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Published by Liam Smith, 2019-05-15 06:07:46

SAMPLE Colonial Ebook

SAMPLE Colonial Ebook

What Life Was Like As A
Colonist in the 13 British Colonies

By Example Student

Table Of Contents

1.Say Hi To The 13 Colonies
2.Look At My Town
3.Inside Of A Colonial house
4.What Work Was For Adults
5.A Colonial Kids Daily Life
6.School In A Colonial Time
7.The clothes they wore
8.The Food The Colonists Cooked
9.Say Bye To The 13 colonies And Say Hello To America

Say Hi To The 13 Colonies

Do you know how many states there are People came to colonies for many
today? The answer is 50 states but back reasons. Some came for money; other
then in the 1700s they weren’t called states people came to forget about the past. Most
they were called colonies. Also the united people came to claim land for their country.
states was instead called the 13 colonies. There were also people who migrated to
the colonies because their religion wasn’t
Do you know who owns these colonies? accepted in Europe. People were starting to
Well a colony is owned by someone that lives realize that this was a start to a new life.
in a different country.The people that own
the colonies are either a king, queen or a

England was a very wealthy
country and by the 1750s they owned all the
colonies. When the first colonists came to
America life was very hard. Colonists had to
build homes, plant gardens, open stores and
do so much more.

Map of the 13 colonies

Click here to learn more
about King George III

Say Hi To The 13 colonies

King George iii the king of England who Englands flag
owned most of the colonies.

Look At My Town

Today you will be taking a tour of my There are some stores and
town. First let’s stop by the meeting house places where you can get food but you can do
to see if anything big is happening. There's that on your own time. Don’t forget to look
Thomas jefferson let’s ask him what’s at the houses while your in town. Hope you
happening .Hey Tommy what’s this big had a nice visit!
meeting about? Were making the declaration
of independence. Slow down Tommy will get A little view of a colonial town
to that on the last page.

Next let's go see the blacksmith
but watch out for my neighbors necessary
that is what a toilet was called. Finally
we've arrived at the blacksmith. A
blacksmith was a very important job it’s
where if you had something that used metal
and it’s broken you would bring it to the
blacksmith and they would melt it or do
something else to fix it.

Inside of a colonial house
Homes for the People

Have you ever wondered what a colonial
house looks like? If you didn’t know there
still are many colonial houses in America.
Now your house probably has at least 4 to 5
rooms others have 8 to 10 but back than
people only had about two rooms.

Another thing you should know
about colonial houses is that it had 1 main
room that was where they ate, slept and did
other things. Our main room is usually our
living room. Although I have been naming a
lot of differences but there are also some
similarities. Like their houses were made of
brick,wood or logs and today our houses are
also made of brick, wood and logs. This is
bad my house is falling apart I need a adult
to fix this .

A colonial house

What Was Work Like For Adults

Have you ever wondered what jobs your great uncles or aunts did? Men did some jobs
inside.Your parents probably work in a office or a big company like walmart or target but
back then most jobs were outside. Blacksmiths made iron tools or other tools that were made
of iron also they fixed tools that were made of iron. Millers would make flour. To make the
flower they would have a big wheel that would crush the corn that would fall into a barrel
are whatever they kept the flour in.

Women did different jobs of your your daily women now. Women sometimes made
their own clothes because other clothing was to expensive. Women also cooked the food for
their husband and children. Women would cook the food the men brought back from hunting.

Colonial adults farming and

planting crops Click here to play a

game about the

tools the colonists


A Colonial Kids Daily Day

Good morrow my name is Francis and I am Huzzah! Now I get to play some games with
9 years old and today I will be taking you on my friends. Do you guys want to play tag or
an adventure of my daily day. Take a gander hide-and-go seek? We could play hopscotch.
at my morning chores, first lets go empty the I don’t want to play that...lets play with my
chamber pot before I do you might want to ps4, pacman, or we could play my favorite,
plug your nose what that really means it's Fortnite. Are you in the wrong time period?,
pretty smelly.. Next let's go get the yoke and because this is 1772! Then see you around.
get the water from the well. If I don’t do my Now I have to eat supper, see you guys.
chores I must face the music. Today also Look my little sister is playing with her doll.
seems like a tough day, I don’t think I’ll be Momma this is wonderful meal. Well thank
going to school. Next lets help dad hunt for you Francis now go hit the hay. Well After
dinner. Francis, you will spot animals and this day I am excited to hit the hay.
then tell me because your not old enough to
hunt. In other words lets just say it's been a
tough morning.

A girl sowing

School In Colonial Times

Have you ever wondered what school was like as a colonial kid? I can already tell you it
was very different then now. Schools were only one room. Kids sat on very hard benches
and there was only one teacher for the entire school. The teachers were allowed to hit the
children if they misbehaved and kids had to memorize everything they learned. Is your
teacher allowed to hit you? Absolutely not!

Kids had to learn from a book called the New England Primer. This book taught kids to
read and learn facts about subjects. Back then one of their main subjects was religion. They
wrote with coal or a feather pen they had to dip in ink. Boys went to school for three years,
but girls just went long enough until they could read and write. As you can see there are
many differences between school in colonial times and school now.

One room school

click here to play a
hat game

The Clothes They Wore

You know how you wear shorts, t-shirts,
sweatpants, and sneakers, well colonial people
wore breeches , dresses, stockings, and many
other kinds of clothing. In the winter men
wore wool shirts, boots and like us they also
wore coats, mittens and hats. Some colonial
clothes cost a lot of money, so women and girls
only had 2 outfits. Some women even made
their own clothing. Back then underwear was
very confusing. Did you know it was invented
in 1830 and most people didn’t even wear it
when it was invented. Oh no I dropped some
food on My breaches speaking of food...

A women wearing
colonial clothes

The Food The Colonist Ate

Colonist had to hunt for many animals because they didn’t Colonial food
have Grocery stores,food markets and restaurants they had to
get the food. One of the common foods was deer to get them the
colonists shot them. There were other foods like
turkey,rabbits,squirrels,fish and clams. Sometimes a dad would
bring their son and have him look for animals but not kill them.

Most colonist had gardens where they would grow
fruits and vegetables. Some colonists put fences around the
garden so the animals couldn't escape. Colonists had
sheep,cows,pigs and chickens in there garden. Colonists drank
different drinks the us, they didn’t drink soda or coffee they
drink cherry juice,blueberry juice,apple cider and water from a
well because they didn’t think water from the river was clean.
The biggest meal was dinner colonists ate pork or meat at
dinner also pigs were often eaten at dinner. I hope you have
learned a lot about food

Say Bye To The Colonies, Say Hello to

Do you how the united states is a free country now? Well there was something called the revolutionary war and
there were many causes of that war. One of them was the French and indian War which was a 7 year war against the
French and British the British came out victorious. Also the Stamp Act was a big part of the Revolutionary War
colonists had to pay taxes for printed documents, various licenses and other goods. One of the biggest reasons the
Revolutionary War started was because colonists started to protests. There were different kinds of protesting like
boycotting, townshend acts and many other ways.

There are also many effects of the Revolutionary War like the Declaration of Independence which was
when the continental congress met and they picked 5 men to make it. The men were Thomas Jefferson, John
Adams,Benjamin Franklin,Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston. The first person to sign the declaration of
independence was John Hancock and the declaration of independence was official accepted on july 4 1776.

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Declaration of Sit Amet Donec Ultrices Litora

The Continental Congress signed the Declaration Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
of Independence, a piece of paper stating that it consectetur adipiscing. consectetur adipiscing. consectetur adipiscing.

would become the United States of America. Continental congress meeting



Colonies- Is a piece of land owned by a different country
Migrated- Move from one area or country to settle in another, especially in search of work

Government- The governing body of a nation, state, or a community

Meeting house- A protestant place of worship
Blacksmith- A person who makes and repairs things in iron by hand
Chamber pot- A bowl kept under your bed and used especially at night
Yoke- A wooden cross piece that you would put around your neck and put buckets on it that
was full of water
Breeches- Short trousers fastened just below the knee, now chiefly worn for riding a horse or
worn of a ceremonial dress


Isaacs, Sally Senzell. Life in a Colonial Town. Heinemann Library, 2001.
Machajewski, Sarah. Kid's Life in Colonial America. Rosen Classroom, 2015.
Peterson, Christine. What If You Lived in Colonial America? Capstone, 2013.
Kalman, Bobbie. A Visual Dictionary of a Colonial Community. Crabtree Pub. Co., 2008.
Raum, Elizabeth. Scoop on Clothes, Homes, and Daily Life in Colonial America. Capstone Press, 2017.
Thomas, Mark. Clothes in Colonial America. Scholastic, 2002.
Fisher, Verna. Colonial Jobs. Nomad Press, 2010.
Thomas, Mark. Work in Colonial America. Children's Press, 2002.
Thomas, Mark. School in Colonial America. Children's Press, 2002.
Morley, Jacqueline. You Wouldn't Want to Be an American Colonist! Turtleback Books, 2013.
Thomas, Mark. Homes in Colonial America. Children's Press, 2002.
Thomas, Mark. Food in Colonial America. Children's Press, 2002.
Thomas, Mark. Fun and Games in Colonial America. Scholastic, 2002.
Nelson, Kristen Rajczak. Life in the American Colonies. Gareth Stevens, 2013.
McGovern, Ann, and June Otani. --If You Lived in Colonial Times. Scholastic, 2005.

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