When Two Colorful Hearts Join Hands,
To Discover Million Colors Together.....
Srinivasan, Rajalakshmi & Varshini
and GSR Family
160, Arunodaya Apartments,
F-Block,Vikaspuri, New Delhi-110018
Brahmins’ Marriage
How to ReachDay-1
Viradham: Bride and Groom prepare themselves for a new chapter in their lives as
Gruhani & Gruhasta.
Janavasam: Procession of Groom from nearby temple to the Mandapam in a
Eventsdecorated CharioFtlywdithowdanncteoaInnddimrausGic.andhi International
Day-2 Airport,
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lead the life as per dharam sastra.
companion to
tMhBaeyiar lraeTisprMeacaitanivteramTlt:hahBteOeerWmcirodnNaneoaepjevalawieuwltn:niaidnClcDlllhogecbeauritetolrpohymotleeimhooxRsefcnithaarIysnear.ioeldntwngoliiafaeatw,egydNdaeeSrlecocltaownoarnmattdDihtoseeeendlysh.hsowJiouuauins.wltdgeaasryistm2so0bfyookluimzrinagbrytrhiveroay alshadat.ll
Kannika Dhaanam: Bride is made to sit on her father’s lap
11 April 2016A maiden virtuowuswe,Tghahhoilnaoeoddvuoiegnsffhagemtirvutianahergneldldaeh,tsivhssaeuedrgryaeirfuwottgibahsheydet,ehsdrriem,olcecakhtadoeaddntthtwrtsea:oitGv“hIertoohlorofeinmfseanr.mg’tFryeaaaontunthhsde.marWsoywsiftleehdth.daaeuTdllBgaitnhrhkitgedeese,re,:
she shall guard ththe eDhDaNrmDa,rWoaeadlt,hcaronsdsLtohvee”Great India Place mall, follow
GBroyomRaossuardes tthhaet hsaemshaelrl oreamda, iynouherrdceosmtipnaantiioonniwn joouy l&d sboerroown,tihnethriigs lhifte. and
life after.
Mangalya Dharanam: The tying of the Mangal Sutra. The
Bride is seated oLnetth’se mlapaokfeheitr feaathsyer,ffoarcinygouea. sWt wehihleatvhee
Groom stands fatcwingowmeestt.rTohestGartoioomnstiinesB“TluheiruLMinaenngeaalyrabmy”
pbaByraorGyut onrofMdotthmheeeiartnrfnaeodcmkoNaitloyhnfo.etdirhdwetawBeSorliedebceayt.voGTerhr-ort1eoh8em,ek1’2csnhsomiosttsiiecanrer(teto4to.im1eykdao.mkTueh.)ethfeirsBt roindee a
Brahmins’ Marriage
Viradham: Bride and Groom prepare themselves for a new chapter in their lives as
Gruhani & Gruhasta.
Janavasam: Procession of Groom from nearby temple to the Mandapam in a
decorated Chariot with dance and music.
Kashi Yatra: A mock pilgrimage by Groom to Kashi. The
bride’s father assures to gift his daughter as a companion to
lead the life as per dharam sastra.
Maalai Maatral: Bride and groom are lifted on the shoulders of
their respective maternal uncle to exchange garlands
Oonjal: Couple sits on a decorated swing symbolizing they shall
move in harmony.
Kannika Dhaanam: Bride is made to sit on her father’s lap
and is given as a gift by him to the Groom. Father of the Bride,
while offering his daughter, chants: “I offer you my daughter:
A maiden virtuous, good natured, very wise, decked with ornaments. With all these
she shall guard the Dharma, Wealth and Love”
Groom assures that he shall remain her companion in joy & sorrow, in this life and
life after.
Mangalya Dharanam: The tying of the Mangal Sutra. The
Bride is seated on the lap of her father, facing east while the
Groom stands facing west. The Groom ties “Thiru Mangalyam”
around the neck of the Bride. Three knots are tied. The first one
by Groom and other two by Groom’s sister to make the Bride a
part of their family.
Brahmins’ Marriage
Paani Grahanam: The Groom holds the hand of the Bride. The mantra says: "The
Devas have offered you to me to live the life of a Gruhasta. We shall live together
Saptha Pathi: The most important part of the marriage in which the
groom takes seven steps holding the Bride’s hand. They take a vow
with each step. It is believed that they become partners forever
once they complete the seventh step together.
Gruha Pravesham: Bride enters the home of her in-laws. The vedic
hymns recited sound like the mother’s advice: "Be the queen of your
husband’s home. May your husband glorify your virtues. Conduct
yourself in such a way that you win your in-law’s love”
Nalangu: Time to relax and play. Bride invites Groom for a play.
These events bring out the qualities of the Bride and Groom’s
sporting spirit, kindness, co-operative nature thus surfacing the
hidden traits for the other to note.
Paaligai / Kattusadam / Sendoff: Send-off both Bride and Groom families after
Pallikai karaithal (Invokes blessing of the eight direction quartered guardian angels
for a healthy life and progeny to the couple). Kattusadam is pack of variety meals for
How to Reach
Fly down to Indira Gandhi International Airport,
New Delhi. A drive of 28 km around the beauty of the
By Flight city to reach the venue to find us waiting for you.
The capital city of India, New Delhi awaits your arrival at
the New Delhi Railway Station. Just a 20 km by road.
By Train We will be there to welcome you.
Though all the roads lead to the grand wedding,
we have made sure the road travel isn’t a hassle. Take
the DND road, cross the Great India Place mall, follow
By Road the same road, your destination would be on the right.
Let’s make it easy for you. We have two metro stations in
Blue Line near by and we leave the choice to you.
Noida Sector-18, 12 min (4.1 km)
By Metro Noida City Centre, 7 min (2.0 km)
11th April 2016
Udhayan Marg
Vidhyanchal Marg Maharaja
Golf Marg Agrasen
Noida Road Bhawan 2 Km from
Arjun Sarona Marg Noida City Centre
Service Road
Noida Sec-18 to
Shivalik Marg Agrasen Bhawan
From Film City Noida City
Akshardham Centre
DND Flyway Noida Road
To Greater Noida
Maharaja Agrasen Bhawan, Maharaja Agrasen Marg,
A-6, Sector - 33, Noida (UP)
Concept and Design by:
Pagal Bhai (Sriram Sridhar)