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Published by W.J. O'Neill, Jr, 2016-04-15 15:09:51

WAVE Safety and Security 01-29-16

WAVE Safety and Security 01-29-16

Keywords: school security

The New Jersey Cybersecurity & Communications Integra- INDICATORS:
tion Cell (NJCCIC) and NJ Homeland Security defines swat-
ting as a false report of an ongoing emergency. Examples The following are indicators that public and private sector or-
are active shooter, bomb threat or the use of violence in- ganizations can use to identify a potential swatting and ask
tended to prompt an immediate tactical law enforcement re- appropriate follow-up questions in order to attempt to mitgate
sponse. Swatting is not a new threat; rather, it has evolved the threat. This is not an exhaustive list.
over the last decade and includes a range of tactics, tech-
niques, and procedures (TTPs) used to cause false public
alarm and divert law enforcement resources to a hoax threat.

While certain incident types and tactics have received more
media coverage than others, swatting scenarios include
bomb threats, active shooter, threats of an imminent shooting
rampage, hostage scenarios, and threats involving chemical
biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) agents.

The motivations for swatting vary and include the attention 1. The swatting call is the only incoming call to report
gained from national media coverage and discussions on so- an active shooter or ongoing emergency situation. If a
cial media or online forums, revenge against gamers or those shooting occured or an active shooter scenario is unfolding,
responsible for previous swatting incidents, and financial police dispatch is more likely to receive a number of calls
gain, as there are postings and advertisements on the inter- as opposed to one individual call from the perpetrator.
net and black market websites of individuals willing to con-
duct swatting for free.

2. The incoming telephone number is Swatting calls are commonly conducted ing. Those receiving the call should ask
spoofed or blocked. Swatting calls by foreign malicious actors with thick multiple follow-up questions in quick
using voice over internet protocol accents who are unfamiliar with the succession, and repeat questions later
(VOIP) services will appear as all zeros local areas of the locations they target. in the call to identity inconsistencies
or nines, blocked, unavailable, or one of such as the caller providing a different
the default Skype numbers: (661) 748- 8. The caller’s story changes or es- name or changing the claims of the vio-
0240, (661) 748-0241 or (661) 748- calates throughout the course of lent acts they’ve committed or intend to
0242 questioning. When challenged by fol- commit.
low-up questions or doubts that their
3. The swatting call is routed through claims are false, the swatting caller may “What is your full name?” (Ask again
a non-emergency dispatch line. intensify their threat or change key de- later during the call, and specifically ask
Swatters using VOIP services cannot tails of their story. for a middle name)
dial 9-1-1 directly so instead they look “Where are you calling from?”
up non-emergency lines of dispatch op- 9. The caller uses specific gun “Why are you reporting yourself?”
erations. names or terminology to identify “What is your phone number?”
their weapon. Example, swatting “Why didn’t you call 9-1-1 directly?”
4. The caller’s tone and background callers often refer to weapons com- “I need to call you back in case we get
noise is inconsistent with claimed monly depicted in video games, such as disconnected – what is your mobile or
emergency or threat. Example; the an AR-15 assault rifle. home number?”
caller claims to have murdered a family
member, coworkers, or innocent by- 10. Gunshots or explosions heard in
standers, yet their demeanor is suspi- the background are inconsistent
ciously calm, with minimal background with other noise or sound fake. Swat-
noise. ting callers may play recordings of gun-
shots or live firefights from video games
5. The caller can be heard typing or or the internet in order to sound as if
clicking a computer mouse in the they are shooting a weapon while on
background. Swatter will conduct inter- the call.
net searches or use online
mapping/geospatial tools during the call 11. The caller claims to be armed/and
to answer follow-up questions and pro- or suicidal and willing to shoot law
vide exterior descriptions of building or enforcement.

6. The caller is unable to answer fol- Swatting calls can be successfully miti- “Why is there no noise in the back-
low-up questions requesting details. gated using follow-up questions to iden- ground?”
Example, full name, phone number, tify inconsistencies or weaknesses in
current location. Swatting callers may the caller’s storyline and make the “What is that noise in the background?”
attempt to provide details such as de- caller feel as those their attempt is fail-
scriptions of interior or exterior of build- “Why does it sound like you are typing
ings gleaned from photos on social on a computer?”
media or internet searches, however
asking additional follow-up questions “Are you targeting anyone in particu-
may confirm or deny the caller’s claims. lar?”

7. The caller mispronounces names
such city, street, or building names.

Caller claims to be at a The NJCCIC urges all public and pri-
targeted residence: vate sector partners to ensure staff and
employees are trained on swatting mit-
Caller claims to be inside, “Where are you in the house?” igation strategies as well as the report-
near, or on the roof of a “Is it a one or two story house?” ing procedures for swatting incidents or
school: “What color is the house?” unsuccessful swatting attempts.

“How did you get on the roof?” First and foremost, targeted locations
should call 9-1-1 or the LBPD directly at
“Where exactly are you on the roof?” “Who owns the house?” 732-222-1000 in the event of a reported
emergency or threat of violence. If pos-
“How are you going to get inside the “Who else lives in the house?” sible, try to keep the caller on the line
building?” “What are your parent’s names?” and ask follow-up questions while an-
other individual calls law enforcement.
“Do you know a student at the school?”
After a full report is provided to local law
enforcement, victim organizations are
encouraged to promptly report the fol-
lowing information to the NJ ROIC CT-
Watch at 866-4SAFENJ
(866-472-3365) or 2-1-1 or emailing
[email protected].

Caller claims to be inside or Caller claims they are on their New Jersey ROIC
near a mall, hospital, or other way or planning to target a
specific location: In 2006, the New Jersey State Police
commercial venue: opened the state’s first ever Regional
“Where are you coming from?” Operations and Intelligence Center
“Where are you in the building?” (ROIC pronounced the “ROCK”) and fu-
“Are you in a car?” sion center. Although the concept is not
“What are you near?” new, the Garden State has taken it to
“When will you arrive?” another level.
“Which building are you in/on?” (When
multiple buildings in a complex)

“Do you know an employee?”

Reporting this information to the ROIC planned responses? the News-Leader shows the boy told
will aid in the coordination of investiga- authorities he was prepared to use the
tions between local, state, and federal Swatting information gun. Pressed if he was serious, the boy
law enforcement, as well as the analy- was part of a GREEN TIP allegedly said: "You never know. They
sis of trends and best practices that that from the New Jersey might pretend to be your friend."
can be communicated to partners of the State Police Cyber
ROIC. Crimes Unit, Intelligence Three months after Portland school em-
and Analysis Threat Unit ployees found the gun, the Springfield
1. Exact time and date the call was re- at the ROIC, Office of district's school police services released
ceived Homeland Security and the four-page incident report. The
Preparedness, and the News-Leader has repeatedly requested
2. Victim telephone number that re- Federal Bureau of the document.
ceived the incoming swatting call. If the Investigations.
caller was directed to a non-emergency The redacted report provides detail
dispatch line and routed through multi- about what prompted the discovery of
ple extensions, attempt to provide the the gun and what the boy reportedly
original receiving line number and ex- told authorities about where he got it
tension. and why it was in his backpack.

3. Victim’s telecommunications provider Documents: 10-year-old told The student's name and grade level
(Example: Verizon, AT&T) authorities he brought loaded were not released.
gun to school for protection
4. The incoming (swatting) telephone The incident started shortly after noon
number. Was the calling number identi- during drug deal on Oct. 15. School employees, acting
fied as one of the default Skype num- on a tip from two students, approached
bers: (661) 748-0240, (661) 748-0241 January 26, 2016 the boy in class and asked if he had
or (661) 748-0242? Was the call num- Springfield News-Leader anything in his backpack that did not
ber unavailable or displayed as all zeros belong there. He started to cry.
or nine? A 10-year-old Springfield student who
allegedly brought a loaded, semi-auto- The boy's backpack was on his class-
5. Detailed description of the nature of matic gun to school told authorities he room chair — not hanging on the wall
the threat: Incident type; bomb threat, had it for protection during an after- hook, where it was supposed to remain
active shooter, hostage situation, CBRN school drug delivery. during class.
threat, etc. Did the caller specify a time-
line for an imminent or future threats? The Portland Elementary student re- WAVE
Where did the caller claim to be calling portedly showed the 25-caliber Raven
from? Was any background noise heard Arms gun to classmates Oct. 15, but Safety and Security News
during the call? didn't plan to use it at school.
Produced by the LBPS
6. Detailed description of the caller: Did During an interview after the gun was Security Department
the caller provide a name to identify discovered, the boy allegedly told law 540 Broadway
themselves? What was the caller’s gen- enforcement officials he needed the Long Branch, NJ 07740
der and accent? Was the caller’s voice weapon in case he was beat up or
computerized or masked in any way? ripped off while trying to deliver mari- Walter J. O’Neill, Jr
What was the caller’s demeanor and juana to a friend, another juvenile, after District Public Safety Liaison
tone (Example: calm, hysterical, emo- school. 732-571-2868, ext. 40911
tional, and confused?) Did the caller [email protected]
seem prepared with a script and pre- An incident report obtained this week by

In the main office, a quick search of the change for marijuana. "He is in the system but I can't go into
backpack reportedly turned up the any more detail," he said.
loaded gun as well as marijuana. A "I asked (the boy) how he knew how
school official locked the gun in an of- much marijuana to bring (the other ju- Following the incident, Prince said the
fice and summoned school police offi- venile) for the items traded for. (The boy was not booked into the juvenile
cer Donna Harris Davis. boy) shrugged his shoulders and said 'I center's detention facility or allowed to
don't know,'" according to the report. go home. He said there were other op-
"It was silver in color with a brown panel tions, including placement in a secured
on the handle. There were six bullets in The report said the boy was asked if he shelter or treatment facility, where men-
the magazine. The magazine was in the brought all the marijuana that he found tal health and substance abuse issues
gun. There was not a bullet in the cham- in the drawer and he answered "no." can be addressed.
ber," Harris Davis wrote in the report.
"There was a large amount of green The boy was asked how the juvenile Prince would not disclose where the
leafy substance, some of it in chunks, knew he had access to marijuana and boy was initially sent or where he is cur-
in the bottom of a black with silver color he gave a long, rambling answer that rently.
and red trim backpack. A baggie was didn't make much sense. According to
laying in the bottom of the backpack the report, Harris Davis said the boy ap- Jim Farrell, director of school police
with the green leafy substance. peared "restless and evasive" and "very services, noted Tuesday that the "kid
uncomfortable." She also wrote that the changed his story a couple times."
"The odor of marijuana was extremely boy "seemed to be trying to think of
strong in the office and backpack." what to say next instead of being truth- Farrell said he initially blocked the re-
ful." lease of the report because authorities
School police supervisor Greg Hall con- were looking into whether others ought
tacted the Greene County Juvenile Of- The boy also reportedly told authorities to be investigated in the case. It was un-
fice and the boy was notified that he he had $92 at school in his desk that he clear Tuesday if others had been inves-
would be transported to the facility. The earned "doing errands for his grandpar- tigated.
boy, who was still crying, reportedly ents."
asked the supervisor "Will I get out The News-Leader believes the district's
when I am 18?" Later in the interview, the boy reportedly incident report was open under the
told Hathcock he planned to walk home Sunshine Law, even if it was being used
According to the report, the boy told after school and then deliver the mari- — by another law enforcement agency
school police officers he brought the juana to the other juvenile. No name, — in an ongoing investigation.
gun and drugs to school because, he age or gender is provided in the report
said, "I owed somebody." for the juvenile he allegedly planned to "Before we released it, we confirmed
meet. that no other law enforcement agencies
The mother told Hathcock she obtained were investigating any adults with this
the gun for protection following a home In the weeks following the incident, Act- report," he said Tuesday.
invasion and because a family member ing Chief Juvenile Officer Bill Prince told
was "murdered two years ago," accord- the News-Leader that a petition had Months later, Farrell reiterated his ap-
ing to the report. been filed in the case. A petition is sim- preciation that two students tipped off
ilar to a charge in the adult court sys- school employees.
Asked why he brought the gun and tem.
marijuana to school, the boy allegedly "The schools are their own little commu-
said it was because he "traded" with a Asked Tuesday what happened in the nities and a couple young people in this
friend, a juvenile. He said the friend re- case, Prince said was not allowed to community stood up and said it wasn't
cently gave him a Little Wayne shirt, a provide that information without the OK," he said.
pair of blue and yellow Nike shoes and consent of the juvenile judge in the
both Nike and Kevin Durant socks in ex- case.

Terror, community pressure differences last month when identical by a school bus that jumped a curb out-
affects schools' terror threats were emailed regarding side Amy Beverland Elementary
schools in Los Angeles and New York. School.
responses to threats LA, still on edge following the recent
San Bernardino terror attack two weeks Susan Jor-
January 27, 2016 before, closed public schools. New dan, princi-
Fox News pal of Amy
for 22 years,
died at the
scene after
the bus
struck her
and two 10-
year-old stu-
around 2:45
p.m. at the
school at 11650 Fox Road.

The calls – and the fear that followed – York, with typical bravado, kept schools The bus driver told Indianapolis Fire De-
spread quickly the morning of Jan. 19. open. partment officials that Jordan pushed
several kids out of harm's way before
In Pennsylvania, officials were told a In December, and again on Jan. 19, the being hit.
bomb would explode within 45 minutes results were the same: No bombs or
at a Chichester school. In Delaware, a shooters were ever found. "Quite frankly, ladies and gentlemen,
shooter was reported on the roof of a we are talking about a legend," Shawn
school building. In Massachusetts, a “We did not know at the time,” Chich- A. Smith, superintendent of the
caller said a bomb hidden in a backpack ester Superintendent Kathleen Sher- Lawrence Township Schools, said of
at Arlington High School would explode man told “We just needed to Jordan at a news conference at the
– then a shooter would massacre flee- make sure our students were safe.” school.
ing students.
Beloved principal killed in Schools in Lawrence will not be in ses-
By the time the menacing calls finally bus crash pushed children sion Wednesday as students and staff
subsided, more than 50 schools in at mourn Jordan, the district announced
least 10 states had been affected. from harm's way Tuesday night.

The response varied greatly by district. January 26, 2016 Medics rushed the two 10-year-old stu-
In some, administrators influenced by IndyStar; USA Today Network dents to Riley Hospital for Children at
ever-expanding rumors on social media IU Health in serious but stable condi-
and scores of worried parents, evacu- Susan Jordan, principal of Amy Bever- tion, officials said. They sustained non-
ated schools and canceled classes. land for 22 years, died at the scene life-threatening injuries.
Other school district officials, sensing a after the bus struck her and two 10-
lack of credibility in the threat, did noth- year-old students. The bus carried 25 students, who were
ing. not injured.
A longtime educator who was beloved
The approaches mirrored the coastal by her students and described as a leg-
end died Tuesday after she was struck

Police did not say why the bus jumped The video closed with a message to Amy Beverland is a magnet school in
the curb, citing the ongoing investiga- Jordan: “We love you, Mrs. Jordan! the Lawrence Township school district
tion. The name of the female driver has Amy Beverland really is the sunshine that focuses on communications. The
not been released. after the rainbow. Thank you for your school enrolls 806 students, according
many years of leadership!” to figures posted on its website.
The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police
Department's Fatal Alcohol and Crash
Team is investigating the incident. De-
tectives requested a blood draw from
the driver, as is standard in fatal

IMPD North District Commander Chris
Bailey said investigators have spoken
with several witnesses.

Before becoming principal at Amy Bev-
erland, Jordan was principal at Brook
Park Elementary School, a district
spokeswoman said.

"We lost a great educator today," said The crash, which occurred during dis- The bus involved in the crash passed its
Smith, the superintendent. missal, thrust the school into disarray, Jan. 22 inspection conducted by Indi-
with concerned parents rushing to pick ana State Police.
Dozens of students, faculty and staff re- up their children amid ambulances and
cited glowing testimonials about Jordan police cars. Another Indianapolis-area school prin-
in an online video posted last May by a cipal died in a tragic crash in October.
YouTube account associated with the "I got a call from my mom, who was Norris Ncube, 52, was driving five chil-
school. The video opened with shots of frantic, telling me to go to the school dren to school when his SUV was
elementary school students holding and pick up my sister because there struck by a car on West Washington
signs with words to describe Jordan: was a crash. She didn't know all of what Street near I-465 in Wayne Township.
Friendly. Focused. Smart. Organized. was going on, just stuff she saw on the Ncube was principal of the Indianapolis
Inspirational. news, so I was pretty freaked out," said Junior Academy, a Seventh-day Adven-
Ed Garza, who picked up his sister from tist private school.
“She always brings a positive spirit to kindergarten.
Amy Beverland,” said one teacher on The rush-hour crash killed Ncube in-
the video who is unidentified by name. Roy Nunnally arrived at the school to stantly and sent all five children in the
“One thing I know makes her a great pick up his son, who is in kindergarten. car to the hospital, as well as the driver
leader is that she always trusts in her of the other vehicle. Two of the children
teachers, and she’s always positively "I saw the police lights, and I was think- — Ncube’s son Joshua Sandile Ncube,
supporting us.” ing the worst," Nunnally said. "Then I 12, and his niece Malia Siziba, 5 — later
asked what was going on, and they told died in the hospital. Jack Reed, the 80-
Later in the video, a group of students me it was a bus accident. I'm definitely year-old driver of the other car, also
shouted an acrostic using Jordan’s worried about them because we're all later died in the hospital.
name. neighbors. I didn't know what to think."

“A is for awesome, because you’re an
awesome principal,” one student said.

FRESNO SCHOOL'S lighting and surveillance cameras at The suit claims school officials had a
SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM high school and middle schools across video showing the earlier assault and
HELPS CATCH BURGLARY Fresno. Police said it's those measures that they ignored D.O.’s “repeated pleas
BEFORE HE COULD ESCAPE that are helping catch crooks in the act. for protection.”
"They think they're not watched. They
January 21, 2016 forget we are in a society where every- In turn, a court filing for S.C.A. says
ABC30 body's watched and they should think D.O. was a “ringleader” for bullies who
twice before they want to create a bur- targeted S.C.A. over her ethnicity, her
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A man who glary at a school because they're very inability to speak English and “signifi-
tried to steal from a Fresno school very well monitored. We catch just cant disabilities.” It says school officials
quickly learned he had eyes on him. about all of them now," said Gomez. “failed to even investigate most of the
The school district's security team reported bullying, and failed to file HIB
worked with police to nab him and he Officials said the plan to replace the four (harassment, intimidation and bullying)
was caught even before he stepped off security this weekend so they can con- reports as required by New Jersey law.”
the Tenaya Middle School campus. tinue to keep eyes on their campuses.
In addition, the filing says S.C.A.’s par-
Holes are left in the hallway at Tenaya Pennsauken students ents requested home instruction and
Middle School after a thief tried to steal sue over bus assault told school officials “that D.O. was
surveillance cameras overnight Thurs- threatening S.C.A., specifically to hurt
day. "He was running out of the campus January 25, 2016 S.C.A. on the school bus.”
southbound, he tried to jump the fence Courier-Post
there but we had a perimeter estab- D.O.’s lawsuit contends she suffered
lished and he ran back northbound and CAMDEN - A Pennsauken High School “life-altering” injuries and permanent
were able to catch him," said Lt. Joe student claims in a lawsuit that officials scarring from the attack, which occurred
Gomez, Fresno Police Department. failed to protect her from a girl who al- as a bus was preparing to leave the
legedly slashed her face on a school high school. It also notes the girl’s
Lt. Gomez said officers were able to bus in June 2014. wounds led to high medical bills.
catch 49-year-old Douglas James of
Bakersfield early Thursday morning. In- But the accused attacker also is seek- The district and other defendants sued
side his backpack officers found four ing damages from the district, contend- S.C.A. as part of their response to
surveillance cameras pried from the ing she was the victim of unchecked D.O.’s suit, seeking to hold her liable for
school, worth about $3,600. "It was bullying at the Hylton Avenue school. any judgment. S.C.A. then filed a coun-
recording at the time he was taking out terclaim that asserts school officials vi-
the cameras and disassembling them," The girls — identified only as D.O., the olated her rights under the state and
said Armand Chavez, FUSD Safety slashing victim, and S.C.A., the alleged federal laws.
Manager. attacker — also claim school officials ig-
nored warning signs prior to the slash- Both girls seek unspecified damages,
Chavez oversees safety across the ing incident. as well as the recovery of legal fees.
school district. He said Fresno Unified
employees were watching it all unfold Defendants in the case, including Court papers say S.C.A. no longer at-
from the central monitoring station and Pennsauken's Board of Education and tends Pennsauken High. D.O.'s status
called police. It's a 24/7 operation that former Pennsauken High Principal at the school could not be determined.
helped out when the thief struck. "Re- Tameka Matthews — have denied
cently we've upgraded all of our security wrongdoing. D.O.’s suit was filed in February 2015 in
cameras to high definition, which has state court, Camden. It was moved
helped out tremendously." In her lawsuit, D.O. says she was Thursday to federal court in Camden at
“physically and violently attacked” by the request of attorneys for school offi-
Last year the Fresno school board S.C.A. on school property about two cials.
voted to spend $3.5 million on providing weeks prior to the attack on the bus.

Broadview Heights man ac- pany owners received checks from the Dennis Boyles was sentenced in 2013
cused of embezzling district, they would keep half the money to 27 months in prison. He was re-
and give Joseph Palazzo the other half, leased in November. Another defen-
$3.3 million from Cuyahoga the information states. dant, Barnarr King III pleaded guilty to
Heights schools his role in state court and was sen-
The U.S. Attorney's Office is seeking tenced to five years community control.
January 26, 2017 forfeiture of $25,409.53 from Dominick Palazzo. The information shows that David Donadeo was indicted in 2013.
Palazzo has also already paid $18,000 He has not faced his charges because
AKRON, Ohio — The brother of the for- per an agreement with the United he is a fugitive, Assistant U.S. Attorney
mer technology director at the Cuya- States. Rebecca Lutzko said.
hoga Heights School District was
charged Tuesday with helping defraud The scheme was uncovered by an audit The school district filed several lawsuits
the district out of more than $3 million. done by the Ohio Auditor's Office. Audi- to recoup the stolen money. Superinten-
tor Dave Yost said at the time that the dent Tom Evans said Tuesday that the
Dominick Palazzo, 42, is charged with stolen amount was "one of the largest school has gotten back more than $2
conspiracy to commit mail fraud and findings for recovery" that his office has million, and that its attorneys are con-
conspiracy to launder funds. The U.S. ever issued. tinue to go after the rest.
Attorney's Office charged Palazzo via a
criminal information, which usually In addition to Cuyahoga Heights, the Bryan High
means a plea agreement is forthcom- 900-student district serves Valley View
ing. and Brooklyn Heights. student arrested for bringing
gun, ammo to school
Prosecutors say Palazzo, a Broadview Joseph Palazzo resigned in February
Heights resident, aided his brother, 2011 as the school board prepared to January 25, 2016
Joseph, in billing the school district for fire him. He is serving his sentence at a KBTX 3
technology services that were not pro- minimum-security prison in Morgan-
vided. His brother, Joseph Palazzo, is town, West Virginia. BRYAN - School district officials in
serving a prison sentence of more than Bryan say one of their high school stu-
11 years for his role in the scheme. Several other people were prosecuted dents has been arrested for bringing a
on related charges in state and federal gun, ammo and drugs to school.
Michael Maloney, Palazzo's attorney, court.
said Tuesday that he has been working According to Bryan ISD, a 16-year-old
with the U.S. Attorney's Office for some was in the Bryan High School office
time and has "reached what we think is around 1:30 p.m. Monday for a discipli-
a fair resolution for everyone involved." nary issue. The district says administra-
tors thought that student was in
The information states that Palazzo and possession of stolen property, but that
others created corporations, several of the student didn't allow his bag to be
which are shell companies, in order to searched
bill the school district. One of the com-
panies that prosecutors say he funneled
money through was The Jump Yard, a
children's recreation and party center in
North Royalton.

Prosecutors say Joseph Palazzo issued
more than $3.3 million worth of school
district checks to companies owned by
his brother and others. Once the com-

"The student was actually in the office Do not think because ADMINISTRATION
for another disciplinary matter of stolen an accident hasn't
property, but the student refused admin- Michael Salvatore, Ph.D.
istration to search the backpack and as happened to you that Superintendent
a result of that the administration con- it can't happen?
tacted the boys parents," said Bryan Alvin L. Freeman
ISD Superintendent Tommy Wallis. Carefulness costs you Assistant Superintendent
nothing. Carelessness
When the parent arrived, the backpack may cost you your life. JanetLynn Dudick
was opened and a loaded magazine Assistant Superintendent
was found. The school resource officer It is as much your
for Bryan High was then called, and an duty to be careful and for Pupil & Personnel Services
unloaded weapon was found, along
with what was described as "several comply with safety Peter E. Genovese III
grams" of marijuana. rules as it is to Business Administrator

Wallis says what happens next, outside properly perform Board Secretary
the school will determine how the dis- your work.
trict handles things. Nancy L. Valenti
Do you have eye for Assistant
"The first step at this point is that law safety or are you
enforcement has taken this over, due to blinded by bad Business Administrator
the detainment of the child and then the habits? Assistant Board Secretary
judicial process will go forward first.
Once that process is over, then we fol- BOARD OF 
low our code of conduct that was EDUCATION
adopted by our trustees and we will fol-
low it to the letter," said Wallis. Rose M. Widdis, President
Bill Dangler, Vice President
The student has not been identified.
Mary L. George
“The safety of our students is always at Avery W, Grant
the forefront of our minds,” Bryan ISD Michele Critelli, Ed.D
Superintendent Tommy Wallis said in a
statement. “I appreciate the cooperation Bill Dangler
between school administrators, law en- Armand R. Zambrano, Jr
forcement and the student’s parent.”
James N. Parnell
Wallis says parents were notified of the Donald C. Covin
incident. Caroline Bennett

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