( Vision Planner)
I am
and this Vision Planner
chronicles my
Happiness Journey
Happiness Journey
This planner was thoughtfully designed and
conceptualized by Daniel Jose.
The Start of Your Journey to Happiness
Congratulations for deciding to know and achieve your hearts innermost desires.
Your ownership of this Vision Planner means that you are taking a big step in
fulfilling your goals for yourself and the ones you love.
This planner was carefully designed to assist you in setting your goals,
understanding your strengths, planning your finances to support your goals,
auditing your skills, identifying people who can help you and evaluating yourself
to manifest your goals.
Here are the quick and easy steps on how to use your Vision Planner;
1 Write your Vision 2 Set goals for the 5
Statement for the year most important
aspects of your life.
3 Access yourself and
list the skills that you 4 Set your financial
already have plans to support your
5 Breakdown your
goals per quarter and 6 Plan your activities
identify mentors who and set the things you
can help you want to achieve for
the month
7 Set your weekly
priorities & identify 8 Recognize and
behavior that you Celebrate your wins
wish to change for the entire yea
My Vision for the Year
I am ___________________________________________________________,
a unique individual with innate skills and abilities. I am capable of setting and
achieving goals to make manifest the greatness inside of me.
Through my values, skills and other individuals who believes in me, I am certain
that in one year I will be able to; (Write how you envision your year would be)
My Vision for the year ahead will come to life because I am willing to;
(Write the actions you are willing to make to fulfill your vision)
I am ready to face the difficulties of my journey to happiness because I have the
following personal values; (Write your personal values)
This is a commitment I am casting in stone for me to achieve the goals that are
closest to my heart.
With the guidance of our divine creator, I will be able to bring to life all the things
that I write in this Vision Planner.
Signed by: ___________________________
Date: _______________________________
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light,
not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened
about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's
not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
- Marianne Wiliamson-
My Goals for 5 things that are most
important to me
I have a lot of goals in mind but I recognize the fact that I am human and I have
certain limitations.
Because of this, I am going to focus on 5 aspects of my life that are closest to my
heart. Here are the focused goals I have, to achieve happiness;
(Write your goals for each of the important aspect of your life)
(Write one aspect of your life that is not written above)
My Top Skills
(On a separate sheet list all your skills and arrange them according to proficiency)
I lay the bricks of the road to my success. My experiences, knowledge and skills
are my key resources in achieving my goals.
Here are My Top 5 Soft Skills;
Here are My Top 5 Hard Skills;
My Greatness is
By God Above