2017The Evangelist Catholic School
With a joyful heart, I present the 2016-2017 Annual Report. generous contributions to the capital campaign made this long-
What a remarkable year we experienced: awaited dream a reality and fostered abundant opportunities
to educate the whole child – body, mind, and soul! Providing
Honoring Our Past - Celebrating our Mercy roots and the a safe, nurturing and Christ-centered environment cultivates
charism of the Sisters of Mercy. each student’s God-given potential preparing strong leaders
both academically and spiritually.
Living Our Mission - Putting faith into action through vibrant
worship and meaningful service incorporating the spiritual SJE possesses a proven track record of excellence in Catholic
and corporal works of mercy. education. As Ms. Boisis and I travel to Washington in
November to receive SJE’s third Exemplary High Performing
Building Our Future - Blessing our new facilities, integrating National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award, we do
innovative STEM projects and providing student opportunities so with the knowledge that many contribute to the excellence
to form the scholars, saints, and compassionate, courageous of our school including loyal supporters like you! This award
leaders our world so desperately needs. recognizes student test scores in the top 10-15 % of the nation,
innovative programs initiated by SJE’s highly qualified faculty
We owe much to the Sisters of Mercy who laid the foundation and staff, strong leadership and meaningful involvement of
of faith and excellence entrenched in the mercy values of our parents and community partners.
compassion, hospitality, excellence, service, stewardship
and social justice. The Mercy Conference Room in the new Thank you for your generous support. YOU make it possible
Enrichment Center serves as a reminder of their faithful to provide exemplary programs that challenge the mind and
service to our school and parish community. On Mercy Day, touch the soul. Your monetary investment gives hope and
Sister Kathleen Lyons and Sister Sally Condart experienced promise to each student who enters our school. We are
first-hand SJE students in joyful service to others, living our grateful for the role you play in helping us fulfill the worthy
mission and mercy values which are so vibrant and alive at SJE! mission of this school.
A highlight of the year included the Ribbon Cutting ceremony
for the new Enrichment Center and Fine Arts Building! Your
God bless, 2016-2017 ADVISORY BOARD
Karen Vogtner, Principal
Norma Buckley, Chair, Development Committee
St. John's isn't just a school, it's a Christa Castile, Secretary, Mission Effectiveness
family. The school's motto--rever- Anthony Cochran, Facilities Committee
ence, respect, and responsibility--in- George Harris, Mission Effectiveness
fuses every aspect of the school. Leslie Haydel, Mission Effectiveness
Children emerge from St. John's with Anthony Hylton, Finance Committee
strong bases in faith and academics, Ann Margaret Smith, Finance Committee
fostered by the amazing faculty, Karen Richard-Lee, Development Committee
staff and school community. It is a Fr. Michael Onyekuru, Pastor, ex-officio
blessing to be a part of the school Karen Vogtner, Principal, ex-officio
and everything it stands for. Alex Azzarello, Director of Development,ex-officio
-Michelle Hylton, Parent
Mission 317Enrollment:
10 21 19 40+
We are the SJE family with Jesus in
the center of all we do. He guides Countries Parishes Duke TIP Hours at mass
us in leadership, scholarship represented represented student elects
and joyful service to others.
Grounded in the Catholic faith, 23Faculty:
St. John the Evangelist School
nurtures the God-given potential 74% 295 10 36%
of each student, providing a
rigorous academic and spiritual With advanced Total years Faculty and staff Presenting at
foundation forming courageous degrees teaching members who Local, State
and compassionate leaders. experience are SJE alumni and National
among faculty Conventions
over past 4
Ethnic Diversity: Families over 10,000 hours!
Other 79% / 21%Religious
Affiliation: Catholic
Hispanic Non-Catholic
African Three-time National
White American
13% Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Winner
1994, 2010, and 2017
Dreams Become Reality 3 Staff Members Retire First Ever
Mercy Day Celebration
It’s not everyday that a dream comes This year, St. John’s said good-bye to 3
true, but on August 25, 2016, that’s ex- long-standing staff members: Mrs. Hen- Sixty-two years ago, the Sisters of Mer-
actly what happened. Our beautiful, ry, Mrs. Van Meter, and Mrs. McCarthy. cy stepped off a plane and changed our
brand new enrichment center was of- Each woman left an indelible mark on lives forever. Through the charism of
ficially opened with celebratory mass, our school and were honored in cere- their order, they forged the legacy of ex-
ribbon cutting and grand opening cele- monies unique to each of their special cellence we continue to hold true today.
bration. The building is comprised of a gifts. We will miss them! On November 18, 2016, St. John’s stu-
full size gym, stage, band/ chorus rooms, dents were visited by a former Sisters
and art room complete with kiln. This of Mercy principal, completed service
building is a reality because of the many projects throughout the day living out
generous hearts and hands that make the Corporal Works of Mercy, and at-
up our SJE family! tended mass together. Father Adamski,
a former priest of St. John’s, blessed the
Everyone at St. John’s, from the students to the administration, brand new Mercy Conference Room in
goes above and beyond to be inclusive and accepting. From my the Enrichment Center, furnished by an
very first day at the school, I knew I became part of a family. anonymous donor. The long standing
-Udare Santha, Class of 2006 foundation of faith bestowed upon us
by the Sisters of Mercy has shaped not
only the mission of our school, but the
way we live our lives.
Loving Service Walking in Another’s Shoes SJE Jubilee
“It’s a Small World”
In keeping with the mission of our During the course of a year-long proj-
school, 150 servant volunteers made up ect, the 8th grade class, in conjunction In March, St. John’s took a trip around
of St. John’s students and their families with Catholic Charities, created a per- the world, exploring the cultures and
came together for our annual Night of sonal encounter for SJE students unlike specialties of our diverse school fam-
Giving. This year, the service projects any other: The Refugee Experience. Af- ily. Parents, grandparents, alumni and
mirrored the Corporal Works of Mer- ter months of learning and exploration friends of SJE gathered in our new en-
cy: sandwiches made for area homeless of the refugee condition, 8th grade richment building to sample food and
shelters, coats for students in a neigh- students planned, prepared and taught games from all over the globe. Thanks
boring school district, cards for prison- lessons to each class. The project cul- to the diligent service of many helping
ers, care packages for cancer patients, minated with a refugee camp simulation hands, copious silent auction items and
and toiletry kits for men’s and women’s in which all students visited stations de- beautiful student artwork over $30,000
shelters were just some of the ways in picting a refugee’s reality in regards to was raised this year!
which our SJE family members had the registration, food, shelter, resettlement
opportunity to love our brothers and and day to day life.
sisters through service.
The service projects help me to see people for who
they are, not how they look on the outside.
-Payton, Grade 3
The new gym and fine arts
rooms have really helped
us extend our curriculum to
another level. -Diego, Grade 5
Every masterpiece begins with a simple thought, a nudge, a A little over a year later, excited young faces gathered around
whisper of things yet to be. Ask Karen Vogtner or any stu- Archbishop Gregory, Superintendent Diane Starkovich, Mrs.
dent at St. John’s school, past and present. They’ll tell you Vogtner and many loving priests and deacons.
what happens when dreams are placed in the hands of God
and given wings by the Holy Spirit. They know. They saw it The ribbon was cut, the whisper emerged
happen this year. as a voice, the dream became reality.
Ground was broken on August 15, 2015, to the applause of Archbishop Wilton Gregory gave direction to that reality
parents, students, faculty, staff and partners in communi- with a blessing, “May all who come here know the presence
ty. Construction continued throughout the school year and of Christ, experience His friendship, and grow in His love.”
summer. Foot by foot it climbed: a multi-floor enrichment
center covering 14,687 square feet, housing a full-size gym- We want to extend warm and gracious thanks to the follow-
nasium, stage, band room, chorus room, and fully functional ing donors who honor our past, live our mission and build
art room. There was a lot of work to be done, but the hands our future by their generous gifts and pledges. We invite
were ready. The cost was substantial, but the hearts gave you to visit for information, photos, videos
substantially more. The dream was big, but God was bigger. and ways you can be a part of this campaign if you’re not al-
ready. The work isn’t over yet! Continue to Build Our Future
by being a part of SJE history!
Thank you for putting so much
effort into building our gym.
We can now do more fun
activities and shows there.
-B.J. Grade 4
CAPITAL Corporate Sponsors Erich and Julie Netherton
CAMPAIGN David Piotrowski and
Caritas Medical Center Stephanie Madson
We thank the following donors who made Gregory and Kelly Scibona
gifts and pledges through June 30th, 2017. Bronze Sponsors Mike and Kristy Vigil
Chapman Drug Co., Inc.
REX Childcare and National Sponsors
Early Learning Center Anthony and Michelle Hylton
Phuc Ly and Maria Vu
Silver Sponsors Leo and Vera Ovadje
Sun AirSupply, Inc Al and Teresa Wheeler
Volare Bistro Matthew and Jill Williams
Global Sponsors Community Sponsors
Justin and Tracy Bevington Nhien Le
Holly and Chad Bisig Milt and Darlene Stegall
Hal and Kim Cline Richard and Katherine Turnley
Eric Dunaway and Julie Kert Helen Vance
Russell Ettinger and Ken and Cherrilynn Washington
Natasha Yamaoka Teacher Ticket Sponsors
Alberto Garcia and Amy Veurink
Scott and Kim Johnson Gloria Chukwuma
Soang and Hang Lieu Damon Elmore
Alicia Kelly Artemio and Jessielyn Faypon
Margery Mahady Greg and Janice Jones
Phuong Nguyen and Tho Quach
Hung and Tram Tran
Nigel and Kaprice Welsh
Rev. John Adamski Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Frank Mr. Duy Nguyen and Mr. Lee Tran
Marylyn Adamski Ms. Laura Grant Mrs. Kim Phung Phan Ms. Queen Tran
Mrs. Mary Allen Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Grier Ms. Helen Vance
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ames Tan Ha Mr. Giang Nguyen and Dr. Raushannah Johnson-Verwayne
Mr. Sylvain Jatio and Mr. and Mrs. George Harris Mrs. Lanh Le
Mr. Hubert Herold and Mr. Adrian Verwayne
Dr. Faith Andrews-Jatio/ Southern Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill Mr. Jimmy Nguyen and Mr. Alberto Garcia and
Crescent Family Practice LLC Mrs. Rita Young
Archbishop James P. Lyke Knights In honor of Sydney Hill Mrs. Amy Veurink
of Peter Claver #340 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hill Mr. Ngan Nguyen and Ms. Katie Vo
Mr. and Mrs. David Azzarello Mrs. Mary Kathryn Hill Mrs. Uyen Tran Ms. Madeleine Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. James Balloun Ms. Billye Hill Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Vogtner*
Ms. Erin Bartels Ms. Elizabeth Hill Ms. Anhthu Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Francis Vogtner*
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baudy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hold Ms. Dung Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vogtner*
Sr. Beth Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Olufemi Ogundipe Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Vogtner*
Mr. Christopher Belcher and In memory of Bob Cook Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wallace
Mrs. Sharon Hubbard-Belcher Mr. Huy Ngo and Mrs. Trang Vo In honor of Jude Ogundipe Mrs. Ashley Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Bevington Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hylton Drs. John and Jeanine Oliga Ms. Shirley Warrior
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bisig Mr. and Mrs. Scott Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Leo Ovadje Ms. Pauline Washington
Mr. Tomas Blabla and Ms. Michelle Johnson Ms. Shirley Paul-Turnier Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Weaver
Mrs. Flavia Oliveira Mrs. Alicia Kelly Mrs. Terry Pawlik Mrs. Lisa Westfall
Mr. Steven Chafardon and Thanh-Trang Pham Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheeler
Mrs. Bernadette Boisis In honor of All Pro Dads Mr. Duy Nguyen and Mr. and Mrs. James White
Mr. and Mrs. Ezzard Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Matti Kert Mr. and Mrs. Richard White
Ms. Maria Teresa Borrego Mr. Giang Nguyen and Mrs. Lanh Le Mrs. Kim Phung Phan Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wilczynski
Ms. Elizabeth Box Mr. David Piotrowski and Mr. and Mrs. John Wismer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bregman In honor of the Class of 2005 * In memory of Edward and Geneva Pona-
Mrs. Kimberly Burgess Mr. Nicholas Le Mrs. Stephanie Madson
Mr. and Mrs. Max Burroughs Mr. and Mrs. Soang Lieu Mr. and Mrs. Cuauhtemoc Ponce toski and Frank and Betty Vogtner
Mrs. Gayle Cabrera Mrs. Caranell Lott Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Quarterman
Ms. Grace Cabrera Mr. and Mrs. John Lueken Dr. Jeanne and Mr. Michael Rast
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ruppel
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Castile In memory of Joseph Morris Lueken Ms. Julie Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Catroppa Mr. Justino Lumapas and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cline In honor of Karen Vogtner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole Mrs. Marichel Gaite-Lumapas Ms. Ginger Schilling
Conrads Family Education Fund Mr. Phuc Ly and Mrs. Maria Vu Ms. Rhonda Scott
Mr. Paul Cormier Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martino Mr. Darrell Searcy
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Dodson Rev. Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy SJE Student Council
Ms. Emma Epps Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMichen Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smart
Mr. John Ettinger and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith
Mrs. Natasha Yamaoka In memory of Christopher Kelly The Speedwell Foundation
Ms. Anna Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Mike Messner St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Mr. and Mrs. Artemio Faypon Mr. Michael Misale St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church
Mr. and Mrs. David Fisher Ms. Laura Moon Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Standard
Mrs. Annemarie Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Jason Moran Mr. and Mrs. Willie Taylor
Mrs. Diane Morris Ms. Nannette Taylor
Ms. Giulianna Muschi Ms. Annie Tayong
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nemchik
Ms. Huong Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Dominix Nguyen
GRACE Scholars is a student scholarship organization We send our kids to St. John's because our highest priority
(SSO) that provides scholarship funds for students wishing is the formation of the child in support of our efforts to raise
to attend Archdiocesan schools. This program is funded children who see their own self-worth, who know Christ, who
by Georgia taxpayers and empowers them to redirect a love the Church, and who attend to the needs of others. We
portion of their state tax liability to Archdiocesan schools believe St. John's understands its mission to do these things
of their choice. These funds become need-based scholar- and consistently directs its efforts to this end.
ships for students for whom a Catholic education might -Mark and Kelly Tolcher, Parents of 5 SJE Students
not otherwise be a reality. This is a dollar-for-dollar state
tax credit and some contributors may qualify for a federal
tax deduction.
GRACE Scholars is the beloved initiative of Archbishop
Wilton Gregory and Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer. The
state of Georgia has set aside $58 million per year for all
28 SSOs. Last year the cap was reached within the first
few hours of January 1! We encourage all those wishing to
contribute to this amazing program to pre-register for the
upcoming tax year as soon as possible!
For more information, please visit
C The Reverend John S. Adamski Mr. and Mrs. David Greiff Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Richmond
Ms. Marylyn A. Adamski Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hauser Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Schaefer
Mr. Hubert T. Herold Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Shlapak
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Albino Mr. and Mrs. Arden W. Inda Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sobel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Jackson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David R. Spotanski
O Mr. and Mrs. Willie Alexander Ms. Cathy A. Jackson Dr. Diane K. Starkovich and
N Mr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Bartels Ms. Marilavinia Jones
T Mr. and Mrs. Justin L. Bevington Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Kelly Mr. John M. Starkovich
Mrs. Evelyne Legerme The Reverend Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Breault Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lozuk
Ms. Suzanne P. Masters Mrs. Paul S. Swope Jr.
R Mr. Peter G. Bregman and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGlade Mr. and Mrs. George M. Uhrin
Dr. Cecile J. Pasion-Bregman Mr. and Mrs. Jose Mendizabal Ms. Michelle S. Vandemark
Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Nelson Ms. Mary Ann M. Vicari
I Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Buchanan Mr. and Ms. Thomas M. Nemchik Ms. Karen P. Vogtner and
B Mr. and Mrs. William C. Canning Mr. Khanh H. Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Viet Nguyen Mr. John D. Vogtner
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. O'Connell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walkington Jr.
Mr. Matthew J. Osucha Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Weissman
U Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Pacer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Wilke
Mr. and Mrs. Jim T. DeFee Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rachal III Miss Monique M. Williams
Mr. Jeffrey W. Woolums
Mr. Peter F. Faletti and The Most Reverend Luis R. Zarama
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Zitelli
T Mrs. Maureen E. Harty
O Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Faria
R Mr. and Mrs. John K. Franks
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Garcia
S Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gorrell
Ms. Martha B. Greenway
2016-2017 ANNUAL FUND
Lights, water, facility maintenance, teacher salaries, benefits. Have you guessed what all of these
have in common? They are all necessities at St. John’s School that are not covered by tuition.
Where would we be without basic operating facilities? What are we without our teachers? By
donating to the Annual Fund, YOU close the gap between tuition and the cost to educate!
Every penny you give advances the mission of St. John’s far beyond the bricks and mortar
of our building and continues the charism of our founders, the Sisters of Mercy. Because
of you, St. John the Evangelist can offer an education centered on Jesus and built on
the tenets of leadership, scholarship and service to others. We thank the following
donors for their contributions made July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017.
CONTRIBUTORS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Turnley Mrs. Lanell Mogab Mr. and Mrs. Bill Canning
Mrs. Katie Vo Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlson
St. John the Evangelist Society Mr. Manh Vu and Mrs. Hong Ha Mr. and Mrs. Scott Murray Mr. Steven Chafardon and
Gifts of $1,000-$2,499 Ms. Alethia Newell
Eagle Convocation Mrs. Hanh Vivian Ngo-Vu Mrs. Bernadette Boisis
Rev. John Adamski Gifts up to $249 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Edwards
Marylyn Adamski In memory of Josephine Thuy Vu Ms. Anna Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Bevington Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aiello Mr. and Mrs. Dominix Nguyen Ms. Annemarie Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Johnson Sr. Beth Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Nam Nguyen Ms. Jeannie Hainey
Mr. Michael Misale Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Beauford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nguyen Ms. Ashley Herring
Mrs. Sandra Bentley Mr. Duy Nguyen and Ms. Racquel Jones
In honor of the Misale Family Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Leo Ovadje In memory of Carol Ann Nichols Mrs. Kim Phung Rev. Mr. and
Ms. Edna Bryant Ms. Anhthu Nguyen
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. C.C. Odinaka Mr. Cuong Bui and Mrs. Truc Mai Mr. and Mrs. William Nichols Mrs. William McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Hung Bui Mr. William Nichols and Mr. Timothy McGinnis
Friends of the Sisters of Mercy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Burdo Ms. Laura Moon
Gifts of $1,000-$2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Camp Silvia Garcia de Nichols Mrs. Luisa Moon
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher O'Bryant Ms. Giulianna Muschi
Ms. Liousiena Barylo In honor of Joshua Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palmer Ms. Jenae Pair
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carlson Mrs. Terry Pawlik Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rast
Mr. and Mrs. George Harris Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Peterson Ms. Karen Rorabaugh
Mr. Hubert Herold In honor of Luke Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick Phillips Ms. Jackie Salas
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hylton Mr. and Mrs. Kwesi Carter Mr. and Mrs. Cuauhtemoc Ponce Ms. Ginger Schilling
Mr. Huy Ngo and Mrs. Trang Vo Mr. and Mrs. Justin Castile Mr. and Mrs. Winston Rorabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Gary Talamini
Mr. Jimmy Nguyen and Mr. Angel Huerta Solis and Mr. and Mrs. Quentin VanMeter
In memory of John T. Schilling Mr. and Mrs. John Vogtner
Mrs. Rita Young Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chukwuma Mrs. Anabel Leyva
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Artemio Faypon Mr. and Mrs. Milton Spangler In memory of Edward and
Ms. Nehal Reddy Mr. and Mrs. Eudon Ferrell Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Standard Geneva Ponatoski, Frank and
Mr. and Mrs. David Fisher Betty Vogtner, Bob Cook and
St. Alphonsus Liguori Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Fonseca In honor of Joey Standard Greg Crocker
Gifts of $250-$499 Mr. and Mrs. Romero Graham Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stevenson Ms. Ashley Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Grand'Pierre Ms. Joyce Strength Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Grier Mrs. Lisa Westfall
Mr. and Mrs. Hung Cao Tan Ha In memory of Caroline Woyar Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wilczynski
Mr. Anthony Cochran and Ms. Eileen Harris Mr. Sean Symes and Mr. and Mrs. John Wismer
Mrs. Netaja LaRocque-Symes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wolfe
Mrs. Charisse Walker- In memory of Rose and Ms. Sue Carol Taylor Ms. Susan Yarber
Cochran Gerald Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison In memory of Scott Retterbash Corporate Gifts
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hill Ms. Akilah Thomas
In honor of Christopher and Mr. and Mrs. William Hollink Mr. and Mrs. Nghia Tran Amazon Smile
Chelsea Cohen Ms. Phuong Uyen Huynh Ms. Helen Vance Buckhead Uniforms
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dalton Mr. Anthony Justice Mr. and Mrs. Thanh Vo Kroger Community Rewards
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Denny Mrs. Debby Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Vogtner Publix Partners
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Franks Mr. and Mrs. Damian Vu Boxtops for Education
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gonczi In honor of Karen Vogtner Ninh Vu
Mrs. Alicia Kelly Hon. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly Ms. PaulineWashington Matching Gifts
Mr. Thedford Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Welsh
Mrs.Karen Richard-Lee In memory of Christopher Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheeler IBM
Mr. and Mrs. Phong Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Matti Kert SeaTec Consulting
Mr. Roger Ntardzenyuy and Mr. and Mrs. John Lueken Faculty and Staff Giving Wells Fargo
Mrs. Appolonie Eyenga Delta Airlines
Thanh-Trang Pham In memory of Mr. and Mrs. David Azzarello Turner Broadcasting
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Pizano Joseph Morris Lueken Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baudy
Mr. Tho Quach and Mr. and Mrs. Thanh Ly Truong Sr. Beth Bauer
Mrs. Phuong Nguyen Mrs. Brigid Martin Mrs. Kimberly Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stegall
In memory of Stephen A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William McGhee
The faculty at St. John’s are what made me want to become a teacher. -Matt Schilling, Class of 1995
Tuition & Fees $2,103,364 Salaries & Benefits $2,020,644 Valedictorian &
Tuition Assistance & Scholarships Prof Dev / Grant $11,513
Instructional $225,020 Our Lady of Mercy:
Archdiocesan $404,000 Valedictorian: Cathy Tran
Salutatorian: Natalie Standard
Grace $65,156 Technology $98,744
College Placements
Misc $30,132 Student Services
Our Lady of Mercy:
Student Services Extended School Program $53,057 Elijah Andrews: Brenau University
Mbaintu Barlay: Agnes Scott College
Extended School Program $248,258 Misc $37,814 Aldahir Barrantes:
Misc $25,880 Development $12,685 University of Georgia
Home & School $30,253 Stephanie Bui: Mercer University
Development $30,094 Mary-Angel Ekezie:
Home & School $90,694 Facilities $185,595 Mercer University
Tonia Gates: Kennesaw University
Grants $11,328 Admin & General $29,836 Meagan Hall:
Investments Capital Campaign $548 Georgia State University
Nyles Lever-Roaf:
Savings $11,373 Capital Improvements $(282,119)
Georgia State University
Common Fund $12,420 Paul Longino:
Endowments $6,972 NASCAR Technical Institute
Noah Rorabaugh:
Capital Campaign $359,860 Total Expenses $2,423,589
$1,015,627 Georgia State University
Other Income $39,685 Net Revenue/Future Natalie Standard: Catawba College
Capital Improvements Cathy Tran: Augusta University
Total Revenue $3,439,216 Queen Tran: Augusta University
Thao Tran: Georgia State University
The YTD net income includes Capital Campaign donations received outside of normal operations, a Marist School:
reclassification of the Capital Reserve liability account, and construction expenditures that increase the Anderson Stinson:
Building-in-Process asset rather than appear as expenses.
Brandeis University
The credit balance for Capital Improvements Expense is the result of the Capital Reserve liability Thomas Vance:
account reclassification.
University of Michigan
SJE provided me with Finance Council $9,974 Cost to Educate Saint Pius X:
a solid foundation of $7,711 Tuition Quincy Agu: Georgia State University
learning while instilling Dea Carlson $2,263 Shortfall Chisom Anachebe:
self-discipline, confidence, Tammy Ruppel
and a great work ethic. Anthony Hylton University of Georgia
-Brittany Arrietta Schilling, Karen Vogtner, ex-officio Peter Ninh: Georgia State University
Class of 2001 Ann Margaret Smith, Chair Camille Oliga: Howard University
Awards & Honors
Our Lady of Mercy:
Aldahir Barrantes:
Questbridge Finalist
Marist School:
Anderson Stinson: St. Genesius
Award for Outstanding Acting
Thomas Vance: Sedes Sapientiae
Award (Marist School’s Highest
Honor); Latin IV Award; St.
Thomas Aquinas Award for
Academic Competitions
School Math
Noetic Learning Math Contest
3rd 4th 5th
Our 8th Grade National Honor Roll National Honor
team placed 10th Medal & Top 10% scorer: Roll Medal: National Honor
in Southeast Region. Roll Medal:
Nora Bevington Eva Bevington
Tied for 1st place at SJE, Franklin Vo
6th in State:
Math Olympiad
Noah Buckley &
Anthony Ovadje Lower school: Middle school: Scoring in top 30%
Franklin Vo
3rd place: 1st John 1st Sydney
Ethan Ekpenyong Nguyen Vance Scoring in top 40%
2nd Anthony Daniel Nguyen
From 7th grade: Ovadje & Tiffany Quach
1st place
Brian Lieu &
Amy Nguyen
3rd place: State Recognition at DUKE TIP: DUKE TIP
Campbelle Searcy Gabrielle Harris
Fourth through seventh grade
Our 6th grade team Blessed Trinity High School Book Award: students qualify for Talent
placed 5th in the Cindy Cao Search & Talent Identification
Southeast Region. Programs at Duke University by
St. Martin de Porres Essay Scholarship scoring in the 95th percentile
1st place at SJE, or higher in selected subtests
1st in State, (Sponsored by St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church) of the Iowa Assessment. Not all
students who qualified chose
12th in Southeast Region: 1st place and $500 scholarship: to register with Duke TIP, but
Olivia Tolliver Collins Nwabuibe we recognize the following
students who did register:
4th grade team placed 7th Archdiocesan MLK Poster Contest
in Southeast region 1st place overall winner: Soncera Adams
Eva Bevington
1st place at SJE, Mariana Ponce & Kohana Nguyen Jenna Jones
4th in state, Kohana Nguyen
Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Contest Justice O’Bryant
6th in Southeast Region: State Kindergarten winner: Reagan Sharp
Eva Bevington Sophia Ngo Morgan Veale
State 8th grade level winner: Natalie Vigil
2nd place Philomena Ekezie Dallis Welsh
Kohana Nguyen
St. Pius Chi Ro Award: Cindy Cao
3rd place Alexandre Grand’Pierre Trinity Henry
Justice O’Bryant Jemia Johnson
Monsignor Francis Galla Award:
Kimberly Tran Brian Lieu
Oscar Lieu
Archdiocesan Employee of the Year: Amy Nguyen
Sr. Beth Bauer Frances Ovadje
Campbelle Searcy
The Presidential Outstanding Academic Excellence Award Abigail Barrantes
is given to students with an average of 90% or higher in all Noah Buckley
core subjects during their middle school years who also Truc Bui
scored in the 85th national percentile or above in Math
Total and/or Reading Total in the Iowa Assessment. Philomina Ekezie
St. JOHN The Evangelist
Catholic School
240 Arnold St.
Hapeville, GA 30354
The Evangelist Catholic School
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