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Published by Dilg Aurora, 2021-08-18 07:48:45




INSIDE NEWS T By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves
o cascade the EO 70 Framework and the communist terror-
LTIA PROVINCIAL ist group’s major programs to the barangays, the Provincial
Task Force- ELCAC through the DILG Aurora headed by
ASSESSMENT Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac Jr., CESO V, as Secretariat facilitated
the Provincial Levelling Session with the National and Regional Task
PAGE 7 Force - ELCAC on June 3, 2021, via Zoom Video Tele-conferencing.

This is to assist local officials in tackling the problem on insurgency by
focusing on public service that will target the needs of grassroot level
or the barangays.



Giving highlights on the Depart- LGOO VI / Program Manager
ment’s approach towards a Mary Joyce T. Bautista gave a
strengthened internal communi-
cation and to continue in institu- briefing to the MLGOOs on the
tionalizing the Department’s cooperation 2021 Child-Friendly Local Gov-

and support to the clienteles in the new ernance Audit (CFLGA) using the
normal work environment, the DILG Auro- Seal of Child-Friendly Local Gov-

ra, headed by Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. CESO ernance Knowledge Management
V, held the Provincial Online Team Confer-
ence for the month of May through Zoom System (SCFLG-KMS).

Meetings Platform on May 27, 2021. PM Bautista also discussed the

Status of monthly, weekly and daily report time table of the conduct of the CY
2021 LCAT-VAWC Functionality
submissions were presented by ADA VI Bon during the State of Public Health Emergen-
Paby P. Mingua. He is also gave a re- Assessment and Submission of Reports. cy (Memorandum Circular No. 86) was then
orientation on the use of the STAYSAFE discussed by ADA IV Gerald Philip DC. Es-
Application. LGOO V Madam Cassey N. Buenaventura, teves.
along with the MLGOOs of Baler and San
The Status of Compliance to Full Disclosure
Policy Portal Posting, Status on the Baran- Luis presented the ELCAC Updates for the Atty. Tactac, along with the Section Chiefs
gay FDP Posting for the 2nd Quarter 2021 13 Target Barangays in the Province of Au- reminded the staff on the different sched-
and the Status of 2021 GAD Plan and Budg- rora. She also discussed updates on the POC ules of reporting, explained the monitoring
et Submission and Endorsement were dis- and ADAC matters for the second quarter. systems to have one and same understand-
ing, and directed to maintain an open coor-
cussed by GAD and FDPP Focal Person Pending reports for submission, webinar dination and be available on urgent matters
LGOO V Rossella P. Edillor. schedules and the Provincial Order on the or as need arises. -Gerald Philip Esteves
Ensuring of Compliance to Health Protocols

T o boost the Provincial was designed to aid in the manage- “The online application is a useful
Office’s contact tracing ment of COVID-19 cases by remind- tool for ensuring consistent and
system amid the rising ing people to maintain physical dis- unified contact tracing reports
number of COVID-19 tance, as well as recording and mon- across the country”. During the re-

cases in the Province, the Depart- itoring COVID-19 symptoms. orientation, Atty. Tactac stated that

ment of the Interior and Local Gov- The app mobilizes the public in the the STAYSAFE.PH will make it easi-
ernment (DILG) – Aurora, headed by fight against COVID-19 and compiles er for government officials and med-
Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. CESO V, all reports available in desktop and ical specialists to keep track of cases
renewed its call to all local govern- mobile formats, helping the govern- across the country and take prompt
ment units (LGUs) through their ment to respond promptly to public action to stop the virus's rapid
respective MLGOOs to use and pat- demands and make educated and spread.

ronize the StaySafe.Ph application timely decisions to keep Filipinos
for digital contact tracing on the safe during the epidemic.
recently concluded virtual Provin-
cial Team Conference for the month ADA VI Bon Paby P. Mingua, Desig-
nated IT Officer presented the sys-
of May on May 26, 2021.
tem's features in a walkthrough, as
StaySafe.PH was developed by Mul- he emphasized the step by step de-
tisys Technologies Corporation in tail on how to create and navigate
collaboration with PLDT-Smart
Group and PLDT Enterprise, as well the application. After the discussion,
as the Inter-agency Task Force on he guided the field officers on the
the Management of Emerging Infec- hands-on registration to familiarize
tious Diseases (IATF-MEID) and the them further with the system’s QR
National Task Force on COVID-19. It code-generating feature.


O By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves
n June 12, 2021, the Philip- “The insurgency problem affects every- proach, according to Col. Julio Lizardo,
pine Independence Day, one, not just the military. That is why, Provincial Director of the Aurora Police
the DILG Aurora, led by during the formal founding of the SAMBA- Provincial Office (APPO).
Atty. Ofelio A Tactac Jr. CE- YANAN-Aurora chapter here in the Prov- I'm grateful that the former members'
SO V, recognized the Sentrong Alyansa ince, I am immensely elated by your effort blindfolds were removed and SAMBA-

ng Mamamayan para sa Bayan and responsibility to eliminate this dec- YANAN was formed. This time, we're
(SAMBAYANAN) for its assistance to ades-long significant menace to our coun- working together to put a stop to the

the government's peace and develop- try's security and development,” Rubio country's communist

ment projects during a peace activity remarked. insurrection. Let

sponsored by the 91st Infantry Sinag- Former important members of the New us work together
tala Batallion. People's Army (NPAs) who abandoned to repair socie
ty's shattered
“Kasabay ng Pagdiriwang ng Araw ng their loyalty to the clandestine com-

Kalayaan, kayo rin ay MALAYA NA!”, said munist movement formed SAMBAYANAN. family, youth,

LGOO V Madam Cassey N. Buenaventura A total of 52 people, including former re- and faith.”,
as she talks about DILG’s flagship pro- bels and exploited locals from the prov- Lizardo said.
grams on the National Administration’s ince, were present for the event's com-
Peace and Order Agenda including the mencement.
The Philippine National Police (PNP)
The assistance of SAMBAYANAN is criti- backs SAMBAYANAN in its goal to sup-
cal in the government's efforts to end the port the National Task Force to End Local
insurgency, said the Lt. Col. Reandrew Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC)
Rubio, commander of the 91st Infantry in putting in place an efficient mechanism
(Sinagtala) Battalion. and structure for a whole-of-nation ap-

With the view towards harmoniz- (PDEA), Department of the Interior and Local Gov-
ing efforts in attaining socio- ernment (DILG) and the accredited Civil Society
economic development while Organizations in the Province of Aurora.
ensuring peace and order in The meeting tackled the following: (1) the Peace

the province, the Province of Aurora headed and Order Situation; (2) the Insurgency Situation;

by Governor Gerardo A. Noveras, conducted (3) Barangay Drug Clearing Updates; (4) ELCAC
the Joint Provincial Peace and Order Council, Updates; (5) Strengthening LGUs on ADAC and
POC Functionality; and (6) Initiatives and Accom-
Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Council and End plishment of the Council
Local Communist Armed Conflict Provincial

Task Force (PPOC-PADAC-PTF ELCAC) Meet- Then, realignment of fund through a resolution
was also approved by the council to implement
ing for the 2nd Quarter 2020 last June 23, programs and activities under Peace and Order

2021, via Zoom Teleconferencing Platforms and Public Safety Plan.

It was attended by its regular members composed At the end of the meeting, Chairman Noveras
of different Provincial Government Department expressed his gratitude to all the members and
Heads, Representatives of National Agencies and encourage to stay safe during this crisis.

LGUs, Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of -ADA IV Gerald Esteves
Fire Protection (BFP), Armed Forces of the Philip-

pines (AFP), Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency

Congressman HERMILANDO I. MAN- phrase national taxes found in Section 284
DANAS, 2nd district Batangas and of the LGC caused the diminution of the base
for determining the just share of the LGUs,
other local officials, filed a special and should be declared unconstitutional; he
civil action against PAQUITO N. further argued that the exclusion of certain

OCHOA, JR., Executive Secretary; CESAR V. taxes and accounts pursuant to or in accord-
PURISIMA, Secretary, Department of Fi- ance with special laws was similarly consti-

nance; FLORENCIO H. ABAD, Secretary, De- tutionally untenable, that the VATs and ex-
cise taxes collected by the BOC should be
partment of Budget and Management; and included in the computation of the IRA; and
KIM S. JACINTO-HENARES, Commissioner, that the respondents should compute the IRA
Bureau of Internal Revenue, assailing the on the basis of all national tax collections,

manner the General Appropriations Act and thereafter distribute any shortfall to the

(GAA) for FY 2012 computed the IRA for the LGUs.

LGUs. (G.R. No. 199802) The cases were consolidated on October 22,

Mandanas claimed that certain collections of 2013. In the meanwhile, Congressman Gar-
National Internal Revenue Taxess by the Bu- cia, Jr. passed away. Jose Enrique Garcia III,
reau of Customs (BOC) - specifically: excise who was subsequently elected to the same

taxes, value added taxes (VATs) and docu- congressional post, was substituted for Con-
mentary stamp taxes (DSTs) - have not been
included in the base amounts for the compu- gressman Garcia, Jr. as the petitioner.

Mandanas, et al tation of the IRA; that such taxes, albeit col- In response to the petitions, the several re-
vs Ochoa et al, lected by the BOC, should form part of the spondents, represented by the Office of the
G.R. No. 199802 base from which the IRA should be computed Solicitor General (OSG), urged the dismissal
because they constituted NIRTs; of the petitions upon procedural and sub-
Garcia vs Ochoa
et al, Congressman Enrique Garcia Jr.,2nd District stantive considerations.

G.R. No. 208488 Bataan filed another case (G.R. No. 208488) On the substantive considerations, the OSG
July 3, 2018 against the same abovementioned respond- argued:
ents including ROZZANO RUFINO B. BIAZON,
the Commissioner, Bureau of Customs to
compel them to compute the just share of the -That Article 284 of the LGC is consistent
LGUs on the basis of all national taxes. with the mandate of Section 6, Article X
of the 1987 Constitution to the effect

His petition insists on a literal reading of Sec- that the LGUs shall have a just share in
tion 6, Article X of the 1987 Constitution. the national taxes;

which provides: -That the determination of the just
“Article 10 share is within the discretion of Con-
xxx gress;

Section 6. Local government

units shall have a just share, as -That the limitation under the LGC of the
determined by law, in the na- basis for the just share in the NIRTs was
tional taxes which shall be au- within the powers granted to Congress
tomatically released to them.” by the 1987 Constitution;

Garcia questioned the constitutionality of -That the LGUs have been receiving
section 284 of the Local Government Code of their just share in the national taxes
1991; based on the correct base amount;

“SECTION 288. Allotment of In- -That Congress has the authority to ex-
ternal Revenue Taxes. - Local clude certain taxes from the base
government units shall have a amount in computing the IRA;
share in the national internal
revenue taxes based on the -That there is a distinction between the
collection of the third fiscal year VA Ts, excise taxes and DSTs collected
preceding the current fiscal year by the BIR, on one hand, and the VA Ts,
as follows:” excise taxes and DSTs collected by the
BOC, on the other, thereby warranting
xxx their different treatment;

Garcia argued that the insertion by Congress
of the words internal revenue in the


-That Development Budget Coordina- As such, Congress has actually departed ARMM, and 30% of all other national tax-
tion Committee (DBCC) Resolu- from the letter of the 1987 Constitution es collected in the ARMM; the remaining
tion No. 2003-02 dated Septem- stating that national taxes should be the 50% of the VA Ts and 70% of the collec-
ber 4, 2003 has limited the base base from which the just share of the LGU tions of the other national taxes in the
amount for the computation of comes. Such departure is impermissi- ARMM shall be the exclusive share of the
the IRA to the "cash collections ble. Verba legis non est recedendum (from ARMM pursuant to Section 9 and Section
based on the BIR data as recon- the words of a statute there should be no 15 of R.A. No. 9054;
ciled with the Bureau of Treas- departure). Equally impermissible is that
ury;" and that the collection of Congress has also thereby curtailed the 4. 60% of the national taxes collected
such national taxes by the BOC guarantee of fiscal autonomy in favor of from the exploitation and development of
should be excluded. the LGUs under the 1987 Constitution. the national wealth; the remaining 40%
will exclusively accrue to the host LGUs
Ruling of the Court: “Section 284 of the Section 284 has effectively deprived the pursuant to Section 290 of the LGC;

LGC deviates from the plain language LGUs from deriving their just 5. 85% of the excise taxes collected from
of Section 6 of Article X of the 1987 Con- share from other national taxes, like the locally manufactured Virginia and other
stitution.” customs duties. tobacco products; the remaining 15%

shall accrue to the special purpose funds
The Supreme Court agreed with the con- The national taxes to be included in the pursuant created in R.A. No. 7171 and
tention of Garcia that Congress has ex- base for computing the just share the R.A. No. 7227;
ceeded its constitutional boundary by LGUs shall be, but shall not be limited to,
limiting to the NIRTs the base from which the following: 6. The entire 50% of the national taxes
collected under Section 106, Section 108
to compute the just share of the LGUs. 1. The NIRTs enumerated in Section 21 of and Section 116 of the NIRC in excess of

Although the power of Congress to make the NIRC, as amended, to be inclusive of the increase in collections for the imme-
laws is plenary in nature, congressional the VA Ts, excise taxes, and DSTs collect- diately preceding year; and
lawmaking remains subject to the limita- ed by the BIR and the BOC, and their dep-
tions stated in the 1987 Constitution. The utized agents; 7. 5% of the franchise taxes in favor of the
national government paid by franchise
phrase national internal revenue
taxes engrafted in Section 284 is 2. Tariff and customs duties collected by holders in accordance with Section 6 of
undoubtedly more restrictive than the the BOC; R.A. No. 6631 and Section 8 of R.A. No.
term national taxes written in 3. 50% of the VATs collected in the
Section 6.


T By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves
he Province of Aurora, taking the acknowledged the vital role of the BHERTs discoursed about Case Identification and
challenge of PRRD for a collabo- as the first responders in this time of pan- Investigation, Case Finding: Surveillance
demic and their distinguished contribution and Contact Tracing, Case Management and
rative effort between depart- in managing the spread of the COVID-19 Monitoring, Quarantine and Isolation. Ms.
ments and agencies in this fight disease. He noted that as long as the Pagaduan also encouraged all BHERTs

against COVID-19, conducted the Provincial BHERTs, community and National Govern- members and barangay officials to get vac-
Roll-out of Online Webinar Episodes of the ment work together, the efforts will be cinated, not only for their own protection,

BHERT-FRIENDS Project, May 3, 2021. more efficient and effective. but for their families and the entire country.

This activity, also known as BHERTs – First LGOO VII Dennis A. Daquiz then presented Lastly, LGOO V Florenz Zaira B. Buenconse-
Responders in Ending NCOV Diseases the BHERT-FRIENDs Project efforts of the jo facilitated the open forum wherein ques-
(BHERTs Friends) Project, aims to enhance DILG and DOH such as conduct of stake- tions and other concerns were raised and
holder’s forums and capacity development properly address by the resource speakers.
and capacitate the Barangay Health Emer-
gency Response Teams (BHERTs) in the interventions and distribution of pocket Overall, the activity successfully served as a
Province. guides for BHERTs. venue to: (1) Remind the Punong Barangays
and BHERTs of their respective roles in ad-
Afterwards, LGOO VI Mary Joyce T. Bautista

The one-day webinar session was sliced discussed the Facts about COVID-19 and dressing COVID-19; (2) Strengthen the ca-
reiterated the BHERTs roles and responsi- pacities of BHERTs; (3) Facilitate collabora-
into two episodes: 1. “Engaging BHERTS for bilities in the management of COVID-19 in tion of stakeholders in the operation of
a Safer Community” and 2. "BHERTS in Ac- the community. Ms. Bautista also shared BHERTs; and (4) Engage the community

tion: Safeguarding the Community”. various safety tips for BHERTs in the exer- into work with the government to achieve

The two episodes highlighted functions of cise of their functions during day-to day the common goal in thwarting the COVID-
BHERTS, the National Vaccination Program, activities. 19 pandemic.

and the Contact Tracing Program as dis- Ms. Venus Pagaduan, Provincial Coordina- The conduct of the BHERT FRIENDS PRO-
cussed by representative from the Provin- tor for National Immunization Program of JECT webinar series is in adherence to the
cial Health Office. the Provincial Health Office discussed the Barangayan Program developed by the De-
latest update on the National Government’s partment in accordance with the COVID-19
Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac Jr., Provincial Director, Immunization Program. Ms. Pagaduan also Management Program in the country.


From page 12 (Full Devolution)

issues and concerns that may arise in the imple- BALER, Aurora – To assess the barangays. After a thorough evalua-
mentation of the EO; ensure the elìmination of efficiency and effectiveness of tion, Brgy. Umiray, Dingalan, with the total
any regulatory or fiscal controls on the automatic dispute resolution strategies and score of 97.431 was hailed as the 2021 Pro-
release of LGU shares; and adopt mechanisms to techniques implemented by the vincial Outstanding Lupong Tagapamaya-
ensure the continuous delivery of public services members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa in pa for the 1st-3rd Class Municipality Cate-
by the national government agencies and LGUs, their respective barangays and to deter- gory.
among others.
mine their adherence to prescribed guide- The provincial entries will undergo another
The DILG secretary will serve as co-chairperson lines set by the DILG, the 2021 Lupong Ta- round of evaluation by the LTIA Regional
of the ComDev together with the Secretary of the gapamayapa Incentives Awards (LTIA) Pro- Awards Committee to determine the win-
Department of Budget and Management (DBM). vincial Awards Committee (PAC) convened ners at the regional level by April, this year.
Among the committee members are the Socioeco- on April 14, 2021, 9:00 AM at the DILG Au-
nomic Planning Secretary, the Secretary of Fi- rora Provincial Office, Baler, Aurora. The PAC is chaired by PD Tactac; togeth-
nance, the Executive Secretary, and the Presi- er with Mr. Abner B. Yngente of the RTC,
dents of the Leagues of Provinces, Cities and Mu- DILG Provincial Director, Atty. Ofelio A. Ms. Dia Lord Imperial, representative from
nicipalities of the Philippines, the Liga ng mga Tactac, Jr., CESO V, said that the search aims the DOJ; Hon. Maria Elena F. Nicer, Vice
Barangay ng Pilipinas, and the Union of Local to evaluate how the barangays handle set- President, Liga ng mga Barangay; PCOL
Authorities of the Philippines. tlement of disputes filed by their constitu- Julio S. Lizardo, representative from the
ents in their levels, to endorse unresolved PPOC; and Ptr. Noel C. Bornales and Ptr.
Under the EO, a Growth Equity Fund (GEF) shall cases to proper courts, and to incentivize Pastor P. Barredo, Jr., ACS Area Adviser and
also be proposed to Congress which will cover the barangays with Lupong Tagapamayapa that Chairperson (CSO representative). Also
funding requirements of the projects of poor, have outstanding performance in the deliv- present in the initial table evaluation were
disadvantaged, and lagging LGUs to enable them ery of their duties and functions.
to implement the functions and services devolves LGOO VII Dennis A. Daquiz, Cluster Team
to them.
Leader, LGOO V Rossella P. Edillor - LTIA
Cap Dev for LGUs The LTIA was established through Execu- Provincial Focal Persons; ADA VI Bon Paby
tive Order 394 s. 1997, which aims to P. Mingua; and ADA IV Gerald Philip DC.
In preparation for these fundamental changes in strengthen KP as an indigenous conflict Esteves.
governance, Año urged provincial governors, city resolution structure, institutionalize a sys-
and municipal mayors, and punong barangays to
formulate their Capacity Development Agenda tem of granting economic benefits and oth-
(Caop Dev) and Devolution Transition Plans er incentives to the Lupong Tagapamaya-
pa which demonstrates exemplary perfor-
Año said that the Department’s Local Government
Academy (LGA) shall oversee the provision of mance, and generate greater awareness
capacity development interventions for local and support from various sectors of the
governments, and shall develop the appropriate
mechanisms to ensure efficient utilization of society on KP as a potent vehicle toward
government resources on this effort.
social ordering and human development.
He added that LGA will harmonize all capacity
development interventions by the DBM, the Na- The municipal nominees for 1st to 3rd
tional Economic and Development Authority Class Municipalities Category were Brgy.
(NEDA), the Department of Finance (DOF), other Umiray of Dingalan and Brgy. 04 of Maria
agencies, the Development Academy of the Philip- Aurora. These barangays were assessed
pines (DAP), and third-party service providers based on three criteria: Efficiency in Opera-
for the LGUs. The LGA shall optimize the potential tions (35%); Effectiveness in Securing the
of the Local Governance National and Regional Settlement of Interpersonal Dispute Objec-
Resource Centers as the convergence platform for tive of the Katarungang Pambarangay
capacity development. (30%); Creativity and Resourcefulness of
the Lupong Tagapamayapa (25%); Area or
The DILG, DBM, and Bureau of Local Government Facility for KP activities (5%), and Financial
Finance of the DOF, on the other hand, shall in- or Non-Financial Support (5%); with a total
clude public financial management processes, of 100%. The quantity of settled cases
such as local planning, investment programming, against filed, quality of settlement of cases,
resource mobilization, and budgeting, in the ca- and compliance with the terms of settle-
pacity development of the LGUs to ensure that the ment after the cases have been solved is
allocation of the revenue allotment for basic ser- also a factor in evaluating the nominated
vices and facilities is in accordance with the Local
Government Code or Republic Act No. 7160 and
other relevant laws.

Source: DILG Philippines



T he Department of the Interior munisipyo, kasama nyo rin kami.", Atty. Ofe- Cont. Page 1 ELCAC Levelling Sessions
and Local Government (DILG) - lio A. Tactac, Jr. CESO V, DILG Aurora Provin-
Aurora lauded the Municipality cial Director said as he emphasized the fur- “Kayo pong mga barangay ang bida sa mga
of Dilasag headed by Mayor Joe ther collaboration and partnership of the programa ng Executive Order No. 70”, Atty.
P. Gorospe for successfully launching the Department with the LGUs during his con- Tactac said on his remarks as he explains
electronic Business Permit Licensing Sys- gratulatory remarks on the virtual launching the further strengthening of the mutual
tem (eBPLS) in the Municipality amidst of EBPLS on June 02, 2021. collaboration of the Department and the
the rotating brownout and bad weather BLGUs in this fight for an insurgency-free
situation in the Province. During the launching, Mr. Ronnie J. Rabor, Aurora.
eBPLS Project Management Team, eBPLS,
"This e-BPLS Virtual Launching may be con- briefed the participants on the eBPLS, focus- The leveling session is a 1-day activity that
sidered as our one small step but I do be- ing on the provisions of RA 11032 in imple- engages the Barangay Officials in the dis-
lieve that through the continuation of our menting faster business permits processing cussion of Knowing the Enemy, CTGs
persistent steps, this endeavor will lead us time using the eBPLS software developed by White Area Operations, and Regional De-
towards the achievement of our unified goal the Department Information and Communi- sign and Front Committee Operations. It
- the promotion of local development in the cations Technology (DICT). also serves as a venue to orient the Baran-
Municipality of Dilasag.", LGOO VI Jonnie L. gays on EO70, Indigenous Peoples Resili-
Glorioso, MLGOO Dilasag, Aurora, said on The launching was attended by Mr. Aldrin M. ency, and Barangay Development Projects.
her opening remarks. Veneracion OIC-PD, DTI; Engr. Reynaldo T.
Sy, OIC-RD DICT RO - Luzon Cluster II, Dir. In her presentation, Ka Angel, as the Na-
“The automation of the BPLS using the Leo Cipriano L. Urbiztondo, Jr. PECE, OIC - tional Cadre of NTF- ELCAC, encouraged
eBPLS software is one of the programs being Director IV Government Digital Transfor- the Barangay Officials to take any action in
implemented by the DICT, DTI and DILG in mation Bureau; Dir. Antonio Edward E. Pa- eliminating mass building and recruitment
making the LGUs to be more business friend- dre, OIC - Director III Government Digital of CTGs, especially in vulnerable areas.
ly and competitive. This is in compliance to Transformation Bureau; and Mr. Ronnie J.
RA 11032 or Ease of Doing Business Law Rabor, Project Management Team, EBPLS Also, Provincial Task Force Members of
which intends to streamline the issuance of Central Office, Engr. Ravenal De Jesus, Pro- DTI, TESDA, 91st IB, and PNP presented
business permits and licenses in the LGUs. vincial Director DICT Aurora; Gerald Philip their significant accomplishments includ-
The implementation of the EBPLS is a mile- Esteves, Information Officer, DILG Aurora;, ing the provision of livelihood kits to for-
stone in the Municipality of Dilasag which municipal officials and functionaries who mer rebels, skills training, conduct of In-
will further improve the development not were oriented on the revised BPLS stand- formation and Education Campaign, secur-
only the business sector but as well as the ards in processing business permits and ing vital installations, establishing people’s
whole community.", Atty. Tactac said. licenses as reflected in DILG-DTI-DICT JMC organizations, and monitoring of ECLIP
01 series of 2016 and guidelines in stream- Assistance.
“Sa laban natin sa pandemyang ito ay kasa- lining the processes for the issuance of
ma ninyo ang DILG, sa laban kontra droga at building permits and certificates of occupan- Deputy Director - General Rufino S. Lopez
iba pa ay nandyan din kami at mas lalong sa cy stated in DILG-DTI-DICT JMC 01 series of Jr, National Security Advisor’s Representa-
eBPLS na makakapagpaunlad sa ating mga 2018. tive to RTF – ELCAC 3, and EA Arsenio
Valenzuela, Representative of Gov. Gerar-
do A. Noveras also graced the event.

At the end of the activity, all barangays
expressed their gratitude to the local task
force- ELCAC for the continuous advocacy
in sustaining a peaceful community
against insurgency and violent extremism.

Now, the Province of Aurora through Re-
tooled Community Support Program tar-
geted 13 barangays of Maria Aurora, San
Luis, and Baler.





Following the signing of Execu-
tive Order (EO) No. 138 by
President Rodrigo R. Duterte,
the Department of the Interior
and Local Government (DILG) said the
full devolution of basic services and fa-
cilities from the national government to
local government units (LGUs) will fi-
nally begin next year, including the in-
creased share of LGUs in all national
taxes and revenues.

"With EO 138, the long-cherished goal
of LGUs to finally implement the full
devolution of powers and resources
mandated by the 1991 Local Govern-
ment Code will happen under this ad-
ministration. Under full devolution,
many good things are coming our LGUs'
way and the public in general starting
next year,” said DILG Secretary Edu-
ardo M. Año.

He said the EO will ensure that the poli-

cy of decentralization as enshrined in

the Constitution and the Local Govern-

ment Code, as well as the increase in

just share in national taxes for LGUs as that all collections of national taxes, responsive and accountable local gov-

provided for in the Mandanas-Garcia except those accruing to special pur- ernment structure instituted through a

ruling of the Supreme Court (SC), will pose funds and special allotments for system of decentralization whereby

be carried out systematically and the utilization and development of the local government units shall be given

smoothly. national wealth, should be included in more powers, authority, responsibili-

the computation of the base of the just ties, and the corresponding financial

“We thank President Duterte for stay- share of the LGUs. resources.

ing true to his commitment to local au-

tonomy and full devolution through the In 1991, the Local Government Code “Provinces, cities, and 1st to 3rd class

signing of this EO. This will start the mandated the devolution of basic ser- municipalities who have more capacity

ball rolling and ensure that LGUs will be vices to LGUs. This was anchored on the will enjoy more autonomy in managing

ready for bigger responsibilities that premise that LGUs are in a better posi- their resources. The DILG will then fo-

come with more financial resources. tion to address the needs of their con- cus and assist 4th to 6th class munici-

Dahil sa full devolution, ‘Aangat ang stituents and can therefore deliver bet- palities so they will be better equipped

Lakas ng Lokal’ sa tulong ng ‘Dagdag na ter services. However, full devolution to carry out the additional functions

Pondo’ na magdudulot ng ‘Angat Ser- was never achieved because the funds and services devolved to them,” he said.

bisyo’ para sa mga mamamayan," he necessary to implement full devolution
said. were never fully downloaded to LGUs. According to Año, a Committee on De-

volution (ComDev) will also be created

In Mandanas et al. v. Executive Secre- The DILG Chief said that E0 138 is a to oversee and monitor the implemen-
tary et al. case, the Supreme Court held leap towards the provision of a more tation of administrative and fiscal de-
centralization goals of the EO; resolve


The DILG Aurora Provincial Project
Monitoring Team together with MLGOO
Hannah Marie A. Dizon conducts pre-
final inspection of the following projects
at Barangay Caragsacan, Dingalan, Auro-
ra: (1)Construction of Sanitary Landfill
and (2) Local Access Road.

The said projects were funded under the
Local Government Support Fund- Assis-
tance to Municipalities Program (LGSF-
AM) FY 2020 and implemented by LGU

Twenty-six former rebels and David N. Poklay, Chief, RID, PR03, PNP; PTCOL.
supporters from Brgy. Cozo in Abraham B. Hambon, PNP Aurora PPO; Dir. Ma.

the Municipality of Casiguran, on Luisa F. De Guzman, Regional Director, NICA-3 &
Friday, June 11, 2021, joined the Head, SAKM Cluster, RTF ELCAC 3; Dir. Zenaida
Region III Regional Task Force ELCAC’s con- Castaneda of DA; Dir. Aldrin Veneracion of the
OF SUPPORT AND SURRENDER, to signify Casiguran, Aurora; Gerald Philip DC. Esteves,
their official withdrawal of support to the DILG and representatives from different national
Communist Party of the Philippines-New government agencies and stakeholders

People's Army (CPP-NPA). "Because insurgency has been in the country for

The Regional Task Force to End Local Com- more than 50 years, ending it is the top priority
munist Armed Conflict (RTF-ELCAC) facilitated of this administration to ensure that inclusive
the activity following health standard protocols, development in the rural does not stagnate and
together with former members or supporters of that the potential agony that this armed group
brings to the people is avoided. All of the agen-
the communist terrorist group (CTG) .
cies in the RTF-ELCAC clusters are working to-

National Government Agencies presented their gether to achieve the national goal of eliminating
respective programs for the former rebels. One the local threat." MGEN ABRAHAM CLARO M
of which is the Enhanced Comprehensive Local CASIS RET, OPAPP said in his message.

Integration Program (ECLIP) of the DILG which Reducing the number of members and support-
is a flagship program of President Rodrigo Duter- ers of the CPP-NPA by giving them the chance for
te’s peace and order agenda. It was discussed by betterment will not only bring peace to the coun- DILG Aurora Provincial Project Monitoring
LGOO V Florenz Zaira Buenconsejo, representing try, but also the much-needed development, par- Team (PPMT) along with LGU Casiguran
DILG Aurora Provincial Director, Atty. Ofelio A. ticularly in places where the government has key functionaries and MLGOO Jesus L. Viz-
Tactac, Jr. CESO V. conde Jr. conducts progress inspection of
been unable to reach due to dangers presented the FY 2020 LGSF-AM project entitled
"Local Access Road Upgrading in Brgy.
In her message, LGOO V Buenconcesjo encour- by the communist terrorist organization. Cozo, Casiguran, Aurora" amounting to
aged the FRs to be productive members of the “The goal is to bring development to our devas-
community and be involved in government com- tated areas, our conflict-affected areas, geo-
munity-support programs.
graphically isolated areas, and poverty-stricken

The peace gathering, facilitated by the joint in- areas, not merely to cease insurgency. Our goal is
tervention of the PNP, AFP and NGAs was attend- to achieve progress for everyone, not just a se-
ed by the following: PLTCOL Christopher M. Ber- lect few,” Casis stated.

mudez, Chief RIU - 3, IG, PNP; MGEN Abraham The highlight of the activity is the FR's signing of
Claro M. Casis Ret, Office of the Presidential Ad- the pledge of withdrawal of support to the CPP-
viser on the Peace Process; LTCOL Reandrew NPA and the ceremonial burning of the red's flag.
Rubio, Battalion Commander, 91st IB; PLTCOL

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