HSSC Career Research
HSSC Career Research
Table of Contents
Careers in Healthcare Terminology……………………………………………… 3
Health Science Career Pathway Descriptions…………………………………....
● Athletic Trainer………………………………………………...… 4
● Nursing Assistant ………………………………………………… 5
HSSC Career Research
Careers in Healthcare Terminology
I. Health Science Education (HSE): Programs that prepare a student for immediate employment in
many health care careers or for additional education after graduation.
II. Associate’s Degree: Usually rewarded after 2 years.
III. Bachelor’s Degree: Usually rewarded after 4 years.
IV. Master’s Degree: Usually rewarded after 6 years.
V. Doctorate / Doctoral Degree: Usually rewarded after 8 years.
VI. Certification: A person has fulfilled the requirements of education and performance and meets the
standards and qualifications established by the professional association or government agency
that regulates a particular career.
VII. Registration: This is performed by a regulatory body that administers examinations and maintains
a current list of qualified personnel in a given health care area.
VIII. Licensure: A process whereby a government agency authorizes individuals to work in a given
occupation. It clearly defines the scope of practice, or what procedures the licenses individual is
legally permitted to perform.
IX. Continuing Education Unite (CEUs): Are required to renew licenses or maintain certification or
registration in many states. An individual must obtain additional hours of education in the specific
health care career area during a specified period.
X. Multicompetent: Multiskilled worker.
XI. Entrepreneur: An individual who organizes and manages a business and assumes its risks.
HSSC Career Research
Health Science Career Pathway Descriptions
I. Athletic Trainer
A. Salary (How much does this job pay on average?) : $40,740
B. Educational Requirements (What kind and how much education do you need for this type
of Career?) : H ighschool Diploma / GED & Bachelor’s Degree
C. Licensure & Certifications Required: pass NATA test to become certified, obtain a state
D. Job Description (What do they do?) : T hey prevent, examine, and treat athletes’ injuries.
They also work with team doctors to provide physical therapy for athletes who are
recovering from injuries and to show athletes how to build their strength and avoid
further injury. Other duties include recommending special diets and exercises, ordering
equipment and supplies, and keeping records on the athletes with whom they work.
E. What is the Occupational Outlook? : expected to grow by 30% through 2020
F. Personal Characteristics / Abilities Needed for this Career : passion, confidence, good
decision making, great interpersonal skills, empathy, attentive to details
G. Advantages: sports involvement, job growth, traveling, compensation
H. Disadvantages: l ong hours, stress & pressure, compensation
I. Working Conditions (Inside, Outside; lifting or not; hours; etc.): long hours,
J. Would I be suited to this job and consider it as a career possibility? I would consider
being a personal trainer if my first route does not work.
HSSC Career Research
II. Nursing Assistant
A. Salary (How much does this job pay on average?) : $ 31,605
B. Educational Requirements (What kind and how much education do you need for this type
of Career?) : Highschool Diploma / GED & Bachelor’s Degree
C. Licensure & Certifications Required: pass NATA test to become certified, obtain a state
D. Job Description (What do they do?) : They prevent, examine, and treat athletes’ injuries.
They also work with team doctors to provide physical therapy for athletes who are
recovering from injuries and to show athletes how to build their strength and avoid
further injury. Other duties include recommending special diets and exercises, ordering
equipment and supplies, and keeping records on the athletes with whom they work.
E. What is the Occupational Outlook? : expected to grow by 30% through 2020
F. Personal Characteristics / Abilities Needed for this Career : passion, confidence, good
decision making, great interpersonal skills, empathy, attentive to details
G. Advantages: sports involvement, job growth, traveling, compensation
H. Disadvantages: long hours, stress & pressure, compensation
I. Working Conditions (Inside, Outside; lifting or not; hours; etc.): long hours,
J. Would I be suited to this job and consider it as a career possibility? I would consider
being a personal trainer if my first route does not work.