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Published by Adverve, 2024-01-30 00:07:09

Akij Cement_Products Brochure_2023

Akij Cement_Products Brochure_2023


AKIJ CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED The 3rd November 2002 was not only the day of inception of Akij Cement Company Ltd. (a sister concern of Akij Resources Limited) but a courageous expedition of flawless cement according to the needs of our valuable consumers. We are evolving day by day by virtue of the fact that we have to manufacture products that reflect our customers' needs, the core principle of the honorable founder of the Akij Group, the late Sheikh Akij Uddin. We explore ideas from the field of all kinds of construction engineering and make needful modifications to cement production to match the latest architectural innovations. We cherish the consumer view to accept the change by exploring the reason behind the variable demands of consumers. We always support the traditional use of cement as well as the research for enhancing the latest construction technologies. We have observed that a positive, prompt and responsible attitude towards product manufacturing is the main impulsion to protect consumer rights. Akij Cement Company Ltd. is slowly going ahead by giving its innumerable message to consumers that "Once people will do what we are doing now."

Vision : Be the benchmark of customer’s choice. Mission : Ensure best quality products & services through continuous improvement that benefits society and environment. We are Continuing Our Journey with a

Vertical Roller Mill-1 Losche VRM-1, Germany Capacity = 3000 MTPD TOTAL PRODUCTION CAPACITY 8640 MTS PER DAY Vertical Roller Mill-2 FL Smitdh VRM-2, Denmark Capacity =5640 MTPD Vertical Roller Mill (VRM), is a type of grinding machine used to grind materials into extremely fine powder, commonly used in the cement industry. Akij Cement Company Limited has introduced Vertical Roller Mill (VRM) in Bangladesh. VRM is the most modern grinding technology of the world which ensures 2-50 micron ultra-fine cement. Akij Cement had started its journey with Losche, Germany’s VRM and later on it installed one more VRM, FL Smitdh of Denmark. Uniqueness as a Cement Company Modern Raw Material’s Grinding Technology

Akij Cement is produced from quality assured imported raw materials. Raw materials are being tested in two stages, pre-shipment stage and receiving stage at factory premises. If the pre-shipment test results are as per our preset standard, only then the raw materials are being purchased. Clinker, one of the main raw materials of cement production, is imported from trusted sources of Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. Slag, another important raw material of Akij Slag Cement (CEM-II/B-M), is imported from Japan, Vietnam and India. Limestone and Gypsum are imported from UAE, Vietnam and Oman. Quality Assured Raw Materials

Clinker, imported from Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam Limestone, imported from UAE and Vietnam Slag, imported from Japan, Vietnam and India Gypsum, imported from Oman

Storage of Quality assured imported raw materials has a major impact on products quality. For ensuring standardize storage of imported raw materials, Akij Cement has a Clinker Silo with a Capacity of 50000 MTs and a shade with a capacity of 42000 MTs. Clinker Silo : 50,000 MTs Shade Capacity : 42,000 MTs (Slag, Gypsum and Limestone) Standardize Storage Facility

Type : CEM-II/A-M Strength class : 42.5 N Ingredients : Clinker 80-94%, Blast Furnace Slag, Limestone 6-20% and Gypsum 0-5% Standard comply to : BDS 232:1993, BDS EN 197-1:2003; Comply to ASTM C 595 Typical chemical compositions: > 55%(C3S), > 18.(C2S), 9% (C3A), 8%(C4AF), <5.0% MgO, < 3.5 % (SO3), 5.0% Ignition loss and <1.5%free CaO FLY-ASH FREE Slag Based Akij Cement “BEST FOR CASTING” Type CEM-II/A-M Strength Class 42.5 N Quality Assured Finished Products Product Feature of Akij Portland Composite Cement (PCC)

Type : CEM-II/B-M Strength class : 42.5 N Ingredients : Clinker 72-79%, Blast Furnace Slag, Limestone 21-28% and Gypsum 0-5% Standard comply to : BDS 232:1993, BDS EN 197-1:2003; Comply to ASTM C 595 Typical chemical compositions: > 50% (C3S), > 20% (C2S), 10.0 % (C3A) 8 % (C4AF), <5.0% MgO, < 3.5 % (SO3), 5.0% Ignition loss and <1.5% free CaO Type CEM-II/B-M Strength Class 42.5 N Fields of Application with Akij PCC: � In building Durable Concrete Foundations, Beam, Column, Slab, Share wall etc. � Mass Structures such as large piers, heavy abutments & retaining structures etc. � All kinds of masonry, brick-laying & plastering works. � Drainage Structures which are subjected to moderate sulphate concentration from ground water. � Concrete with High resistance to chemical Attack

Type CEM-I Strength Class 52.5 N Type : CEM-I Strength class : 52.5 N Ingredients : Clinker 95-97%, and Gypsum 3-5% Standard comply to : BDS 232:1993, BDS EN 197-1:2003, Comply to ASTM C 150-94/BS- 12:96/IS.2269 Typical chemical compositions: > 60 % (C3S), >17 % (C2S),< 9% (C3A), 10% (C4AF), < 5.0 % MgO, < 3.5 % (SO3), < 2.0% Ignition loss and <1.5% (free CaO) Quality Assured Finished Products Product Feature of Akij Portland Cement (PC): Fields of Application with Akij PC: � In making high strength concrete using different mix designs. � Specialized construction work or Mega Projects like bridges, flyovers, culverts, tunnels etc. � Suitable for constructing high-rise buildings and underground RCC works. � For cement concrete roads. � For structural repairs and grouting.

Akij QC (Quality Control) and Research & Development Lab is well equipped with most modern testing equipment. It follows ASTM and EN Standards for both testing and quality assurance of raw materials and finished goods . Raw materials are being tested in two stages, pre-shipment stage and receiving stage at factory premises. Finished good samples are being collected from every batch in an hourly basis. Both physical and chemical tests are being performed to justify the product quality as per standard. Well Equipped Quality Control and R&D Laboratory Regular BUET and Akij Cement Quality Control Lab Test to Ensure Quality: List of Tests (BUET) List of Tests (In-House Lab) Type of Test Name of Test Fineness Test Interval Every Month Physical Test (ASTM Standard) Setting Time Normal Consistency Compressive Strength 3,7 & 28 days Type of Test Name of Test Chemical Test All Components Fineness Test Interval Every Month Every Month Physical Test (ASTM Standard & EN Standard) Setting Time Normal Consistency Compressive Strength 2 & 28 days (EN) 3,7 & 28 days (ASTM)

Own mother vessel for importing quality assured Raw Materials from abroad. 10 mother vessels in total with a raw materials carrying capacity of 45 thousands to 75 thousands MT. Akij Wave, Akij Heritage, Akij Noor, Akij Pearl, Akij Glory, Akij Star, Akij Moon, Akij Noble, Akij Globe and Akij Ocean. Fully Supported Backward and Forward Linkages

Ensuring uninterrupted production process is a major requirement to produce quality products as per customers need. Through Power Demand Assessment, Akij Cement Company Limited has established own gas driven power plant with a capacity of 20 MW/hr power supply to ensure uninterrupted production process. Own Gas Driven Power Plant

Akij Cement has its own cement bag manufacturing plant with a production capacity of 7 million bags per month. After fulfilling its own demand, Akij Cement supplies cement bags to other cement companies as per their requirement and also exports to neighboring countries . Own Ad*Star Woven Sac Plant

Sufficient Arrangement of Product Delivery River-Way Logistics: (Daily Basis) Own Barges : 07 Rental Water Transports : 14 (±) Land-Way Logistics: (Daily Basis) Own Open Truck : 100 Own Covered Van : 65 Bulk Carriers : 31 Rental Open Truck : 300 (±) VRM Cement Silo Roto Packer Bulk Carrier Land-Way Transport Customer Water-Way Transport

Why should You Choose Akij Slag Cement ? Carbon dioxide from the air reacts with the calcium hydroxide in concrete to form calcium carbonate. Ca (OH)2+CO2CaC–›O3+H2O This reaction, called Carbonatation or Concrete Cancer, is a slow and continuous progression from the outer surface inward. Carbonatation increases the mechanical strength of concrete, but it also decreases the pH. Below pH 10, the passivated surface of the steel rebar dissolves, and the rebar starts to corrode. Cement + Water = CSH + Ca(OH)2 + Heat Proportion of CSH to Ca(OH)2 is a measure of Permeability Slag + Ca(OH)2 = Additional CSH Gel (Reduction of permeability) Blast Furnace Slag resists steel corrosion in Concrete: The hydration process of cement produces calcium hydroxide and generate heat in the concrete which creates an internal and external thermal difference. This thermal difference forms cracks in the concrete known as thermal crack. Hydration characteristics of slag cement are such that the early rate of heat generation and peak temperature of the concrete are reduced and thus reduces thermal cracks in concrete. Blast Furnace Slag Cement controls the Thermal crack in concrete: Blast Furnace Slag Cement reduces permeability:

More Lime Enhances Binding/Strength Component (CaO) (SiO2) (Al2O3) (MgO) (Fe2O3) Clinker (%) 64–65 20 – 22 4–6 3-5 3 – 4.50 Slag (%) 40-45 25-33 10-12 6-8  1-1.5 Fly-Ash (%) 3-5 45-58 18-20 0.8-1 8-10 Waterborne sulfates react with calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 and C3A to form an expansive crystalline product called ettringite which causes tensile stresses to develop in the concrete. Slag Cement reacts to free calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 during Hydration and thus resist Sulfate attack. Slag doesn’t contain C3A thus reduce the percentage in cement. Blast Furnace Slag is a sulfate resisting ingredient Chemical Composition of slag is quite similar to that of Clinker. Due to having a strength gaining capability of slag, it’s use in cement production as a raw material ensures extra strength compared to other cement with time. Fair-faced concrete, or decorative concrete, is mixed with aesthetic beauty in mind. It’s often smoother and lighter than traditional concrete mixes.This ensures that the natural beauty of concrete can shine through. It doesn’t need veneers or paint. Because of its smooth, uniform appearance, it stands on its own. Concrete, made with Akij Slag Cement brings out its aesthetic beauty in fare-face concrete structures. Slag Cement achieves extra strength compared to other cement with time Slag Based Grayish-White Akij Cement is known as the best fit for fare-faced structures

Benefits of Akij Portland Composite Cement in Commercial & Residential Construction Improved Workability • Easier place-ability • Improved consolidation • Decreased honeycombing • Improved finishing characteristics Lighter Color • Aesthetically pleasing Smoother Surfaces • Fewer blemishes • More uniform finish Long Service Life • Higher long-term compressive and flexural strengths • Resistant to sulfate attack • Higher alkali-silica reaction (ASR) mitigation properties • Reduced permeability • Reduced thermal stress More consistent and high performance Concrete License, Certifications and Enlistments of Akij Cement Brand • BSTI License • PWD Enlistment • MES(Military Engineering Services) Enlistment • ISO 9001-2015 certification • BUET Tested Slag Based Akij Cement ensures DURABLE CONCRETE for your structures (*suggested to use water, coarse and fine aggregates as per standard.)

AKIJ CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED (a concern of Akij Resources) Corporate Office: Akij House,198 Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak, (Gulshan-Tejgaon Link Road), Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208 To download digital brochure please scan this QR code to your mobile phone. 08 000 555 777

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