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Published by Lisa Jordan, 2022-06-21 20:46:59

10505 MBC booklet (1)

10505 MBC booklet (1)



“Celebrating the Past and Embracing the Future”

Friday, June 24, 2022
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Martin’s Valley Mansion

594 Cranbrook Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030
Rev. Michael A. Morrison, MBC President

Reverend Dr. Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr.

Reverend Dr. Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr. was born August 1, 1958 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. In 1976, he graduated
from Washington High School, then attended McNeese State University, majoring in Radio and Television
Broadcasting and Delta School of Business in Lake Charles, LA. In 1986, he graduated from the Historic Bishop
College formally of Dallas, Texas, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion and Philosophy with a
minor in Speech Education. He has also received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity from Union Baptist College
and Theological Seminary, New Orleans, Louisiana, an Honorary Doctors Degree from Christian Bible College,
New Orleans, Louisiana, and an Honorary Doctors Degree from Temple Bible College, Cincinnati, Ohio. He has
earned a Master of Divinity from Payne Theological Seminary, Wilberforce, Ohio. In May 2017, he earned a
Doctor of Ministry from Union University in Jackson, Tennessee.

Some of Reverend Tolbert’s former positions include being the former President of the Louisiana Home &
Foreign Missions Baptist State Convention, former President of the Louisiana Inter-Church Conference, 1st
Vice President and General Secretary of National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc., member
the National Board of the NAACP, and former 1st Vice President of the Southwest Missionary Baptist
Association. Reverend Tolbert is also a recognized civic leader. He served as a Commissioner for the Lake
Charles Housing Authority, served 12 years as a representative of District “A” on the Lake Charles City
Council, and served as a member of the Board of the Louisiana Economic Development Corporation. Currently,
Reverend Tolbert serves as member of the Board of Supervisors for Southern University System in Baton
Rouge, Louisiana, and Chairman of Board of Trustees at Simmons College of Kentucky.

A devout man of faith, Reverend Tolbert has dedicated his life to Christian service. He is the former Pastor of
the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, of Cameron, Louisiana. Currently, Reverend Tolbert is the Senior Pastor
of the church he grew up in, Greater Saint Mary Missionary Baptist Church in Lake Charles, LA and has been
serving as their Pastor for more than 38 years.

Reverend Tolbert's accomplishments reflect his dedication to his faith, education, and service. On June 25,
2014, in a landslide victory, he was elected the 15th President of the National Baptist Convention of America
International, Inc., (NBCA) in an election held in Memphis, Tennessee. NBCA has 4000 churches and 3.5
million members. One of Reverend Tolbert’s first missions was to assure NBCA members that all
partnerships and programs under his administration will “seek to serve congregations and communities.”

Additionally, Reverend Tolbert serves as President of Greater St. Mary Community Development Foundation,
President and CEO of Strategic Faith Leadership Ministries, member of Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission
Convention, and President of North American Baptist Fellowship (NABF). The NABF represents 22 Baptist
denominations, unions, and mission societies in Canada and the U.S. with 19.8 million members and 55,000

Having a heart for missions and doing his part to fulfill The Great Commission in Matthew 28, Dr. Tolbert has
organized, lead, partnered and participated in many global mission trips spreading the Gospel of Christ in the
Bahamas, Canada, England, France, Germany, Ghana, Guyana, Haiti, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama,
South Africa, Switzerland, and Zimbabwe.

Reverend Tolbert has been married to Matilda Edwards Tolbert for 35 years and they are the proud parents of
two daughters, Candace, and Kayla.


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It is through God’s strength and power that we are able to celebrate 94 years as a convention
spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. Yes, the Lord has truly blessed us! He is the same
yesterday, today and forevermore. Our focus has been, and will continue to be, centered
on Christian Education, Evangelism, Foreign and Local Missions and strengthening local

Our theme, “Honoring the Past and Embracing Our Future,” reminds us that we are standing on
the shoulders of some great leaders whose visions and leaderships were aligned with God’s
plan and purpose for kingdom building and kingdom living. Their visions will continue to move
us forward in doing His work, His way and for His glory.

This celebration could not have happened without the prayers and support of Dr. Samuel C.
Tolbert, Jr. President, National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc., Maryland
Baptist Convention Pastors, past presidents, honorees, convention members and friends.

Our ministry leaders and Lady Morrison served as the banquet committee, and they did an
outstanding job. They worked tirelessly to make sure this celebration was one that was pleasing
and acceptable to God.

It is with humility and appreciation that I say “Thank you” and well done to all!

“May the LORD bless you and keep you. May the LORD show you his kindness and have mercy on
you. May the LORD watch over you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 (NCV)

Pastor Michael A. Morrison
Maryland Baptist Convention President


Maryland Baptist Convention History

During the 1880s, Negro Baptists in Maryland began to organize their own
independent conventions separate from white conventions. The first to organize in 1882
was the Maryland State Baptist Convention for the purpose of helping to support
struggling rural churches. Although independent, the convention was still closely aligned
with white Baptist conventions that still practiced segregation and treated negroes as
inferior. That alignment continued to be problematic causing some pastors and
churches to leave the new convention.

A number of Pastors who were instrumental in organizing and leading the
Maryland Baptist Convention received training under the leadership of Dr. Harvey
Johnson. He was a prolific church planter, religious and political leader in the black
community, and an activist. Dr. Johnson, pastor of Union Baptist Church, left the
Maryland State Baptist Convention as a protest against ongoing practices of
discrimination and segregation by whites within the statewide Baptist denominational
leadership and their failure to address social and economic injustices. Dr. Johnson
believed that Negroes should work with full independence. To that end, he organized
the Colored Baptist Convention in 1897.

Several other negro conventions organized in the early 1900s also provided
leadership training to future organizers and leaders of the Maryland Baptist Convention.
The Emergency Baptist Convention and the Colored Maryland Baptist State Convention
were both organized to provide opportunities for pastors of smaller or new churches to
participate in leadership roles in Baptist organizations and to provide needed services to
their congregations and communities.

In the 1920s, both the Maryland Baptist Convention (MBC) and the United
Baptist Missionary Convention (UBMC) were organized. The first name of the MBC was
the Independent Colored Baptist Convention (ICBC) which was also known as the
eastside convention. Documentation exists showing that the UBMC was organized in
1926. According to oral history, the ICBC was organized at the same time by pastors of
newly organized churches and of smaller churches whose experience in conventions
with pastors of larger more powerful churches was not successful. The ICBC was
organized to ensure the needs of newer churches and smaller congregations were met.

The convention held its first annual session prior to incorporation on June 6-8,
1928, and the Women’s Education and Missionary Auxiliary to the convention held their
first annual session on May 24, 1928. The ICBC was incorporated August 1, 1928 in
Maryland. The signatures on the incorporation document are the following convention
officers, Rev. James H. Williams, president; Rev. John W. Jones, treasurer; and Rev.
Samuel Cephas, chairman of the Board of Managers.


Documentation from the earliest years of the convention states that the pastors
believed in the policies of the National Baptist Convention of America (NBCA) and used
them in developing the convention constitution and policies. At the time of the first
annual meeting, the ICBC already had a written constitution, operating procedures,
officers, a board of managers, a board of trustees, and an auxiliary. The Women’s
Education and Missionary Auxiliary to the convention had a constitution, operating
procedures, and some sitting committees. The purposes of the convention were to:

● promote friendly discussion between member churches and individuals
● promote work consistent with the mission and work of the NBCA
● promote the spread of Christianity in conformity with the principles and

polity of the Baptist denomination; and
● provide and support the maintenance of a school of religion

Sixteen churches met for the first annual session at Ebenezer Baptist Church,
June 6-8, 1928. There were also twenty independent members of record at the close of
the session. Three meetings were held each day. Day 1 was the parent body day with
business sessions featuring a review of the convention constitution and the installation
of elected officers, each of whom was to serve a 2-year term. Day 2 was dedicated to
the education program led by Mrs. Mary F. Matthews, Department President. Day 3 was
dedicated to the missionary program led by Mrs. Helen Russell, Department President.
Each day committees for the work of the convention were constituted with some reports
prepared and submitted prior to the close of the session.

The tone for the convention was set on the first day by Dr. John W. Jones, pastor
Ebenezer Baptist Church, saying, “I welcome you to what we have because I want you
to lay aside the white man’s crutches, as did Dr. Harvey Johnson in his day, and rise up
and walk of your own initiative, taking charge of your own people, and your own affairs.”

Prior to the second annual session in June 1929 the ICBC continued to add
educational opportunities. A committee was established to develop a school of formal
religious training for pastors. Two new departments were established under the
Women’s Education and Missionary Auxiliary, the Baptist Young Peoples Union (BYPU)
and the Sunday School. And, in March 1930, the first quarterly meeting of the
convention was held at Israel Baptist Church.

May 10, 1949, the convention amended the incorporation documents to change
its name from the Independent Colored Baptist Convention to the Maryland Baptist
Convention under President Jarrett R. Butler, pastor Mt. Sinai Baptist Church. The
signatures were President Jarrett R. Butler and Secretary, J. Woodard Kelley, pastor
Fellowship Baptist Church. The MBC has continuously operated since it was organized
and has maintained its affiliation with the NBCA throughout its history.

Prepared by Sis. Audrey R. Smith


The Hall of Presidents

Rev. James H. Williams, Pastor 1983 – 1989
Evening Star Baptist Church Rev. Luther J. Westbrook II, Pas.
1928 – 1934 Winston Avenue Baptist Church
1989 – 1993
Rev. John W. Jones, Pastor
Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Melvin B. Tuggle II, Pas.
1934 – 1936 Garden of Prayer Baptist Church
1993 – 1996
Rev. Noble Toyer, Pastor
Mt. Olive Baptist Church Towson Bp. Dr. Leroy Gilliard Jr., Pastor
1936 – 1940 Mt. Carmel Baptist Church
1996 – 1999
Rev. Edmund D. Meade, Pastor
Israel Baptist Church Rev. Claveron E. Burston Sr., Pas.
1940 – 1946 Mt. Hattin Baptist Church
1999 – 2003
Rev. Daniel Ball, Pastor
New Mt. Zion, Baptist Church Rev. Ray A. Cotton Jr., Pastor
1946 – 1951 Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
2003 – 2008
Rev. Jarrett Butler, Pastor
Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Rev. Willie E. Quick Jr., Pastor
1928 – 1934 New Lebanon Calvary Baptist Ch.
2008 – 2014
Rev. Andrew C. Brown, Pastor
New St. John Baptist Church Rev. Andrew Ferges, Jr., Pastor
1961 – 1975 Shepherd Community Baptist Ch.
2014 – 2020
Rev. William Brown, Pastor
Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Michael A. Morrison, Pas.
1975 – 1983 Second Antioch Baptist Church
2020 –
Rev. Dr. Harlie W. Wilson II, Pas.
Israel Baptist Church of Balt. City



MASTER OF CEREMONY – Pastor Marvin Johnson, Jerusalem Baptist Ch.

PROCESSIONAL Trustee Troy Watkins
OPENING HYMN We’ve Come This Far by Faith
PRAYER Pastor Cephus Hill, Jr.
WELCOME/OCCASION Pastor Luther J. Westbrook II
Sister Wendy Prioleau
Pastor Ray A. Cotton, Sr.


SELECTION MBC Music Ministry
REMARKS Pastor Emeritus James W. Smith




SERMON Dr. Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr.
Senior Pastor Greater Saint Mary Missionary Bapt. Ch.

President National Baptist Convention of America Intl, Inc.

CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP Pastor Marvin Johnson


BENEDICTION Dr. Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr.


We’ve Come This Far By Faith
by Albert A. Goodson

We’ve come this far by faith, Leaning on the Lord.
Trusting in his holy word. He’s never failed us yet.
Oh, oh- oh- can’t turn around, We’ve come this far by faith.

We’ve come this far by faith, Leaning on the Lord.
Trusting in his holy word. He’s never failed us yet.
Oh, oh- oh- can’t turn around, We’ve come this far by faith.

Don’t be discouraged with troubles in your life. He’ll bear your burdens
And move all discord and strife

Oh! We’ve come this far by faith, Leaning on the Lord.
Trusting in his holy word. He’s never failed us yet.
Oh, oh- oh- can’t turn around, We’ve come this far by faith.

Just remember the good things He has done. Things that seemed impossible.
Oh, praise Him for the vict’ries He has won. He has won!

We’ve come this far by faith, Leaning on the Lord.
Trusting in his holy word. He’s never failed us yet.
Oh, oh- oh- can’t turn around, We’ve come this far by faith.

Just the other day I heard a man say, He didn’t believe in God word.
But I can truly say the Lord will make a way. Because He, He’s never failed me yet.

We’ve come this far by faith, Leaning on the Lord.
Trusting in his holy word. He’s never failed us yet.
Oh, oh- oh- can’t turn around, We’ve come this far by faith.

Oh, oh- oh- can’t turn around, We’ve com6e this far by, this far by faith!

The Honorees

Sis. Delores Sanders Sis. Wendy Prioleau Evangelist Geraldine Washington
Bibleway Baptist Church Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Shepherd Community Baptist Church

First Lady Min. Ellen Hill Sis. Tammy Palmore Dea. Royal Holley
Ezekiel Baptist Church New Good Samaritan Baptist Church Shepherd’s Chapel Baptist Church

Joyce McNear Gilbert Dea. Charles Smothers Bro. Luther J. Westbrook III
Israel Baptist Church of Balt. City Open Bible Baptist Church Winston Avenue Baptist Church

Evangelist Janice Wilson Sis. Mary Ward First Lady Donnetta Logan
Jerusalem Baptist Church Ray of Hope Baptist Church Zion Hill Baptist Church

Sis. Alice Stewart Sis. Audrey R. Smith Pastor Emeritus James W. Smith
Mt. Olive Baptist Church Towson Second Antioch Baptist Church Second Antioch Baptist Church



Second Antioch Baptist Church
2001 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21231

Rev. Dr. Michael A. Morrison, Pastor Rev. James W. Smith, Pastor Emeritus
Dea. Dana Sumter, Chairman, Diaconate Ministry Dea. George W. Jones, Chairman Emeritus, Diaconate Ministry


On behalf of the Diaconate Ministry of Second Antioch Baptist Church, we wish
The Maryland Baptist Convention many more years of loyal service. You have
come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord. Trusting in His holy word, He has
never failed you yet.

We are grateful to God that we are able to celebrate your 94th Anniversary with

Remember that God has promised that He will never leave you, nor forsake you.
May you continue to hold to His never changing hand and with God on your side,
we know that your future will always to be bright.

In Christian Love,

Deacon Dana Sumter






Congratulations Honoring the Past
to the Embracing the Future

Maryland Baptist Convention To the officers and members of the Maryland Baptist
on your Convention, “congratulations.” May our Lord and Sav-
ior, Jesus Christ, continue to bless all of you to do the
94th Anniversary mighty and perfect works and will of God.
In Loving Memory
The Voices of Second Antioch
Pastor Emeritus Joe Z. Williams

the founding pastor
of the

Bibleway Missionary Baptist Church

William Curtis Audrey R. Smith

Lisa Ellerbe Dana Sumter

Rev. Irwin Love Juanita Taylor

Jenny Love Romaine Young

Anita Marine, President

Woodrow Covington, Minister of Music

Roscoe Evans, Saxophonist

Jordyn Ross, Drummer

to the Maryland Baptist Convention
MARYLAND BAPTIST CONVEN- on your 94th Anniversary. May God continue to please
TION ON ITS 94TH ANNIVER- President Morrision and all the Pastors and Churches
who make up this great Convention!





PASTOR Pastor Emeritus Nathaniel Womack
for serving over two decades as Treasure for the Maryland

Baptist Convention.


“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them, not because you
must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but
eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock”. I
Peter 5:2-3
In loving memory of Pastor Claveron E. Burston, Sr. who served as President of the Maryland
Baptist Convention 1999 – 2004.

Lovingly submitted the Officers and Members of the Mission Life Church
Pastor Clae and Lady Danielle Burston



Maryland Baptist Convention

On Your
94th Anniversary
My God continue to BLESS you all as you continue to teach and preach

the Gospel.

The New Good Samaritan Baptist Missionary Church
Reverend Donald Palmore, Pastor

5738 Belair Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21206

Sunday Service - 11:30 AM
Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 PM

2 Timothy 4:5-8
"But watch though in all things, endure afflictions, make full proof of
the ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my de-
parture is at hand. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteousness judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me

only but unto all them also that love his appearing.



Reverend Michael A. Morrison
and the Maryland Baptist Convention

Thank God for the fond memories we have of our years with
the Maryland Baptist Convention.

A Salute to our Daughter, Wendy,
in her ongoing work with you.

As You embrace the future plans God has for you,
May You Inspire Many.

Our prayers are with you.

Deacon Cephus and Sarah Prioleau

When we look back over our lives and think things over we
can truly say, Sister Dorothy Richardson was a seed planter
and nurturing woman of many generations and whose
shoulders we proudly stand on. Sister Richardson was a Girl
after God's own heart, A: Go-Getter, Innovator, Risk Taker
and Leader. A woman who produced good fruit. Planting
seeds of core value. Moving from row to row with Word
Based, Christ Centered, Prayer-led, Family Focus, Natural
Diversity, Character Building, Compassion-filled, and
Outreach Oriented seeds.
An outstanding leader of Missions, Sister Dorothy
Richardson got to serve as Leader of The Maryland Baptist
Convention, Women's Ministry (then called Auxiliary), East
Side Mission Union; United Baptist Women of Maryland;
and Chaperone/Counselor to the Lott Carey Youth Seminar.
She had a great impact throughout our Churches and communities, local, statewide, national, and
global helping many become who they are.
Sister Dorothy Richardson was a member of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church for more than 75 years who
stood tall. She was a brave woman who didn't have today's advantages, but prepared foundations
for many. In 2016 she bid us farewell but never left our memory.






Youth & Young Adult Ministry Leader




Women’s Ministry

“Doing the Work”

We thank God for the great women
who have given leadership to the
Women’s Ministry. Remembering

those on whose shoulders we stand…

“ Bernice Meade Brenda Carter

Thelma Culp Esther Dunham

Mary Waters Thelma Rich

Dorothy Richardson Shirley Eaddy
Theresa Wragg

Congratulations to The Maryland Baptist Convention, President Michael
Morrison, and all of the convention pastors and officers on this wonderful
occasion. We pray that there are yet greater things for the convention to do in
kingdom building!

Pastoral Advisor, Rev. Dennis Penn President Audrey R. Smith

The Ushers would like to extend our sincere best wishes and congratulations
to The Maryland Baptist Convention on their 94th anniversary. We pray God
will grant this convention many more years as you continue to embrace the fu-
ture. Philippians 3:14 says “Press toward the mark for the prize of the high
calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Sister Mary Brady, Ministry Leader and The Maryland Baptist Convention



How Can We Say, “Thanks”?
Bernice Duretta Meade Waker

Sis. Waker was a shining star. She led the Maryland Baptist
Convention Music Ministry for more than thirty years.
Throughout her tenure, she was musician, teacher, encourager,
and spiritual inspiration for many choir members and
musicians in Baltimore City and her legacy lives on today.
During her long years of service, Sis. Waker represented the convention well. She
brought the Maryland Baptist and the United Baptist Missionary Conventions
together in ministry. She served nationally as the musician for the National Baptist
Convention of America International, Inc. Senior Women’s Missionary Union.
Sis. Waker was the daughter of Rev. Edmund and Bernice Meade. She grew up in
the Israel Baptist Church where she faithfully served in many capacities until her
health prevented her continuing to serve. She had one daughter, Andrea Waker,
whom she loved dearly.

Submitted by Sis. Audrey R. Smith with Love and Gratitude



Congratulations to the Maryland Baptist Convention for 94 years of continuous
service from the convention’s Women’s Ministry! May God continue to bless the
convention and its work!

From the Missionary and Evangelism Ministries of the Second Antioch Baptist
Church, Rev. Michael Morrison, Pastor.

Sis. Nancy Fulghan, Evangelism Ministry President
Sis. Audrey R. Smith, Missionary Ministry President

In Honor of

Rev. James W. Smith

“Chasing After God”

Pastor Emeritus and Organizer of
The Second Antioch Baptist Church

We thank God for placing us in our lives. Your love and care for our biological
and church families is unsurpassed. God richly blessed us all when he placed
you in our lives. We pray God will continue to keep you chasing after him for
many more years!

Audrey, Belendia, & Matthew


The Brotherhood would like to congratulate the Maryland Baptist Convention On
their 94th Anniversary. We would like to thank our President Michael Morrison for
his support and leadership, for "Celebrating the Past and Embracing the Future".
May God continue to bless this convention and all the Pastors and Churches that

make up this great convention.
Trustee Troy Watkins, Ministry Leader and the Brotherhood Ministry

Colossians 3:23-24
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for
human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the

Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving".



Mrs. Barbara Bolden Sister Cleo Westbrook Yerby
Mrs. Maxine Briley Miss Jamie Dickey
Rev. and Mrs. Ray A. (Carolyn) Cotton, Sr. Miss Morgan Dickey
Ms. Evon Jackson Ms. Tiffany Morrison
Ms. Wanda Pemberton Mr. Antonio Morrison
Mr. Cephus Prioleau, Jr. Ms. Tamia Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Cephus (Sarah) Prioleau, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory (Desiree) Prioleau Sister Romaine Young
Mr. and Mrs. Thelanious (Terry) Prioleau Mrs. Mary Young
Mr. Theodore “Teddy” Prioleau
Ms. Wendy Prioleau Ms. Gloria J. Bulluck
Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Adrena) Womack Ms. Bonita D. Bulluck
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry (Marva) Richardson Mrs. Gertie Battle Williams
Mrs. Elaine Stanton Deaconess Mary Merritt
Mr. Wayne Michael Williams Deacon George W. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James (Geneva) Broaddus Deaconess Lonia C. Jones
Sister Juanita Taylor Deacon Sidney Peacock and Family
Sister Miriam Joyce Henson Mrs. Naomi Snowden
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fulghan

Mr. Jourdyn Ross
Miss Jeniya Ross


First Lady Janice Morrison
Sister Audrey Smith
Deacon Mary Brady

Brother Luther J. Westbrook, III
Trustee Troy Watkins


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