No. EBXIV/2/PHD/60/2019 Dated: 16.06.2021
Draft #10 of File EBXIV/2/PHD/60/2019 Approved by ASSISTANT REGISTRAR XXI (EXAM) on 16-Jun-2021 04:55 PM - Page 1 From The Controller of Examinations
Smt. Avani T ,
Anju Nivas,
Chowara P O
Ernakulam - 683 571.
Sub:- Awarding of Ph.D. Degree – Open Defence and Public Viva-Voce - reg.
This is to inform you that your Open Defence and Public Viva-Voce, through video conference using
electronic means, is proposed to be conducted as per schedule given below:
Subject : Commerce
Date : 21st June , 2021.
Time : 10 : 30 A M
Candidate has to remit the online Open Defence fee of Rs..2,500/- to the University fund through
University e-payment portal at least one day before the commencement of the online Viva-voce and
submit the original verified receipt thereafter.
Encl: Yours faithfully
(For The Controller of Examinations)
U.O No: 2439/AcA10/2020/MGU dated 09.06.2020.
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Draft #7DrofaftFil#e1016of81Fi2l/eEBE1B0XISV/O2//2P0H2D0/6R0/E2G01S9ECApTprAopvpreodvbeyd AbySSAISSSTIASNTTANRTEGRIESGTIRSATRRAXRXIIV(E(XAACMA)DoEnMI16C-)Joun-0290-2J1un0-42:05250P0M4:-41PaPgeM -2 Page 1 Abstract
Ph.D./M.Phil. Programmes - Conduct of Viva-Voce Examination online through Video
Conferencing using electronic means - Minutes of the meeting held for fixing the modalities for
conducting the Viva-Voce examination online - Approved - Orders issued.
No. 2439/AC A 10/2020/MGU ACADEMIC A 10 SECTION
Priyadarsini Hills,Dated: 09.06.2020
Read:-1. U. O. No. 2123/AC A10/2020/MGU dated 20.05.2020.
2. U. O. No. 2397/AC A 10/2020/MGU dated 09.06.2020.
3. Minutes of the meeting held for discussion on the modalities for conducting
Ph.D./MPhil Viva-Voce Examination online through electronic means at the Vice-
Chancellor's Conference Hall on 02.06.2020.
As per the University Orders, read as (1) and (2) above, conduct of Ph.D./M.Phil.
Viva-Voce Examination online through Video Conferencing using electronic means
has been approved. The Meeting chaired by the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor on
02.06.2020, after detailed deliberations on the modalities for conducting the Viva-
Voce Examinations online through video conferencing, vide the minutes read as (3)
above, put forward the following guide lines.
Guidelines for Conducting Ph.D. /M.Phil. Thesis Defence Through Video Conferencing
In normal circumstances, a Ph.D. candidate is required to present his/her thesis in
an open forum on unanimous approval of the Ph.D. thesis by all the adjudicators.
However, in very exceptional circumstances like natural disasters OR cases where the
chairman has difficulties in personally attending the viva, Open Defence may be
conducted through online media /video conferencing or any such medium as deemed
fit subject to the following conditions.
The Supervising Teacher in consultation with the respective Head of the
Department shall make arrangements for video conferencing.
One of the smart classrooms in the statutory Schools/Departments shall be
earmarked for the Open Defence of the Ph.D./M. Phil. thesis through online
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Draft #7DrofaftFil#e1016of81Fi2l/eEBE1B0XISV/O2//2P0H2D0/6R0/E2G01S9ECApTprAopvpreodvbeyd AbySSAISSSTIASNTTANRTEGRIESGTIRSATRRAXRXIIV(E(XAACMA)DoEnMI16C-)Joun-0290-2J1un0-42:05250P0M4:-41PaPgeM -3 Page 2 media.
The video conferencing shall be supported by the University’s audio and video
conference technical team for the duration of the programme.
The entire proceedings shall be video recorded and the soft copy shall be
submitted to the Controller of Examinations. While making all efforts to record
the proceedings, any incidence where the recording fails due to technical
reasons, the examination board must certify this issue and the Vice-Chancellor
may examine the details and permit for an exemption.
An additional fee of Rs. 2500/- shall be payable by all candidates to the
University fund for the online Open Defence.
Ph.D. Open Defence and Viva-Voce Examination Through Video Conferencing
Student: The student must be physically present in the room where the thesis defence
is taking place.
Chairman: The Chairman may attend the Open Defence and Viva-Voce Examination
Dean: May participate in the Open Defence online or may be present in the room
where the defence is taking place.
Supervising Teacher(s): Must be physically present in the room where the defence
is taking place.
Head of the Host Department: Head of the University Department where the video
conference is being conducted shall facilitate its smooth conduct.
Participants: A minimum of 25 participants shall attend the Open Defence online.
Attendance: The Dean/Research Supervisor shall certify the number of attendees in a
separate form which shall be supplemented by the video recording of the Open
Defence event.
Management: The entire event shall be managed and coordinated by the research
supervisor in consultation with the Dean of the concerned faculty. Permission to speak
and raise questions shall be granted using the research supervisor’s administrator
privilege of the online platform with the permission of the Chairman.
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Draft #7DrofaftFil#e1016of81Fi2l/eEBE1B0XISV/O2//2P0H2D0/6R0/E2G01S9ECApTprAopvpreodvbeyd AbySSAISSSTIASNTTANRTEGRIESGTIRSATRRAXRXIIV(E(XAACMA)DoEnMI16C-)Joun-0290-2J1un0-42:05250P0M4:-41PaPgeM -4 Page 3 Online Platform and Technical Requirements: The research supervisor shall use
the online platform fixed by the University for the Online Conduct of viva. Satisfactory
bandwidth, webcam with HD resolution and best quality audio facilities should be
ensured in consultation with the IT team of the University. Recording of the event
should be made directly from the online platform used for the online conduct of viva.
Testing of the online platform with the participants should be done at least 24 hrs prior
to the conduct of the viva to ensure flawless streaming. An additional network facility
offering enough bandwidth shall be arranged to face any unforeseen disruption due to
network failure.
Duration: Minimum duration of the entire event should not be less than an hour.
Exceptions Under Medical Emergencies: In case a Ph.D. candidate is physically
immobile, he/she may submit a request to the Vice-Chancellor with the support valid
medical certificate for conducting the defence, sitting at an isolated place. If the request
is approved the Supervising Teacher in consultation with the Chairman, Dean and
Head of the University Department shall make necessary arrangements.
After the video conference, minutes prepared by the Dean and the Supervising
Teacher, in consultation with the Chairman, shall be sent to the Chairman by e-mail for
signing the same. The same document shall also be signed by the Dean and the
Supervising teacher and sent to the Controller of Examinations along with other
documents as mentioned in Section 43.5 of Mahatma Gandhi University Ph.D.
Regulations 2016.
M.Phil. Viva-Voce Examination Through Video Conferencing
Student: The student must be physically present in the room where the thesis defence
is taking place. However, video conferencing is permitted if the candidate has limited
mobility as a result of a serious medical condition. In this case, the student must submit
a medical certificate and a request for exception to the Head of the Department. If the
request is approved by the Faculty Council, the Department shall make arrangements
for the conduct of Viva-Voce Examination through video conferencing.
Chairman (HoD): Must be physically present in the room where the Viva-Voce
Examination is taking place.
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Draft #7DrofaftFil#e1016of81Fi2l/eEBE1B0XISV/O2//2P0H2D0/6R0/E2G01S9ECApTprAopvpreodvbeyd AbySSAISSSTIASNTTANRTEGRIESGTIRSATRRAXRXIIV(E(XAACMA)DoEnMI16C-)Joun-0290-2J1un0-42:05250P0M4:-41PaPgeM -5 Page 4 External Examiner: The external examiner may attend the Viva-Voce Examination by
video conferencing.
Internal Examiner (Supervising Teacher): Must be physically present in the room
where the Viva-Voce Examination is taking place.
After the Viva-Voce Examination, the Chairman shall prepare the mark sheet in
consultation with the external and internal examiners. The same shall be sent to the
external examiner by e-mail for his/her signature.
The Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, exercising powers of the Syndicate, under Section
3.10(17) of the Mahatma Gandhi University Act 1985, has approved the minutes.
Orders are issued accordingly.
1. The Heads of all research centres ASSISTANT REGISTRAR IV
2. PS to the VC / PVC
3. PA to Registrar / CE (ACADEMIC)
4. The Director of Research For REGISTRAR
5. Ac A II & Ac A XI Sections
6. EB X & EB XIV Sections Forwarded / By Order
7. Content Management Section Section Officer
8. Records Section
9. Stock File
10 File Copy
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Draft #170oof Ff FileileEEBBXXIVIV/2//2P/PHHDD/6/060/2/0210199AAppprorovevdedbbyyAASSSSISISTTAANNTTRREEGGISISTTRRAARRXXXXI I(E(EXXAAMM) )onon081-6J-uJnu-n2-0220121020:42:055PPMM- -PPagaege116
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Draft #10 of File EBXIV/2/PHD/60/2019 Approved by ASSISTANT REGISTRAR XXI (EXAM) on 16-Jun-2021 04:55 PM - Page 16 •"P
Evaluation report on the Ph.D. thesis entitled, “An évaluation of CGTMSE
scheme in public sector banks- A study with respect to Kérala” submitted by
Avani T to MG University.
I hâve gone through the above thesis submitted for the award of Ph.D. degree
meticulously with much inquisitiveness. The topic of research study is relevant in the
context of CGTMSE scheme and its implémentation.
1. Objectives were clearly mentioned.
2. The research problem and objectives of study are stated very precisely and the
research design adopted for the study is appropriate in terms of style and
3. Comprehensively assessed secondary data.
4. Able to identify the research problem without any ambiguity and could
successfully establish the rationale of conducting the study.
5. The data collected were systematically classified, tabulated and analysed
elaborately using appropriate statistical tools and techniques for arriving
meaningful conclusions.
6. The style of présentation of the study report is lucid and the overall analysis of
the subject matter is done objectively.
7. The major issues identifïed by the researcher are appropriate and practical.
8. There is consistency in thesis présentation.
9. The suggestions given by the researcher are appropriate.
10. Référencés and citations were presented accurately.
Questions for viva voce:
1. Why you hâve chosen CGTMSE scheme for your study?
2. Why you hâve not followed APA formatting?
3. What is the choice of your sample size?
4. Explain the CFA model for popularity of CGTMSE scheme? Explain.
5. Majority of the companies are small in your study.Why?
6. What are your spécifie contributions?
Considering the content, methodology, style of présentation, the extent of original
contribution, overall quantitative aspects of the thesis, it is recommended that the
thesis “An évaluation of CGTMSE scheme in public sector banks- A study with
respect to Kérala” submitted by Avani T be accepted for the award of the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Commerce subject to the rules of MG University.
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