Carmona Book Presentation: BRW-
Life & Health Science
Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer
sit amet ex vel erat convallis viverra.
Praesent sed dui non est faucibus
malesuada fermentum sit amet
mauris. Donec nec laoreet ante, sit
amet laoreet arcu. Nunc vitae nunc
sagittis, sollicitudin justo eu,
bibendum libero. Nullam iaculis
condimentum dui, quis tempus mi
condimentum quis. Nulla vel turpis
lacus. Pellentesque ultrices mattis
magna eget vestibulum. Phasellus
non vulputate leo, non eleifend enim.
Bowles Book Presentation
Friday 5th
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer
sit amet ex vel erat convallis viverra.
Praesent sed dui non est faucibus
malesuada fermentum sit amet
mauris. Donec nec laoreet ante, sit
amet laoreet arcu. Nunc vitae nunc
sagittis, sollicitudin justo eu,
bibendum libero. Nullam iaculis
condimentum dui, quis tempus mi
condimentum quis. Nulla vel turpis
lacus. Pellentesque ultrices mattis
magna eget vestibulum. Phasellus
non vulputate leo, non eleifend enim.
CMAS Closes out Latinx Heritage Month CMAS Closes out Latinx Heritage Month
Wednesday 3rd/Thursday 4th Friday 5th
Dr. Carmona will be facilitating a Dr. David Bowles will be facilitating
presentation on his book El Rinche facilitating a plática titled "Indigenous
"Resilience in a Time of Terror: Writing El Roots of Storytelling & Poetics".
Rinche and the Telling of the Unrecorded This event will be taking place October 5,
History of La Matanza 1910-1920". 2018 at 1:20 in Brownsville at BLHSB 1.314.
Indigenous People’s Day
Monday 8th
CMAS Honors Indigenous Peoples'
Day with a Plática by Dr. David
Bowles. Professor Bowles will
discuss the importance of
Indigenous People’s Day in Chicanx
communities and how as an author &
scholar he continues the tradition of
Indigenous storytelling and poetics in
his own work. Dr. Bowles specializes
in Náhuatl language, offers classes in
Náhuatl and is a published author on
Indigenous myths of México.
CMAS Closes out Latinx Heritage Month CMAS Open House
Monday 15th Tuesday 16th
Fuerza del Valle members, domestic Come to the Center for Mexican
workers themselves, surveyed over American Studies (CMAS) Open
250 domestic workers to produce a House & learn what CMAS has to
study to document workplace offer, meet staff, faculty, students,
conditions such as labor abuse and and the directors. Learn about
sexual abuse. student orgs, resources like travel
funding, research support, and more.
Come hear a panel discussion from Come hear poetry from students and
the women who they themselves are faculty, eat and enjoy some music as
not just the workers, but the primary well.
investigators of this groundbreaking
study who chose to take part in
conducting the study due to their
own experiences with injustices in
the workplace and their hope that the
study would make a change. The
study is the first of its kind in terms
of magnitude and location.
Efren Olivares
Thursday 25th
Efrén C. Olivares is an attorney at the
Texas Civil Rights Project, which led
the family separation crisis in McAllen
over the summer. Efrén will discuss
how he and his team became
involved in the crisis, what work they
continue to do to reunite separated
families, the challenges and
opportunities these families have
faced in the process, and how the
community can become involved.
Efrén C. Olivares is the Director of
the Texas Civil Rights Project’s Racial
and Economic Justice Program. He
handles and supervises cases in
state and federal court involving
institutional discrimination,
constitutional violations, immigrants’
rights, disability and economic rights,
among others. Efrén is passionate
about working to provide equality of
opportunity to people regardless of
their ethnic or racial background, and
their economic or immigration status.
He represents clients in state and
federal courts, including on appeals,
as well as before international human
rights bodies. Efrén immigrated from
Mexico to Texas with his family at the
age of 13, and is devoted to
advocating for the constitutional and
human rights of immigrants and their
families. He writes frequently on
issues of relevance for the rights of
immigrants in South Texas, and has
represented hundreds of families
separated from their children under
the federal administration’s “zero-
tolerance” policy last summer.
Día de los Muertos Mariachi/ Folklorico for PSJA ISD
Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd Thursday 8th
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer
sit amet ex vel erat convallis viverra. sit amet ex vel erat convallis viverra.
Praesent sed dui non est faucibus Praesent sed dui non est faucibus
malesuada fermentum sit amet malesuada fermentum sit amet
mauris. Donec nec laoreet ante, sit mauris. Donec nec laoreet ante, sit
amet laoreet arcu. Nunc vitae nunc amet laoreet arcu. Nunc vitae nunc
sagittis, sollicitudin justo eu, sagittis, sollicitudin justo eu,
bibendum libero. Nullam iaculis bibendum libero. Nullam iaculis
condimentum dui, quis tempus mi condimentum dui, quis tempus mi
condimentum quis. Nulla vel turpis condimentum quis. Nulla vel turpis
lacus. Pellentesque ultrices mattis lacus. Pellentesque ultrices mattis
magna eget vestibulum. Phasellus magna eget vestibulum. Phasellus
non vulputate leo, non eleifend enim. non vulputate leo, non eleifend enim.
Refusing to Forget Mayfield Edcouch Elsa Walkout 50th
Friday 2nd Anniversary
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Wednesday 14th
consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer
sit amet ex vel erat convallis viverra. The heroic Edcouch-Elsa Walkouts
Praesent sed dui non est faucibus were a combustion of the many
malesuada fermentum sit amet years of experiencing racism,
mauris. Donec nec laoreet ante, sit segregationist policies, and
amet laoreet arcu. Nunc vitae nunc discrimination at the hands of the
sagittis, sollicitudin justo eu, Anglo educators and administrators.
bibendum libero. Nullam iaculis The Mexican American students,
condimentum dui, quis tempus mi however, realized their own potential
condimentum quis. Nulla vel turpis even if others did not and had the
lacus. Pellentesque ultrices mattis courage to envision Edcouch-Elsa as
magna eget vestibulum. Phasellus a great place to receive an
non vulputate leo, non eleifend enim. education.
Xicanisma: Rape Culture and
Deconstructing Machismo
Tuesday 27th
Cassandra Alicia is the founder of
online Latina feminist platform
"Xicanisma." Boasting over 300k
followers, Xicanisma aims to disrupt
oppressive narratives through critical
analysis and humor. Though
Xicanisma was created to make a
space for Chicanas/Latinas,
Xicanisma highlights the struggles of
all marginalizxed groups of people.
Cassandra is also the co-host of
"Bitter Brown Femmes”, a podcast
that offers critiques and commentary
of social justice, pop culture, and
Latinx issues.
Edcouch Elsa Walkout Documentary
Friday 30th
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer
sit amet ex vel erat convallis viverra.
Praesent sed dui non est faucibus
malesuada fermentum sit amet
mauris. Donec nec laoreet ante, sit
amet laoreet arcu. Nunc vitae nunc
sagittis, sollicitudin justo eu,
bibendum libero. Nullam iaculis
condimentum dui, quis tempus mi
condimentum quis. Nulla vel turpis
lacus. Pellentesque ultrices mattis
magna eget vestibulum. Phasellus
non vulputate leo, non eleifend enim.