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Published by wc1627, 2019-08-20 18:40:31

GDT-1787 Bill Redesign Test Rd3

GDT-1787 Bill Redesign Test Rd3

PO Box 1279 Dept 141814 Oaks, PA 19456 Invoice date April 26, 2019
Do NOT send payments to this address. Billing period March 26 - April 26, 2019
Phone number
Account number XXX-XXX-XXXX
Charges Due by 05/05/19 XXXXX

Please send this payment stub with your check, payable to GreatCall

Enroll in Paperless Billing

I.M. Your Customer Check box to indicate Please send your payments to:
I Live On This Street address change. Complete
In This City, State Zip form on the reverse. GreatCall, Inc.
P.O. Box 660688
Dallas, TX 75266-0688

Please remove the remittance slip above and return with your payment. Keep lower portion for your records.

Your bill at a glance Your usage

Monthly Service Charge.........................................................$48.99
Usage Charges...........................................................................$13.10
Adjustments................................................................................. $0.00
Taxes and Fees............................................................................. $7.90

Total Current Charges..............................................$69.99

Balance Previous Statement....................................................$0.10
Payment Applied.................................................................. (-)$55.54


Due May 5, 2019

Pay the way you want Call 24 /7 and pay by Set up automated billing.
phone: 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx. Get 25 FREE minutes.
Get 50 FREE minutes.


Have you moved or changed your phone number?

Update your information:

Account Name: Account Number: State: Zip:
New Address: City: Service Address
Phone Number:
This change is for (check all that apply): Billing Address

Primary Account Holder Address

Usage Charges Avenue, Room 2003, San Francisco, CA 94102, or at
plaints/, or call 1-800-649-7570.
We charge airtime for incoming and outgoing calls, including toll-free and If you have limitations hearing or speaking, dial 711 or visit http://ddtp.cpuc.
operator assisted calls and calls to retrieve voicemail messages from your for more information.
phone. You will incur usage charges at a minimum rate of $0.35 per minute if
you exceed your service plan minutes. Operator Assistance

Taxes, Fees and Discretionary Charges There are no additional fees to call GreatCall’s U.S. based customer service. How-
ever, for calls to a GreatCall Operator in which a service is completed,
Taxes, fees and other charges will apply to your wireless service and will be you will be charged $0.99 per call, and minutes will be deducted from your
reflected on your bill. GreatCall imposes a Regulatory Cost Recovery monthly rate plan balance equal to the length of the call and any call
Charge to help defray costs incurred to comply with State and Federal telecom- connected by the Operator. In addition, if a GreatCall Operator assists you with
munications regulations, such as E911 deployment, State and Federal obtaining transportation services, you will be billed a surcharge of $3-7
Universal Service, and other government mandates. These charges are not per ride, plus the total ride cost and airtime. Transportation services surcharge is
taxes or government required assessments on end-user customers. An determined based on the total cost of the ride. Calls to Verizon or
explanation of these charges can be found at National Directory Assistance will be charged $1.50 per call, plus airtime.
Payment Options
International Calling and Text Charges
Automatic Payment: Visit for automatic monthly payment
If you use your phone while traveling or connecting with friends and family in from checking or savings form and instructions. Or, log in to
countries outside the United States or Canada, international rates will be to set up recurring credit or debit payment. These services
charged, including mobile to mobile calls placed under our Share Plans. are secure, convenient and free of charge.
By Phone: Make a payment using our friendly automated payment system by
• There are no long distance (or roaming) charges for any calls made to calling 1-800-733-6632 select option #1. Or, make a payment with a
Canada. Regular plan minutes are deducted for the length of the call. dedicated Customer Care Advisor, from 5am - 8pm (PT), 7 days a week, by select-
ing option #2. Payments processed over the phone with an Advisor
• To call Mexico, Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands, you will be charged will be assessed a $5 processing fee.
$0.20/minute for each minute of the call (or $0.55/minute for Unlimitedb Online: Log in to: First time logging in? Go online now to
Plan customers). In addition, regular plan minutes are also deducted for register and receive 50 free anytime minutes !
the length of the call.
Contact us
• To call everywhere else in the world from the United States, you will be
charged $1.00/minute for each minute of the call (or $1.35/minute for Un- Online:
limited Plan customers). In addition, regular plan minutes are deducted
for the length of the call.
Mail: GreatCall Customer Service
• You may use your phone in select international destinations while roam- P.O. Box 4428, Carlsbad, CA 92018-4428
ing on a participating carrier’s network. You will be charged $2.00/minute
for each minute of the call. Email:

• You may use your phone on select cruise ships. You will be charged $2.50/ [email protected]
minute for each minute of the call.

• Incoming text messages from international locations are charged at
$0.20 per message. Outgoing text messages to international locations are
charged $0.50 per message.

California Customers

Questions about your bill? If you believe there is an error on your bill or have a
question about your service, please call GreatCall Customer Care at 1-
800-733-6632. Send written disputes to: Customer Care, P.O. Box 4428, Carls-
bad, CA 92018-4428. If you have a complaint that you cannot resolve
with us, you have the option to submit a complaint to the California Public
Utilities Commission (CPUC) at Consumer Affairs Branch, 505 Van Ness


Billing details

Previous Balance.............................................................................................................................$0.10
Minutes-Only Plan: 700 ............................................................................................................ $29.99
500MB Data .................................................................................................................................. $15.00
Handset Replacement Option...................................................................................................$4.00
Text Messages (1@$0.10/msg)...................................................................................................$0.10
International Toll Charges........................................................................................................ $13.00
Total billing charges......................................................................................... $62.19

Taxes and fees

Federal USF Surcharge - Wireless..............................................................................................$2.83
Frederick County Sales Tax..........................................................................................................$0.04
Regulatory Cosst Recovery Charge..........................................................................................$1.65
Virginia Communications Sales Tax - Wireless.....................................................................$2.38
Virginia Regulatory Revenue Fee..............................................................................................$0.08
Virginia Sales Tax.............................................................................................................................$0.17
Wireless E-911 Surcharge............................................................................................................$0.75
Total taxes and fees........................................................................................... $7.90

Statement balance

Total due this statement........................................................................................................... $70.09
Payment Credit Applied............................................................................................................ $55.54

Total due $14.55..................................................................
Due May 5, 2019


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