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Published by jackierudd, 2019-03-06 06:15:20

Year 9 Options 2019 for website V2

Year 9 Options 2019 for website V2



Expect Excellence


Our Key Stage 4 timetable is based around four teaching blocks. Subjects within a block are taught at the
same time, so students may only choose one subject from each block.



Application Process

Students will follow a Core Curriculum which is compulsory. The Core Curriculum consists of:
GCSE English Language; GCSE English Literature; GCSE Mathematics; GCSE Double Award Science; PE
and RESHAPE. They will also study one of the following: History, Geography, Spanish, French.
Students then choose one subject from each block from a choice of twenty three courses.
To make your option choices for Year 10 and 11 go to the school website http:// click on ADMISSIONS, then YEAR 9 OPTIONS.
Click on the ‘Choose Options’ button and enter the username and password.
Students will then enter their personal details and choose their subjects!

GCSE English Language “Language is the
inventory of
COMPONENT 1: How does a writer human
get their message experience.”
Fiction and Imaginative
Writing (40%) across? COMPONENT 2:
Non-fiction and
ASSESSMENT: This subject can lead Transactional Writing
to A levels /careers ASSESSMENT:
● Section A – Reading: ● Section A – Reading:
questions on an in… questions on two
unseen 19th-century ANYTHING! unseen non-fiction
fiction extract. extracts.
● Section B – Writing: a
● Section B – Writing: choice of two tasks.
a choice of two tasks. Examination: 2 hours
and 5 minutes
Examination: 1 hour
and 45 minutes.

GCSE English Literature “Books are a
uniquely portable
COMPONENT 1: How are characters
Shakespeare and Post and themes magic.”
1914 (50%) portrayed?
ASSESSMENT: This subject can lead 19th Century Novel and
to A levels /careers Poetry (50%)
● Section A – Romeo and ASSESSMENT:
Juliet: extract analysis in… ● Section A – A Christmas
and theme exploration of ANYTHING! Carol: extract analysis and
whole play. theme exploration of
whole text
● Section B – An ● Section B – Poetry:
Inspector Calls: essay comparison of anthology
question on character or poems and comparison of
theme unseen poems
Examination: 2 hours and
Examination: 1 hour and 15 minutes
45 minutes.


Enable students to: Content  All terminal
 Number Algebra assessment at end of
● develop fluent  Probability year 11
knowledge, skills and  Statistics
understanding of  Ratio, proportion &  3 equally weighted
mathematical methods exam papers
rates of change
and concepts  Geometry and  Papers are each 1
hour and 30 minutes
● acquire, select and measures long

apply mathematical This subject can lead  Higher and
techniques to solve to A levels /careers Foundation tiers
Problems in…
STEM careers and
● reason financial services
mathematically, make
deductions and

inferences, and draw

PAPER 1: GCSE Science “The science of
today is the
ASSESSMENT: How do we develop technology of
a new medicine? tomorrow”
 Biology: Cells,
genetics, and health This subject can PAPER 2:
& disease lead to A levels /
 Chemistry: States of careers in…
matter, extracting STEM careers and  Biology: Plant
metals financial services structures, animal
biology, homeostasis
 Physics: Motion, and ecosystems
conservation of
energy, forces,  Chemistry: Groups in
waves, light the PT, rates of
reaction, fuels and the
Examination: 1 hour and atmosphere
10 minutes each.
 Physics: Energy, forces,
electricity & magnetism

Examination: 1 hours and
10 minutes each.


EDEXCEL A: Geographical Themes and Challenges AND THOSE WHO DO
COMPONENT 1: This subject can lead
The Physical Environment (37.5 %/94 to A levels/careers in READ ONLY A PAGE!”
Geography and Are you interested in
Changing Landscapes of the UK; complements the how the world works?
Rivers; Coasts; Weather Hazards and other Humanities. Do you wonder about
Climate Change; Ecosystems,
Biodiversity and Management. and Sciences. the connections
between environment
COMPONENT 2: and human activity?
The Human Environment (37.5 %/94
marks) COMPONENT 3: Geographical
Investigations: Fieldwork and UK
Changing Cities; Global Development; Challenges (25%/64 marks)
Resource Management: Water Geographical Investigations -
Resource Management. Fieldwork; Geographical
Investigations - UK Challenges.
External exams
3 x 1.5 hour exams.

GCSE History “We are not the
makers of history.
PAPER 1: “Those who do not We are made by
know history are History.”
Understanding the destined to repeat
Modern World (50%) it.” Edmund Burke Martin Luther King JR

ASSESSMENT: This subject can PAPER 2:
lead to: Shaping the Nation (50%)
● Section A – Germany ASSESSMENT:
1890-1945: Democracy A-Level History or Law ● Section A – Health and
and Dictatorship. the people, c1000 to the
Degrees in History or present day
● Section B – Conflict extracts.
and Tension in Asia, Classical Studies ● Section B – Elizabethan
1950-1975 England, 1568-1603
Examination: 2 hours
Examination: 2 hours

RE - Philosophy and Ethics “I THINK, THEREFORE I
UNIT 1 — Study of religion
You will be looking at Buddhism and Christianity. Have you ever 100% Exam
Studying their core beliefs and practices in every asked yourself 2 x 1hr 45mins exam
day life. papers

UNIT 2— Philosophy and ethics why things
 Family and relationships happen?

 Life and it’s value –

including animal and

environmental issues. A-Levels Law, history,

Abortion and euthanasia. and sociology

 War, peace and justice careers …
 What is good and evil and
any job working with the
the relationship to human public e.g. police
rights and the justice system

GCSE French (AQA) Important Information:
You will need a positive
“ The limits of your language are the Do you want to attitude towards
limits of your world” Wittgenstein experience the world language learning which
differently? includes aiming to speak
COMPONENTS: French in class.
Listening—25% Do you want to help
Speaking—25% UK business to trade Being able to speak
Reading—25% worldwide? another language,
puts you in a
Writing—25% This subject can take you all over the
world and lead to careers including: valuable minority.
The exams take  European & Home Politics Only 39% of the UK
place at the end of  Business Studies can speak a
year 11.  Teaching
second language.

The Guardian (2014)

 Translating

 Medicine

 International Banking

GCSE Spanish (AQA) Important Information:

“ The limits of your language are the limits of Do you want to help You will need a positive
UK business to trade attitude towards language
your world” Wittgenstein learning which includes
worldwide? aiming to speak Spanish in
COMPONENTS: Do you want to
Listening—25% experience other The 24 leading
Speaking—25% universities known
Reading—25% cultures? as ‘The Russell
Writing—25% Group’ name
This subject can take you all over the languages as a
The exams take world and lead to careers including: ‘facilitating subject’.
place at the end of  European & Home Politics
year 11.  Business Studies
 Translating
 Medicine
 International Banking
 International Law

GCSE Art and Design Important Information:
The most successful
COMPONENT 1: This subject can lead to A levels candidates enjoy drawing
Personal portfolio (60%) and degrees in… and appreciate that there
will be an element of written
ASSESSMENT: Fine Art, Architecture, Illustration, responses and annotations
Graphic Design, Product Design, throughout the course.
Students will learn how to: Animation, CGI, Textiles, Art History, Being able to attempt all
Museum Curatorship, Car Design, tasks and materials with a
 Develop a range of Stage and Film Set Design, Photog- positive attitude is essential.
recording skills. raphy, Shop Display, Game Design, TV
Production, Advertising, Printing and COMPONENT 2:
 Develop and explore Externally set
‘thematic’ studies. Theatrical make up. assignment (40%)
This unit concludes with
 Develop knowledge and the making of their
understanding of art, outcome/s over 10
craft and design in hours.
contemporary societies
and in other times and

Marking of the tasks will be carried out by Art Dept staff
and moderated by Edexcel.

EDEXCEL (9-1) GCSE Business GCSE Business gives
students the

Theme 1 investigating small This subject opportunity to explore
business (50%) can lead to... Level 3 real business issues
courses (A-level/BTEC) and and how businesses
Externally assessed 1 ½ hour a career in the business work.
exam world or becoming an
Content overview Theme 2– building a business
● Topic 1.1 Enterprise and Entrepreneur (50%)
Externally assessed 1 ½ hour

● Topic 1.2 Spotting a Develop your Content overview
business opportunity Entrepreneur skills
Help improve your ● Topic 2.1 Growing the business
● Topic 1.3 Putting a business ● Topic 2.2 Making marketing
idea into practice career options decisions
● Topic 2.3 Making operational
● Topic 1.4 Making the decisions
business effective ● Topic 2.4 Making financial
● Topic 1.5 Understanding
external influences on business

● Topic 2.5 Making human
resource decisions

"Experts in literacy and child

Child Development Cambridge National development have discovered that if
children know eight

nursery rhymes by heart by the time

Learning Outcome 1: they’re four years old, they’re usually
Reproduction and the roles among the best readers by the time
and responsibilities of they’re eight."
It can lead to careers
Learning Outcome 2:
working with COURSEWORK 1:

Antenatal care and children and young Understand the equipment

preparation for birth people and nutritional needs of

Learning Outcome 3: children from birth to five
Postnatal checks, postnatal This subject can lead

provision and conditions to level 3 courses in COURSEWORK 2:
for development Health and Social
Learning Outcome 4: Care and Child Care. Understand the
Childhood illnesses development of a child from
birth to five years

Learning Outcome 5: The examination is 50% of

Child safety the final grade; the

coursework makes up the

Assessed through one remaining 50%


BTEC Tech Award in Creative Media “Innovation distinguishes

between a leader and a follower.”


Exploring Media Products thuse learners to con- COMPONENT 3:
This component will give you an sider a career in the Create a Media Product in
understanding of media Response to a Brief
practitioners’ work, techniques creative digital me- • Task set and marked by
and technology, which are used dia industries.

to contribute to the creation of Could you see yourself in Pearson completed under
media products. these industries…? supervised conditions.

COMPONENT 2: Moving Image • The set task will be
completed in 9 hours of
Audio Production

Developing Digital Media Games Design supervised sessions in a period
Production Skills Website Design timetabled by Pearson.
In this component you will have Publishing
the opportunity to specialise in • 60 marks.

one or more of the following

media sectors: audio/moving

image, publishing and/or

interactive media.

Drama: Technical Award “An actor must
never be afraid to
COMPONENT 1: Are you passionate make a fool of
Exploring the Performing Arts about performing? themselves”
ASSESSMENT: Performing to a Brief
 Portfolio of written and ASSESSMENT:
recorded evidence  Three written logs
 One 10-15 minute
 Two part presentation This subject can lead to
devised performance
Examination: Through A levels /careers in… Examination: 1 hour per
coursework TV, Film, Stage, Creative written log and the final
COMPONENT 2: Industry and beyond
Developing Skills and
Techniques in the Performing
Arts (30%)


 Portfolio of written and
recorded evidence

 Performance in three live Examination: Through coursework

performances and performance

BTEC Technical Award in Engineering Engineering allows
students to explore the
COMPONENT 1: engineering sector,
develop key skills, and
Exploring Engineering Sectors Acquiring practical discover potential
and Design Applications (30%) skills and technical careers.

A – Products, sectors and knowledge COMPONENT 3:
This subject can Responding to an
B – Engineering skills & lead to A levels / engineering brief
designing solutions Level 3 BTEC and
 Internally assessed
● A set task is made up
COMPONENT 2: of two parts. 2 hours for
part 1 and 1 1/2 hours
A – Materials, apprenticeships for part two. Part one
components and processes involves a practical
B – Investigating an engineered

C – Planning and making

 Internally assessed

COMPONENT 3: Are you naturally analytical?
Do you like to find the meaning FILMED”
 30% of the GCSE in Films?
Are you a budding director or COMPONENT 1 Exam:
 Two main items: a film screenwriter?
Production and an Paper 1: 35% of GCSE
Evaluative Analysis This subject can lead to Section A—US Film
careers in… Comparative Study
 A film extract based on Film Industry Section B—Key
a particular genre OR Developments in Film and
a screenplay between Television Production Film Technology
800 and 1000 words. Journalism Section C—US
Independent Film
 Learners will complete
an evaluative analysis COMPONENT 2 Exam:
of their production Paper 2: 35% of GCSE
work between 750 and Section A—One global
850 words. English language film
Section B—One global
non-English language film
Section C—One
contemporary UK Film

GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition

This is a course that has been designed to Do you like to How the course is examined:
give students strong cooking skills and an cook?
understanding of food in all its different  50% - 1 hr 45 min
Do you want to written exam in year 11.
In year 10 the areas of study have been learn a skill for life?
planned so that practical sessions  Assessment 1:
account for over 50% of the lessons. Sept—Nov in year 11. A
food investigation.
1. Food commodities This subject can
2. Principles of nutrition lead to:  Assessment 2:

3. Diet and good health Higher education and Nov—Feb in year 11. A
4. The science of food careers in the food practical assessment in
5. Where food comes from? industry. which you will research,
prepare, cook and
6. Cooking and food preparation present a menu of 3

NCFE Level 2 Technical Award in Graphic Design Important stuff:

Unit 1: Introduction to graphic design Can you look at  You will need a positive, creative &
and the components that make it up hardworking attitude
which you will develop through something exciting & create
experimental work. something new?  You will need to be prepared to devote
your time to achieving your goals—this is
a practically demanding subject

 You will need to be able to stick to
deadlines as each unit carries equal
weighting with specified Learning Guided
Hours to achieve each unit.

Unit 2: Research into Are you passionate Unit 4: You will explore working
in the graphic design industry,
famous graphic about design? by looking at different ways to
present work to understand
designers who have This subject can lead to: different types of portfolio.

influenced the A level Product Design Exam: 10hr practical exam
in which you will respond
design industry through Degrees & Careers in Product Design, to a given brief and use the
Graphic Design, Illustration, Web Design- skills learnt in units 1-3.

a range of different er, Exhibition designer, Art director,

disciplines. Interior Design, Architectural Design

to name a few.

Unit 3: Creation of your own
brief for a Graphic Product
that you will design and make.

Health and Social Care Cambridge National "It is not enough to be
compassionate. You must
Unit 1: It can lead to careers
Essential values of care for use working in medicine, act."
with individuals in care settings Dalai Lama
1 hour externally assessed midwifery, social
written paper (25%) work and teaching. Unit 3:
Using basic first aid
Unit 2: This subject can lead procedures
Communicating and working to level 3 courses in Centre assessed coursework
with individuals in health, social Health and Social task (25%)
care and early years settings Care and Child Care. Unit 4:
Understanding life stages
Centre assessed coursework task Centre assessed coursework
(25%) task (25%)
Both units are completed in
Both units are completed in year 11
year 10

Hospitality & Catering Level 1/2 IMPORTANT STUFF:

Unit 1 The Hospitality & Catering Do you have a Unit 1—40% External
Industry — 40% passion for food Assessment

This unit introduces the safe and and cooking? Unit 2—60% Internal
hygienic preparation of the cooking Controlled Assessment
environment and ingredients. Possible trips
Students will learn the different for this course: Task
types of establishments and job roles
within the catering industry. Toulouse (Fine dining This subject can lead to
restaurant) apprenticeships or courses
Unit 2 Hospitality & Catering in Ocean Beach (Bistro) involving practical food skills such
Action— 60% Jimmy's Farm as being a chef, baker, butcher.

This unit is based around a given It is also a route to higher
brief in which students will need to education e.g. Level 3
complete all the assessment criteria; qualifications and A-levels such as:
this will inform their coursework
along with a practical assessment. Diploma in advanced professional
cookery, studies and advanced

BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology To equip learners with

the knowledge and skills

Component 1 (40%) Component 2 (30%) to design and make

Exploring User Interface Design Collecting, Presenting and effective digital products
Principles and Project Planning Interpreting Data for others to use.

Techniques  Internally assessed assignment.

 Internally assessed assignment.  Explore how data impacts on Component 3 (40%)
 Explore user interface design individuals and organisations.
Effective Digital Working
and development principles.  Develop a dashboard using data Practices
manipulation tools.
 Scenario-based external
 Discover how to develop and  Draw conclusions and make assessment.
review a digital user interface. recommendations on data
intelligence.  1 ½ hour marked out of 60.
 Use project planning  Explore how modern

techniques to manage a digital information technology is
project. This subject can lead to...  Understand what cyber
Level 3 courses or a career security is and how to
Consider legal and safeguard against it.
ethical issues in data in the IT sector which is
dependent upon the use
and information
sharing. of IT skills.

GCSE Music Important information:

AREAS OF STUDY Nurture and develop Coursework 60%
performance skills by Listening Examination 40%
AOS1— My Music
playing an AOS4— Film Music
Study and development of own instrument or singing Learning about music from
instrument or voice. film & television and how
AOS2— Concerto Through Time solo and as part of it aids the narrative of a
Learning about Baroque, Classical an ensemble. film.
and Romantic concertos. AOS5— Conventions of
Understanding the dates, You MUST be either Pop
composers and instrumentation of learning to play an Learning about the history
these periods. instrument, be an of pop music, from the
accomplished sequencer 1950s to the present day,
AOS3— Rhythms of the World or be an able singer to and the cultural
significance of different
Learning about Indian, Eastern take the course musical styles.
Mediterranean, African tribal, and
Central and South American Latino

Performing Arts: Technical Award “All the world’s a
COMPONENT 1: Are you passionate
Exploring the Performing Arts about performing? COMPONENT 3:
(30%) Performing to a Brief
This subject can lead to (40%)
ASSESSMENT: A levels /careers in… ASSESSMENT:
 Three written logs
 Portfolio of written and TV, Film, Stage, Creative  One 10-15 minute
recorded evidence Industry and beyond
devised performance
 Two part presentation Examination: 1 hour per
written log and the final
Examination: Through performance

COMPONENT 2: Developing
Skills and Techniques in the
Performing Arts (30%)


 Portfolio of written and
recorded evidence

 Performance in three Examination: Through
live performances coursework and performance

GCSE Physical Education You will need to
put as much effort
COMPONENT 1: “Persistence can into your written
Written exam change failure into
1 hour—60 marks work as your
30% of total GCSE extraordinary practical work.
Physical factors affecting achievement”
performance COMPONENT 3:
This subject can lead to : 3 x practical sports
COMPONENT 2: Level 3 studies in Sport (1 team, 1 individual & 1
Written exam or Leisure & Recreation. other)
1 hour—60 marks Careers in the Sport Analysing and evaluating
30% of total GCSE and Leisure Industry. performance controlled
Socio-cultural issues and assessment
sports psychology 40% of total GCSE

BTEC First Award in Sport 75% of the final
grade is on-going
MANDATORY UNITS: “You only ever grow coursework and 25%
Unit 1: Fitness for Sport as a human being if is from the external
and Exercise
Externally assessed you are pushed exam.
computer based exam outside your
comfort zone.” Optional Units:
Unit 2: Practical Sports (Pupils must select one)
Performance This subject can lead to :
(Internally assessed) Unit 4: The mind and
Level 3 studies in Sport or sports performance
Unit 3: Applying the Leisure & Recreation.
Principles of Personal Unit 5: The sports
Training. Careers in the Sport and performer in action
(Internally assessed) Leisure Industry.
Unit 6: Leading sports

BTEC Art and Design Practice: Resistant Materials “Creativity is nothing

but the way to solve

COMPONENT 1: new problems”

Generating ideas in Art and Design (30%) This subject can COMPONENT 3:
lead to A levels / Responding to a client brief
careers in…
 Learning Aim A – Investigating art & ASSESSMENT:
design practice Product Design
● Objective 1—Demonstrate
 Learning Aim B – Generate & Construction understanding of client needs
communicate art and design ideas
And many more… ● Objective 2— Develop and
COMPONENT 2: produce a response to a client
Develop practical skills in art and design brief
● Objective 3— Present a
ASSESSMENT: response to a client brief

 Learning Aim A – Develop practical Examination: External
skills through application & review synoptic assessment

 Learning Aim B – Record &
communicate skills development

GCSE Textiles (AQA Art and Design) “EVERY ARTIST WAS


COMPONENT 1: 60% Love style, pattern, EMERSON
colour + making things? COMPONENT 2: 40%
A portfolio that in total
shows explicit coverage of

the four assessment Then GCSE Art and PRACTICAL EXAM: 10 HOURS

objectives, completed over Design Textiles could be OVER 2 DAYS

2 years. It must include a for you. Your response to a starting
sustained project point chosen from an
evidencing the journey This can lead to externally set assignment
from initial engagement A levels/careers as a: paper, evidencing coverage of
to the realisation of Designer of Textiles, all four assessment
intentions and a selection Interiors, Fashion Buyer, objectives.
of further work Textile Technologist,
undertaken during the Exam questions are released
course. Pattern Cutter, by AQA on 1st February in
Machinist, Retailing. the examination year and you
have 3 ½ months to explore,

experiment and plan.

If you have any further questions
please contact:


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