estacada high school celebrates
rising graduation rates
estacada school district
winter report
An Informational Report
For Estacada Community Members and Parents
Estacada School District is committed to....
high achievement
four year
graduation rate
Graduation rates in the Estacada
School District have improved
over 10% over the last two years.
above state average
a message from
Ryan carpenter
Estacada School District Community,
As we make the exciting announcement of
our 2018 graduation rates, we would like to
take a moment to thank those who have
contributed to this success. Over the past
two years, our district's graduation
rates have improved by over 10%, and our students are now
"At 80.9%, our 2018 gradua t i o n r a t e graduating at a rate
shows encouraging growth. " above the state average.
This accomplishment and impressive growth has been made
possible in part by the support of our fantastic Estacada
community. Our graduation rate has been positively impacted by
the advancing partnerships between the school district and the
community at large. Thank you for your continued support of our
students. This achievement has also been a K-12 effort, and has
been made possible through collaboration between teachers, and
an unwavering focus on Professional Learning Communities. We
are so proud of the academic growth of our great school district.
Superintendent Ryan Carpenter
The Estacada School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, disability, religion or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to Boy Scouts
and other designated youth groups. The following staff has been designated to handle inquiries regarding
nondiscrimination policies for the school district: Student Service Director, 255 NE 6th Avenue, Estacada,
OR, 97023. 503-630-6871.
Estacada School District is committed to....
student success
Estacada High School's graduation rates show the growth that
they are working hard to achieve. The gauges below show
academic growth in other buildings across the district,
measured by individual student progress. This information is
reported and measured by the Oregon Department of Education.
Clackamas River River Mill Estacada
Elementary Elementary Middle School
Other recent growth includes:
11th grade English Language Arts
scores at an all time high of 86%
4th grade math at RME up 39%
5th grade English at CRE up 20%
Students served by Student
Services are participating with
peers more this school year
Professional Learning Communities
A district-wide focus on Professional
Learning Communities has
contributed to growth. As teachers
collaborate, focus on individual
students, and work together to
improve teaching practices, we see
the needle move as we work toward a
successful future for each student.
Career Technical Education
Students who took at least one
Career Technical Education (CTE)
class last year graduated at a rate
of 86.61%. Students who took at
least two CTE classes graduated at
a rate of 89.23% - more than 10%
above the state average. Investment in our CTE programs
will continue to be a priority in the district, through Measure
98 funds and district dollars. Current CTE classes offered
include auto, culinary, journalism, and metals. CTE class
offerings are based on student interest and engagement.
The Estacada School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, disability, religion or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to Boy Scouts
and other designated youth groups. The following staff has been designated to handle inquiries regarding
nondiscrimination policies for the school district: Student Service Director, 255 NE 6th Avenue, Estacada,
OR, 97023. 503-630-6871.
Estacada School District is committed to....
financial accountabilit
Over the summer, our district worked diligently to
provide new upgrades and needed maintenance to our
facilities. Audit
The district conducts an
external audit every year. The
district is happy to announce
that this year's results were
clean, with no findings.
Budget Committee
Members of the public are
invited to participate in the
Budget Committee. Together,
they review the budget and
provide opportunity for the
public to give feedback, input,
and have questions answered.
How A Dollar Is Spent In the Estacada School District
84 cents of every dollar in our district is spent
84% in the classroom. Teacher salaries, student
support services, staff training, and counseling
services come out of this area. Our district's
class sizes are smaller than state average,
and our teachers earn above state average.
11% 11 cents of every dollar go to facility
maintenance, transportation, and food
services. Keeping our students safe, fed, and
getting them to school are included in this area.
5% 5 cents of every dollar go to administrative
costs. These are the people that keep our
district accountable, and running smoothly.
The national average sits at around 11%.
The Estacada School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, disability, religion or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to Boy Scouts
and other designated youth groups. The following staff has been designated to handle inquiries regarding
nondiscrimination policies for the school district: Student Service Director, 255 NE 6th Avenue, Estacada,
OR, 97023. 503-630-6871.
Estacada School District is committed to....
community involvemen
This is your district, and our staff is dedicated to
ensuring that the decisions and events that take place in
our schools involve you- the stakeholder.
Town Hall Sessions
Our district hosts regular
Facebook Live townhall input
sessions. View topics from your
own home ranging from budget
overviews to maintenance
updates- and get a quick response
to your questions.
Committee Work
This year the district has
invited community members
to participate in committee
work that impacts many
important decisions around
the district. From the Budget Committee to the Facilities
Master Plan Committee, there's a place for everyone
interested in influencing change in their district. Contact
[email protected] for opportunities.
Community surveys are an
integral tool that our staff use
to ensure that our district
reflects the vision of our
stakeholders. Take our most
recent survey at
Strategic Plan
ESTACADA SCHOOLS 2030 Envision Estacada Schools
2030 is a visioning and
planning project sponsored by
the District’s School Board and Leadership. The Envision
project is engaging people involved with our schools –
parents, teachers, administrators – and all residents of the
District in a conversation about its future. Follow our
progress on our website (
and give us your comments as a preferred future for the
Estacada School District – and a plan to make it happen –
come into focus.
The Estacada School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, disability, religion or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to Boy Scouts
and other designated youth groups. The following staff has been designated to handle inquiries regarding
nondiscrimination policies for the school district: Student Service Director, 255 NE 6th Avenue, Estacada,
OR, 97023. 503-630-6871.
Estacada School District is committed to....
facility improvement
$898,874 Our students deserve safe,
Spent On Updates functional, and accessible facilities
to learn in. Since 2014, the
Estacada School District has
invested $898,874 in improvements
and maintenance to district
$1,000,000 In Grants The district has also applied and
been awarded over a million
dollars in construction grants, the
largest of which will be used to
replace Estacada Middle School's
This year, the district created and
hosted several gatherings of a
Facilities Master Plan Committee.
This group consisted of parents,
community members, and staff.
$21,325,657 needed who reviewed, and created an up to
for basic facility date document of all necessary
updates including maintenance and basic
improvement needs for our
pipes, air conditioning, district. This comprehensive
and security. View the document includes cost estimates
list on our website. totaling $21,325,657. View this list
Volunteers sign in Student safety has been a top
through a locked priority when updating
and monitored facilities. Each school is now
vestibule. locked during the school day.
Visitors are buzzed in through
Industry grade vestibules by the front office,
tools prep and cameras record visitors.
Keys have also been eliminated
students for real at EHS, using a new keyless
world careers. entry system with the capability
to instantly lock down.
Sidewalks at EHS
and EMS have Career technical education
been repaired. classrooms have been updated
using Measure 98 funds. From
an industrial kitchen, to new
machines in the metal shop,
students are now preparing
for careers while using
industry grade tools.
The district is taking steps to
provide accessibility across
our district for the entire
community. Sidewalks have
been paved, ADA accessible
swingsets have been installed
at River Mill, and all vestibules
can be ADA activated.
Estacada School
Event times subject to change. Please check school websit
District Office
Mar. 13 School Board Meeting
Mar. 14 Strategic Plan Summit
Mar. 21 Strategic Plan Facebook Townhall
Mar. 25-29 Spring Break (No School)
Apr. 10 School Board Meeting
Apr. 18-19 Elem. Conferences (No School K-5)
Estacada High School
Mar. 14 Music Parent Night
Mar. 18-22 Ranger Unity Week
Mar. 22 School Assembly
Apr. 27 Prom
VoMluany 2te TeeerninTruth Assembly
a ScMhayo2o-4l Spring Play
District Events
tes and Facebook pages for updates and details.
Clackamas River
Mar. 12 K-2nd Grade Family Breakfast
Apr. 3 Kindergarten Connection
Apr. 12 Bingo Night
Apr. 18-19 Conferences (No School)
River Mill
Mar. 14 KG/5th Grade Family Breakfast
Mar. 18-19 Sports Challenge 6:00pm
Mar. 22 Sports Challenge Finals
Apr. 4 Kindergarten Connection
Apr. 18-19 Conferences (No School)
Estacada Middle School
Mar. 18-22 Spirit Week
Mar. 20 Music Concert
BecomeMaar. K21e Pyarent Club Meeting
CommunicApart.o18r Spring Photos
Apr. 18 Parent Club Meeting
Have A Say In Your District
follow us
We love welcoming the
community into our buildings.
Whether it's grandparents day, a
volunteer program, or a football
game- we want you there. But if
you can't show up in person, join the conversation online.
Follow us on Facebook @EstacadaSchools, or on Twitter
ask questions
Wondering how funds are spent, or how
our students are measuring up
academically? Asking questions is a key
part of holding an organization
accountable. Ask us anything- via our
Facebook live opportunities, or shoot us an
take a survey
Changes are inevitable as our
community grows. Let us know what
you love about our schools so we can
maintain what makes our Estacada
Schools special. Also, let us know what
we can do better. We are always
looking to improve. Take the
community survey attached.
Looking For More Information?
This packet is a brief look at what is going on
in your district. If you want more information
on any of the topics mentioned in this summer
update, please go to or email us at
[email protected].
financial information
Our district is funded by you, and we want our
community to know where their dollars are
being spent in our district. We've included some
information on our financial needs in this
packet, but if you would like to view line by line
spending, email [email protected] or
go to the budget section of our website.
important dates
Don't miss an event. Calendars for each
school in our district are available on our
website. The district also maintains a high
school sports calendar. Important dates will
also be publicized on Facebook
Planning for the future
Help us plan for our students' futures. Join
us, give feedback, and ask questions at As we plan for
the future, having every voice at the table is
critical for planning a direction that
matches the values of our community,
Congratulations -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EHS Class of
2018 on an 80.9%
Graduation Rate
255 NE 6th Ave. Estacada, OR 97023
Our mission is to equip every student with the
skills necessary to be competent, resourceful,
and successful.