Caesar's The Fatal
Case Report
Ancient Rome
Decius vs. Inspired
Calpurnia Fashion
Julius Caesar
Was Brutus
Table of Contents
Caesar's Case Report Page 1
Julius Caesar Quiz Page2
Decius vs. Calpurnia Page 3 - 5
Pork-fil-A Page 6
Was Brutus Wrong? Page 7
Red Queen Page 8
The Fatal Mistake Page 9 - 11
Top 10 Music Page 10
Ancient Rome Inspired Fashion Page 11 - 14
Toga for Cheap Page 15
Caligae Shoes Page 16 - Page 18
Interview with Portia Page 19
Julius Caesar Crossword Page 20
Caesar 's Caesar certainly had earned many
Case r epor t rewards, all of which lead to his death by
the group of suspected senators. Caesar
By Kuhuk Pandya, March started with the little things, and slowly
25th 2017 gained power, power which threatened
the authority of Rome. He successfully
eliminated the tax system, extended
roman citizenship, reconstituted the
courts, and even reformed the Roman
system based calendar.
Late afternoon on the Ides of March, a true As Caesar increased the number of
catastrophe transpired in the city theater. In a senators that favored him, it greatly
meeting of the senate, the adored roman discontented the senators which was a
dictator, Julius Caesar was violently killed. He major reason behind the scheme along
was stabbed to death by who some say were with his total control over the Roman
other senate members. The Roman national Army. Caesar had turned into a major
security have not released a lot of information Roman idol and that is why the news of
but they do say that they are holding Marcus, his death shocked all the citizens the
Junius, Gaius, Titanius , Lucius and other nation and nearby. Caesar was given the
senators on account that a witness had seen status of a very powerful idol and people
the murdering group of Caesar right before his worshipped him in some cases. He was
d eat h . thought of as being ceaseless.
As minute details of the tragedy filled case This tragedy has caused people to
disclose, the secrets of conspiracy and the question Rome?s prestige because its
plans behind the murder are slowly clarifying. power lay dead and Caesar 's blood lay
Apparently the senators were afraid that on the hands of its own Roman citizens
Caesar would gain complete authority since
they belied that Caesar had become Stay tuned as more information about this
completely power hungry and world do mysterious unfolds. We will have constant
anything to gain power of the nation. His updates in our daily edition.
renovation of the roman ideals caused a bit of
distress at the house of senators.
MARCH 27, 2017 Lambert High School
1. Who committed suicide by swallowing hot coal?
A. Julius Caesar
B. Brutus
C. Calpurnia
D. Portia
2. How many times was Julius Caesar stabbed when he was killed?
A. 3
B. 15
C. 23
D. 1
3. Who dies by running into their own sword at the end of the story?
A. Decius
B. Brutus
C. Mark Antony
D. Cassius
4. Who sees Julius' ghost during battle near the end of the story?
A. Brutus
B. Cassius
C. Octavius
D.Mark Antony
An sw er s
1. D / Portia
2. C / 23
3. B / Brutus
4. A / Brutus
Decius vs. ?Caesar, I never stood on ceremonies,
Cal p u r n ia:
Yet now they fright me. There is one within,
Besides the things that we have heard and
Recounts most horrid sights seen by the
w at ch .
Co m p ar ing A lioness hath whelpèd in the streets,
Sp e e c h e s
And graves have yawned and yielded up
their dead.
Fierce fiery warriors fought upon the
____________________________________________________ In ranks and squadrons and right form of
w ar ,
By Ver a Kee M ar ch 21, 2017 Which drizzled blood upon the Capitol.
The noise of battle hurtled in the air.
?Bu t if t h ou gh t cor r u pt s lan gu age, lan gu age Horses did neigh, and dying men did groan,
can also cor r u pt t h ou gh t .? And ghosts did shriek and squeal about the
? Geor ge Or w ell, 1984 st r eet s.
The power of words is so much greater than we O Caesar! These things are beyond all use,
can ever imagine. Words can change one?s
thought within seconds, and this can be shown And I do fear them...
when Decius won over Caesar through his
interpretation of Calpurnia?s dream. The night Alas, my lord,
before March 15, Calpurnia thwarted Caesar and
begged him not to leave for the Capitol because Your wisdom is consumed in confidence.
she had terrible dreams and believed that the
omen is foretelling the doom. She dream that Do not go forth today. Call it my fear
people smiling, washing their hands in the blood
that flows from the holes on Julius Caesar ?s That keeps you in the house, and not your
statue. Calpurnia?s appeal was mostly emotional own.
as she used her relationship with Caesar to talk
him to stay. We?ll send Mark Antony to the senate
And he shall say you are not well
today.(kneels) Let me, upon my knee,
prevail in this?(Act 2 Scene 2).
Julius Caesar listened to his wife at first? tend to choose things that will benefit
However, Decius then came along and gave them more and ended up failing and
another version of the dream interpretation losing more. In the movie trailer of
and successfully persuaded Caesar with his Captain America: Civil War, two Marvel
cunning oral skills: superheroes: Iron Man and Captain
America are on opposite sides when
?This dream has been interpreted all wrong. world governments try to regulate
superheroes. While Captain America
It was a good and lucky vision. resists, Iron Man becomes an
advocate.The silly decisions that Captain
Your statue spouting blood through many America and Iron Man made: choosing to
holes, be againsting each other brought a civil
war among the heroes. Like what
in which many smiling Romans bathed, Calpurnia said, Caesar ?s ?wisdom was
consumed by in confidence?(Act 2 Scene
means that you?ll provide great Rome with 2). Oh how Caesar had also chosen the
sustaining blood, wrong side that costs him even a greater
prize - his own life.
and that great men will strive to get some
token of approval
from your holy blood. This is what
Calpurnia?s dream means...
The senate has decided to give mighty
Caesar a crown today...
Pardon me, Caesar. For my dear, dear love
To your proceeding bids me tell you this,
And reason to my love is liable?(Act 2 Scene
Who wouldn?t be flattered by the fact that
he/she is favored by the people. Imagine
yourself being famous and in the spotlight.
No feelings can beat that! The pride and
confidence were so great that Caesar chose
to listen to Decius instead of Calpurnia,
which indicate his desire for more power and
glory. How ironic that many times people
Was Br ut us Brutus is proud of his reputation for honor
and nobleness, but he is not always
r ight ? practical, and is often naive. He was
committed to fashioning his behavior to fit a
By Kuhuk Pandya , March 26th 2017 strict moral and ethical code, but he took
actions that were unconsciously
Have people now become very selfish? hypocritical. According to reporters and
Is today?s generation willing to lose other sources, Brutus attempted to justify
friendship to gain power? Is power all the assassination of Caesar. He cannot
that dictates the running world? Or do justify, to his own gratification, the murder
relations take a higher status? of a man who was a friend and who did not
unduly misuse the powers of his office.
If you ever had thoughts like these after Consequently, thinking of the assassination
the recent incident, you are on the right in terms of a quasi-religious ritual instead of
page! Recently, Julius Caesar was cold-blooded murder makes it more
stabbed brutally by his best friend, acceptable to him and the nation.
Brutus, and a group of his senators. The
news has been bursting with all sorts of It has also been reported that Brutus and
questions and assumptions. But the one Cassius have been missing for the past few
question that has truly engaged days, more information will be provided in the
everyone nationwide is why Brutus following magazine series based on when the
would want to murder his best friend National Department of security tracks them.
just because he believed that his friend Humanity may have changed and become a lot
was power hungry. Was murdering the less considerate, but we, the citizens of this
only solution he had? world must still save place for hope in our
hearts and stand together for this nation and a
good cause.
JUNE 2019
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Th e Fat al M ist ak e
By Ver a Kee M ar ch 24, 2017
The poet just happened to be also called Cinna. What did he do wrong? The mob that
were moved by Mark Antony?s Speech at Julius Caesar ?s funeral were started the killing
of the conspirators who were responsible for the death of their deceased Caesar. They
had a list of names - which included Cinna the Conspirator - and killed whoever is on
that list. The horror across Cinna the poet became clear once her understood that
these men had come to kill him, recalled one of the witnesses. No matter how many
times he pleaded and explained, the mob were just so worked up that they killed Cinna
the poet anyway since he was a bad poet and he had the same name as Cinna the
Co n sp ir at o r .
Tr u ly, m y n am e is Cin n a.
Fir st Cit izen
Tear h im t o pieces; h e's a con spir at or .
I am Cin n a t h e poet , I am Cin n a t h e poet .
Fou r t h Cit izen Wh o w as Cin n a t h e
Con spir at or ?
Tear h im f or h is bad ver ses, t ear h im He was the one who
f or h is bad ver ses. helped Cassius to
scheme to persuade
CINNA THE POET Brutus to join the
I am n ot Cin n a t h e con spir at or .
Wh o w as Cin n a t h e
Fou r t h Cit izen Poet ?
This poor guy was just a
It is n o m at t er , h is n am e's Cin n a; plu ck roman poet who who
but his was attending the
funeral of Caesar !
nam e out of his heart , and t urn him
go i n g.
Th ir d Cit izen
Tear h im , t ear h im ! Com e, br an ds h o!
f ir e-br an ds:
t o Br u t u s', t o Cassiu s'; bu r n all: som e
t o Deciu s'
h ou se, an d som e t o Casca's; som e t o
Ligar iu s': aw ay, go!? (Act 3 Scen e 3).
About a year ago, a very similar case " Investigators say Joseph Rosebrook
happened. A man was hired to kill a man hired Chad South in 2006 to kill a man
called Daniel Ott for his testimony against named Daniel Ott for his willingness to
Rosebrook a murderer. However, the testify against Rosebrook, which forced
man assassinated the wrong man with Rosebrook to plead guilty to a conspiracy
the right name. A innocent soul was charge." From Fox News
sacrificed because the killer mistaken him
as the intended target. These two
incidents all showed the ignorant attitude
that people have toward one?s identity.
They assumed name is who that person
is. Name does give one identity but do
not define one?s identity.
TRENDING MUSIC Jon's crowds have skyrocketed after he
started to play the organ. His latest
Utilize our top 10 guide to the most popular music performed by piece, Name of Honor, is energetic and
fellow Romans. catchy.
By Abhideep Budda 6. The Die is Cast- Pompey Sheeran
In a time of political unrest, music offers Romans a sense of stability and Sheeran's latest hit is a slow song
comfort amid the turmoil. Cutting-edge additions to instrument families are played on the lute. Upper classes enjoy
quickly adopted among the musician community. Trending music is flooding its soothing tone.
roads creating authentic Roman culture.
5. Nature and Glory- Lil Servilus
10. Et tu- by Publius West and extensive experience contributes to
his success. Nature and Glory is a song played on
Critics and commoners adore West's the cithara, a string instrument. Servilus
new, unorthodox melody on his beloved 8. Pale and Hungry- by Portia Knowles desires to diffuse optimism in the
Aulos. Growing up as a peasant, he empire with his music.
overcame poverty after performing Portia has overcome gender barriers
music. Et tu is a fast piece favored by with her latest hit, Pale and Hungry. 4. Cowards Die- by Cinna the Rapper
people of the lower classes aspiring for Around various locations in Rome,
a better life. Portia plays her melody with different Cinna's use of the Aulos and
percussion instruments such as rattles, captivating lyrics makes this song a
9. Veni, Vidi, Vici- by Kodak Antony bells, and tambourines. She vows to favorite among Romans.
offer an authentic experience on every
Romans have despised lyres, but Kodak show. 3. Experience- by Cato the Older
has shed popularity on this
underestimated instrument because of 7. Name of Honor- by Jon Bon Experience's tune is rapid yet maintains
this song's popularity. His fluid tune Longinus the graceful sound of the lute.
2. Friends, Romans, Countrymen- by
The Triumvirate
This song has been a fan favorite
because of the band's use of rattles.
1. Beware the Ides of March- by The
Black Eyed Romans
At number one on our list, Beware the
Ides of March does not disappoint with
all three band members playing the lute.
Ancient Rome Inspired
Fashion Top 10 Trends - Male
1. Toga Picta: A Special all purple toga embroidered with gold
thread worn by Julius Caesar
2. Toga Candida: Artificially whitened toga for political officials
3.Tunic Angusticlavius: Thinner broad of color for Magistrates
4. Tunica Laticlavia: Thicker strips of color for senators
5. Toga Praetexta: An off-white toga with a broad purple border
6. Belt would be worn around the waist of tunica
7. Toga Virilis: Plain unadorned toga in off white color
8. Toga pulla: Dark toga for mourning times
9. Lacerna: Covering cloak
10. Leather shoes dyed to reflect position and status
Calcelus: Sandal like shoe strapped
to the foot for internal support
Soleae: Full shoe completely
enclosing the foot
Caliage: Wooden sole studded with
Perones: High shoes of raw hide
reaching up
Calcei Lunati: Ivory buckles
Fashion Top 10 Trends -
1. Long silk tunics: Rich women
2. Crocota: Saffron robe worn by
women during ceremonies to
3. Ankle-length tunics: Desired
for a modest yet modern look
4. Stola: Full length from neck to
ankle for married Women
5. Palla: Large long shawl usually
in wool
6. Pearl: Accents
7. Parasols: Umbrella
8. Two piece Stola: Modern way
of stolas in the market
9. Peplos: Fibula and fold a way
to cover the shoulders
10. Chiton with various ruffles
and usually had a metal brooch
DOs Hairpins
Dyed hair
done hair
A Bulla’s Child
NO hats: Big no for
women especially
NO long nails: Cut
your nails
NO showing full
arm: Modesty the
best policy ladies
NO perfume: “The
right scent for a
women is none at
We had a chance t o sit dow n and chat w it h Por t ia Cat onis, t he
devot ed w ife of M ar cus Br ut us'.
I N TERVI EWER: Why did you st and up t o Br ut us w hen he r efused t o
confide in you?
PORTI A: Well, I am his w ife. I believe t hat m ar r ied couples shouldn't
keep secr et s. I felt excluded fr om his life, and I needed t o find out
w hat w as bot her ing him . I f I am good enough t o be Br ut us' w ife, I am
good enough t o know his secr et s.
I N TERVI EWER: What do you believe a healt hy m ar r iage should be
l i k e?
PORTI A: I t hink t hat honest y and t r ust ar e t he m ost im por t ant aspect s
in a m ar r iage. The husband and w ife should be involved in each
ot her s lives, and be able t o t ell each ot her anyt hing.
I N TERVI EWER: Why did you st ab your ow n t high?
PORTI A: I needed t o pr ove t o Br ut us t hat I could be t r ust ed. I w ant ed
him t o believe t hat I could keep his secr et s....and t hat I w ouldn't t ell
anyone. I didn't w ant him t o see m e as just a "w eak w om en". I needed
him t o see t hat w e w er e equals and t hat I w ould under st and any of his
pr oblem s. I w ounded m yself t o show m y physical st r engt h and
t her efor e m y abilit y t o handle his secr et s.
I N TERVI EWER: H ow do you t hink m ost people view w om en?
PORTI A: I r ecognize t hat m ost people view w om en as w eak , but I am
differ ent fr om ot her w om en. M y fat her and m y husband ar e bot h
st r ong m en, so t hat is evidence of m y st r engt h.
I N TERVI EWER: Alr ight , I believe t hat 's all t he t im e w e have. Thank
you so m uch for answ er ing t hese quest ions!
PORTI A: N o pr oblem ! Thank you for having m e!
U nfor t unat ely Por t ia com m it t ed suicide a few days aft er t his
int er view. I t is believed t hat she sw allow ed bur ning coals t o show her
st r engt h, even in her deat h.