I was determined. I wasn’t going to let
Grandma Ratrock and Thea convince me to
go on a quest to nd a mythical place no one
had ever been to! No way, no how!
“Unnnnncle!” a happy voice squeaked.
“Hooray! We’re going to Cheesy-La!”
I ju m pe d . It was my dear nephew
Benjamin! I was SURPRISED to see him there.
He was at the door to my of ce, and my
cousin Trap was right behind him. Finally,
the shaman, Bluster, and his daughter,
Clarissa Conjurat, led in. Ah, Clarissa
charmingMwaosusethe Citmy!ost I was h e a d orvotedareilnt in foOrld her!
W e ’r e g o in g !
H o o r ay!
It was as if the whole village was at a
meeting in my of ce. Soon there would
be more people around my desk than in
S i n g i n g R o c k S q u a r e at
rush hour!
“Don’t be such a wimp, Cuz!” Trap
started in on me. “You have the chance to
get some fresh air, but you want to stay here
with your boring, cold stone tablets! Follow
my lead: I’ve closed the Rotten Tooth
Tavern for a few days and I’m going to
make this trip into a real vacation!”
I opened my mouth to reply, but —
“Trap is right, Uncle!” Benjamin chirped
enthusiastically.“We’ll have so much FUN
together! Come on! Pretty please with
c h e e s e on top?”
facEt.veryone was ignoring a very important
“I’m telling you, C h e e s y - L a
e x i s tdoes not !” I squeaked loudly.
N O T“That is
true,” Bluster replied
suddenly, startling me. “I have proof Cheesy-
L o o k !La exists. ”
h e a v yHe tossed me a very stone
tablet. Unfortunately, I wasn’t expecting it,
and it landed right on my paw!
soreI rubbed my poor, paw. The pain
d i s t r a c t e d me for a moment — that is,
until Grandma Ratrock pincmhyetadil.
“Come on, Grandson!” she squeaked. “We
don’t have geological eras to waste! Tell us
t a b l e twhat’s on the !”
I picked up the stone: It seemed very old.
“This tablet came from the
Cave of Memories,” Bluster explained
I was surprised: The Cave of Memories
storieswas the place where all the from
our local history were kept! Was it possible
that some pre-prehistoric mouse had really
left traces of the m y s t e r i o u s land
of Cheesy-La?
PICTURESBluster pointed to the
cut into the stone.
proof“This is of the existence of the
legendary land of Cheesy-La!” the shaman
declared con dently. “And the ancient ones
even tell us how to get there!”
w i d e n e dEveryone’s eyes in
“Look here,” Bluster continued. “This
design tells us we must go to the Cheddar
LVoalca!n” o to nd the path to Cheesy-
Great rocky
boulders, not
the Cheddar
Rivers of
molten lava
would singe
my tail . . .
. . . I would suffocate
from deadly,
S t i n k y fumes . . .
. . . and I would
be crushed in an
avalanche of volcanic
“But I don’t want to lose my tail in a
volcanic EXPLOSION!” I protested.
“Excuses, excuses!” Bluster scolded
me. “You’re steps away from discovering the
t r u t h and you want to give up before
you’ve even begun?”
I was about to argue when I realized that
Clarissa (oh, what a lovely rodent!) was
looking at me with her stone-gray eyes.
Clarissainthe ,
all of loveliest rodent
Old Mouse City!
Staring at Clarissa made me tongue-tied.
marvemouseShe’s such an intelligent,
“You really don’t want to go on the trip,
sweetlyGeronimo?” Clarissa asked .
Just hearing her squeak had a
strange effect on me. My
heart was H A M M E R I N G
in my ears, and my legs felt
weak, as if they were
made of melted cheese!
“You’d really REFUSE to
aches andpainshelp nd a cure for your dear grandma’s
?” Clarissa continued.
“The discovery of Cheesy-La wouldn’t just
help Grandma Ratrock — you would be
helping so many other ailing rodents
in Old Mouse City as well. You’ll be a
Suddenly, I had a vision of a
AIRmice carrying me in the .
E r n e s tFor a moment, I imagined
H e f t y m o u s e, the village chief,
crushing (I mean, shaking) my paw with
pride while Clarissa smiled at me.
“Well, okay!” I agreed. “Let’s do it!”
hugBenjamin squeaked, jumping up to
Thea and Trap exchanged a satis ed look.
“Oh, I hope we get to see a volcanic
ERUPTION!” Benjamin said excitedly.
T. REX“And maybe we’ll spot a real live
in the wild! I’ve never seen one before.”
p a l eI turned asas a piece of
fossilized feta. I had a moment of panic.
Everyone was so busy chattering about
the adventure, I thought maybe I could slip
out of my of ce and h i d e somewhere until
the expedition left without me.
dashJust as I was about to out the
door, Grandma Ratrock grabbed me by the
collar DanRdAGGED me back inside.
“Oh no, you don’t!” she scolded me. “Now
let’s get moving. There’s no time to WASTE!
We have an e x p e d i t i o n to
prepare for!”
HOUR IN . . .
Grandma Ratrock marched me straight
racinghome to my cave, where she began
around, grabbing clubs, food, and blankets
to take with us.
m e a t“We’ll need some nice and a
cheesefew wheels of as she
,” she said
STUFFED the items into a green sack.
“Then we’ll need a wooden club because you
never know, a dinosaur B O N E club because
you never know, a S T O N E club because you
torchnever know, and a — because you
never know! Oh, look! You even made your
s o u pWgrae’nlldmtaak’es tfhaavto,rtitoeo!c”heesy moss !
Bones and stones! Weak and wasting Mouse
away? Grandma Ratrock was Z I P P I N G
around my cave faster than I could!
As soon as we were packed, Grandma and
I met up with Thea, Trap, and Benjamin.
Grandma Ratrock set the (INCREDIBLY
FAST! ) pace as we crossed Old
City and arrived at the edge of the village.
Evidently, Grandma had forgotten all about
her TERRIBLE aches, because we made
it there in RECORD time!
Meanwhile, all the others seemed as wall
f r e s h as ferns. We arrived at the
that surrounded the village. My whiskers
trembletbhergoaunghtothe gate. in fear as we went
BAM! The gate slammed shut, and we
EMPTYwere all alone on theplateau
that towered over Old Mouse City. The
terrifying Cheddar Volcano
loomed in the
evaporatedAny courage I hadlike a
f i e r ypuff of smoke from avolcano!
p o i n t e dThea to the volcano with
“LOOK OVER THERE!” she exclaimed.
Grandma Ratrock nodded in agreement.
“And we’ve made it this far so quickly,” she
said. “I don’t feel tired at all!”
“And smell that fresh air!”
Trap said, breathing in deeply.
My eyes widened: fresh air?! The valley
air surrounding Cheddar Volcano actually
had a terribly s t i n k y odor!
Clusters of smelly clouds uttered here
STENCHand there. The
was worse than
the odor of the most pungent Gorgonzola!
shadowSuddenly, I thought I saw a
pass by out of the corner of my eye . .. but
maybe it was just my overactive imagination.
“COME ON, LET’S GO!” Thea urged
me impatiently. “What are we waiting for?”
I was so exhausted, and I really needed
a rest. But I didn’t dare complain. I was
afraid Grandma Ratrock would give my tail
another PINCH!
“COME ON!” Grandma ordered us.
“We must make our way around the volcano
p o i n t sand nd a path or a sign that
us in the direction of Cheesy-La!”
Then her face lit up and she placed her
paw on my shoulder. “From this point on,
YOU will lead the way, Grandson!”
P e t r i f i e d p r o v o l o n e ! Why did I
have to lead the way?!
“But why me, Grandma?” I asked, still
gasping for breath.
of all of
“Because you’re the SLOWEST
us!” she replied. “Did I say the SLOWEST?
scared scaredYmoous’tre also the m?ost You’re a! lsoDid tIhesay —th”e
“Okay, okay,” I interrupted. “That’s enough,
I get it!”
I started to walk in front of everyone,
scarieston the path I had ever taken in
my life. The sun was beating down on us
so strongly that it felt like I was walking on
hOt CoAlS!
A few steps later, I again thought I saw
shadowa just behind us. I also
had the strange sensation that we were
being w a t c h e d ! Could someone (or
yikes!something —) be following us?
I used my paw to shield my eyes from the
blinding r i g h tsun. I looked to the .
l e f tNothing! I looked to the . Nothing! I
up downlooked
. Nothing! I looked .
worriedChBedudt aIrwaVsolrceaanlloy, rweaalsly right between . OTlhde
Mouse City and the camp of Tiger Khan’s
What if a saber-toothed tiger had noticed
I was about to warn the others about my
suspicion when I placed a PAoWn a pile of
fresh ferns. Suddenly, the ground gave way
under my paws!
I fell right
into an