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Evan Civilizations_Interactive_Notebook_1 (1) (2)

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Published by Evan Wilson, 2019-05-06 14:25:49

Evan Civilizations_Interactive_Notebook_1 (1) (2)

Evan Civilizations_Interactive_Notebook_1 (1) (2)

A Look at the

Mississippian, Maya,

Aztec and Inca


Ancient Civilizations
of the WBy: estern

Evan Wilson

Learning About Time

Watch the “Commonly Asked Questions about Dates” video on
Schoology to learn about the abbreviations/key words listed
below. As you watch, pause the video and write in your own
words what each of these means.

What does B.C. stand It a cristen calder and it means
for when looking at Before christ

dates? It is in the cristen calder after death

What does A.D. stand
for when looking at


What does B.C.E. stand Before common era
for when looking at Common era

What does C.E. stand
for when looking at


What do c. and ca. Circa when we do not know the
stand for when looking exact date

at dates?

Multiple-tier Timelines

Multiple-tier timelines use two or more rows of events.
While each row represents a different subject, the time
period is the same.

Multiple-tier timelines can be used to help us look at
cause and effect relationships or patterns and themes
among events in a specific period of time.

We will be using a multi-tier timeline to show the rise
and fall of four early civilizations in the Americas: The
Mississippian, Inca, Maya, and Aztec and look for
RELATIONSHIPS between the dates.


What i learned about social peace in the
mississippians is that they make a lot of poetry and
they trade the potery for stuff they do not. The
mississippian trade with other group in there tribes
to get other poetry or stuff to build there house. The
government for the missaisspant is that Government
leaders often inherited the leadership from family
member who had previously held the position. I also
Some of the jobs were hunter and farmer merchants.
They revolve around the eastern civilization. They also
move from the east to the southeast around 800 bc. That
is what i learned about the mississippian people.

Where in the World…
Were the Mississippian Located?

What is the approximate latitude
and longitude of the location you

What might the weather be like in
this location based on the latitude
and longitude?

What is the approximate latitude and longitude of the location you colored?
Appormakly 84 degrees west latitude and 32 degrees north longitude. East of alabama and
west and east of south carolina
What might the climate be like in this location based on the latitude and longitude?
I would assume it would decently hot around 60 to 75 degrees based on the latitude on the fact
that it is by florida is close to the equator
How would this affect the way people live in this area?

It would help because of agricultural needs to help grow plant. It is also near the
atlantic ocean to help with rainfall.

What’s This?

Study this picture and then answer the questions
on the next page.

What’s This?

Use the picture on the previous page to answer the following
questions. *Note these answers are all based on your
observations at this point!

This is the great What is
serpent mound this?

I thick the circle is a What is the
the snake food circle on the
left side of the
I thick is was made to
bury people drawing?

They chose the this shape Why do you
because other tribe will think think it was
it is a big snake. made? What was
it used for?
They stacked hay and grass
and leave over top of it. Why do you
think they
chose this


How do you
think they
made this?

The Mounds

Read the Khan Academy article posted in your
Schoology course: Fort Ancient Culture: Great
Serpent Mound. After you read, complete the
page below with your team.

Describe the physical attributes What do archeologists believe
of the Serpent Mound in your might be the reason the mounds

own words: are shaped like a serpent?

The serpent mound has Archeologists thick that
the attribute of a snake the shape is a serpent
such as a boa. and the tribes believe in
the serpent.

People believe to have A generalization i can make Danielle Knight GO Interactive, 2015
been created by the is that they can hide dead
native americans people or blogging.

Who is believed to have created What relationship generalization
it? can you make between the
mounds and the people who
built them?

Research the Relationships

Explore the Mississippian links in the Symbaloo posted in your
Schoology course as well as in the books and other resources available
in class to complete this organizer.

What was the government like? Government leaders often inherited the
Did powerful relationships exist leadership from family member who had

between the people and their previously held the position.

How was their society set up? Some of the jobs were hunter and farmer
What were the types of jobs merchants. They revolve around the eastern
people had? Were the jobs people civilization. They also move from the east to
did purposeful for the civilization?
the southeast around 800 bc.

Describe their religion. Did the There religion was where they worshiped
relationship the people had with different thing like the sun and they
their gods and religious leaders centered around a temple served by
shaven head priest
follow rules?

What did the people invent, create, They made object made from stone
or trade that allowed them to marine and native copper. They did a
exchange ideas or values with lot of poppery trading. They also did
others they had relationships
with? traded a lot of smoking pipes

What was the agriculture like? They grew most of their food in
What food did they eat? How there garden like corn beans squash

did they grow it? What sunflowers goosefoot and
relationships did the people sumpweed.
have with their environment?


I learned that most of the
mississippian die when
they were on land
because there were a lot
of diseases. I also learned
that christopher
columbus mis named the
mississpant. That is what i
learned in the brainpop

The Maya

The mayan lived a good life they had
number and letter but not all the same
numbers and letters that we have
today. The mayan food was like corn
beans and squash that they grow in
farms. The mayans also invented their
own calendar. The government that the
mayan had was a king and nobles and
gods that rule there tribe.

The place that the mayan called
home was around mexico and they
lived in small groups. They were
affected by the rain to farm or to much
sun and they can’t grow food. If there
is to much rain in could affect the
farming and they would have less food
than what they had last week.

Where in the World…
Were the Maya Located?

What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Maya

About 100 degrees west latitude and
about 15 degrees north longitude

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and

I would assume it would be warm
considering close to equator.

How would this affect the way people
live in this area?

It would be good for farming because
it warm and near water.

Map from

The Mayan Government/
Social Structure

The maya believed
that there king had the
right to rule by the god

The maya believed that the
king worked intermediar better
the people and the gods

Each city was ruled by a different king
the maya believed that the king was

chosen by the gods

The region was a big part of the mayans
life. the priest was a big part in the

government because the priest could say
how long the king ruled.

The maya civilization consist of a large number
city states and each city have their own

Overview of Mayan government:

Mayan Language and
Number Systems

This is a pic of my name and
birthday in the mayan numbers
and letters

Determine the Relationships

Explore the Mayan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like? Yes the maya people had powerful
Did powerful relationships exist relationships . the government is

between the people and their made of kings and nobles.
People were famer,persist and
How was their society set up? hunter. The society was set in a
What were the types of jobs strong working order they were
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization? supposedly

Describe their religion. Did the Their religion was everything. They
relationship the people had with had no centered religion. The closest
their gods and religious leaders
thing they had to a religion was
follow rules? nature.

What did the people invent, create, of the big thing that the mayan made
or trade that allowed them to as the solar calendar they found this
exchange ideas or values with idea from ecmec tribe. They traded
others they had relationships
with? salt and slaves

What was the agriculture like? The food that the maya ate was corn
What food did they eat? How which was also there mane food and
also ate squash and potatoes. They
did they grow it? What grow the food in garden by farmers.
relationships did the people
have with their environment?

Ancient Maya
Concept Map

Replace this example with your own concept map!

Where in the World…
Were the Aztec Located?

Map from What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Aztec

The aztec empire was located about 100
degrees west latitude and about 20 degrees
north longitude and south of central america.

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and

The place they live in would be very hot
because they are close to the equator but cold
in the winter that could have frost. They have
some rain to from may to october

How would this affect the way people
live in this area?

They could not have a lot of water for farming
because it is so hot and they could not have the
best farming with less water and supplies
because they live right by water.they would also
have not have great soil for farming.

The Aztec Government/
Social Structure

The first emperors
named Acamapichtli
and he rolled for 19
years. He started in

1375 to 1393.

Cihuacoatl they were in
charge running the

government on a day to
day basis

The next thing in the government is
judes they had hard punishment for
dunkness, burglary, and murder

Tenochtitlan was the head city/ capital of the Aztec

he Inca Government:

Aztec Sun Stone

Replace this sun stone picture with your

The calendar is made of stone
and the sun god is in the center
of the stone. The calendar has 18
months and 20 days.

Determine the Relationships

Explore the Aztec links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like? The aztec government conquered cities
Did powerful relationships exist paid tribute to the aztec emperor they

between the people and their also paid tiriune with money

How was their society set up? They believed in being independent and
What were the types of jobs had a really well-ordered out
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization? existence.Boys were taught how to fight
as well as military history, myths,
Describe their religion. Did the
relationship the people had with religions, war songs etc. The girls had a
their gods and religious leaders separate curriculum of learning the trades

follow rules? required for having a family as well as
cooking and other crafts. I

Most of the aztec religion conterider
And the gods they built large pyramids
temples and then go to wr for sacrifice

What did the people invent, create, They invented hot cocoa chewing
or trade that allowed them to popcorn,gum and the sun stone. the aztec
exchange ideas or values with
others they had relationships ball poltaly, money, they also had a
with? whiting. They created aqueducts to bring

What was the agriculture like? fresh water.
What food did they eat? How
The aztec had a passion for coco and they
did they grow it? What made hot cocoa and hunted dogs they
relationships did the people grow this food by a farm and some more
have with their environment? example are corn peanut . there

Ancient Aztec
Concept Map

Where in the World…
Were the Inca Located?

What is the approximate latitude and
longitude of the center of the Inca

The Approximate location for latitude
is 72 west and the longitude is 13

What might the climate be like in this
location based on the latitude and

The weather would be cool because
they are on a mountain How would
this affect the way people live in this

They would have to fam and it would
be harder and not have the best soil .

Map from

The Inca Government/
Social Structure

The Inca Government:

Inca Social Structure

The emperor was called the Sapa Inca. He was at the top of
the Inca social structure and was considered a god in many
ways. The direct relatives of Sapa Inca were next in
line.Villac Umu - The high priest was just behind the Sapa
Inca in social status.

The Curacas were the leaders from the tribes that were conquered. They
were often left as leaders of their tribes.They still had to report to the Inca
but if they remained loyal hey often kept their position. Each group of
families had a tax collector who kept watch over them. He makes sure that
they paid all of their taxes.

Artisans were commoners, but were also considered a higher social class than the farmers.
At the bottom of the social class were the farmers. The farmers were also the largest and the

most important class within the Inca Empire.

The ayllu was made up of a number of families they worked together like one large Family. Everyone in the
empire was part of an ayllu.

Inca Religion,
Science, Roads,


Determine the Relationships

Explore the Incan links in the Symbaloo posted in your Schoology
course as well as in the books and other resources available in class to
complete this organizer.

What was the government like? The government was monarchy and the laws were created by
Did powerful relationships exist the people The Incas ruled their empire with a
centralized government and four provincial
between the people and their
leaders? governments. The Inca was the head of the Inca
empire. At the top of the inca government

How was their society set up? They had farmers and they had other jobs like worker and
What were the types of jobs they had a king.
people had? Were the jobs people
did purposeful for the civilization?

Describe their religion. Did the The Incas had an immense amount of deities or
relationship the people had with gods. They lived in heaven and on earth and
their gods and religious leaders
each of them had a purpose which determined its
follow rules? hierarchy. The Inca population believed that

some gods specially the anthropomorphous gods
had a human behavior pattern; they felt hatred,

love, compassion or any other human feeling.

What did the people invent, create, They created the flute and very close
or trade that allowed them to wall that even a huracan cannot
exchange ideas or values with break those walls. They also made
others they had relationships stone pics

What was the agriculture like? They eat some crops and corn and
What food did they eat? How they had been that they eat and they
eat the bean because the new that is
did they grow it? What
relationships did the people was healthy.
have with their environment?

Ancient Inca
Concept Map

Replace this example with your own concept map!

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