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Published by eurocitiesinfo, 2019-05-21 05:48:26

Making a difference for with cities - impact report - midterm Nov 2018 - Apr 2019

EUROCITIES Midterm impact report Nov18-Apr19


I M PA C T R E P O R T, N O V 2 0 1 8 – M AY 2 0 1 9

1. Introduction

EUROCITIES is making an impact, one that can be felt in the degree local leadership visible at
EU level, the strengthened urban dimension of EU policies and the shape of EU policy
developments, the stronger evidence base available for city actions and increased capacity
within cities.

This note tracks some of those impacts delivered by the network over the past six months,
November 2018 – May 2019. It complements other reporting tools such as the network update
on work in progress in strategic areas, the monthly overview provided by our Flash newsletter
and the weekly Insider.

2. Local political leadership for a stronger Europe

Local leaders also lead at European level by showing the way forward. Engaging political leaders
among our membership is essential not only to our legitimacy but also to our political clout at
EU level.

2.1. Mayors lead the way - Mayors Summit and city leader’s agenda

Our cities are showing Europe that a new way of doing politics is possible and effective. At the
second Mayors Summit, 18 new cities pledge to: involve citizens in a dialogue about our common
future; inspire all levels of government to create societies where people come first; and impact
the way decisions are taken in Europe. This makes a total of 72 EUROCITIES members to have
signed the declaration on citizen engagement.

The ‘city leader’s agenda’ launched during the Mayors Summit, shows that cities, speaking with
a unified voice, are committed to contributing to a more positive future for Europe. Clearly
stating the position and outlook of cities, our agenda also makes specific demands, such as the
nomination of a vice president in charge of urban affairs in the European Commission and the
continuation and strengthening of the Urban Agenda. These messages will shape our
interactions with the new representatives of the European institutions. In addition, we will
develop more specific policy recommendations over the summer.

2.2. EU impressed by €4.23 billion in city pledges

Twenty-two of our members have committed to the implementation of the principles of the
European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). These pledges also come with concrete actions and
financial commitment. Overall, cities are investing a total of €4.23 billion over the period 2019-
2024 in housing, access to child care and elderly care facilities, migrant and refugee
integration, support to employment, training and education. It is a convincing demonstration
of cities’ contribution on the ground to a more social Europe.

Our city pledges were presented directly by our 22 city politicians and city policy makers at the
European Parliament on 21 February. The event was hosted by MEP Maria Joao Rodriguez.

2.3. Mayors pushing for climate sanity

In an impressive example of city mobilisation and cooperation building, 210 mayors and city
leaders from 21 countries have signed the open letter calling for higher EU climate ambition
which was released ahead of the European Summit in Sibiu on 9 May. Of these signatories, 74
are EUROCITIES members.

We worked on this campaign in an impressive coalition of city networks rallying around a
common cause with cities in focus. This action has reinforced the climate priority of
Stockholm’s network presidency. We were responsible for dissemination and for communication
with the EU institutions during the campaign.

12 EUROCITIES members (Bologna, Genoa, Milan, Mannheim, Oslo, Porto, Rijeka, Strasbourg,
Tampere, Tirana, Turin, and Verona) formally committed to the Covenant of Mayors 2030
targets at our environment forum meeting in Genoa in April.

2.4. Standing up for citizens’ digital rights

Barcelona and Amsterdam are behind a global coalition committed to advancing and protecting
people’s digital human rights on the internet. The coalition works to a declaration based on
five principles: Universal and equal access to internet and digital literacy; privacy, data
protection and security; transparency, accountability & non-discrimination of data;
participatory democracy, diversity and inclusion; and open and ethical digital service standards.

Since its launch in November 2018, 29 cities have signed and committed to take action. We are
partners in this coalition. We have also issued 10 principles on citizens’ data, inspiring EU policy
makers and clearly positioning city authorities in the wider debate about data sovereignty,
public access to private data and empowering citizens to make use of their own data.

3. EU policies recognise cities

Cities are vital partners for the EU. Below, you can find some examples of how we have
strengthened this relationship, and see it reflected in EU policies and initiatives of strategic
importance to our members.

3.1. Support for procurement in cities

Starting in 2017, EUROCITIES supported the European Commission directorate for internal
market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) in setting up and developing the initial
concept behind the big buyers network initiative.

This brings together local authorities and harnesses their large purchasing power, to develop
joint procurement work. This can bring down the price of purchased products by exploiting
economies of scale, and at the same time steer the market toward new technologies and
products that better meet cities’ needs.

EUROCITES, having helped to put this issue on the agenda, has now, together with the ICLEI
network, won the contract to manage the pilot phase of the initiative.

3.2. Sustainable development goals (SDGs) – influencing EU reflections

EUROCITIES has been appointed to advise the European Commission as part of its multi-
stakeholder platform on SDGs. We ensured a strong urban dimension in the final report.

The report fed directly into the European commission reflection paper on the future of SDGs
released in January 2019, in which the role of cities in driving and in turning SDG principles into
concrete actions features very strongly. However, though the paper leaves it open for the next
iteration of European institutions to decide the level of engagement of European policies on

4. Results for cities

We are using our position as a trusted source of expertise and insight to help EU decision makers
to adopt good legislation that works for cities and their residents. We have thus secured some
legislative gains, with many more in sight.

4.1. Cities in the driver’s seat on mobility legislation

We have had an impressive impact in mobility legislation, with clear impact on the Clean
vehicles directive, the General safety regulation, and the European electronic toll services
directive. We have also helped to ensure that cities can penalise foreign vehicles that violate
certain urban vehicle access regulations (UVARs), such as congestion zones, and that no
European legislation will emerge to restrict cities in the type of UVARs they desire to


These changes result in better and safer travel in cities. It will now be easier for cities to get
direct financial support; to enforce local regulations; to guarantee that vehicles embrace
technological neutrality; that heavy-duty vehicles are better able to see other road users, and
new cars are compelled to use intelligent speed assistance to keep them in the speed limit,
and advanced emergency braking, all of which will result in saving an estimated 25,000 lives
across the next 15 years.

Obtaining all these results involved many meetings with MEPs, public debates and events, policy
statements and proposals for amendments, meetings with Commissioner Bulc’s cabinet and DG
MOVE, voting recommendations and joint outreach with other city networks and road safety

4.2. Securing better funding opportunities

EUROCITIES has done a lot to strengthen funding opportunities for cities as we enter a new
funding period, with a new multiannual financial framework and new funding programmes.
While final agreement on the budgetary aspects of all the programmes is still pending, we have
secured several agreements in the European Parliament. They include direct access for cities
to funding supporting reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees (AMF); better
recognition of cities as drivers for cultural developments (Creative Europe); and a higher EU
co-financing rate for environmental projects (LIFE+).

4.2.1 More urban: cohesion policy and ESF+

The Parliament’s positions on the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR), European Social Fund
(ESF+), the European Fund for Regional Development and the Cohesion Fund (ERDF/CF) has
taken many of our proposals on board:

• No decrease of the Cohesion policy budget; co-financing rates to increase; and rules for
thematic concentrations to become more flexible and climate oriented, e.g. covering
sustainable urban mobility.

• City authorities must be involved in the programming, implementation and evaluation
of programmes.

• A minimum target of 10% (up from 6%) of ERDF resources should be earmarked at
national level for sustainable urban development.

• Integrated territorial development should be supported by all cohesion policy funds,
including ESF+ and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EARDF) to
strengthen urban-rural linkages and functional urban areas.

• Increased focus on urban matters in ESF+ and support to scale up successful inclusion
projects in cities.

Regarding the European Urban Initiative (EUI), the Parliament added several elements that we
had canvassed for to support local authorities (exchanges, financial support of the Urban
Agenda for EU related work, territorial impact assessment etc.) and encourage their active

4.2.2. What’s on the Horizon?

The preliminary agreement on the main principles of Horizon Europe between EU decision
makers includes several favourable outcomes for cities in line with our recommendations. There
will be support for the development of innovation eco-systems, with a focus on strengthening
inclusion of SMEs and start-ups, particularly by allowing fast-track access to the European
Institute of Innovation and Technology. There will also be a citizen-focused approach to tackling
Europe’s challenges, requiring greater citizen participation in projects.

There will be strengthened capacity building activities, mutual learning exercises and peer-to-
peer exchanges to ensure replicability and scaling-up of solutions in cities throughout Europe.
Technology will be implemented to increase sustainability, liveability and urban social
innovations. There will also be a swifter application process for beneficiaries.

Horizon Europe will launch a new ‘missions’ approach to tackle societal challenges. Several
‘Missions boards’ will support the Commission in this task. We are working to secure a strong
representation of EUROCITIES in the boards.

5. Making the case for cities: a stronger evidence base

A stronger evidence base is vital to our policy work when we make the case for cities at EU
level. Our EU funded projects are an essential resource, allowing us to carry out analysis on
topical issues. This evidence base also ensures we can provide cities with important resources
for decision making that will assist efficient and effective management.

5.1. Putting food on the table

Thanks to our research in and publication of the food in cities study (‘Study on innovation for a
sustainable and healthy production, delivery, and consumption of food in cities’), we have
increased awareness in the European Commission on the role of cities in this area.

The study contributed to having for the first time, Horizon2020 calls dedicated to the topic of
urban food and where local authorities are expected to be full partner and beneficiaries. A first
call for €15 million was published in 2019 and a further call of more than €30 million is expected
for 2020.

5.2. New SUMPs guide highlights members’ insights

Since their launch in 2013, the SUMP Guidelines have been the main reference document for

developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). The European Commission has now
launched the SUMP 2.0 process for to update these guidelines. We are contributing to the
process by drafting specific guidance for mobility planning at metropolitan level and by making
use of the input, feedback and experience of our members.

5.3. A social Europe for all

We are improving local evidence to influence European policies with the help of our EaSi grant.
These include a report on Roma Inclusion at local level, which will help the commission to start
to prepare the European Roma strategy post 2020; a report on the monitoring the
implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights in cities; a report on the integration of
migrants and refugees in cities, which was presented during the Integrating Cities Conference
in Milan, 7-9 November; a handbook for undertaking critical friends reviews during working
group meetings; and one video on Vienna’s good practice for preventing homelessness; one
video on Milan’s good practice for integrating refugees.

5.4. Our members change the system

Through our role in the Smart Cities Information System (SCIS), we are collecting and publishing
case studies of our members’ experiences with European funded energy and mobility projects.
This highlights our cities achievements and also provides a stockpile of useful information that
our cities can draw upon when designing and implementing future actions.

This process is explicitly commissioned by the European Commission in order to gather policy
recommendations in these sectors, so the SCIS gives our members a direct line to the
Commission to express their policy concerns and input.

5.5. Sustaining our ability in sustainable mobility

At the Sustainable Mobility Awards, the European Commission recognised the efforts of
EUROCITIES members in leading the way on sustainable mobility. Lisbon and Greater Manchester
took home the EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK Award 2018 and the 7th Award for Sustainable Urban
Mobility Planning (SUMP) respectively.

Both awards were presented by Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc at a ceremony in Brussels
on 21 March, organised by EUROCITIES. These awards, in league with EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK,
create an open line of communication between us, our members, and the Commission, helping
to inform policy Europe-wide.

5.6. We are the experts

The Council of Europe published their Resolution on human rights together with a handbook
featuring many good practices from our working group on migration and Roma.

The European Commission Communication of 4 Dec on the EU Roma Framework takes on board
EUROCITIES concerns that EU funds to cities and need a broad focus, addressing EU-mobile
Roma and non-EU Roma as well as intra-EU Roma.

In the European Commission Report accompanying the proposal for Council Recommendations
on affordable childcare, Nantes features as a good example.

6. Capacity building for liveable cities

Sharing best practices and facilitating mutual learning between cities is a core task of
EUROCITIES. We constantly develop our tools to strengthen these activities to ensure they help
build capacity in cities and are tuned to replicate urban solutions. Examples include:

6.1. Helping good policies catch on
Several study visits and mutual learning events took place, funded by the EaSi grant:

• The social inclusion of refugees and migrants, hosted by Milan 8-9 November, back to
back with the Integrating Cities Conference;

• The prevention of homelessness, hosted by the city of Vienna, 5-6 December, back to
back with the final event from the affordable housing partnership;

• A social innovation lab in Glasgow 26-27 March with the whole SAF community, on co-
creation of solutions to urban challenges in the field of social inclusion;

• The integration of Roma thought housing, hosted by the city of Toulouse, 9-10 April
where 35 cities from WG Roma inclusion and WG homelessness worked to develop
guidelines for cities on Roma housing, inspired by Toulouse’s approach;

• A peer review on the integration of young migrants, hosted by the city of Toulouse, 9-
10 April

All these mutual learning events feature their own summary reports and practical tools to
ensure that learning from cities and collection of evidence on the critical and success factors
are maximised.

6.2. Integration toolkits – new trails to the future

Through the recently completed Cities Grow project, we have highlighted the ways in which
cities can remove barriers to economic activity among migrants, empowering them within the
local labour market. The exchange between Rotterdam and Tampere was especially successful,
with the Rotterdam Business Case, local businesspeople act as mentors, helping migrants who
want to launch entrepreneurial ventures. Tampere has now adopted the practice, and the first
trials are already underway.

For our members outside the project who are eager to activate their migrant populations
economically, we have used the project to produce four ‘toolkits’, step by step guides which

summarise the projects’ findings under four headings: Matching buyers and suppliers; Promoting
migrant participation in local labour markets; Promoting and supporting migrant entrepreneurs;
and Job market anti-discrimination strategies.

6.3. Case studies for citizens focused governance

We are converting historical cities into intelligent cities with the help of our ROCK project -
resilient, sustainable, creative and knowledge cities that use their cultural heritage as a tool
for urban regeneration. This year, the first of four new ROCK booklets, on ‘New governance
models for creative, sustainable and circular cities’ showcases five of our members’
experiences on involving citizens in public policy making from which others can learn and gain

6.4. Putting Covenant of Mayors to work for members

Our capacity-building activities in the Covenant of Mayors are focused to answer requests from
our members, for example on heat stress upon a request from Stockholm for help with dealing
with heat waves.

Five Covenant case studies published in 2018 provide evidence from our members: Barcelona’s
work on energy poverty, Berlin’s heat recovery systems, Bonn’s green roofs, Lille’s
rehabilitation of industrial heritage sites, and Warsaw’s advances in sustainable mobility. Three
further member cities, Brest, London and Vienna are featured in a recent energy poverty

Several EUROCITIES members applied for the Covenant twinning programme 2018-19 and five
of them, Bologna, Braga, Nice, Turku and Vilnius, were selected to take part in twinning visits
in spring 2019.

High level meetings Public Meetings wit
with EU institutions speaking stakeholders
(Directors general,
cabinet members, 69 1organisation
Commissioners, CoR

members, MEPs)

25 2 2 >65Members’ rep
at for
Mayors and deputy New New
mayors attending the members partners

Mayor Summit Haarlem
49 Nottingham


49 14Visits to 1

members Pu
Mutual learning: 292
study visits, peer
learning & mentoring Media article

th partners/

149 14 19ns
Urban Agenda Projects
partnership meetings EUROCITIES
is involved in

presentatives Working group
50 35rum meetings

18 1.7m Meetings with members
in Brussels
ublications Digital outreach
20 Webinars

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