Target: Vampire Spawn Target: Wraith
Request: Vampire Spawn Heart Request: Wraith Energy
Requester Name: Morthos Requester Name: Lawrence Ichelm
Race: Tiefling Race: Human
Suggested Locations: General Suggested Locations: General
Description: “Vampire spawn generally don’t deserve their Description: “Wraith energy is something that I haven’t
fates, having been enslaved by darker forces than them. experimented with yet. It possesses very strong
Although their deaths are a tragedy, they can be used to necromantic energy and I feel there’s great potential to
save others. Bring me their hearts and I can craft it into an make something…interesting. I’m going to need someone to
instrument for detecting the vampire that enslaved them, go out and get the energy for me first of course, I can’t take
and hopefully help in bringing down the foul creature.” the time to leave my lair, I mean, house.”
Reward: 150 gp Reward: 130 gp
Target: Water Elemental Target: Xorn
Request: Mote of Water Request: Xorn Eye x3
Requester Name: Lidda Littlelid Requester Name: Alberich Deepdelver
Race: Halfling Race: Dwarf
Suggested Locations: Cave, Coast Suggested Locations: Cave, Mountain
Description: “I’m interested in the properties of Description: “As proud as I am of the dwarven race for
elementals and how they can be used in changing the their treasure finding abilities, there’s no denying that the
nature of some of my potions. To that end, I need some xorn have us beat on that front hands down. That said,
samples of them to do some research. I’d go out and find there’s no stopping me from getting my hands on their eyes
some myself, but I’ve started a potion that needs to be on and making their talents my own.”
the boil for several months and I need to keep my eye on it. Reward: 90 gp
I’d happily pay a premium if you could go out and get me Target: Young Remorhaz
what I need.” Request: Remorhaz Antenna x2
Reward: 150 gp Requester Name: Cedric Kunsgnos
Target: Werebear Race: Human
Request: Lycanthrope Blood (vial) Suggested Locations: Arctic
Requester Name: Shevarra Dyenina Description: “My enemies are everywhere; I just know it. I
Race: Human can’t prove that they have ways of getting through my alarm
Suggested Locations: General spells and traps, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. What I
Description: “Lycanthropy is a terrible affliction; and those want is a more organic approach to security, the antennae
who are cursed by it should be cared for, not cast out. I run of a remorhaz should do. Those things will let me know if
a home that any lycan is free to come to and stay while they anything is scurrying about trying to get me in my sleep.”
turn their lives around. To help them, I brew up copious Reward: 75 gp
amounts of moon muzzle mixture, but supply is always Target: Yuan-ti Pit Master
limited since the blood required to make it must be Request: Yuan-ti Blood (vial)
donated by an already deceased lycan. If you are ever Requester Name: Lidda Littlelid
forced to kill one, please bring me their blood so that their Race: Halfling
death may help save the life of another.” Suggested Locations: Swamp
Reward: 15 gp Description: “One of my basic services is to make a potion
Target: Wood Woad for adventurers that will protect them from the various
Request: Wood Woad Seed poisons out there in the world. Unfortunately, I’ve gotten so
Requester Name: Morris Gleazleby many orders recently that I’m having trouble keeping up
Race: Human with demand. While there are a lot of different bases that
Suggested Locations: Forest can be used to craft the potion, one of the more common
Description: “I have spent the better part of a decade ones is yuan-ti blood. If you get me some, I’ll gladly pay you
growing the greatest garden in the land (or at least my a decent price for it.”
servants have). The soaring trees and bountiful flowers are Reward: 3 gp
beautiful enough to attract starry-eyed visitors…and jealous
vandals. I need something to protect my work, and
thankfully, I overheard a passing adventurer speak of a
wood woad in the nearby forest that I’m sure wouldn’t mind
‘donating’ his seed to place a protective enchantment over
my garden. It’s for the greater good, I assure you.”
Reward: 375 gp
CR 6 Target: Cyclops
Request: Cyclops Heart
Target: Annis Hag Requester Name: Krusk Giantsbane
Request: Hag Eyeball Race: Half-Orc
Requester Name: Shanairra Liadon Suggested Locations: General
Race: Elf Description: “You wouldn’t be able to tell now, but in his
Suggested Locations: Forest, Swamp prime years, my father was the greatest giant hunter in our
Description: “The threat posed by hags has gone on for far clan. He could break a giant’s neck with one swing of his
too long. I am studying a way to put an end to their vile race mighty fist and send them scurrying with his terrible roar.
once and for all, and I believe that the key lies in their He doesn’t have long left to live now though, and I want to
infamous eyes. With the way they are connected to them, I give him something to remind him of his glory days. I’d go
believe they may be used as a method to find, hunt, and get it myself, but I can’t leave his bedside for a moment.”
destroy them easily. I will need more samples to Reward: 40 gp
experiment with first though.” Target: Drider
Reward: 75 gp Request: Drider Oil (vial)
Target: Bodak Requester Name: Artin Rummanheim
Request: Bodak Eye x2 Race: Dwarf
Requester Name: Theodoric Evantur Suggested Locations: Cave
Race: Human Description: “The men and me are going venturing deep
Suggested Locations: Cave, Swamp underground soon on a scouting mission. We’ve heard
Description: “As a judge, it is my duty to determine the rumours that some drow have set up close by and want to
guilt of the criminals that come before me and sentence keep an eye out. Of course, where there’s drow, there’s
them accordingly. Of course, even with magic this can be spiders; and where there’s spiders, there’s webs. Some
difficult; some criminals are crafty enough to talk their way drider oil ought to keep us safe in the worst parts of it
through a zone of truth spell. I want something a bit though, so I’d like to stock up before we head out.”
stronger, something powered by…something stronger. The Reward: 6 gp
eyes of a bodak can see into one’s soul and find the Target: Galeb-Duhr
darkness that lives there. If I had those, I would be able to Request: Galeb-Duhr Core
judge a man without a doubt, and justice would always be Requester Name: Riardon Dalanthan
served.” Race: Elf
Reward: 200 gp Suggested Locations: Cave, Mountain
Target: Chasme Description: “I’m in need of a new guardian over a fey
Request: Chasme Proboscis circle I have identified nearby. As far as I am concerned, I
Requester Name: Kallista Nolioski could do no better than creating a galeb-duhr for the job. If
Race: Tiefling you happen upon a core, sell it to me so I can restore it and
Suggested Locations: General use it for a new duty.”
Description: “I’m doing some research into the cults of my Reward: 173 gp
local area and have heard that they use the proboscis of a
chasme in their ceremonies. Specifically, they use them to
drain a victim of their blood so they may use it later in their
fiendish rituals. I want to have a sample of a proboscis for
my research, to better understand the cults and their
Reward: 60 gp
Target: Chimera
Request: Chimera Goat Head, Chimera Lion Head, and a
Chimera Dragon Head
Requester Name: Westra Greycastle
Race: Human
Suggested Locations: Mountain
Description: “I was an adventurer in my youth. Had a good
run of slaying monsters and saving (very appreciative)
princesses. One of the first monsters that I killed was a
chimera, but in my excitement, I had neglected to take a
trophy. My slaying days may be far behind me, but I would
love for a small reminder of them, and finally getting that
trophy would fill me with no small amount of satisfaction.”
Reward: 325 gp
Target: Gauth Target: Medusa
Request: Gauth Main Eye Request: Medusa Heart
Requester Name: Nybarg Swifthand Requester Name: Makaria
Race: Half-Orc Race: Tiefling
Suggested Locations: Cave, Urban Suggested Locations: Cave
Description: “I’m a bounty hunter by trade. I enjoy it quite Description: “That damn Rieta will not stop making fun of
a bit, but problem is that I’m having trouble bringing my me for the size of my nose, that is when she’s not staring at
targets in alive. It’s not because I brutalise them or herself in the mirror. Well, if she wants to gaze at her own
anything, it’s just that they always run, and it’s hard enough reflection all day, I’ll give her a little magical help. A
to aim at a moving target, let alone aim for anything non- medusa heart should cut it, and by “it” I mean her ego.”
vital. If I get something that can help me slow them down Reward: 75 gp
or stop them completely then I’d gladly pay for that. The Target: Mouth of Grolantor
bonus I’d get in live bounty rewards would easily make up Request: Hill Giant Fingernail
for what I pay.” Requester Name: Sutha
Reward: 173 gp Race: Half-Orc
Target: Githzerai Zerth Suggested Locations: Cave, Forest, Grassland, Mountain
Request: Githzerai Brain Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something
Requester Name: Barakas very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if
Race: Tiefling I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The
Suggested Locations: General fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy
Description: “I am fascinated by the case of the githzerai. that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will
A race of people with psionic abilities, their brains are take any that you have and make their strength my own.”
unlike any other humanoids. I would very much like to Reward: 45 gp
study them and perhaps find a way to grant the rest of us Target: Vrock
similar powers.” Request: Vrock Vocal Cords
Reward: 15 gp Requester Name: Quarion Candlebrook
Target: Hobgoblin Warlord Race: Gnome
Request: Hobgoblin War Braid Suggested Locations: General
Requester Name: Evendur Dundragon Description: “I have a marvellous idea for a prank on my
Race: Human house guests, I’m going to set a demonic music box on a
Suggested Locations: General timer under their bed to play while they sleep. No doubt
Description: “The hobgoblins in this are a bit more they’ll find it to be the most whimsical joke of the season,
focused and organised than the average wandering party, but I’ll need some vrock vocal cords to craft the box in the
which is a nightmare for an overworked town guard (me). first place.”
They must have a warlord leading them. I’ll pay a bounty if Reward: 60 gp
you can track them down and bring back the proof.” Target: Wyvern
Reward: 2 gp Request: Wyvern Poison (vial)
Target: Invisible Stalker Requester Name: Umbero Falone
Request: Mote of Air Race: Human
Requester Name: Lidda Littlelid Suggested Locations: Mountain
Race: Halfling Description: “Wyvern poison is the standard poison
Suggested Locations: General among our thieves and assassins and so we never have
Description: “I’m interested in the properties of quite enough of it. Get some for us and be discreet about it,
elementals and how they can be used in changing the and you’ll find a fat pouch of coin in your future.”
nature of some of my potions. To that end, I need some Reward: 900 gp
samples of them to do some research. I’d go out and find Target: Young Dragon
some myself, but I’ve started a potion that needs to be on Request: Young Dragon Scales (large bag)
the boil for several months and I need to keep my eye on it. Requester Name: Feng
I’d happily pay a premium if you could go out and get me Race: Half-Orc
what I need.” Suggested Locations: General
Reward: 150 gp Description: “There is an armour that I covet, one made
Target: Kuo-toa Archpriest from the scales of a dragon. I have searched and hunted for
Request: Kuo-Toa Archpriest Brain a dragon strong enough to give me the type of armour I
Requester Name: Barakas want for years but to no avail. Although I would prefer to
Race: Tiefling get the scales myself, I am not above paying someone else,
Suggested Locations: Coast should they come into their possession.”
Description: “The kuo-toa are another fascinating result of Reward: 2,500 gp
illithid experimentation. Their brains are so chaotic yet so
powerful. I want some samples to study, perhaps I can
figure out how they work and add some method to their
Reward: 2 gp
CR 7 Target: Grick Alpha
Request: Grick Pearl
Target: Bheur Hag Requester Name: Dimble Raulnor
Request: Hag Eyeball Race: Gnome
Requester Name: Shanairra Liadon Suggested Locations: Cave
Race: Elf Description: “There’s a pearl I’ve been hunting down for a
Suggested Locations: Arctic, Forest, Mountain while now. It only grows in the stomachs of long-lived
Description: “The threat posed by hags has gone on for far gricks, but it has a unique lustre that can’t be matched by
too long. I am studying a way to put an end to their vile race anything else. For too long that shelf in my jeweller’s store
once and for all, and I believe that the key lies in their has been bare, I will pay a good premium to anyone able to
infamous eyes. With the way they are connected to them, I help me fill it.”
believe they may be used as a method to find, hunt, and Reward: 280 gp
destroy them easily. I will need more samples to Target: Korred
experiment with first though.” Request: Korred Scalp
Reward: 75 gp Requester Name: Lorilla Nackle
Target: Blue Slaad Race: Gnome
Request: Slaad Slime (vial) Suggested Locations: Cave, Forest, Grassland, Mountain
Requester Name: Rhogar of the Fenkenkabradon clan Description: “I’ve been commissioned by a wealthy patron
Race: Dragonborn with a big purse. She wants something elegant to wear, but
Suggested Locations: Cave, Swamp she’s also got a paranoid side, so she wants it to be a
Description: “Although it is a relatively rare occurrence, functional set of armour as well (I guess in case she gets
being infested with a slaad egg is a horrible affliction that I attacked at one of her fancy balls). Anyway, the only way I
would not wish on anyone. The problem is that some of our see this working is if I can find “threads” of metal, and the
warriors can engage in a fight with a slaad and not realise only way I can figure out how to do that is by using the
they’ve been infected until it is far too late. To remedy this, I hairs of a korred. I’ll need a lot of it, so if you can bring me
want to invent a vaccine against these infections, and to do any uncut korred scalps you find, I’ll pay you well for it.”
this, I need to study slaad biology a little more closely. Reward: 250 gp
Slaad slime would be a good start since they use it to Target: Mind Flayer
protect their bodies; perhaps some reverse engineering can Request: Mind Flayer Mucus (vial)
make a potion that causes the imbiber to produce antigens Requester Name: Barakas
that kill eggs as soon as they’re implanted.” Race: Tiefling
Reward: 1 gp Suggested Locations: Cave
Target: Draegloth Description: “There is so much to learn from the elusive
Request: Draegloth Claw illithids, but I will endeavour to start small in studying
Requester Name: Xanaris Aleaneal them. Their mucus contains enzymes from the brains they
Race: Elf (Drow) consume, and so it displays certain qualities that are
Suggested Locations: Cave fascinating to a researcher like me. Bring me back some of
Description: “I do not have any shame in saying this: I these samples and there will no doubt be more work for
have been exiled from my home. The reason I am so calm you in the future.”
about this, is because I know that soon I will have my Reward: 15 gp
revenge. I was exiled for a crime that I did not commit, and
I fully intend on destroying those that were complicit in my
downfall. But of course, revenge is nothing without a little
theatrics, and in my culture, sending a draegloth claw to
one’s enemies is a grave sign of warning. I have admittedly
had some trouble in finding a draegloth however, so if you
can find one for me and cut off one of its claws for me, I
will pay you fairly for the trouble.”
Reward: 17 gp
Target: Drow Mage
Request: Drow Heart
Requester Name: Riskel Firestrider
Race: Elf
Suggested Locations: Cave
Description: “The highest members of drow society are
known to have blessings of Lolth that they carry in their
hearts. The best thing is, these hearts can be used by
anyone once removed from their bodies. What better way
to eradicate the drow, than to use their goddess and the
organs of their fallen comrades against them?”
Reward: 45 gp
Target: Oni Target: Cloaker
Request: Oni Heart Request: Cloaker Hide
Requester Name: Engong Requester Name: Nekane
Race: Half-Orc Race: Tiefling
Suggested Locations: Cave, Forest, Mountain Suggested Locations: Cave
Description: “The heart of an oni possesses powerful dark Description: “A certain client has asked for something to
magic in it; magic that can grant strength to any that wield aid their…night-time activities. To that end, I am in need of a
it. I only need such power for a little while, to enact a much- cloaker hide so I may fashion something for them. I am
delayed justice. After that, I swear I will put the heart away willing to pay a premium to anyone able to provide one and
and never use it again.” be discreet about it.”
Reward: 750 gp Reward: 750 gp
Target: Shield Guardian Target: Drow Priestess of Lolth
Request: Shield Guardian Breastplate Request: Drow Heart
Requester Name: Giasces Clario Requester Name: Riskel Firestrider
Race: Human Race: Elf
Suggested Locations: General Suggested Locations: Cave
Description: “As a merchant that has found himself quickly Description: “The highest members of drow society are
moving up in the world, I am in sore need of extra known to have blessings of Lolth that they carry in their
protection. I was thinking of investing in a good solid shield hearts. The best thing is, these hearts can be used by
guardian, but it is next to impossible to find a golem-crafter anyone once removed from their bodies. What better way
with an open commission spot. Instead, I’ll have to turn to to eradicate the drow, than to use their goddess and the
the next best thing: a mercenary outfitted with the armour organs of their fallen comrades against them?”
of the guardian. If you manage to destroy someone else’s Reward: 45 gp
shield guardian, make sure to bring me its breastplate so I Target: Fomorian
can outfit my bodyguard with what they need to protect my Request: Fomorian Eye
life.” Requester Name: Quorian Candlebrook
Reward: 75 gp Race: Gnome
Target: Stone Giant Suggested Locations: Cave, Mountain
Request: Stone Giant Fingernail Description: “I have thought of the best prank ever. There’s
Requester Name: Sutha a lady in my circle of friends who is OBSSESSED with her
Race: Half-Orc looks. She spends hours every day in front of the mirror,
Suggested Locations: Cave, Mountain preening and primping. I want to use a fomorian eye to
Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something curse her for a little bit with the deformed features they’re
very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if famous for. It’s only temporary of course, and I’m sure she’ll
I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The laugh about it after.”
fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy Reward: 375 gp
that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will Target: Frost Giant
take any that you have and make their strength my own.” Request: Frost Giant Fingernail
Reward: 203 gp Requester Name: Sutha
Target: Yuan-ti Abomination Race: Half-Orc
Request: Serpent Touched Heart Suggested Locations: Arctic, Mountain
Requester Name: Jhank Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something
Race: Lizardfolk very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if
Suggested Locations: Swamp I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The
Description: “There are large lizards in jungles. Large fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy
lizards have magic in their hearts that can make you that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will
stronger by eating it. Jhank wants to eat that heart, so take any that you have and make their strength my own.”
Jhank can be stronger.” Reward: 203 gp
Reward: 4,500 gp Target: Githyanki Knight
CR 8 Request: Githyanki Brain
Requester Name: Barakas
Target: Chain Devil Race: Tiefling
Request: Chain Devil Eye x2 Suggested Locations: General
Requester Name: Quarion Candlebrook Description: “I am fascinated by the case of the githyanki.
Race: Gnome A race of people with psionic abilities, their brains are
Suggested Locations: General unlike any other humanoids. I would very much like to
Description: “I have a masquerade party coming up soon study them and perhaps find a way to grant the rest of us
and I’ve thought of the best costume. It’s a devilish piece, similar powers.”
topped off with a mask made from the eyes of a chain devil. Reward: 15 gp
Imagine the shrieks of terror (and fun) from the other
Reward: 300 gp
Target: Glabrezu Target: Hydra
Request: Glabrezu Pincer Request: Hydra Blood (vial)
Requester Name: Eberk Steelfist Requester Name: Shava Siannodel
Race: Dwarf Race: Elf
Suggested Locations: General Suggested Locations: General
Description: “I’ve started working with a particular sample Description: “I am running low on alchemy supplies,
of iron that can only be forged in extremely high which causes me to worry about the wellbeing of the town
temperatures. Unfortunately, such flames also end up that I tend to as healer. If I could get any medicinal
melting my tools, so I first need to make some tools that supplies, I would happily pay out of my own savings for
can stand the heat. Glabrezu pincers should do pretty well, them. Hydra blood is extremely potent and doesn’t even
they’re probably the most economical option, at least.” need to be brewed into a full healing potion for it to act as
Reward: 225 gp medicine. Having some of that would make a big difference
Target: Green Slaad in my ability to help the town.”
Request: Slaad Slime (vial) Reward: 10 gp
Requester Name: Rhogar of the Fenkenkabradon clan Target: Shoosuva
Race: Dragonborn Request: Shoosuva Fur (small pouch)
Suggested Locations: Cave, Swamp Requester Name: Fildo Hogcollar
Description: “Although it is a relatively rare occurrence, Race: Halfling
being infested with a slaad egg is a horrible affliction that I Suggested Locations: General
would not wish on anyone. The problem is that some of our Description: “So there’s this underground fighting pit
warriors can engage in a fight with a slaad and not realise nearby, and to be honest, I really don’t like them. Now don’t
they’ve been infected until it is far too late. To remedy this, I get me wrong, I enjoy seeing a good fight as much as the
want to invent a vaccine against these infections, and to do next guy, but these aren’t exactly what you would call “good
this, I need to study slaad biology a little more closely. fights.” Most of them are pitting a full-grown man against
Slaad slime would be a good start since they use it to some starved and scared wolf that wouldn’t be able to put
protect their bodies; perhaps some reverse engineering can up a good fight if its life depended on it…which
make a potion that causes the imbiber to produce antigens unfortunately it does. There’s not really much I can do to
that kill eggs as soon as they’re implanted.” save them from their terrible fates, but what I can do is
Reward: 1 gp make sure they get a little justice for themselves before
Target: Hezrou they face them. I want to keep a little shoosuva fur on me
Request: Hazrou Blood (vial) when I go watch the fights, a whiff of that will turn even the
Requester Name: Throkk most timid animals into a rabid monster that’ll tear the
Race: Half-Orc throat out of the next jerk that steps into the ring with them
Suggested Locations: General (and if I happen to make a little money betting on the
Description: “I have received a bounty to hunt down a underdog, then where’s the harm in that?)”
criminal who I believe has fled into the sewers of the city. Reward: 50 gp
I’d rather not spend half my time down there puking my Target: Spirit Naga
guts out, so I’m going to need something to bolster my Request: Naga Bone
constitution a bit. I have an alchemist friend who says they Requester Name: Five Timber of the Distant Rain clan
can brew something like that for me, they just need a vial of Race: Tabaxi
hezrou blood.” Suggested Locations: Cave, Swamp
Reward: 25 gp Description: “While trekking through the far jungles, I was
offered a tea by a local hermit. When I drank it, I
experienced visions and histories that few living can attest
to. When I woke, the hermit was gone, but I yearned for
that feeling again. It has taken me a few years to figure it
out, but I believe what I had was a tea brewed from the
bones of a naga. I will pay a good price if you can bring me
some, so I may feel the weight of history meld with my
mind once again.”
Reward: 30 gp
Target: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Request: Tyrannosaurus Rex Jawbone
Requester Name: Vyth
Race: Lizardfolk
Suggested Locations: Forest, Grassland
Description: “Vyth is a master of crafting with bone and
claw. Vyth has heard of large lizards and wants to make
weapons from them. Get these for him, and Vyth shall pay
you well.”
Reward: 300 gp
CR 9 Target: Flind
Request: Gnoll Tooth (small pouch)
Target: Abominable Yeti Requester Name: Evendur Dundragon
Request: Yeti Tongue Race: Human
Requester Name: Vimak Threadtwister Gathakanathi Suggested Locations: General
Race: Goliath Description: “This is pretty simple. We got too many gnolls
Suggested Locations: Arctic, Mountain around here, and we’ll pay just about anyone to get rid of
Description: “The tongue of a yeti has deep significance them. Bring back any sort of proof of their death, and you’ll
for our people. They warn us of danger and blizzards, and get a bounty.”
we have had some of our oldest tongues for generations. I Reward: 1 gp
am not asking you to go hunt the yetis that live in the Target: Gray Slaad
mountains, but if you find any, we will gladly buy any Request: Slaad Slime (vial)
tongues from you.” Requester Name: Rhogar of the Fenkenkabradon clan
Reward: 15 gp Race: Dragonborn
Target: Bone Devil Suggested Locations: Cave, Swamp
Request: Bone Devil Skin Description: “Although it is a relatively rare occurrence,
Requester Name: Kallista Nolioski being infested with a slaad egg is a horrible affliction that I
Race: Tiefling would not wish on anyone. The problem is that some of our
Suggested Locations: General warriors can engage in a fight with a slaad and not realise
Description: “I am doing research into the cults in my they’ve been infected until it is far too late. To remedy this, I
local area and it has come to my attention that they use the want to invent a vaccine against these infections, and to do
skin of a bone devil in the vellum of their tomes. I want to this, I need to study slaad biology a little more closely.
learn more about this practice, and the only way to do that Slaad slime would be a good start since they use it to
is to get a sample of it myself.” protect their bodies; perhaps some reverse engineering can
Reward: 225 gp make a potion that causes the imbiber to produce antigens
Target: Clay Golem that kill eggs as soon as they’re implanted.”
Request: Manual Ashes (small pouch) Reward: 1 gp
Requester Name: Jarrod Gerkirk Target: Nycaloth
Race: Gnome Request: Yugoloth Heart
Suggested Locations: General Requester Name: Borivik Helder
Description: “I have a few orders for animated Race: Human
contraptions and trinkets. I could do it with an intricate Suggested Locations: General
series of gears and mechanisms, but I’d rather take a Description: “In several ways, yugoloths are worse than
shortcut here and just use the same animating force that regular fiends. While fiends fight merely for their
goes into golems. Find some manual ashes from golems bloodthirstiness or their vanity, yugoloths do so purely out
and bring them back, I’ll give you a decent price for them.” of greed. I have made it my goal to end them once and for
Reward: 750 gp all, and to do that, I will need access to Gehenna. If you can
Target: Cloud Giant get me yugoloth hearts, I can craft them into gems that will
Request: Cloud Giant Fingernail take my companions and I into that dark realm, to confront
Requester Name: Sutha the legendary yugoloth general and destroy him.”
Race: Half-Orc Reward: 1,125 gp
Suggested Locations: Mountain Target: Treant
Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something Request: Treant Bark
very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if Requester Name: Enna Raethran
I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The Race: Elf
fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy Suggested Locations: Forest
that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will Description: “The death of a treant is not one to be treated
take any that you have and make their strength my own.” lightly. They are innocent creatures, dedicated only in
Reward: 375 gp protecting the forests that I have also sworn my life to. If
Target: Fire Giant they do fall however, they would want their remains to be
Request: Fire Giant Fingernail used in the best way possible, and as far as I am concerned,
Requester Name: Sutha the best way is to craft armour from them so other
Race: Half-Orc protectors may take their place. If you do bring me some of
Suggested Locations: Cave, Mountain their bark, I will reward you and not ask how exactly you
Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something got it.”
very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if Reward: 225 gp
I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The
fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy
that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will
take any that you have and make their strength my own.”
Reward: 278 gp
Target: Ulitharid Target: Death Slaad
Request: Mind Flayer Mucus (vial) Request: Slaad Slime (vial)
Requester Name: Barakas Requester Name: Rhogar of the Fenkenkabradon clan
Race: Tiefling Race: Dragonborn
Suggested Locations: Cave Suggested Locations: Cave, Swamp
Description: “There is so much to learn from the elusive Description: “Although it is a relatively rare occurrence,
illithids, but I will endeavour to start small in studying being infested with a slaad egg is a horrible affliction that I
them. Their mucus contains enzymes from the brains they would not wish on anyone. The problem is that some of our
consume, and so it displays certain qualities that are warriors can engage in a fight with a slaad and not realise
fascinating to a researcher like me. Bring me back some of they’ve been infected until it is far too late. To remedy this, I
these samples and there will no doubt be more work for want to invent a vaccine against these infections, and to do
you in the future.” this, I need to study slaad biology a little more closely.
Reward: 30 gp Slaad slime would be a good start since they use it to
CR 10 protect their bodies; perhaps some reverse engineering can
make a potion that causes the imbiber to produce antigens
Target: Aboleth that kill eggs as soon as they’re implanted.”
Request: Aboleth Teeth (large bag) Reward: 1 gp
Requester Name: Shandri Tallmast Target: Deva
Race: Human Request: Deva Blood (vial)
Suggested Locations: Coast Requester Name: Drusilia Holimion
Description: “Years ago in my sailor days, I was caught in a Race: Elf
storm, yet I found myself unharmed on the shore the next Suggested Locations: General
morning. But since then I believe I have been marked by Description: “My wife is dying. I know not what kind of
whatever slimy denizen called that ocean its domain. If I dark presence grips her, but even the most powerful of
want to be free from whatever it did, I believe I need a healers have failed to help. In my desperation, I can think
totem, crafted from a set of its teeth. Maybe then I will be of only one cure: the blood of an angel. I know that I face
free from the nightmares have plagued me since that punishment from the divine for even asking for such a
night.” thing, but it is a price I am willing to pay if it means giving
Reward: 30 gp her even one more day.”
Target: Alhoon Reward: 600 gp
Request: Alhoon Brain Target: Froghemoth
Requester Name: Barakas Request: Froghemoth Tongue
Race: Tiefling Requester Name: Cadman Everglade
Suggested Locations: Cave Race: Human
Description: “Illithids have so much to teach us; or at least Suggested Locations: Forest, Swamp
their brains do. I want to unlock the mysteries of their Description: “As a gallant adventurer, I must have only the
psionic abilities, and alhoon brains are of particular note to finest equipment. That includes something to stop me from
me. I want to study what makes them so different to (hypothetically) dropping my sword in the mud when a
regular illithids, and perhaps isolate something that can be massive oaf of an orc smacks it with his axe. I’ve heard that
used on ourselves to increase our own mental powers. All I some crafty tinkers out there have figured out how to
need is a sample to study, which I will pay handsomely for.” transform the tongue of a froghemoth into a weapon chain
Reward: 2,400 gp that can make your weapon an extension of your own hand.
Target: Death Kiss I would get it myself of course, but I’m too busy right now
Request: Death Kiss Main Eye with more important quests.”
Requester Name: Nadarr Drachedandion Reward: 750 gp
Race: Dragonborn Target: Guardian Naga
Suggested Locations: Cave, Urban Request: Naga Bone
Description: “We are plagued by a mysterious problem as Requester Name: Five Timber of the Distant Rain clan
of late, an invisible hunter that stalks through our territory, Race: Tabaxi
killing our herds and poaching our game. The task of Suggested Locations: Cave, Swamp
tracking this hunter falls to me, but I will admit that they Description: “While trekking through the far jungles, I was
have vexed me so far. I have an idea though. A few years offered a tea by a local hermit. When I drank it, I
ago, I had met a man with a crimson monocle that allowed experienced visions and histories that few living can attest
them to see blood as if it were a shining beacon. They to. When I woke, the hermit was gone, but I yearned for
claimed they had it crafted from the eye of a death kiss. If I that feeling again. It has taken me a few years to figure it
had such a tool, I would be able to hunt this hunter without out, but I believe what I had was a tea brewed from the
a problem.” bones of a naga. I will pay a good price if you can bring me
Reward: 810 gp some, so I may feel the weight of history meld with my
mind once again.”
Reward: 30 gp
Target: Stone Giant Dreamwalker Target: Dao
Request: Stone Giant Fingernail Request: Crystalline Powder (vial)
Requester Name: Sutha Requester Name: Lidda Littlelid
Race: Half-Orc Race: Halfling
Suggested Locations: Cave, Mountain Suggested Locations: General
Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something Description: “There’s a certain kick that I want in my
very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if potions that can only get from the elemental energies of a
I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The defeated genie. I’d go out and find some myself, but I’ve
fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy started a potion that needs to be on the boil for several
that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will months and I need to keep my eye on it. I’d happily pay a
take any that you have and make their strength my own.” premium if you could go out and get me what I need.”
Reward: 200 gp Reward: 1,125 gp
Target: Stone Golem Target: Djinni
Request: Manual Ashes (small pouch) Request: Magical Breeze (vial)
Requester Name: Jarrod Gerkirk Requester Name: Lidda Littlelid
Race: Gnome Race: Halfling
Suggested Locations: General Suggested Locations: General
Description: “I have a few orders for animated Description: “There’s a certain kick that I want in my
contraptions and trinkets. I could do it with an intricate potions that can only get from the elemental energies of a
series of gears and mechanisms, but I’d rather take a defeated genie. I’d go out and find some myself, but I’ve
shortcut here and just use the same animating force that started a potion that needs to be on the boil for several
goes into golems. Find some manual ashes from golems months and I need to keep my eye on it. I’d happily pay a
and bring them back, I’ll give you a decent price for them.” premium if you could go out and get me what I need.”
Reward: 1,050 gp Reward: 1,125 gp
Target: Yochlol Target: Efreeti
Request: Demon Pearl Request: Tyrant Smoke (vial)
Requester Name: Dimble Raulnor Requester Name: Lidda Littlelid
Race: Gnome Race: Halfling
Suggested Locations: General Suggested Locations: General
Description: “I run a rather specialised jewellers and am Description: “There’s a certain kick that I want in my
in need of something to complete my collection. Even potions that can only get from the elemental energies of a
though it may be garish and unpleasant, I cannot feel defeated genie. I’d go out and find some myself, but I’ve
satisfied until I have placed it on the empty pedestal in my started a potion that needs to be on the boil for several
shop where it belongs.” months and I need to keep my eye on it. I’d happily pay a
Reward: 450 gp premium if you could go out and get me what I need.”
CR 11 Reward: 1,125 gp
Target: Gynosphinx
Target: Behir Request: Sphinx Tail
Request: Behir Scales (large bag) Requester Name: Five Timber of the Distant Rain clan
Requester Name: Corvo Landbrook Race: Tabaxi
Race: Human Suggested Locations: Desert
Suggested Locations: Cave, Mountain Description: “I have travelled the world in search of
Description: “My wedding anniversary is coming up in a stories, and who knows more stories than the ancient
few weeks and somehow, my wife has gotten it into her sphinxes. Guardians of long-forgotten history, every fibre of
head that I’m buying her a dragon-scale dress as a present. their being drips with mystery. I have been told that
I can tell you right now that I cannot afford that. What I can burning their tails in particular reveal visions of the past. I
afford however is a behir-scale dress; all I need are the would gladly pay a large reward for anyone that can bring
scales. It’s not like she’s going to be able to tell the me such a tantalising item.”
difference, right?” Reward: 450 gp
Reward: 75 gp Target: Horned Devil
Target: Cloud Giant Smiling One Request: Horned Devil Blood (vial)
Request: Cloud Giant Fingernail Requester Name: Caramip Aleslosh
Requester Name: Sutha Race: Gnome
Race: Half-Orc Suggested Locations: General
Suggested Locations: Mountain Description: “I’ve been hitting the bottle pretty hard lately
Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something and it’s starting to become a bit of a problem. I’ve been
very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if thinking of using some form of medication to help calm me
I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The down whenever I get the shakes. I heard that horned devil
fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy blood works pretty well as a calmative, if I could get some
that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will of that I think it would do me a world of good.”
take any that you have and make their strength my own.” Reward: 65 gp
Reward: 375 gp
Target: Marid CR 12
Request: Enchanted Foam (vial) Target: Arcanaloth
Requester Name: Lidda Littlelid Request: Yugoloth Heart
Race: Halfling Requester Name: Borivik Helder
Suggested Locations: General Race: Human
Description: “There’s a certain kick that I want in my Suggested Locations: General
potions that can only get from the elemental energies of a Description: “In several ways, yugoloths are worse than
defeated genie. I’d go out and find some myself, but I’ve regular fiends. While fiends fight merely for their
started a potion that needs to be on the boil for several bloodthirstiness or their vanity, yugoloths do so purely out
months and I need to keep my eye on it. I’d happily pay a of greed. I have made it my goal to end them once and for
premium if you could go out and get me what I need.” all, and to do that, I will need access to Gehenna. If you can
Reward: 1,125 gp get me yugoloth hearts, I can craft them into gems that will
Target: Morkoth take my companions and I into that dark realm, to confront
Request: Morkoth Eye x2 the legendary yugoloth general and destroy him.”
Requester Name: Therai Reward: 1,125 gp
Race: Tiefling
Suggested Locations: Coast Target: Erinyes
Description: “Some people use morkoth eyes for their Request: Erinyes Heart
hypnotic quality; not me though. I know a little ritual you Requester Name: Kallista Nolioski
can do with them to bring out their ability to find and Race: Tiefling
scavenge things. Just say a few choice words over them, Suggested Locations: General
and suddenly you can spot the most valuable items in the Description: “I am doing some research into the cults of
biggest piles of junk as if there was a massive beacon my local area and have heard of some of the curses they
coming out of them. Anyway, I’m going on a big scavenging create by invoking their dark patrons. I want to look into
run soon and I want it to be as efficient as possible, so if this further and have discovered that an Erinyes heart
you got any morkoth eyes lying around I’ll be happy to buy contains the potential to create many of these curses. Such
them off you.” a sample would be a fantastic boon to my studies.”
Reward: 360 gp Reward: 600 gp
Target: Remorhaz
Request: Remorhaz Antenna x2 Target: Frost Giant Everlasting One
Requester Name: Cedric Kunsgnos Request: Frost Giant Fingernail
Race: Human Requester Name: Sutha
Suggested Locations: Arctic Race: Half-Orc
Description: “My enemies are everywhere; I just know it. I Suggested Locations: Arctic, Mountain
can’t prove that they have ways of getting through my alarm Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something
spells and traps, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. What I very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if
want is a more organic approach to security, the antennae I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The
of a remorhaz should do. Those things will let me know if fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy
anything is scurrying about trying to get me in my sleep.” that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will
Reward: 75 gp take any that you have and make their strength my own.”
Target: Roc Reward: 200 gp
Request: Roc Gizzards
Requester Name: Wellby Tosscoblle
Race: Halfling
Suggested Locations: Mountain
Description: “I’ve had the strongest craving these days for
the gamey, complex flavours of roc gizzards. If you haven’t
tried them before, I have a wonderful recipe that involves
frying them up in a batter made from the yolk of a roc egg,
and I’d gladly share it with you if you just get me the
ingredients first.”
Reward: 45 gp
Target: Ki-Rin Target: Nalfeshnee
Request: Ki-Rin Heart Request: Nalfeshnee Teeth (small pouch)
Requester Name: Theodoric Evantur Requester Name: Quarion Candblebrook
Race: Human Race: Gnome
Suggested Locations: Mountain Suggested Locations: General
Description: “As a judge, it is my duty to determine the Description: “I’m having a dinner party soon and it is
guilt of the criminals that come before me and sentence tradition that we play a little prank on our guests. I know
them accordingly. Of course, even with magic this can be how to craft a set of those delightful magical cutlery and I
difficult; Some criminals are crafty enough to talk their way think it would make for a delightful jape on the evening. All
through a zone of truth spell. I want something a bit I need are a set of nalfeshnee teeth and I can take care of
stronger, something powered by…something stronger. A ki- the rest.”
rin is one of the wisest creatures to ever roam the world. Reward: 45 gp
Although their deaths are always a tragedy, if you hand Target: Neothelid
their heart over to me, I can use it to enact justice and Request: Neothelid Brain
perhaps balance the scales a little.” Requester Name: Barakas
Reward: 1,125 gp Race: Tiefling
Target: Yuan-ti Anathema Suggested Locations: Cave
Request: Yuan-ti Blood (vial) Description: “As a scholar of illithids and psionics, the
Requester Name: Lidda Littlelid brain of a neothelid has the potential to change everything I
Race: Halfling have researched so far. Because the neothelid comes from
Suggested Locations: Swamp a tadpole that has had no influence from other minds, it
Description: “One of my basic services is to make a potion provides the perfect control experiment and baseline for
for adventurers that will protect them from the various understanding illithids. With these, I’ll be able to
poisons out there in the world. Unfortunately, I’ve gotten so understand exactly how a humanoid’s brain contributes to
many orders recently that I’m having trouble keeping up the psionic potential of the mind flayers, and thus figure out
with demand. While there are a lot of different bases that how to unlock some of that in our own minds.”
can be used to craft the potion, one of the more common Reward: 430 gp
ones is yuan-ti blood. If you get me some, I’ll gladly pay you Target: Rakshasa
a decent price for it.” Request: Rakshasa Hide
Reward: 3 gp Requester Name: Yuldra Stayanoga
CR 13 Race: Human
Suggested Locations: Desert, Urban
Target: Beholder Description: “For half my life, people have come to
Request: Beholder Membrum challenge me to magical duels, hoping that they will be the
Requester Name: Immeral Liadon one to finally topple one of the greatest arch-mages that
Race: Elf ever lived. Although I’ve managed to beat back every single
Suggested Locations: Cave, Urban one of them, the years have caught up to me and
Description: “For centuries now I’ve been researching a unfortunately, I must admit that I am not the duellist I used
new spell capable of replacing lost organs, such a discovery to be. That hasn’t stopped the constant flow of eager
would likely save many lives. I believe that the key lies in upstarts though, so I need some extra protection to put us
the internal anatomy of the beholder, specifically their on an even playing ground. A rakshasa hide would be good,
membrum. If I can just get a sample of it, I’m sure I can since it will allow me to effectively ignore anyone without
unlock the mystery.” the power to give me a real challenge and let me focus on
Reward: 65 gp fending off the people with actual talent.”
Target: Devourer Reward: 1,950 gp
Request: Devourer Claw Target: Shadow Dragon
Requester Name: Despair Request: Shadowflame Ember (vial)
Race: Tiefling Requester Name: Lidda Littlelid
Suggested Locations: Cave, Swamp Race: Halfling
Description: “All my life, they have called me a monster. All Suggested Locations: General
my life, people have feared me based solely on my looks. Description: “My stores are running a little low, especially
Well, if that is how people see me, then I may as well lean on the more esoteric materials. I’d go out and find some
into it. I’m going to need an intimidating weapon; the claw myself, but I’ve started a potion that needs to be on the boil
of a devourer should do.” for several months and I need to keep my eye on it. I’d
Reward: 150 gp happily pay a premium if you could go out and get me what
I need.”
Reward: 210 gp
Target: Storm Giant Target: Death Tyrant
Request: Storm Giant Fingernail Request: Death Tyrant Eye
Requester Name: Sutha Requester Name: Lawrence Ichelm
Race: Half-Orc Race: Human
Suggested Locations: Coast, Mountain Suggested Locations: Cave, Urban
Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something Description: “I need to beef up the security around my…
very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if house. As part of the redesign, I’ve been thinking of crafting
I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The a Negative Energy Crystal to mess with any…uninvited
fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy guests. Of course, in order to make one I will need a Death
that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will Tyrant Eye and will pay copious amounts of gold and jewels
take any that you have and make their strength my own.” to anyone able to bring me one. Also contrary to all the
Reward: 525 gp rumours, I am not a lich. I just have a skin disease that
Target: Ultraloth makes it look like I have no skin. Or flesh. I am not a lich.
Request: Yugoloth Heart Look, just get me the eye.”
Requester Name: Borivik Helder Reward: 5,250 gp
Race: Human Target: Elder Brain
Suggested Locations: General Request: Elder Brain Thalamus
Description: “In several ways, yugoloths are worse than Requester Name: Barakas
regular fiends. While fiends fight merely for their Race: Tiefling
bloodthirstiness or their vanity, yugoloths do so purely out Suggested Locations: Cave
of greed. I have made it my goal to end them once and for Description: “I am a scholar of psionic abilities, and in this
all, and to do that, I will need access to Gehenna. If you can entire field, there is no more valuable specimen than an
get me yugoloth hearts, I can craft them into gems that will elder brain. Every living inch of them contains psionic
take my companions and I into that dark realm, to confront secrets that the rest of us have yet to even scratch the
the legendary yugoloth general and destroy him.” surface of, but I intend to discover them all. If I had to
Reward: 1,125 gp spend my funding on any particular part of the elder brain,
Target: Vampire I would like to start with its thalamus; if it is anything like
Request: Vampire Blood (vial) the thalamus of a humanoid, it should be a key lobe of the
Requester Name: Morthos elder brain and thus be rich in answers and research
Race: Tiefling possibilities.”
Suggested Locations: General Reward: 4,500 gp
Description: “Vampires are some of the most insidious Target: Fire Giant Dreadnought
creatures I have come across, not least of which is because Request: Fire Giant Fingernail
of their ability to turn innocent people into bloodthirsty Requester Name: Sutha
monsters. Their blood however contains the ability to save Race: Half-Orc
those they have enslaved, so if you manage to slay one, Suggested Locations: Cave, Mountain
please do not waste their blood. Give it to me so that I can Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something
try to save a few lost souls.” very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if
Reward: 300 gp I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The
CR 14 fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy
that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will
Target: Adult Dragon take any that you have and make their strength my own.”
Request: Adult Dragon Scales (large bag) Reward: 278 gp
Requester Name: Feng Target: Ice Devil
Race: Half-Orc Request: Ice Devil Blood (vial)
Suggested Locations: General Requester Name: Vistra Balderk
Description: “There is an armour that I covet, one made Race: Dwarf
from the scales of a dragon. I have searched and hunted for Suggested Locations: General
a dragon strong enough to give me the type of armour I Description: “Winters are getting tougher round these
want for years but to no avail. Although I would prefer to parts; tougher and colder. Sometimes the blizzards are so
get the scales myself, I am not above paying someone else, bad that we get snowed in for weeks. I want to have
should they come into their possession.” something in our emergency kit that’ll let us venture out
Reward: 5,025 gp into the cold if we really need to. Ice devil blood should do,
we’ll take any that you can get.”
Reward: 120 gp
CR 15 CR 16
Target: Mummy Lord Target: Iron Golem
Request: Mummy Bandage Request: Manual Ashes (small pouch)
Requester Name: Shava Siannodel Requester Name: Jarrod Gerkirk
Race: Elf Race: Gnome
Suggested Locations: Cave, Desert Suggested Locations: General
Description: “The people of my village are counting on me Description: “I have a few orders for animated
as healer, but I am desperately low on medical supplies. I’ll contraptions and trinkets. I could do it with an intricate
take just about anything and pay for it out of my own pocket series of gears and mechanisms, but I’d rather take a
if it will keep the people of the village in good health. shortcut here and just use the same animating force that
Mummy bandages would be of a great help, the precious goes into golems. Find some manual ashes from golems
oils in them can be extracted and diluted quite a lot to and bring them back, I’ll give you a decent price for them.”
make treatments for all sorts of ailments.” Reward: 3,000 gp
Reward: 15 gp
Target: Purple Worm
Request: Purple Worm Pearl
Requester Name: Dimble Raulnor
Race: Gnome
Suggested Locations: Cave
Description: “I run a rather specialised jewellers and am
in need of something to complete my collection: a purple
worm pearl. I have many clients asking about owning one
of these massive gems, so I can afford to pay a premium for
Reward: 7,500 gp
Target: Marilith
Request: Marilith Snake Leather
Requester Name: Thurkear
Race: Lizardfolk
Suggested Locations: General
Description: “Thurkear has heard of snake woman with
skin tougher than any lizardfolk. Thurkear wants this skin
for armour. No one may be stronger than Thurkear.”
Reward: 2,100 gp
Target: Planetar
Request: Planetar Blood (vial)
Requester Name: Drusilia Holimion
Race: Elf
Suggested Locations: General
Description: “My wife is dying. I know not what kind of
dark presence grips her, but even the most powerful of
healers have failed to help. In my desperation, I can think
of only one cure: the blood of an angel. I know that I face
punishment from the divine for even asking for such a
thing, but it is a price I am willing to pay if it means giving
her even one more day.”
Reward: 900 gp
Target: Storm Giant Quintessent
Request: Mote of Storm Giant
Requester Name: Sutha
Race: Half-Orc
Suggested Locations: Coast, Mountain
Description: “I was weak once, and it cost me something
very dear. I swore that I would never be weak again, even if
I had to resort to outside sources to achieve that. The
fingernails of giants are a potent source of magical energy
that can be brewed into strength-enhancing potions. I will
take any that you have and make their strength my own.”
Reward: 225 gp
CR 17 Target: Goristro
Request: Goristro Horn x2
Target: Androsphinx Requester Name: Pethani Rootsmasher Elanithino
Request: Sphinx Tail Race: Goliath
Requester Name: Five Timber of the Distant Rain clan Suggested Locations: General
Race: Tabaxi Description: “Many years ago, a man killed my father. The
Suggested Locations: Desert coward fled in the night, fearful of my vengeance. I lost
Description: “I have travelled the world in search of track of him over time, but I finally managed to track him
stories, and who knows more stories than the ancient down, hiding in a fort with his cronies. I know I have the
sphinxes. Guardians of long-forgotten history, every fibre of strength to defeat them all, I just need a way to bash down
their being drips with mystery. I have been told that the gates of that fort. I have heard of a magical dust that
burning their tails in particular reveal visions of the past. I can enchant my hammer to do just that. I know it is
would gladly pay a large reward for anyone that can bring expensive, but for my father’s peace, I will pay any price.”
me such a tantalising item.” Reward: 20,000 gp
Reward: 450 gp CR 18
Target: Death Knight
Request: Blighted Ash (small pouch) Target: Demilich
Requester Name: Nala Kimbatuul Request: Bone Dust (small pouch)
Race: Dragonborn Requester Name: Lawrence Ichelm
Suggested Locations: General Race: Human
Description: “I serve a very powerful lord with a strong Suggested Locations: General
sense of paranoia. As his apothecarist, I am responsible for Description: “I am in the market for something to give my
amassing powders, mixtures, and tinctures to ensure his spells a little extra kick, and I have found out that the bone
safety in any situation and it has recently come to my dust of a lich or demilich may be the thing that I need. How
attention that the blighted ash of a death knight is capable I found that out is nobody’s concern, it’s not like I myself
of protecting an individual from the undead. As such, my am a lich or anything. Look, just get me the bone dust.”
lord has directed me to procure some for him in the off- Reward: 1,200 gp
chance that his castle ever randomly comes under attack CR 19
by a zombie horde.”
Reward: 1,200 gp Target: Balor
Target: Dracolich Request: Balor Ash (3 small pouches)
Request: Dracolich Bone Requester Name: Gunnloda Lutgehr
Requester Name: Uadjit Shestendeliath Race: Dwarf
Race: Dragonborn Suggested Locations: General
Suggested Locations: General Description: “Me and the boys have been doing some
Description: “I have a mission that has been handed down serious mining these days and hit a bit of a snag.
through generations of my clan: hunt down and put an end Specifically, an abyssal rock that we just can’t get through
to the dracolich, Bel’therizan. The problem however is not even with our strongest picks. So, I was thinking, if it’s an
so much finding his body but finding his gemstone. If, abyssal rock, why not use some abyssal explosives? Balor
however, I can get a good sample of one of his bones, I can ash mixed with saltpetre should do the trick.”
craft a special censer to hunt it down and finish him once Reward: 2,250 gp
and for all. I will happily pay all of my gold to get my hands CR 20
on such a thing.”
Reward: 1,500 gp Target: Pit Fiend
Target: Dragon Turtle Request: Pit Fiend Head
Request: Dragon Turtle Blood (1,000 gallons) Requester Name: Thia Xiloscient
Requester Name: Scrag Saltsail Race: Elf
Race: Half-Orc Suggested Locations: General
Suggested Locations: Coast Description: “I was visiting my good friend Hamund the
Description: “If there’s one thing my old captain taught me other day and had the chance to look at his collection of
in my youth, it’s to never set sail without a few barrels of taxidermy creatures. While there were many impressive
dragon turtle blood on hand. Now that it’s my time to specimens, the one that I have fixated on was the mounted
captain a ship, I intend to follow through on that advice. I head of a pit fiend. I cannot stop thinking about its fierce
need to ship off soon, so I’m willing to pay a decent sum to countenance and terrifying visage and I have decided that I
anyone who can bring me some fast. “ shall have one of my own. Now, I am not much of a hunter
Reward: 1,500 gp myself, but I do have gold. Fetch me what I desire, and you
shall be handsomely rewarded.”
Reward: 24,000 gp
CR 21 CR 23
Target: Ancient Dragon Target: Empyrean
Request: Dragon Heart Request: Empyrean Heart
Requester Name: Torinn Delmirev Requester Name: Leucis
Race: Dragonborn Race: Tiefling
Suggested Locations: General Suggested Locations: General
Description: “One of the sacred treasures of our clan has Description: “An empyrean heart is by far one of the most
always been the dragon crystal that sits at the center of our valuable organs in existence. A force of nature in and of
village. A recent disaster has swept through the town itself, it is coveted by many clients of mine. Find me one
however and the crystal has been horribly damaged. I (and don’t ask any further questions), and you will be paid
believe that it can be fixed however, using the energies handsomely.”
given off by a fresh dragon heart from an ancient dragon. Reward: 30,000 gp
Undertake this dangerous quest for us, and the village Target: Kraken
coffers shall be yours.” Request: Kraken Heart x3
Reward: 39,000 gp Requester Name: Anastrianna Galanodel
Target: Lich Race: Elf
Request: Bone Dust (small pouch) Suggested Locations: Coast
Requester Name: Lawrence Ichelm Description: “There is no denying the evidence anymore,
Race: Human the waves will soon consume our coastal city and our
Suggested Locations: General leaders are too busy lining their pockets to do something
Description: “I am in the market for something to give my about it. Therefore, the task of saving our home falls to me.
spells a little extra kick, and I have found out that the bone I have studied far and gathered many resources and found
dust of a lich or demilich may be the thing that I need. How the solution: the hearts of a kraken. When used properly,
I found that out is nobody’s concern, it’s not like I myself they can be transformed into magical crystals that keep the
am a lich or anything. Look, just get me the bone dust.” tide at bay. I have everything else I need, the only thing
Reward: 4,500 gp remaining is the hearts themselves.”
Target: Solar Reward: 54,000 gp
Request: Solar Blood (vial)
Requester Name: Drusilia Holimion
Race: Elf
Suggested Locations: General
Description: “My wife is dying. I know not what kind of
dark presence grips her, but even the most powerful of
healers have failed to help. In my desperation, I can think
of only one cure: the blood of an angel. I know that I face
punishment from the divine for even asking for such a
thing, but it is a price I am willing to pay if it means giving
her even one more day.”
Reward: 1,200 gp
Q: Why didn't you include the meat you can harvest from creatures?
A: I wanted to avoid relatively generic harvesting materials. Largely I assumed that DM's would be able to judge meat
harvesting by themselves without any need for a guide.
Q: Can I give suggestions or feedback?
A: Of course! This is a living document and I fully endorse anyone to send in item suggestions or balance feedback. See the
Contact Us section for contact details.
Q: Can I change an item to suit my campaign?
A: Feel free to do so. Items were designed to be setting agnostic and able to fit into anything, but edge cases could always
occur. I encourage DMs to use this guide as a launching point for their own ideas.
Q: Will you be making a follow-up for Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes?
A: Yes I am. Follow @drifterworkshop on Twitter for regular updates.
Q: How do your rules fit in with the newly released Artificer class on Unearthed Arcana?
A: To be honest, they do not. The updated Artificer class was released very late into the development of this guide and as such,
this guide does not incoporate them at all. A future update may attempt to reconcile them.
Q: Why don't you include the beast section?
A: I felt that beasts were too mundane to include in the harvest table, and largely could be replaced by a DM googling an actual
butcher table.
Q: How come you didn't include any loot like weapons and armour?
A: Those items are largely context sensitive. After all, not every Hobgoblin walks around with a spear at all times, so I felt best
to leave those out and up to the DM to decide based on context.