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The Oronan 1st Quarter Publication of the DILG Aurora is FINALLY OUT!

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Published by dilgregion3.aurora79, 2022-05-23 23:09:50


The Oronan 1st Quarter Publication of the DILG Aurora is FINALLY OUT!




DILG AURORA D By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves
UNDERWENT ILG Aurora headed by Provincial Director Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac
Jr. CESO V, spearheaded the two-day LRI Cluster Training for
QMS REGIONAL Regions 3, 1 and CAR, for the implementation of the Citizen
COACHING Satisfaction Index System (CSIS) to the Wesleyan University of
the Philippines - Aurora through the leadership of Dr. Estrella C. Buenaven-
p2 tura, the School Administrator of the WUP-Aurora on March 21-22, 2022 at
the Cabana Conference Hall, La Patricia Hotel, Brgy. Sabang Baler, Aurora.

The DILG pioneered the CSIS as a vehicle for generating relevant citizen input on

local governments' service delivery performance. It was created as a tool for

gathering relevant data for assessing citizen satisfaction with the various services

offered by local government units (LGUs), in collaboration with local research

institutions (LRIs). Continue page 9



he Department of the Interior and To initially prepare the Province for the 2022 (PADAC) OF AURORA GARNERED “HIGHLY FUNC-
Local Government (DILG) Aurora Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG), TIONAL ADAX FOR 3 CONSECUTIVE YEARS
headed by Provincial Director, Atty. DILG Aurora SGLG Focal Person, LGOO V
Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. CESO V held Florenz Zaira B. Buenconsejo also presented DILG Aurora through Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac Jr. CESO V
its first face-to-face Provincial Team Con- the Draft DILG Memorandum Circular regard- awarded the ADAC National Award Marker to the
ference (PTC) for the CY 2022, yesterday, ing the Implementation of the 2022 SGLG. PADAC Chairman Gerardo A. Noveras, Governor,
February 16, 2022. Province of Aurora, in recognition of the exemplary
The pre-orientation serves as a roadmap for efforts of the PADAC in the performance of its duties
The team's strategies in implementing the the DILG Aurora MLGOOs on the criteria and in the campaign of combatting anti-illlegal drug
Department's programs, projects, and activi- indicators of the 10 governance areas, as well problem in the Province. PADAC of Aurora has been
ties (PPAs) for the year 2022 were highlighted as the schedule of this year's assessment. awarded "highly functional" for 3 consecutive years.
during the Team Conference.
During the meeting, Atty. Tactac, along with Also present in the awarding ceremony were PNP
The activity served as a venue for the DILG the Provincial Focal Persons, discussed the Provincial Director Julio S. Lizardo, PDEA IAV Blessie
Aurora team to tackle the updates on various different schedules of reporting, explained the Talavero and CSO Partner Ptr Noel Bornales Jr.

PPAs such as the Seal of Good Local Govern- monitoring systems for a collaborative individ-
ance, Local Council for the Protection of Chil- ual understanding, and directed to maintain an
dren (LCPC), 2022 Lupong Tagapamayapa open coordination and be available on urgent
Incentives Awards, Enhanced Community matters as need arises.
Quarantine Monitoring System, Full Disclo-
sure Policy and some others. Likewise, status of other reports submission
under Monitoring and Evaluation Section
The Status of Compliance to Full Disclosure (MES), Capability Development Section
Policy Portal Posting, Status on the Barangay (CDS), Financial and Administrative Section
FDP Posting for the 1st Quarter 2022 and the (FAS), updates on the various issuances and
Status of 2021 GAD Accomplishment Report Quality Management System (QMS) were
were also discussed by GAD and FDPP Focal also discussed.
Person LGOO V Rossella P. Edillor.

F ollowing the issuance of the Implementing LGOO V Florenz Zaira Buenconsejo, conducted a pre
Rules and Regulation of RA No. 11292 or -orientation on the SGLG 2022 to the Field Officers
the Seal of Good Local Governance Act to during the conduct of the DILG PTC for the month of
institutionalize the SGLG as a performance February 2022, yesterday, February 16, as many
assessment and reward framework for local govern- new areas have been included in the SGLG law, such

ment units, the DILG Aurora team is now gearing for as Health Compliance and Responsiveness, Program

the 2022 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) for Sustainable Education and Youth Development.

evaluation. Included in the SGLG existing criteria are: good fiscal

In preparation for the upcoming assessment for the or financial administration or financial sustainabil-

year, the DILG Aurora headed by Atty. Ofelio A. ity; disaster preparedness; social protection and

Tactac Jr. CESO V, through the SGLG Focal Person, sensitivity program; business friendliness and Cont. p7


F ourteen LGU Offices in the this Department and the Local Gov-
Municipality of San Luis ernment Units as Issuing Authori-
Aurora headed by Hon. ties" which enjoins all public and
Ariel A. De Jesus were private entities to increase compli-

awarded with the SAFETY SEAL ance with the minimum public health

CERTIFICATION from the DILG standards for the safety and welfare
Inspection and Certification Team of employees, clients, and consumers

headed by MLGOO Melody E. Val- as the country gears toward the safe

dez, along with DILG Aurora Pro- reopening of the economy.

vincial Office representative Ger- The Safety Seal Certification Program
ald Philip DC. Esteves with PMaj as provided in the IATF Resolution
Arnold M. Gabrillo of PNP and No. 87 and JMC No. 21 – 01 s. 2021 of
SF03 Patrick T. Villanueva of BFP DOLE – DOH – DILG – DOT – DTI is a
on a series of inspections from voluntary certification which affirms
January 12 to 21, 2022 after com- that an establishment is compliant

plying with the minimum public with the minimum public health
health standard requirements set standards set by the government and
by the National Government. encourages the use of

Also, the San Luis Fire Station head- digital contact tracing application.
ed by SF03 Joseph A. Morada and the
The Safety Seal Certification is valid
Philippine National Police Municipal
Police Station – San Luis under the only for 6 months and is allowed for
supervision of PMAJ Gabrillo were renewal as long as the office / estab-
lishment passed the minimum re-
also awarded with the seal after a quirements needed for the program.
thorough inspection.

This is in pursuance to DILG Memo- Maging Ligtas! I-Safety Seal na yan.
randum Circular No. 2021-053 re:

"Implementing Guidelines on the By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves
Safety Seal Certification Program for

PEO I Sheen Myriane S. Caruluan

The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Aurora headed by
Provincial Director, Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. CESO V held Re-orientation and
System Demonstration of the Rapid Subproject Sustainability Assessment
(RSSA) via Zoom Video Conferencing Platform on March 21, 2022.

Engineer Clarissa Hess discussed the guidelines of RSSA, Users Roles and
Responsibilities and deadlines of RSSA submission. Engr Rosanna Hernandez
on the other hand guided the LGU encoders in navigating the system and
provided a real time demonstration. RSSA is a post-completion monitoring
activity as a means to instill in LGUs a greater sense of accountability and
ownership of locally-funded projects.


DILG PRESS RELEASE vantage of free vaccines against
PR Code No. 2022-03-09-01 COVID-19. "Hindi naman po ma-

hirap ang mga ito. Sa atin pong
March 9, 2022 mga kababayan, sana po ay ugaliin
--------------------------------------- nating isagawa ang mga MPHS na
T he Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Aurora
headed by Provincial Director, Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. CESO V held ito para sa kaligtasan natin at ng
its Provincial Team Conference (PTC) for March 2022 via Hybrid DILG urges public to continue ating pamilya."
Approach, today, March 17, 2022.
practice of health protocols
The team's strategies in implementing the Department's programs, pro- as OCTA warns of possible surge Professor Guido David of the OCTA
jects, and activities (PPAs) for the First Quarter FY 2022 are highlighted
during the Team Conference. Research said that the public's non
As the Philippines eases to the -compliance to MPHS may lead to
The activity served as a venue for the DILG Aurora team to tackle the up-
dates on various PPAs such as the Seal of Good Local Governance, 2022 least stricter Alert Level 1, the surges as what was seen in other
Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards, Enhanced Community Quaran-
tine Monitoring System, Full Disclosure Policy and some others. Department of the Interior and countries. "May mga iba't ibang
Local Government (DILG) today patterns sa surges at may countries,
The Status of Compliance to Full Disclosure Policy Portal Posting, Status on
the Barangay FDP Posting for the 1st Quarter 2022 and the Status of 2021 urges the public to religiously ad- lalo na yung hindi sumusunod sa
GAD Accomplishment Report were also discussed by GAD and FDPP Focal here to minimum public health minimum health protocols ang
Person LGOO V Rossella P. Edillor.
standards (MPHS) following OCTA naka-experience nito."
To initially prepare MLGOOs for the 2022 Seal of Good Local Governance
(SGLG) Municipal Validations set this April 2022, DILG Aurora SGLG Focal Research's warning of possible
Person, LGOO V Florenz Zaira B. Buenconsejo also presented the Draft uptick in cases if health protocols Ano said that the public's compli-
DILG Memorandum Circular regarding the Implementation of the 2022
SGLG. She presented the proposed timeline for the regional cross valida- are disregarded. ance with MPHS is critical in the
tion. efforts to lower COVID-19 trans-

This serves as a roadmap for the DILG Aurora MLGOOs on the criteria and DILG Secretary Eduardo M. Ano mission in the country. He empha-
indicators of the 10 governance areas, as well as the schedule of this year's said the COVID-19 pandemic is not sized that everyone's discipline in
over and the downgrade to Alert abiding by the health protocols can
LGOO V Buenconsejo also discussed the timelines of the upcoming func-
tionality assessments and the updated requirements for the issuance of Level 1 from March 1-15, 2022 is be a step towards avoiding the
authority to conduct seminar, workshop, lakbay-aral for LGUs and the au- not an excuse for the people to current surge that is sweeping
thority to travel of DILG personnel. During the team conference, ADA IV
Gerald Philip DC. Esteves discussed the different schedules of reporting ignore MPHS. He said that "we Hong Kong.
(quarterly, monthly, bi-weekly and weekly reports) and calibrated the sta- must protect each other by follow-
tus of other reports submission under Monitoring and Evaluation Section
(MES), Capability Development Section (CDS), Financial and Administrative ing the health protocols in place to According to some reports, the
Section (FAS), as the office anticipates the bulk of reports needed as the
first quarter reaches its end. ensure that surges will not hap- COVID-19 surge in Hong Kong
pen." forced some public hospitals to
Continue. Page 8
place patient beds outside of the
LGOO V FLORENZ ZAIRA B. BUENCON- "Let us not get carried away by the hospital premises and pushed

easing of COVID-19 restrictions to transport system and supermar-
Alert Level 1. If we want to stay kets to cut services.

under Alert Level 1, ipagpatuloy

natin ang pagsunod sa MPHS be- He likewise encouraged local gov-
cause this is how we contribute to ernment units (LGUs) to ensure

further decrease coronavirus infec- that MPHS are consistently en-
tions in our country," Ano said. forced in their jurisdictions even

amid lower COVID-19 restrictions

He said the public must not be in most parts of the country. "We
complacent despite a lower re- call on our LGUs to still be on top of

striction level for factors such as the implementation of MPHS even
waning immunity, the election in the barangays. Huwag po nating

period, and public's non- hayaang masanay ang ating mga
adherence to MPHS may cause the kababayan na hindi sumusunod sa

uptick of cases. ating mga health protocol kahit na

malaking bilang na ng ating popu-
"We continue to remind the public, lasyon ang bakunado," he said.

let us continue to adhere to the
MPHS. The easing to Alert Level 1 is As of February 28, 2022, 63.3 mil-

to help the economy but we must lion Filipinos are already fully

wear face mask, sumunod tayo sa vaccinated against COVID-19 with
MPHS. Kapag mag-aattend tayo ng more than 10.2 million receiving

campaign rallies dapat vaccinated their booster shots. Meanwhile,
and sundin natin ang mga health 61.6 million have been adminis-

protocol," he added. tered with their initial dose.

According to the Department of "Gaya ng sabi ng OCTA Research,
Health, among the MPHS that must mahalaga na patuloy nating i-
be exercised by the public are practice ang MPHS dahil marami
wearing of face mask, especially in pa rin sa ating mga kababayan ang
public and enclosed places; wash- hindi pa nababakunahan. We are
ing and sanitizing hands; referring imploring everyone's participation
to factual information from legiti- in complying with the MPHS," he
mate sources; and, taking ad- said.


n search of outstanding Lupons in observance of justice in the barangay level.
the Province of Aurora, the DILG, Upon tedious assessment, the Lupong Ta-
headed by Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr., gapamayapa of Brgy. Lual, Municipality of
CESO V, conducted the assessment Casiguran clinched the highest score of

of the Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives 94.5% for the 1st to 3rd class category for

Awards (LTIA) for CY 2022, earlier today, municipalities and shall serve as the Provin-
March 25, 2022. cial Lupong Tagapamayapa entry of the

Province of Aurora to the Regional Assess-

The Lupong Tagapamayapa ensures the ment.
delivery of justice at the barangay level

through amicable settlement of disputes Brgy. Umiray of Dingalan, which was the
and arbitration. Provincial Entry of the Province of Aurora

for three consecutive assessment years, on

The table validation aims to assess the Lu- the other hand, ended up second with the
pons’ performance in the effective imple- final score of 94.13%. The said assessment

mentation of Katarungang Pambarangay was spearheaded by the LTIA Provincial

(KP) Law for the year 2021 under review. Awards Committee chairperson, DILG Auro-
The Lupons were assessed based on the ra Provincial Director, Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac,

following evaluation criteria: Jr. CESO V, and participated by the members
namely: Mr. Arsenio L. Valenzuela, Execu-

(1) Efficiency in operations (35 points); tive Assistant IV (representing Gov. Gerardo

(2) Effectiveness in securing the settlement A. Noveras, Chairperson, PPOC); Hon. Rafael
of interpersonal dispute objective of the KP De Mayo, President, LNB Aurora Chapter;

(30 points); Ms. Dia Lord L. Imperial (representative to
(3) Creativity and resourcefulness of LT (25 Fiscal Jobert D. Reyes, Provincial Prosecu-

points); tor, Department of Justice); Atty. May Ann

(4) Area or facility for KP facilities (5 Amwao, COC V RTC Branch 91
points); and (representative to Judge Enrico Voltaire S.

(5) Financial or non-financial support (5 Rivera, Executive Judge RTC Branch 91)

points). and Ptr. Pastor Barredo, Adventist Commu-
nity Services

Before the assessment proper, LGOO VII
Dennis Daquiz discussed the Brief History of Said activity was facilitated by LTIA Provin-

Katarungang Pambarangay to the Provincial cial Focal Persons, LGOO V Rossella P.

Assessment Team. This is to reiterate the Edillor and Alternare Focal Person ADA IV
importance of KP implementation in the Gerald Philip Esteves.


By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves and Bon Paby P. Mingua

The Province of DILG Aurora Program Manag- Ito ay normal lamang sa isang upang maipaganap ang isang
Aurora joined the er, LGOO VI Mary Joyce T. Bau- bansa na may democratikong election na malinis, tahimik at
entire nation in tista, on behalf of Provincial pamamalakad na binibigyan tapat. Naway tulongan tayo ng
raising awareness Director, Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, importansya ang karapatan sa Maykapal. Mabuhay ang ma-

for an orderly, honest, peace- Jr. CESO V, delivered the mes- malayang pamamahayag. layang Filipino!”, LGOO VI

ful and credible mid-term sage of cooperation for a clean Nakakalungkot pero sadya Bautista said on her message.

elections this year through a and peaceful 2022 National pong maraming nakakalimot o Atty. Chris Ian M. Silva, Provin-
unity walk, interfaith rally and Local Elections. sadyang hindi iniintindi na ang cial Election Supervisor,
and covenant signing held at election at panahon kung saan opened the signing peace cove-
the Camp Victor Ravina, “Nandito nanaman po tayo nga- ang mga importanteng issue sa nant and integrity pledge.
Brgy. Buhangin, Baler, Auro- yon sa isang makasaysayan at bansa at plataporma ay
ra. importanteng pagtitipon na pinaguusapan at inihahayag. In the covenant or integrity
naghahayag ng ating taimtim Marami ang gumagamit ng pledge, candidates committed
The Unity Walk commenced at na dedikasyon na kumilos, paninira, fake news, nanana- not to “employ any form of
precisely 7 AM at the Aurora makipagtulungan sa lahat ng mantala sa kahirapan at violence, force or threat that
Provincial Police Office sangay ng pamahalaan, sa mga pagpapalaganap ng kamang- may impair, impede or unduly
Grounds, Camp Capt. Victor miyembro ng mga pribadong mangan upang linlangin ang influence the exercise of the
Ravina and actualized cove- organisasyon, NGOs at higit sa mga botante o kaya naman people’s right of suffrage”.
nant signing at A.V. Mijares lahat ang mga kumunidad binibili o tinatakot sila para
Elementary School on Febru- upang patuloy na masigurado makuha ang kanilang boto. Ito They also pledged the “prompt
ary 24, 2022. na ang halalan sa national at ay mga problema na nakaaki- and accurate reporting and
lokal ay magiging malinis, tahi- bat na sa election. Ito ay mga disclosure of campaign-related
Aurora PNP, 91st Infantry Ba- mik at tapat kung saan ang problema na hindi kayang expenses” and “will not give
tallion Philippine Army, reli- pulso o desisyon ng nakakarami resolbahin ng mga sangay ng bribes or gifts to corrupt the
gious sectors, and COMELEC ay mailalabas at marerespeto. gobyerno lamang, ito ay integrity of our democratic
officials led the unity walk and Alam po natin na sa panahon nangangailangan ng tulong ng process”.
peace covenant signing for ng election nagkakaroon ng bawat mamamayan. Andito po
clean, honest, accurate, mean- madaming alitan, hindi pagka- tayo upang hingnan ang The said activity was partici-
ingful, and peaceful elections. kaintindihan, gusot at awayan. kooperasyon ng bawat isa pated by aspirants for the local
positions, People’s Organiza-
tions, National Government
Agencies and other groups.




Courtesy of competitiveness; safety, and peace and
order; environmental management; and
T ADA IV GERALD PHILIP DC. ESTEVES tourism, culture and arts.
he BALER MPS has received its SAFETY SEAL CERTIFICATION from the DILG Inspection and
Certification Team headed by DILG Baler MLGOO Cecilia G. Rubio along with DILG Aurora The IRR and previous metrics are used as
Provincial Office representative ADA IV Gerald Philip DC. Esteves with PSSg Dennis S. preliminary guides, pending the publica-
Gutierrez from the Baler MPS and Insp. Basilio C. Buenaventura from the Baler Fire Station, tion of the final and accepted guidelines.
today, January 07, 2022 after complying with the minimum public health standards set by the This is to determine the level of readi-
government. ness of the LGUs and to identify potential
problems and concerns and measures to
This is in pursuance to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2021-053 re: "Implementing Guidelines on the resolve them.
Safety Seal Certification Program for this Department and the Local Government Units as Issuing Au-
thorities" which enjoins all public and private entities to increase compliance with the minimum public The SGLG, as the Department’s flagship
health standards for the safety and welfare of employees, clients, and consumers as the country gears program, is the DILG's primary evalua-
toward the safe reopening of the economy. The Safety Seal Certification Program as provided in the tion instrument for assessing the effi-
IATF Resolution No. 87 and JMC No. 21 – 01 s. 2021 of DOLE – DOH – DILG – DOT – DTI is a voluntary ciency of LGUs in complying with a varie-
certification which affirms that an establishment is compliant with the minimum public health stand- ty of national laws and policies that are
ards set by the government and encourages the use of digital contact tracing application. key to providing quality service to the
public prior to the signing of a statute.
The Safety Seal Certification is valid only for 6 months and is allowed for renewal as long as the of-
fice / establishment passed the minimum requirements needed for the program. As an advisory body, the Council of Good
Local Governance, composed of the De-
Safety Seal Certified na ba ang inyong opisina? APPLY NA! partment of the Interior and Local Gov-
ernment, the Department of Budget and
Management, the Department of Finance
and the National Economic and Develop-
ment Authority, shall act to ensure that
the SGLG Award is properly implement-
ed under the law.

By: Gerald Philip Esteves

Aurora Police Provincial Office (APPO) officially launches SAFE NLE 2022
(Safe, Accurate, Fair and Free Elections) KASIMBAYANAN on February 11,
2022 at APPO Parade Ground, Camp Capt. Victor V. Ravina, Brgy. Sabang,
Baler, Aurora.
The said activity was participated by DILG, COMELEC, 91st IB Philippine
Army, Aurora PCG, Religious Leaders and others.


T he Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (ECLIP)
Committee of the Province of Aurora convened on April 7, 2022 to
discuss the current status of the Former Rebels under the pro-
gram and how the committee can facilitate the accessibility of
government programs to them. Likewise, the Department of the Interior and
Local Government provided updates on the assistance provided by the

The Aurora PNP and Philippine Army 91st IB Infantry Battalion gave updates on
the current insurgency situation in the Province.

Lastly, the Provincial Government through the PSWDO planned the forthcoming
Monitoring and Evaluation of FRs to ensure that they are becoming productive
citizens in the community.

By: Gerald Philip DC. Esteves

Continuation P4 Department's innovations, aims to improve the office performance
and track the achievement of its annual targets.

Also, ADA IV Esteves presented the Status of LGU Compliance to the
Safety Seal Certification Program. As of reporting date, the During the hands-on activity, DILG Aurora employees were taught on
Municipality of Casiguran, with 49 issued seals, garnered the most how to navigate the system. Updating of user information, encoding
number of Safety Seal Certified establishments in the Province of of individual development plan, targets for the first semester
Aurora. ADA IV Esteves also presented the DILG Aurora Calendar of performance commitments, and monthly accomplishments were all

Activities for March 2022 for the team’s collaborative information. part of the walk-through. Encoding and submission of performance

commitments for the first semester in the POMS will start on March
Engineer Rosanna Hernandez, on the other hand, gave status of 17, 2022 up to March 21, 2022.
report submissions under the Locally Funded Programs.
Also, in preparation for the upcoming DILG National Quality
Also, in preparation for the nationwide implementation of the Management System (QMS) Audit - Stage 2 that is set on March
Performance Online Monitoring System, the provincial roll-out on 2022, the DILG Aurora once again, conducted a Review of the DILG
the implementation of POMS was also conducted during the PTC. Aurora’s Risk Registry, Context Registry and the Interested Parties
The activity aims to inform all DILG Aurora personnel – whether Matrix (RR, CR, IPM) as part of the PTC agenda.

permanent or contract of service – on how to use the system in the
creation of various online SPMS forms and be familiar with the Said QMS Review was facilitated by QMS Focal Person, ADA VI Bon
step-by-step process from encoding, submission to the its approval Paby Mingua.
in anticipation of the implementation of POMS.
On the PD’s hour, PD Tactac also directed the Aurora team to
Rossella P. Edillor, Planning Officer, explained the system's maintain an open coordination and be available on urgent matters as
characteristics and functionalities, the POMS, which is one of the need arises.


Continuation Page 1

In his message, Atty. Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. LRIs. Sa ganitong paraan, we can learn

CESO V, expressed his gratitude to the from each other at makukuha natin ang

WUP-Aurora for being an active partner perspective ng mga tao at ng bawat ahen-

in the Department's program implemen- syang bahagi ng programang ito. With

tations. PD Tactac recognized the WUP- this, we can achieve participatory govern- DILG Aurora through the leadership of
Atty. Ofelio A Tactac Jr CESO V facilitat-
research Aurora's expertise, which is ance. Kaya nagpapasalamat ang aming ed Action Planning for EO 70: Capacitat-
ing Urban Communities for Peace and
critical in the implementation of the CSIS. tanggapan sa pamunuan ng Wesleyan Development (CUCPD) Programs for the Munici-
pality of Baler.
“Dumaan man tayo sa pandemya, huwag University of the Philippines – Aurora sa
nating kakalimutan na ang local govern- pangunguna ni Dra. Estrella Buenaventu- This activity discussed issues and gaps from the sec-
ance ay hindi stagnant, it is dynamic ra sa kanilang walang-sawang pagtugon tor of women, labor, urban poor and youth towards
wherein you have to improve, improve, at pakikipagtulungan sa DILG Aurora peaceful and developed community and later formu-
and improve. Just like our yearly assess- upang maisakatuparan ang ating manda- lated programs that will address issues such as youth
ments, there are always additional re- to na magbigay serbisyo sa tao.”, Atty. and women empowerment.
quirements. At sa lahat ng mga gawaing Tactac stated.
Participants of the said activity are PNP, MSWDO,
ito, we have to consider the private citizen The Citizen Satisfaction Index System AFP, DEPED, MPDC, MLGOO and DILG POC Team.

participation lalong lalo na po ng mga (CSIS) is a set of data tools and mecha- SGLG Season Begins! The DILG
Aurora conducts Orientation on the
nisms designed to generate relevant 2022 Seal of Good Local Governance
(SGLG) on March 18, 2022, in the
citizens’ feedback on the local govern- Municipality of San Luis Aurora. This is the
first activity of the series of orientations to be
ments’ service delivery performance. conducted in preparation of the forthcoming
assessment of LGUs in the different areas of
It is undertaken by the DILG to empower governance this April 2022. The activity was
local government units by helping them participated in by LGU department heads
perform their mandate of ensuring the which was led by MLGOO Melody E. Valdez.
welfare of the citizens (Section 16, RA
7160) and to provide supervision in LGOO V Florenz Zaira B. Buenconsejo and
areas for improvement in the delivery of ADA IV Bon Paby Mingua provide assistance to
basic services as mandated by the Local the LGU.
Government Code of 1991 (Section 17,
RA 7160).

Since the CSIS program has the end goal
of promoting good local governance, Dr.
Buenaventura, recognized its social rele-
vance and accepted the call to be the
program’s partner LRI.

The Wesleyan University of the Philip-
pines-Aurora has also been an active
partner LRI of the DILG Aurora since






LGOO VI Jonnie Glorioso

T he Barangay Hall of Barangay PCMS Marco C Llave, Team Leader, Dilasag threats of COVID-19.
Diagyan, Dilasag, Aurora is now a Municipal Police Station, on March 16, 2022. The Safety Seal Certificate is granted to offices

Safety Seal-Certified government
building, following the inspection The government’s Safety Seal Certification or establishments that have complied with all
Program certifies that an office or establish- the requirements under the Safety Seal
that was conducted by the Department of the ment is compliant with the minimum public Certification Checklist as indicated in the Joint
Interior and Local Government (DILG), health standards (MPHS), which is one of the Memorandum Circular No. 21-01 of DILG,
Philippine National Police (PNP), and Bureau government’s
public-private sector’s Department of Labor and Employment
of Fire Protection (BFP) Safety Seal Inspection collaborative efforts to safely reopen the econ- (DOLE), Department of Health (DOH),
Team headed by LGOO VI Jonnie L. Glorioso, omy while ensuring that the employees, con- Department of Tourism (DOT), and
MLGOO, together with SFO3 Edgar DC Garin,
OIC Fire Marshal, Dilasag Fire Station, and sumers, and clients are protected from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).


C an an LGU impose an City) represented by Mayor Lim. On distinct business practices, namely
ordinance that prohibits December 21, 1992, petitioners White wash rate admissions and renting out a
hotels and related Light Corporation (WLC), Titanium room more than twice a day. The ban is
establishments from Corporation (TC) and Sta. Mesa Tourist evidently sought to be rooted in the po-
and Development Corporation (STDC) lice power as conferred on local gov-
offering short-time admission, as filed a motion to intervene and to admit ernment units by the Local Government
well as pro-rated or "wash up" attached complaint-in-intervention on Code through such implements as the
rates ? the ground that the Ordinance directly general welfare clause.
affects their business interests as
The City of Manila enacted Ordinance operators of drive-in-hotels and motels The rights at stake herein fall within the
No. 7774 entitled, "An Ordinance Prohib- in Manila.8 The three companies are same fundamental rights to liberty
iting Short-Time Admission, Short-Time components of the Anito Group of which we upheld in City of Manila v.
Admission Rates, and Wash-Up Rate Companies which owns and operates Hon. Laguio, Jr. We expounded on that
Schemes in Hotels, Motels, Inns, Lodg- several hotels and motels in Metro most primordial of rights, thus: Liberty
ing Houses, Pension Houses, and Manila. the RTC rendered a decision as guaranteed by the Constitution was
Similar Establishments in the City of declaring the Ordinance null and void defined by Justice Malcolm to include
Manila" with the purpose of curtailing but was overturned by the CA on appeal. "the right to exist and the right to be
prostitution and illegal drug use. free from arbitrary restraint or servi-
The SC declared it unconstitutional tude. The term cannot be dwarfed into
The Short-time admission prohibited rationalizing in part: mere freedom from physical restraint of
under the ordinance means admittance the person of the citizen, but is deemed
and charging of room rate for less than The test of a valid ordinance is well to embrace the right of man to enjoy the
twelve (12) hours at any given time or established. A long line of decisions facilities with which he has been en-
the renting out of rooms more than including City of Manila has held that for dowed by his Creator, subject only to
twice a day or any other term that may an ordinance to be valid, it must not only such restraint as are necessary for the
be concocted by owners or managers of be within the corporate powers of the common welfare. "In accordance with
the establishment. The ordinance local government unit to enact and pass this case, the rights of the citizen to be
imposed the penalty of five thousand according to the procedure prescribed free to use his faculties in all lawful
pesos 5,000.00 pesos or imprisonment by law, it must also conform to the ways; to live and work where he will; to
not exceeding one year. following substantive requirements: (1) earn his livelihood by any lawful calling;
must not contravene the Constitution or
The Malate Tourist and Development and to pursue any avocation are all
Corporation (MTDC) filed a complaint for any statute; (2) must not be unfair or deemed embraced in the concept of lib-
declaratory relief with prayer for a writ oppressive; (3) must not be partial or erty.
discriminatory; (4) must not prohibit but
of preliminary injunction and/or tempo- may regulate trade; (5) must be general The U.S. Supreme Court in the case of
rary restraining order ( TRO)5 with the and consistent with public policy; and (6) Roth v. Board of Regents, sought to
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, must not be unreasonable. clarify the meaning of "liberty." It said:
Branch 9 impleading as defendant,
herein respondent City of Manila (the The Ordinance prohibits two specific and


While the Court has not attempted to define with basis on which his civic obligations are built. He the purpose less intrusive of private rights can
exactness the liberty guaranteed [by the Fifth and cannot abandon the consequences of his isolation, work. More importantly, a reasonable relation must
Fourteenth Amendments], the term denotes not which are, broadly speaking, that his experience is exist between the purposes of the measure and the
merely freedom from bodily restraint but also the private, and the will built out of that experience means employed for its accomplishment, for even
right of the individual to contract, to engage in any personal to himself. If he surrenders his will to under the guise of protecting the public interest,

of the common occupations of life, to acquire use- others, he surrenders himself. If his will is set by personal rights and those pertaining to private
ful knowledge, to marry, establish a home and the will of others, he ceases to be a master of him- property will not be permitted to be arbitrarily
bring up children, to worship God according to the self. I cannot believe that a man no longer a master invaded.

dictates of his own conscience, and generally to of himself is in any real sense free. Lacking a concurrence of these requisites, the
enjoy those privileges long recognized . . . as es- police measure shall be struck down as an arbi-
sential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free We cannot discount other legitimate activities trary intrusion into private rights. The Ordinance
men. In a Constitution for a free people, there can which the Ordinance would proscribe or impair. makes no distinction between places frequented by
be no doubt that the meaning of "liberty" must be There are very legitimate uses for a wash rate or patrons engaged in illicit activities and patrons
broad indeed.67 [Citations omitted] It cannot be renting the room out for more than twice a day. engaged in legitimate actions. Thus it prevents
denied that the primary animus behind the ordi- Entire families are known to choose pass the time legitimate use of places where illicit activities are
nance is the curtailment of sexual behavior. The in a motel or hotel whilst the power is momentarily rare or even unheard of.
out in their homes. In transit passengers who wish
City asserts before this Court that the subject es- to wash up and rest between trips have a legiti- The Court has professed its deep sentiment and
tablishments "have gained notoriety as venue of mate purpose for abbreviated stays in motels or tenderness of the Ermita-Malate area, its longtime
‘prostitution, adultery and fornications’ in Manila hotels. Indeed any person or groups of persons in home, and it is skeptical of those who wish to de-
since they ‘provide the necessary atmosphere for need of comfortable private spaces for a span of a pict our capital city – the Pearl of the Orient – as a
clandestine entry, presence and exit and thus be- few hours with purposes other than having sex or modern-day Sodom or Gomorrah for the Third
came the ‘ideal haven for prostitutes and thrill- using illegal drugs can legitimately look to staying World set. Those still steeped in Nick Joaquin-
seekers.’"68 Whether or not this depiction of a mise in a motel or hotel as a convenient alternative. dreams of the grandeur of Old Manila will have to
-en-scene of vice is accurate, it cannot be denied
that legitimate sexual behavior among willing mar- That the Ordinance prevents the lawful uses of a accept that Manila like all evolving big cities, will
ried or consenting single adults which is constitu- wash rate depriving patrons of a product and the have its problems. Urban decay is a fact of mega
tionally protected69 will be curtailed as well, as it petitioners of lucrative business ties in with anoth- cities such as Manila, and vice is a common prob-
was in the City of Manila case. Our holding therein er constitutional requisite for the legitimacy of the lem confronted by the modern metropolis wherev-
retains significance for our purposes: The concept Ordinance as a police power measure. It must ap- er in the world. The solution to such perceived
of liberty compels respect for the individual whose pear that the interests of the public generally, as decay is not to prevent legitimate businesses from
claim to privacy and interference demands respect. distinguished from those of a particular class, re- offering a legitimate product. Rather, cities revive
As the case of Morfe v. Mutuc, borrowing the words quire an interference with private rights and the themselves by offering incentives for new busi-
of Laski, so very aptly stated: Man is one among means must be reasonably necessary for the ac- nesses to sprout up thus attracting the dynamism
many, obstinately refusing reduction to unity. His complishment of the purpose and not unduly op- of individuals that would bring a new grandeur to
separateness, his isolation, are indefeasible; in- pressive of private rights. It must also be evident Manila.
deed, they are so fundamental that they are the that no other alternative for the accomplishment of



We reiterate that individual rights law, since as explained by
may be adversely affected only to Calabresi, that phrase is more ac-
curately interpreted as meaning
the extent that may fairly be re- that efforts to legislate morality will
quired by the legitimate demands fail if they are widely at variance
with public attitudes about right and
of public interest or public welfare. wrong.80 Our penal laws, for one,
The State is a leviathan that must are founded on age-old moral tradi-
be restrained from needlessly

intruding into the lives of its citi- tions, and as long as there are
zens. However well­-intentioned widely accepted distinctions be-
the Ordinance may be, it is in effect tween right and wrong, they will
an arbitrary and whimsical intrusion remain so oriented. Yet the continu-
into the rights of the establishments ing progression of the human story ADA VI BON PABY P. MINGUA
as well as their patrons. The Ordi- has seen not only the acceptance
nance needlessly restrains the of the right-wrong distinction, but February 19, 2022 - DILG Hired Contact Tracers receive recognition during the
operation of the businesses of the also the advent of fundamental 43rd Founding Anniversary of the Aurora Province at the Provincial Capitol
petitioners as well as restricting the liberties as the key to the enjoy- Grounds, Baler, Aurora, on Saturday, February 19, 2022.
rights of their patrons without suffi- ment of life to the fullest. Our de-
cient justification. The Ordinance mocracy is distinguished from non- The PAGGAWAD NG PARANGAL SA MGA FRONTLINERS SA PAGTUGON NG LALAWIG-
rashly equates wash rates and free societies not with any more AN NG AURORA SA COVID-19 PANDEMIC is a tribute to all frontliners in the province
renting out a room more than twice extensive elaboration on our part of that includes the DILG hired contact tracers that served the province in the pandemic
a day with immorality without ac- what is moral and immoral, but from response since 2020.
commodating innocuous intentions. our recognition that the individual
The promotion of public welfare and liberty to make the choices in our The said recognition was presented during the celebration of 43rd Aurora Day celebra-
a sense of morality among citizens lives is innate, and protected by the tion with the theme: "Ganito sa Aurora Ngayon: Patuloy na Matatag sa Gitna ng mga
deserves the full endorsement of State. Independent and fair-minded Hamon".
the judiciary provided that such judges themselves are under a
measures do not trample rights this moral duty to uphold the Constitu- Mr.Benjamin Quezon Avancena, expressed his commemoration to her late mother, Nini
Court is sworn to protect. The no- tion as the embodiment of the rule Quezon Avancena, daughter of late Pres. Manuel Quezon and Dona Aurora Aragon Que-
tion that the promotion of public of law, by reason of their expres- zon, who selflessly advocates programs for human rights during Marcos regime.
morality is a function of the State is sion of consent to do so when they
as old as Aristotle. The advance- take the oath of office, and because The recognition was handed by Governor Gerardo A. Noveras, together with the 14th
ment of moral relativism as a they are entrusted by the people to Sangguniang Panlalawigan, to LGOO VI Mary Joyce T. Bautista, DILG Aurora Program
school of philosophy does not de- uphold the law.81 Manager and was awarded to Mr. Christopher Sanchez, Provincial Contact Tracing
legitimize the role of morality in law, Coordinator.
even if it may foster wider debate Even as the implementation of
CT Sanchez, representing the Contact Tracers of the DILG received a plaque and cash
on which particular behavior to moral norms remains an indispen- incentives from the Provincial Government of Aurora.
penalize. It is conceivable that a sable complement to governance,
society with relatively little shared The activity was participated and witnessed by Senator Sherwin Gatchalian, Former
morality among its citizens could be that prerogative is hardly absolute, DPWH Secretary Mark Villar, Former Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo, Con-
functional so long as the pursuit of especially in the face of the norms gressman Rommel Teh Angara, Municipal Mayors, and honourable guests.
sharply variant moral perspectives of due process of liberty. And while
yields an adequate accommodation the tension may often be left to the

of different interests. courts to relieve, it is possible for

To be candid about it, the oft- the government to avoid the consti-
quoted American maxim that "you tutional conflict by employing more

cannot legislate morality" is ulti- judicious, less drastic means to
mately illegitimate as a matter of promote morality.

DRILL ON MARCH 10, 2022.

During the earthquake drill, headed by Provincial Director, Atty.
Ofelio A. Tactac, Jr. CESO V, all DILG Aurora personnel who were on
duty immediately executed "Duck, Cover, and Hold," and then went
out of the provincial office building to a safe open area for
headcount and debriefing.

This quarterly program is one of many preparedness initiatives un-
derway around the country in the hopes of making communities
more resilient in the event of an earthquake or other natural

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ATTY. OFELIO A. TACTAC JR., CESO V Supervising Editors Contributors

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PEO I Sheen Myriane S. Caruluan

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