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TheDaily Sparkle ® Today in History The Way We Were © 2015 Daily Sparkle All rights reserved 24 October 2015 Page 1

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TheDaily Sparkle ® Today in History The Way We Were © 2015 Daily Sparkle All rights reserved 24 October 2015 Page 1

TheDaily Sparkle The Way We Were
Saturday 24 October 2015

Today in History

Tito Gobbi Slippers

On 24th October 1913, I wasn’t very keen on slippers
opera singer Tito Gobbi was when I was a teenager. I was
born in Italy. With his rich too busy trying to persuade
baritone voice he became my mother to let me wear
famous all over the world. He high heels. I was prepared to
had a repertoire of almost a suffer to be fashionable!
hundred operatic roles.
I didn’t mind taking my
Tito Gobbi sang live in the outdoor shoes off, but would
best opera houses, but he also rather go barefoot than wear
appeared in filmed operas old-fashioned slippers. My
and a number of non-operatic Dad was always telling me I
films. would catch my death of cold
or tread on a nail. Neither of
In the 1960s, Tito Gobbi those things happened!
became a stage director. He
drew upon his vast experience What a different story now! If
as a performer. When he I have been out wearing
retired, he wrote his proper shoes, as soon as
autobiography and books I get home, I sink with
about opera. relief into my cosy slippers!

© 2015 Daily Sparkle All rights reserved 24 October 2015 Page 1

Do You Remember Over To You

Grumpy Old Man United Nations Day

Our neighbour Alf was always Dear Mary and Jimmy
complaining about things. It
didn’t matter what it was, he At the school where I used to
complained. When we had be a teacher, we always
metal dustbins, he said they celebrated United Nations
were too heavy. Then when Day. It was on 24th October
the council gave us all plastic each year. It was an
dustbins, he said they were opportunity to encourage
too light. And when they gave the children to think about
us wheelie bins, he said they what life was like in other
were a waste of money. countries.

I myself am trying hard not to We usually had a pageant,
turn into a grumpy old man with the children dressed
like Alf! I like to think I look up in national costumes.
on the bright side of life. But (The children wore labels
sometimes I have been known to say which country they
to declare: “I don’t believe it!” represented. It needed a bit
Angie just laughs like mad. of imagination to recognise
them!) We learnt about the
Angie says I’m more irritable achievements of people in
than actually grumpy. “It’s other parts of the world.
growing old,” she says, “It gets
to all of us.” Best wishes, from Iris

© 2015 Daily Sparkle All rights reserved 24 October 2015 Page 2 The Fruit Stall My Little Welsh Home

Joan is shopping for fruit at am dreaming of the
the market. What does she moun _ _ _ _ _ of my home
buy? Of the mountains where
1. A p _ _ c _ ts in childh _ _d I would roam
I have dwelt ‘neath
Rather like a small peach. southern skies
2. App _ _ s Where the summer never
Easy one! But my he _ _ t is in the
3. Gr _ p _ f _ _ _ t mountains of my ho _ _

Sounds like it could make I can s _ _ the little
wine. homestead on the hi _ _
4. B _ n _ n _ s I can hear the magic
You’ll get this one straight music of the Rh _ _
away! There is nothing to compare
5. Pl _ _ s With the love that once
Victoria is Joan’s was there
favourite. In the lonely li _ _ _ _
6. P _ m _ gr _ _ _ t _ homestead on the hill
This one has lots of pips.

1. Apricots 2. Apples 1. Mountains 2. Childhood
3. Grapefruit 4. Bananas 3. Heart 4. Home
5. Plums 6. Pomegranate 5. See 6. Hill
7. Rhyl 8. Little

© 2015 Daily Sparkle All rights reserved 24 October 2015 Page 3

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