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Published by support, 2022-01-24 17:07:44




The nutritional value of popular types of fish

Lethbridge Herald January 2022

Learning how
to effectively
manage stress
is essential for
overall well-being
The pros and
cons of running


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2 – Healthy You: a guide to well-being


Lethbridge Herald January 2022 Healthy You, a guide to well-being is published by Alta
Newspaper Group, limited partnership, 504 7 Street South,
Lethbridge, AB T1J 2H1. The contets of this publication are
protected by copyright and may be used only for personal,
non-commercial purposes. All other rights are reserved
and commercial use is prohibited. Healthy You a guide
to well-being ©2015 name and publication is property of
Alberta Newspaper Group LP and may not be reproduced
without written permission. Articles and some images
submitted or obtained from Creative Outlet by ad-builder.

Simple strategies to combat stress 6
Alleviate everyday aches and pains 8-9
How aging adults can maintain a healthy weight 10-11
Long-term solutions to protect joints 14
The pros and cons of running
The nutritional value of popular types of fish

Healthy You: a guide to well-being – 3



Simple strategies
to combat stress


Just about everyone Take media breaks
experiences stressful Overwhelming oneself with a
situations. Sometimes
a measure of stress can barrage of negative news stories or
provide motivation constant information can increase
to do one’s best or stress levels. Individuals can strive
strive for an especially to remain informed and still build
lofty goal. However, breaks into their schedules. Shut
when stress becomes off news programs, turn over the
a chronic condition, newspaper or tune out of social
it can adversely affect media from time to time. The
individuals’ quality of life Centers for Disease Control and
and even their overall Prevention recommends that
individuals who are stressed out by
health. world events reduce the number of
times they read the news or check
Harvard Medical School says Exercise regularly the headlines each day.
stress can manifest itself in a Exercise serves many functions,
myriad of ways. Stress can cause Meditate or perform breathing
tension headaches, indigestion, including acting as a potent stress exercises
aches and pains, or even heart relief strategy. The Cleveland Clinic
palpitations, and it may affect says aerobic exercise releases Breathing and meditation can
the mind by making it hard to endorphins, which are natural help alleviate stress, according to
concentrate or make decisions. substances that help a person feel the American Heart Association.
Many people experience stress better and maintain a positive A quick meditation can provide
through emotional or psychological attitude. Movement activities some perspective. If a situation is
symptoms, such as irritability or like yoga or Tai Chi also can relax stressful, go for a walk or take a few
feeling down. Learning how to the mind and body and promote slow, deep breaths until the body
effectively manage stress is essential physical health. relaxes. Harvard Medical School
for individuals’ overall well-being. also says meditation can induce a
relaxation response, which is an
4 – Healthy You: a guide to well-being antidote to stress.

Change negatives to positives
Negative self-talk may increase

stress, but positive self-talk can help
a person calm down. Individuals
should practice positive self-talk
every day. Instead of saying, “I hate
when this happens,” say, “I know
how to deal with this, I’ve done it

A small amount of periodic stress
can be a good thing. However,
chronic stress poses a significant
threat to individuals’ long-term


aches and


Pain occurs for a variety of reasons. Pain may be a byproduct of overuse of a particular part of the body,
or it could signal an underlying illness or condition. Sometimes injury is at the heart of aches and pains.

Daily aches and pains may be seen Healthcare. When posture is out of may be a sign of osteoarthritis, an
as a normal byproduct of aging, but whack, this puts undue stress on inflammatory condition that is
that does not mean aging individuals muscles, leading to pain. Dropping associated with aging. Rheumatoid
should simply accept pain. In fact, your head or shoulders also can arthritis and other autoimmune
daily discomfort can be remedied create unnecessary tension that conditions can cause aches and
with some relatively easy techniques. leads to headaches. Good posture pains as well, leaving the joints and
can alleviate this. tendons inflamed and a body with
• Get moving. Lower back pain is low energy. A doctor can rule out
common among adults, and most • Exercise more often. Certain these conditions or help you get the
often appears when individuals are pains arise when exercising for therapy and medications you need.
in their mid-30s and 40s. Strength the first time or performing a new
training and cardio exercises can activity. Allan H. Goldfarb, Ph.D., a • Increase stretching and movement
remedy this pain because these professor and exercise physiologist exercises. Incorporate stretching
activities increase blood flow and at the University of North Carolina, and movement exercises like yoga
help build core muscles, which Greensboro, says when you do the or tai chi into your daily regimen.
support the spine. Support can same activity again and again, your These activities slowly stretch areas
alleviate pressure on the discs in muscles will start to get used to it of the body and can improve range of
the back. Exercising also will build and soreness will be reduced. Don’t motion and flexibility over time.
strength in other areas of the body give up on exercise too soon, but
and support joints. include off days in your routine to These are just a few ways to
give your body time to become more address common aches and pains.
• Practice good posture. Sitting and acclimated to increased physical Medical interventions, physical
standing with optimal posture can activity. therapy, occupational therapy
help the body feel better. The body and ergonomics assessments, and
is designed to stand in a “neutral” • Get tested. Speak with your massage therapy also may help to
position that stacks the pelvis, doctor if you have chronic pain alleviate aches and pains.
head and torso, according to DMC in one or more areas. Such pain

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Healthy You: a guide to well-being – 5



How aging
adults can
maintain a
healthy weight


Calorie-counting and watching one’s
weight is often seen as a young person’s
game. But even aging men and women
should recognize the importance of
maintaining a healthy weight.
Older adults may experience weight
gain or unintentional weight loss.
Understanding how to address each in
healthy ways is important.

Weight loss tips or resistance training Avoiding added sugars and loss. Underlying health
More than two-thirds into your weekly routine. extra carbohydrates could problems also may lead to
Hormone production help. unwanted and unhealthy
of Americans, including slows down as the body • Practice portion control. weight loss. Tracking
adults age 65 and older, ages, and that may A 60-year-old can’t eat the weight loss and getting
are overweight and result in a loss of muscle same way he or she did at sufficient nutrients is vital
obese, according to U.S. mass. Lifting weights or age 30 or 40. Nutritionists to aging adults’ overall
News & World Report. A engaging in resistance say that, with every health.
combination of factors can training with elastic bands decade that passes, people
contribute to weight gain or body weight can restore generally need about 100 A 2014 study published
in older adults, including muscle tone and speed up fewer calories a day to in the American Journal of
a slower metabolism metabolism. Adults should maintain their weights. Clinical Nutrition found
and a tendency to be aim for strength training Cutting calories slowly that having a body mass
more sedentary with twice a week. and steadily helps people index at the lower end of
age. Empty nesters also • Monitor sugar and maintain healthy weights, the recommended age
may be less likely to cook starch intake. Many older especially when they for adults increased risk
their own meals, relying adults have elevated couple this with exercise. for mortality more so
on convenience foods — blood sugar levels due to than being overweight.
some of which may be insulin resistance. When Avoiding malnutrition- Individuals whose BMI
high in fat and/or calories. cells become resistant related weight loss is less than 23 could be
to insulin, glucose putting themselves in
Sustained healthy doesn’t get used up and Malnutrition is a jeopardy.
weight at any age is linked remains in the blood. common component in
to improved heart health, Eventually this can lead unintentional weight loss Older adults need to
mental health benefits like to pre-diabetes, metabolic in aging populations. adjust their routines
increased self-confidence, syndrome and type 2 Reduction in senses as they age in order to
healthy joints, and much diabetes. Many people of small and taste, maintain healthy weights.
more. These tips can with these conditions have smaller appetites and Such adjustments can
help aging individuals a hard time losing weight. lack of desire to make reduce seniors’ risk for
maintain healthy weights. meals can contribute to disease and improve their
• Incorporate strength malnutrition and weight quality of life.

6 – Healthy You: a guide to well-being


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Healthy You: a guide to well-being – 7


Long-term solutions
to protect joints


Periodic aches and pains can affect anyone. Individuals who are physically active and
even those who live largely sedentary lifestyles may experience pain from time to time.

In fact, many as par for the course. It contribute to pain and steps to protect their joints
professional and amateur can be tempting to write stiffness in the joints. over the long haul.
athletes experience joint pain off as a concern That’s because exercise • Focus less on fashion in
relatively minor, short- only serious athletes strengthens the muscles regard to footwear. High
term injuries at one point need to worry about. and tissues that surround heels may be the epitome
or another, and rest is Terms like “tennis elbow” the joints. That added of glamorous footwear,
often the best remedy to and “runner’s knee” strength puts less stress on but women who routinely
overcome such obstacles. can give less physically the joints. wear high heels will pay a
active individuals a false steep price. The AF notes
Though minor tweaks impression of joint pain In recognition of the that heels put added stress
may be somewhat normal, and what causes it. But threat posed by chronic on the knees and increase
long-term issues like the Mayo Clinic notes joint pain, the Arthritis risk for osteoporosis,
persistent joint pain that lack of exercise can Foundation® recommends and experts indicate that
should not be written off individuals take various
Continued on page 9

8 – Healthy You: a guide to well-being


three-inch heels are seven make it easy for them to machine, the Mayo Clinic running on a treadmill or
times more stressful on transition from sitting to notes that ellipticals are even outdoors.
feet than one-inch heels. standing and still get their generally considered
But women aren’t the work done. low-impact machines that Various strategies can
only ones whose footwear • Maintain a healthy weight. are less stressful on the help individuals maintain
fashion sense could be Being overweight causes a knees, hips and back than healthy, pain-free joints
hurting their joints. Men ripple effect that impacts over the long haul.
also must pay attention to the entire body, including
what they’re putting on the joints. The AF notes
their feet. For example, that researchers have
sandals without a back determined that losing 11
strap force toes to overgrip pounds can reduce risk for
the edge of the sandal, osteoarthritis of the knee
putting needless strain on by 50 percent. On the flip
each foot and potentially side, each extra pound an
causing issues with the individual carries puts
toes. four times the stress on his
• Alternate between sitting or her knees. Exercising
and standing throughout to lose weight can provide
the day. Joint stiffness the added benefit of
and strain can develop preventing joint stiffness.
when individuals spend • Opt for low-impact
lengthy periods of time activities. Low-impact
sitting or standing. The activities like cycling and
AF recommends taking swimming are easier on
a break to stand up or sit the joints than fitness
down every 30 minutes. classes that involve high-
Professionals who sit intensity dancing and
at a desk all day may kickboxing. In addition,
want to switch to height- when choosing between
adjustable desks that a treadmill and elliptical

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Healthy You: a guide to well-being – 9


The pros and cons of


Few physical activities inspire the devotion that avid runners have for running. Millions
of individuals across the globe lace up their sneakers and run for miles on end each day,
and the fitness experts at Fitbit note that running is the most popular activity in the
The global popularity of running suggests it’s an activity that’s all gravy and no grief.
However, running can take a toll on a body, and individuals who can’t wait to lace up
their sneakers and hit the road should consider the pros and cons of running before
doing so.


Running and heart health: Running and mental health: anxiety and a greater feeling
Running generally has a positive “Runner’s high” is a well- of calm. This is an important
effect on heart health. The heart documented yet not entirely distinction, as runners who don’t
is a muscle, and much like weight understood phenomenon. feel runner’s high after a long run
training can help strengthen Thought it’s often associated with should know that they’re likely still
muscles like biceps and triceps, the release of mood-enhancing gaining some mental benefit from
running can strengthen the hormones known as endorphins running, even if a long run makes
heart and make it more efficient. and characterized as a routine and them feel more nauseous than
Cardiologists with the Copenhagen euphoric byproduct of running, euphoric.
City Heart Study noted that jogging experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine Running and brain power:
increases oxygen uptake, which note that research indicates very Running also has been found to
makes it easier for the heart to few runners actually experience benefit brain power. Researchers at
pump a larger amount of blood runner’s high. Instead, runners the University of Ulm in Germany
and do its job more easily. In may feel good after running found that individuals who jogged
addition, various studies have because physical activity increases for 30 minutes per day three times a
found that running can reduce levels of endocannabinoids in week benefitted from a substantial
individuals’ risk for heart disease the bloodstream. Higher levels of improvement in concentration and
by a significant percentage. endocannabinoids may promote visual memory.
short-term responses like reduced
Continued on page 11

10 – Healthy You: a guide to well-being



Running and joint health:
Though many medical professionals now dispute that
there’s a link between running and osteoarthritis,
running can lead to wear and tear on the joints over
time. It’s important to note that such degeneration
can occur even in non-runners, especially those
who live sedentary lifestyles. Being physically
active is an important part of maintaining long-
term joint health, but individuals who like to run
should be sure to devise a balanced workout
regimen that includes strength training to make
the muscles and tissues around joints stronger.
Running without strength training could
contribute to unhealthy joints.
Running and injury risk: All physical activities
involve some measure of injury risk, but it’s
still worth noting that runners are not immune
to such risks. The Cleveland Clinic notes as
many as 60 percent of runners will experience
injuries that sideline them for several weeks
or months. Plantar fasciitis, runner’s knee,
shin splits, and Achilles tendinitis are some
injuries commonly suffered by runners.
Common running injuries can make it hard to
perform any cardiovascular exercise, which
can have a significant and adverse effect on
runners’ overall health.

Though medical experts generally suggest
the rewards of running outweigh the risks for
healthy individuals, it’s still important that
men and women weigh the pros and cons
before lacing up their running shoes.

Healthy You: a guide to well-being – 11


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12 – Healthy You: a guide to well-being


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Healthy You: a guide to well-being – 13


The nutritional value of
popular types of fish

METRO NEWS The American Heart Association recommends that
people eat at least two servings of fish each week. Knowing
Fish is an important how various types of fish stack up when compared to one
component of a another can help people decide which fish to include in
healthy diet. Compared their diets. The following is some nutritional information
to many other sources on some popular types of fish, courtesy of the United States
of protein, including Department of Agriculture. Nutritional information for raw
beef, pork and chicken, fish is based on a standard three-ounce serving size.
certain varieties of fish
are lower in calories per • C od: (Pacific): 70 calories, 0.54 grams fat, 15.22 grams
serving size. Plus, fish protein
is an important source
of omega-3 fatty acids, • Flounder: 78 calories, 1.02 grams fat, 16.02 grams protein
which have been linked • Haddock: 74 calories, 0.61 grams fat, 16.36 grams protein
to heart and brain • H alibut: (Atlantic and Pacific): 94 calories, 1.95 grams fat,
17.69 grams protein
• M ahi mahi: 72 calories, 0.60 grams fat, 15.72 grams

• O cean perch: 81 calories, 1.38 grams fat, 15.84 grams

• S almon (farmed): 156 calories, 9.22 grams fat, 16.92

grams protein
• Tilapia: 81 calories, 1.44 grams fat, 17.07 grams protein
• T una: 93 calories, 0.81 grams fat, 19.89 grams protein
The way fish is prepared can alter its nutritional profile.
Baking, grilling or broiling without adding fat are the most
healthy ways to prepare fish. Enhance the flavor of fish with
fresh herbs and citrus marinades.

14 – Healthy You: a guide to well-being


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Healthy You: a guide to well-being – 15

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