business.
na Komunidad”, served as platform for the
recognition of the active support of various “Foremost, we would like to express our grati- By: LGOO II Gerald Philip DC. Esteves
units of Aurora PPO, partner agencies and tude to the PNP for inviting us to the Culminat-
ing Ceremony of the 27th Police Community


T By: LGOO II Gerald Philip Esteves
he DILG Region 3 MC No. 2021-039 which mainly
Validation Team focuses on four main areas: 1.
conducted an on- Organizational Sustainability; 2.
site validation and Policies and Plans for Children; 3.

pre-assessment for the FY Budget for the PCPC; 4. Service

2022 LCPC Functionality As- Delivery and Monitoring Manage-

sessment, on August 5, 2022 at ment for Children

the Governor’s Conference Following the evaluation, the on-
Room, Provincial Capitol, Bal- site validation team, led by LGOO
er, Aurora. V Cherina Quiones, delivered an

The PGA convened its Full Local unofficial rating of the PCPC of

Council for the Protection of Chil- Aurora's functionality.

T By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves dren, headed by Provincial Ad- The Team also provided a dead-
he Aurora Provincial Management Coordinating Coun- ministrator, Arnold Novicio, rep- line extension for submitting the
cil (PMCC) convened for its 3rd Quarter Meeting with resenting Governor, Christian M. needed documentation before
the new chairperson, DILG Aurora OIC Provincial Noveras, along with Board Mem- the Regional Inter-Agency Moni-
Director, Ener P. Cambronero, CESE, on July 7, 2022 at ber Annabelle Tangson-Te and toring Task Force's final func-
the DILG Aurora Conference Room. representatives from the differ- tionality evaluation (IMTF).
ent officer to witness the Pre-
During the meeting, OIC PD Cambronero was introduced to the council
as the new OIC PD of the DILG Aurora. As PD Cambronero formally sat Assessment. Present during the assessment
on the chairmanship of the council, he extended his gratitude to the
PMCC for the warm welcome and looks forward to the challenges he PSWDO Abigaiel Paulino, PCPC were DILG R3 LCPC Validation
will face along with the team for the upcoming years. Focal Person, Ms. Charlene Jane Team: LGOO V Cherina Quinones,
LGOO IV Rainier Collado, IO II
The PMCC was organized by the DILG to further strengthen the collab- Cuaresma, and other PSWD per- Emmanuel P. Apron, FA II Mhey
oration between the Department and its attached agencies for the sonnel presented the pertinent Kristel R. Tanhueco, and repre-
implementation of DILG flagship programs and formulation of policies. documents as means of verifica- sentatives from DILG Aurora:
This serves as an avenue for DILG family member agencies to conduct tion during the table validation. LGOO VI Mary Joyce T. Bautista
regular consultations to strengthen coordination and develop a mech-
anism for effective provincial management operations. The LCPC assessment is anchored and ADA IV Gerald Philip DC.
on the indicators set in the DILG Esteves.
The highlights of the council meeting were updates on following: (1)
Peace and Order Situation; (2) Insurgency situation; (3) Anti-illegal
Drugs situation; (4) Fire and Public Safety; and (5) Jail Management.

OIC PD Cambronero presented the P/MPOC and P/MADAC audit re-
sults for the FY 2021. The POC Aurora was hailed Functional for the
Audit Year 2021 while the PADAC Aurora garnered a High Functionali-
ty rating for the FYs 2019-2021.

LTC Julito Recto of the 91st Sinagtala Infantry Battalion and PCOL Julio
S. Lizardo, Provincial Director of the Aurora Police Provincial Office
(APPO), respectively, presented the updates on terrorism threats,
insurgency, and peace and order situation in the Aurora Province,


DILG Aurora OIC province as well.
Provincial Direc- Also present in the inter-
tor, Ener P. Cam- facing are Congressman
bronero, CESE, Rommel Rico T. Angara,
paid a courtesy visit to Board Members, Hon. Je-
Baler Mayor, Rhett Ronan sus Palmero and Hon.
T. Angara, on July 20, 2022, Jake Galban, Baler MLGOO
at the Baler Municipal Cecilia G. Rubio and DILG
Hall, before the conduct of Aurora Information Officer,
the VMLP Provincial Chap- Gerald Esteves.
ter Elections.
On Dir. Cambronero’s talk
Mayor Angara welcomed with the Aurora Continuation Page 2
PD Cambronero as the lat- representative, he pre-
ter expressed his support sented the current status PDEA- Agent Dickson Bangas represented IAV Blessie Ta-
to Angara’s objectives and of the present Local Gov- lavero, Provincial Officer of the Philippine Drug Enforcement
plans for the Municipality. ernment Support Projects Agency (PDEA) and provided an update on the status of anti-
illegal drug programs and activities highlighting the Baran-
PD Cabronero talked about of the DILG in the Province gay Drug Clearing program in the Province. Per the PDEA
the sustainable plans, of Aurora. Congressman report, Aurora Province and the Municipality of Dingalan are
projects and activities of Angara, on the other hand, the first province and municipality, respectively, in the en-
the Department in pursuit assured PD Cambronero of tire Central Luzon to be declared drug-cleared.
of the continued delivery of his support to the Depart-
good governance not only ment as he took a stand Also, tackled in the coordination meeting are the guidelines
to the central municipality that these projects will on issuance of the E-CLIP related documents for Former Re-
of Aurora but the whole benefit the general public. bels, Barangay Peace and Order Council and Barangay Anti-
Drug Abuse Council Performance Evaluation and POPS Plan
Accomplishments. The POPS Plan is a 3-year term-based
plan formulated by the Local Peace and Order Council. It
consists of programs and activities on peace and order and
public safety, as well as those that strengthen local govern-
ment capability aimed towards the effective delivery of basic

At the end of the meeting, PMCC Chairman Cambronero em-
phasized that in order to have a good public service, it will
always start with the proper coordination.

Present in the meeting are the head of agencies and repre-
sentatives of the PDEA, PNP, AFP, BFP, BJMP and Regional
intelligence unit composed of the following: AFP- LTC Julito
son Bangas; BFP- CINSP Ma. Leah Sajili; BJMP- JO1 Kim Hadji
Baui, and RIU - PLT Ross Bryan Fulgencio.


B ALER, Aurora - The Vice Mayors’ League of the Philippines
(VMLP) – Aurora Provincial Chapter, in coordination with
the Department of the Interior and Local Government
(DILG)-Aurora, held the election for its new set of officers for
the term 2022-2025 on July 20, 2022 at the SB HALL, Municipal Govern-
ment of Baler.

Dir. Ener P. Cambronero, CESE, DILG-Aurora OIC-Provincial Director, served
as the COMELEC Chair in the said activity. He briefed the vice mayors on the
VMLP Election Procedures and Guidelines after which was followed by the
filing of candidacy. Each of the municipal vice mayors gave their respective
messages where they informed the programs that they will promote during
their term in the league.

All of the vice mayors were also unopposed in their respective positions
which indicates trust and confidence that their fellows can truly perform the
duties and functions that the positions entail.

After casting of votes, Hon. Pedro M. Ong, Jr., Baler VM and the interim Presi-
dent for the previous term, won the presidency again.

Other newly-elected officers of the league were the following:

Vice-President : Hon. Amado M. Geneta (Maria Aurora)

Secretary General : Hon. Zarah Ian U. Comabig (Dinalungan)

Treasurer : Hon. Franklin J. Reyes (Dipaculao)

Auditor : Hon. Edgardo R. Galvez (Dingalan)

PRO : Hon. Eugene B. Calugtong (Casiguran)

The elected Board of Directors were Hon. Christopher A. Marzan of San Luis O By: LGOO II Gerald Philip Esteves
and Hon. Janice B. Villareal of Dilasag. n July 19, 2022, DILG Aurora OIC-PD Ener P. Cambronero,
CESE graced the three-day Capacity Building Activity of the
Hon. Ong said that the VMLP members reached a consensus in terms of Commission on Human Rights for the Provincial Government
choosing the right officer in every position that is why there was no opposi- of Aurora Human Rights Action Team at the Conference Hall,
tion in the election. Provincial Capitol, Baler, Aurora.
This is in pursuit of the JMC No. 1, s. 2014, that aims to compose the
In his message, Dir. Cambronero recognized the harmony being fostered by Human Rights Action Team (HRACT), its duties, and responsibilities from
the league members. He also underscored that the congruence of the mem- the provincial, municipality and barangay levels. Its main objective is to
bers will serve as their drive to keep the flame of public service burning. mainstream human rights through rule of law and access to justice at
all levels.
In his acceptance speech, Hon. Ong, called for his fellow officers to perform The HRACT shall integrate human rights principles in local legislative
well in the exercise of their duties and functions as public servants and to and executive actions, and will ensure protection and
continue their established rapport to truly promote and deliver good local full realization of all human rights. In line with this,
governance in the province. He also assured support in the implementation PD Cambronero discussed the topic of HUMAN
of the Department’s programs, projects, and activities for the benefit of the RIGHTS IN GOOD LOCAL GOVERNANCE IN THE
whole constituency. NEW NORMAL.

After the proclamation of winners, Dir. Cambronero administered the oath The talk includes its legal basis; the DILG’s role in
taking of the newly-elected VMLP officers for the term 2022-2025. Also, ensuring the protection of human rights in LGUs;
Aurora Congressman, Rommel Rico T. Angara and Baler Mayor Rhett Ronan the human rights in the context of Good Local
T. Angara graced the election. Congressman Angara assured the vice-mayors Governance; and Ensuring gender interventions
present that he will keep on supporting the league on their venture and uni- to COVID-19 and the New Normal (JMC 2020-01).
fied call to serve the people. Also present in the event were LGOO II Reyner L.
Buenconsejo, ADA VI Bon Paby P. Mingua and ADA IV Gerald Philip DC. Es-
teves, as the Secretariat Committee along with LGOO VI Cecilia G. Rubio,
MLGOO Baler. Vice-Mayors’ chiefs of staff and other local government em-
ployees were also present to witness the activity.


T he Department of the Interior and Local or Ease of Doing Business Law which intends to stream-
Government (DILG) - Aurora lauded the line the issuance of business permits and licenses and
Municipality of Maria Aurora headed by BPCOs in the LGUs. The implementation of the iBPLS/
Mayor Ariel A. Bitong for successfully BPCO is a milestone in the Municipality of Maria Aurora
launching the electronic Business Permit Licensing which will further improve the development not only
System (eBPLS) in the Municipality amidst the magni- the business sector but as well as the whole communi-
tude 7.1 earthquake that hit parts of Luzon on July 27, ty.", PM Mary Joyce T. Bautista, representing PD Ener P.
2022 Cambronero, said in her message as she emphasized the
further collaboration and partnership of the Department

"This iBPLS/BPCO Launching may be considered as with the LGUs in the Province.
our small step but I do believe that through the con-
tinuation of our persistent steps, this endeavor will The launching was attended by Engr. Reynaldo T. Sy, RD
lead us towards the achievement of our unified goal - DICT RO - Luzon Cluster II; Mr. Arnold P. De Castro,
the promotion of local development in the Municipali- Director IV, DICT CO; Ms. Delia A. Basada, Project Manag-
ty of Maria Aurora.", Mayor Ariel A. Bitong said on his er, IBPLS, DICT CO; Engr. Ravenal De Jesus, Provincial

opening remarks. Director DICT Aurora; Gerald Philip Esteves, Infor-
mation Officer, DILG Aurora; municipal officials and
“What we see in here is progress. Maria Aurora has functionaries who were oriented on the revised iBPLS
been steadfast for the past years. The automation of standards in processing business permits and licenses as
the BPLS/BPCO using the iBPLS/BPCO software is one reflected in DILG-DTI-DICT JMC 01 series of 2016 and
of the programs being implemented by the DICT, DTI guidelines in streamlining the processes for the issuance
and DILG in making the LGUs to be more business of building permits and certificates of occupancy stated

friendly and competitive. This complies to RA 11032 in DILG-DTI-DICT JMC 01 series of 2018.

T he Department of the Interi- October 2022 for the team’s collabora- venue for the election for the new repre- Monitoring and Evaluation Division to
or and Local Government tive information. sentative of the DILG Aurora to the maintain accurate ratings on timeliness
(DILG) Aurora, headed by KBPCC wherein LGOO VII Ariel G. Espi- and accuracy of reports.

OIC-PD Ener P. Cambronero, POC Focal Person LGOO V Madam Cas- nosa won the position as Board of Direc-
CESE, held its Provincial Team Con- sey N. Buenaventura also provided up- tor for the new term. He said in his message, that through the
ference (PTC) via Hybrid Learning, dates on the report submissions and team’s progressive teamwork, he is
yesterday, September 29, 2022, at the presented status on the DILG peace and With its strong commitment to sustain looking forward for the office’s much
DILG Aurora Provincial Office and via order flagship programs under the na- its culture of excellence, OIC PD Cam- efficient and timely delivery of quality
Zoom Video Teleconferencing Plat- tional POC and Anti-Drug Abuse agenda. bronero congratulated the DILG Aurora public service through the effective

form. team as they achieved the highest over- implementation of the Department's
LGOO II Clarissa Hess, on the other hand, all rating (1st Place) of DILG R3’s Moni- programs towards good governance.
The team's strategies in implementing gave status of report submissions under toring and Evaluation Division Compli-
the Department's programs, projects, the Locally Funded Programs. ance Monitoring System (MEDCOMS) for By: GERALD PHILIP ESTEVES
and activities (PPAs) for the upcoming the second
4th Quarter are highlighted during the LGOO V Florenz Zaira Buenconsejo facil- quarter of FY

Team Conference. This is to consistently itated the Review of the Devolution 2022.
identify better methods and approach to Transition Plan Analytics of the eight
implement the Department’s programs, municipalities of Aurora. The said
projects and activities (PPAs) for the last recognition
quarter of the year. LGOO V Maricar Janice C. Perez present- was given
ed the process and timeline for the 2022 during the
The activity served as a venue for the Child-friendly Local Governance Audit DILG Region

DILG Aurora team to tackle the updates (CFLGA) using the Seal of Child-friendly III's 3rd Re-
on various PPAs such as the CFLGA, Local Governance Knowledge Manage- gional Man-
QMS, POC and ADAC, among many oth- ment System (SCFLG-KMS). She also agement
ers. reiterated the DSWD-DILG JMC No. 2022 Conference
-001 re "Guidelines in support of the for CY 2022,
During the team conference, LGOO II implementation of the Pantawid Pami- on September

Gerald Philip DC. Esteves discussed the lyang Pilipini Program (4Ps) and in- 16, 2022 at
different schedules of reporting formed the field officers of the upcoming Bendix Hotel,
(quarterly, monthly, bi-weekly and regional orientation on the said JMC. At San Fernando,
weekly reports) and calibrated the sta- the end of her presentation, she remind- Pampanga.
tus of other reports submission under ed the QMS process owners on the MEDCOMS is
Monitoring and Evaluation Section scheduled conduct of monitoring of the an institution-

(MES), Capability Development Section National Quality Management System alized web-
(CDS), Financial and Administrative (ISO 9001:2015) implementation in based track-
Section (FAS) for the 3rd quarter quar- DILG Region 3. ing system
ter 2022. Afterwards, he presented the established
DILG Aurora Calendar of Activities for The team conference also served as the by DILG R3’s


Continuation page 1

The purpose of the activity was to further enhance field work and the
provision of public services, particularly with regard to LGUs' legal
needs. Furthermore, Central Luzon Expenditure and Allocation
Reporting System (CLEARS) was launched.

After the series of lectures, MLGOO Melody E. Valdez hailed as the
Regional Top Examinee with a rating of 82.5%.

This activity is part of the Department’s endeavors to improve the
technical and legal skills of field personnel and LGUs in all aspects of
local administration.

The Mayors’ League of the Philippines (MLP) –
Aurora Provincial Chapter, in coordination with
the Department of the Interior and Local Gov-
ernment (DILG)-Aurora, held the election for its
new set of officers for the term 2022-2025, on Au-
gust 5, 2022 at the Mayor’s Conference Room, Municipal
Government of Baler.

After unanimous votes, Hon. Rhett Ronan T. Angara, Mayor of
Baler, and the interim President for the previous term, won
the presidency again. Other officers elected were the follow-

Secretary: Hon. Shierwin H. Taay (Dingalan)
Treasurer: Hon. Joe P. Gorospe (Dilasag)
Auditor: Hon. Danilo A. Tolentino (Dipaculao)
P.R.O: Hon. Manuel A. Torres (Dinalungan)
B.O.D. 1: Hon. Ariel S. Bitong (Maria Aurora)
B.O.D. 2: Hon. Roynald S. Soriano (Casiguran)
B.O.D. 3: Hon. Ariel A. de Jesus (San Luis)

Present to witness the said election were LMP National Repre-
sentative Ms. Cherry Joyce F. Del Rosario, DILG Provincial Director Ener P. Cambronero, CTL Dennis A. Daquiz,
MLGOO Cecilia G. Rubio, ADA VI Bon Paby P. Mingua and PEO I Sheen Myriane S. Caruluan.

In his acceptance speech, Mayor Angara urged his fellow officials to carry out their roles as public servants effectively
and to maintain their working relationships in order to effectively promote and deliver strong local governance in the
province. In order to benefit the entire constituency, he also pledged support for the department's projects, programs,
and activities.

After the proclamation of winners, Congressman Rommel Rico T. Angara administered the oath taking of the newly-
elected MLP officers for the term 2022-2025. The mayors in attendance received assurances from Congressman Angara
that he would continue to support the league's initiative and unified call to serve the people.


L GOO VII Ariel G. Espinosa, DILG Aurora Cluster Team Leader
represented OIC-PD Ener P. Cambronero, CESE, during the
conduct of Inter-Agency Ancestral Domain Visitation on
September 17, 2022 at Brgy. Diteki, San Luis, Aurora.
The visitation aims to address issues of the Indigenous Cultural
Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) relative to their rights
to Ancestral Domain, Self-Governance and Empowerment, Social
Justice and Human Rights, and Cultural Integrity.
Ancestral Domain Visitation is a nationwide campaign spearheaded
by NCIP Chairperson and NTF-ELCAC Executive Director, Sec. Allen
A. Capuyan, to also address the underlying causes of insurgencies
and other forms of armed conflict by prioritizing the delivery of basic
services and social development, and institutionalizing the Whole-of
-Nation Approach in attaining inclusive and sustainable peace as
stipulated in the Executive Order No. 70.
Also present in the activity were Atty. Rhodex P. Valenciano, NCIP R3
and rest of Luzon Commissioner, Atty. Roman A. Antonio, NCIP R3
Acting Regional Director, LTC Julito B. Recto Jr. of 91st IB 7ID Philip-
pine Army Sinagtala Batallion, PMaj Emilio B. Sison of Aurora Police
Provincial Office, and representatives from the National Government
Agencies and Local Government Units in Aurora.

Courtesy of



Bilang tugon sa kampanya ng DOH sa B aler Councilor, Hon. Danilo 6. Hon. Carlito S. Morillo (Baler)
pagpapaigting ng pagbabakuna sa buong M. Ong emerged as the new 7. Hon. Johnny Q. Cachuela (Dipaculao)
bansa. Nagsagawa ang Kagawaran ng Ka- PCL President for Aurora 8. Hon. Lerina C. Alejo (Dilasag)
lusugan sa Lalawigan ng Aurora ng On- Chapter, along with other
site Vaccination sa Tanggapan ng Panlalawigang Pat- newly elected officers of the provincial The PCL COMELEC was chaired DILG
nugot ng Kagawaran ng Interyor at Lokal na Pamalaan league, after the recently concluded Aurora OIC Provincial Director Ener P.
ika-11 ng Agosto, 2022. Philippine Councilor’s League General Cambronero, CESE, with members
Assembly and Elections 2022 on, Au- Sangguniang Panlalawigan Secretary
Ilan sa mga kawani ng DILG Aurora sa pamumuno ni gust 23, 2022 at the AMCO Beach Re- Maria Olivia D. Maza and Hon. Manny
OIC-PD Ener P. Cambronero ang tumanggap ng kanil-
ang ikalawang Pfizer Booster shot. sort Baler, Aurora. Galban of Baler.

The newly elected officers of the PCL Before the elections, OIC PD Cambronero
Aurora Federation are the following: briefed the members of the league with
the PCL Election Guidelines and the DILG
President: Hon. Danilo M. Ong (Baler) Memorandum Circular 2022-065.

Vice-President: Hon. Ace Francis R. Javar
(Dipaculao) The PCL envisions its league as an em-
Secretary General: Hon. Eleazar C. powered foundation of governance that
Palmero (Maria Aurora) shall serve as a catalyst towards progress
Treasurer: Hon. Maryvic E. De Gracia of people within a sustainable environ-
(Dilasag) ment for a strong and united Philippines.
Auditor: Hon. Richard R. Duaso

(Dinalungan) Also in attendance were Atty. Elmer O.
Public Relations Officer: Hon. Victor R. Datuin and Councilor Leandro Yangot as
Liwanag (Casiguran) representatives of the National PCL. They
Business Manager: Hon. Abigail G. Tan delivered inspirational messages to their
fellow councilors and enjoined them to
Provincial Federation Directors: do their utmost best in serving the com-

1. Hon. Rosalinda R. Marzan (San Luis) munity.

2. Hon. Marian T. Esteves (Casiguran) LGOO II Gerald Philip DC. Esteves, Ms.
3. Hon. Elizabeth L. Farin (Maria Aurora) Innah Jay G. Rubio, Hon. Verna Abby Ca-
4. Hon. Arvee A. Vargas (Dinalungan) tusalem of Baler, along with the person-
5. Hon. Conrado L. De Guzman, Jr. nel from the PCL Aurora chapter, served

(Dingalan) as the facilitators of the said election.

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ORONAN Editor-in-Chief


ENER P. CAMBRONERO, CESE Supervising Editors Contributors

Support Layout Artist
PEO I Sheen Myriane S. Caruluan
PEO II Denn Jennings Angel M. Oviatt

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