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Published by , 2016-04-19 11:20:26

The student work half completecdcd

The student work half completecdcd


Get Your Art Work On The Student

Here’s How To
Apply !

You will need to
Gbring your art
ot any question for Agony Aunt Long Close School
work to 9L and ? Want to know what people are
then your work asking ? Read all of the latest questions
will be judged by and answers from Agony Aunt .
Mr Lacombe and
a few of the stu-
dent crew. B Wewildered With
What To Listen To ? hat Happened In
Iceland ?

Once we have Not to worry The Stu- Wondering what
come to a descion dent has the latest re- happened in Iceland or
you will be told in views on the top songs just catching up on the
assemble and be and albums out there . memories made there
award a prize and You’ll never be confused , The article on Iceland
your work on The again. will tell you a little on
Student. what went on there
from seeing the beau-
tiful landscapes to the
funny things that hap-
Good luck. pened.

Agony Aunt

Dear Agony Aunt,
I am fat. I have lots of friends, a range of girls and boys, but I want a different relationship. I am
obese and I have had trouble finding a girlfriend. I want to lose weight and find it hard. I need to find a way of cur-
ing my obesity. – Anonymous
Dear Anonymous,
To call yourself fat can be a harsh thing to say, you may be overweight but there is always a way
to overcome this. It is good you have a range of friends but rushing into a relationship is not always the best thing
to do, you should wait for love to come to you not the other way around. Make your weight loss your main priority,
and then worry about the girls after
Love Agony Aunt.
Dear Agony Aunt,
My geography teacher hates me because he found out I had feelings for him seven months ago.
Now, even though he knows I don’t have those feelings for him, he has decided to refuse me geography at higher
level. We used to have a great teacher-pupil relationship and now he won’t even look at me - Anonymous
Dear Anonymous,
The fact that you are interested in your teacher is quiet worrying! You should be concentrating on the lesson giv-
en, not the person giving the lesson! I seriously recommend that you try to find someone your age, if that does not
work, don’t worry about it, worry about your education. You will have plenty of time to find love. <3
Love Agony Aunt.
Dear Agony Aunt,
I am currently in my first serious relationship in a while and have had to acknowledge to myself that I am complete-
ly addicted to it. Time spent away due to holidays etc. is completely torture: I find myself sobbing at the thought
of my boyfriend and I being parted for the next two weeks. I want to spend as much time with him as possible
but then I have had my heart broken before and always look at my relationships with a pessimistic approach. I am
constantly thinking that he doesn’t love me as much as I love him. I want to stop and get a grip of myself but I can’t.
I have a constant lump in my throat and am breaking out in cold-sores because of how stressed I let it make me feel.
I really feel I need help as I am crying myself to sleep too often. I really need help. Please will you give me advice? -
Dear Anonymous,
Since it was your first relationship, you may not really know how to react. The fact that you have acknowledged your
‘addiction’ shows that you are not completely obsessed and crazy. You must try to find something to do when you’re
not with your boyfriend, otherwise you may creep him out... but do not worry! With the help of activities and fami-
ly day outs keeping your preoccupied can stop you from obsessing over him so much... the fact that you are being a
bit over dramatic on how you feel can be quiet worrying. Try and find something to do!
Love Agony Aunt.

Presenting Pavey...

OnTuesday 8th of October, after Kajol Kumar bugged Mrs Welsh for a time and date, she finally got the chance
to ask Mr Pavey a few questions in between his busy schedule:
Kajol Kumar: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself…?
Mr P: I grew up in Lancashire and spent most of my days there. When I was a little bit
older I attended boarding school where I played rugby, cricket and played some music.
However, I didn’t actually stay there. I was one of the day boys out 4 in year of 90 students.
KK: What music did you play?
Mr P: I played the clarinet and did my grades up to grade 6.
KK: What was the naughtiest thing you happened to do in school?
Mr P: That I can tell you about (laughs)… It was before boarding school so when I was in primary. I loved frogs and
so began collecting frogs and putting them into my pocket a break one day however, when I was in class all the frogs
managed to escape!
KK: As a child who was your inspiration?
Mr P: I never really had anyone in particular, however in school it had to be the rugby and cricket players. Some of
the Liverpool players too of that time.
KK: I don’t think some of the students will like hearing Liverpool (laughs)… So when did you decide to become a
Mr P: Right after university where I had studied geography. I had the choice of doing a course in law or teaching, I
chose teaching and have never looked back and have a passion for teaching geography.
KK: What drove you towards teaching geography?
Mr P: My love and passion for geography! I found how landscapes developed just fascinating.
KK: What is your biggest and greatest achievement?
Mr P: Having children.
KK: Could you teach your children?
Mr P: Not at all. It would be very bad! It always ends up in shouting…
KK: What would your best advice be to the senior pupils?
Mr P: Try and do what you enjoy doing and make it work. Stay determined.

KK: What drove you towards teaching geography?
Mr P: My love and passion for geography! I found how landscapes developed just fascinating.
KK: What is your biggest and greatest achievement?
Mr P: Having children.
KK: Could you teach your children?
Mr P: Not at all. It would be very bad! It always ends up in shouting…
KK: What would your best advice be to the senior pupils?
Mr P: Try and do what you enjoy doing and make it work. Stay determined.
KK: Are you enjoying Long Close so far?
Mr P: Yes, very much! The school is very different from where I was before, and it is a different challenge
but challenges are always good.
KK: How do you feel about girls leaving their hair out?
MR P: I think hair tied back looks better.
KK: What are your future plans for Long Close?
Mr P: Before anything I would like to know the school very well first. I would like to identify its
and weakness’. The school is developing. I am right now trying to change the way teachers do registra-
tion. I am moving it from paper to the computer.
KK: And finally, what makes Long Close special to you?
Mr P: I would have to say the atmosphere. At my initial visit both the pupils and teachers greeted me
with hellos and smiles, and long close for me is just a very friendly place.
I would like to thank Mr Pavey for his time and look forward to a new school year with him as head
By Kajol Kumar 10J

Whitfest 2013

On the 5th of October, 7 art students went When they went to Reading they found local
to Reading on a project called ’Whitfest children and showed them and helped them
2013’. They went to two community cen- make their own piece of art by-
tres in Reading to help raise awareness • They took a news headline and changed
about art and to show the children you the words around to make it into a different
don’t have to be good at drawing to do art. • Then they sketched a picture of the

headline they created
• they traced it onto tracing paper so we
could trace it onto a piece of paper under black
• Then we used stamps to stamp out our
mixed up headline
• After that we put the coloured squares
and then placed down the text and picture.

I think this was a successful trip as we got
children involved in doing art who over wise
would have been smoking drugs on the street.
It also raised awareness for the big draw pro-
ject .
By Jamie Barnett


Topic of the day: Abortion – Is it the right or wrong thing
to do ?

Oldest twin’s views (Kahinaat)
• I agree with abortion if it is the most loving
thing to do.
• If a mother’s life is at risk, it is her decision to
abort her baby because if the pregnancy does result
in death, it could cause more suffering on the family
than the unborn baby.
• If a girl has been raped, she should be able to
abort the child as she was forced into something she
did not want to do and it will add extra pressures in
her life, especially is she is young.
• If a couple has been told that their child will be
severely handicapped or hardly have any quality of
life, it is their choice if they want the baby to be abort-
ed because it will add extra pressures on their life in
every way.
• If couples decided to use contraception but it
did not work and the woman becomes pregnant, they
should be able to abort the baby as they did not want
one in the first place.


Younger twin’s views (Aarzu)

➢ I disagree with abortion, however I only agree
with it under one circumstance.
➢ I only agree with abortion in this circumstance
which is that the mother’s life is at risk. This is be-
cause I believe that you should not take a risk when it
comes to a life or death situation.
➢ I disagree with Kahinaat; I believe that if a girl is
raped then she should not abort the baby as there are
many other options such as adoption.
➢ I disagree again with Kahinaat because I believe
that it is not the baby’s fault if it is severely handi-
capped therefore you should not have the right to
abort it.
➢ I totally disagree with this scenario because I
believe that just because the parents does not want a
baby, it does not give you the right to abort it as the
baby has rights too and just because of a mistake it
should not cost the life of a baby.



Big Releases

AM – Arctic Monkeys 8/10
This highly anticipated fifth studio al-
bum from the Mercury prize winning
rockers from Sheffield has impressed
many critics. They have evolved from
acne faced teenagers making energetic
indie anthems to more smooth ‘leather
jacket wearing sunglasses inside’ gentle-
men. Now living in LA, there is an obvious 90s west coast
hip hop vibe that merges with a mid-70s rock style. Now
being deemed as one of the best bands of the decade with
10/10 reviews from NME and sold out arena tours there is
certainly a lot of hype around this record. This is an album
for both the sing along radio listener and the toffee nosed
music critic from the catchy riffs on ‘Do I wanna know?’
to the lyrics on ‘Arabella’. There is no denying that the Arc-
tic Monkeys are at the peak of their career so far but in my
opinion AM has lost some of the energy found in their ex-
plosive debut ‘Whatever people say I am, that’s what I’m
not.’ But change is a good thing and this is a good album, I
don’t think it is their best but I look forward to their next
‘10/10’ album.


Yeezus – Kanye West 4/10
Yeezus is controversial. Or it tries to be.
This eagerly anticipated release from
the Chicago based rapper has shocked
fans. Yeezus is disturbing, unorthodox,
unique and most of all pretentious, very
pretentious. West still under the egotistical delusion that he
is a God has made this album to test his fans, test his record
label and to test the music industry in general. He now sees
himself as a futurist who’s ‘original, insightful’ views will en-
lighten listeners. In this record he raps about cast systems,
inequality and croissants. Once you get past West’s self-love
you can begin to appreciate the music. Yeezus includes dar-
ing synths and unorthodox rhythms which sets itself apart
from the boring monotonous hip hop beats that are con-
stantly found in the charts. This is definitely original music
but whether it is worth listening to is debateable. West has
described Yeezus as the future of music, if true it won’t be a
very bright future.

Music Worth Buying

Lonerism – Tame Impala 9/10
The critically acclaimed second album from
psychedelic Australian hypno-groove five piece,
Tame Impala, is a surreal insight into the ka-
leidoscopic mind of singer Kevin Parker. Tame
Impala’s mind-bending guitar riffs mixed with
heavenly synths create a hallucinatory experi-
ence throughout the album. If you find an old
Beatles track you’re your Dad listens to, shove it into a wood chipper,
squish it under Eric Pickles’ double chin, mix it with banana flavoured
jelly, send it to outer space and back and you might have something that
vaguely resembles Lonerism. Tame Impala have been likened to bands
like the Beatles, Cream and the Velvet Underground. But they’re good.

Arc – Everything Everything 7/10
Ever thought of what the Earth will be like af-
ter a zombie apocalypse and nuclear war? Well
I have and so have Everything Everything. Arc
is stuffed full of disparity and Cormac McCar-
thy style settings but isn’t depressing at all due
to falsetto rapping of singer Jonathan Higgs
and the funky bass and guitar riffs throughout.
Certain songs like ‘Cough Cough’ and ‘Kemosabe’ stand out on the re-
cord with slicing synth effects and intricate drums. Arc describes a world
filled with poisonous gasses and corrupt government (not Syria) where
suicide is the norm. In a music scene filled with songs about breakups
and pool parties, it is nice when an album comes along about the inevi-
table demise of the human race.


Toast of London – Channel 4 7/10

The utterly bizarre sitcom from moustache bearing Matthew Berry and
the writers of Father Ted returns after a successful pilot last year. Toast
of London is the story of a middle aged actor Steven Toast and his life
being surrounded by oddball friends. Known for his work in the IT
Crowd, The Mighty Boosh and Garth Marenghi’s dark place, Berry is
famous for over acting. His ridiculously posh voice and exaggerated
hand gestures make for very surreal and slapstick comedy.

Gurnaik Johal


Football – Football
Former Manchester United goal-
keeper Peter Schmeichel has
urged the club’s fans to be pa-
tient with David Moyes and his

Personally, as a football fan; I Moyes became Manchester Utd manager in July.
strongly was in favour of David
Moyes’ appointment as Man- Capital One: Cup Draw
chester Utd manager. Moyes be- Sunderland v Southampton
ing the second most senior man- Leicester City v Fulham
ager in the league, aswell as the Birmingham City v Stoke City
second longest serving, seemed Manchester United v Norwich City
to have enough experience. Af- Burnley v West Ham United
ter succeeding Sir Alex Ferguson Arsenal v Chelsea
as manager, Moyes has come Tottenham v Hull City
up against a very tough start to a Newcastle United v Manchester City
premier league season.

But does Moyes really have the
quality to manage on the world

Ex Manchester Utd goal keeper
Peter Schmeicel seems to be-
lieve so.

Schmeicel is quoted saying Ties to be played on October 29 and 30
“every great manager needs
time to settle in, even the great Do you have an opinion about what’s happen-
Sir Alex had a tricky few months ing in the latest sports news?
at first” Want people to hear your thoughts and opin-
Feel free to let either Sai or Alex know, and
maybe your opinion could be heard in the
next issue of this magazine!

Does he really Mata to Mourinho?

By Alex Nnadi brings with him new ideas.
Mourinho can’t just change
Chelsea football club is a club that the team and his ideolo-
always to be facing problems, from gy just for the satisfaction
the Fernando Torres saga to the of one player. It makes no
fans revolt against Ambramovich, sense. But what do you
the Chelsea owner. However one think? Post your thoughts to
would have thought that with the myself at 11P.
return of “the special one” the ship
would have been stable, but appar-
ently not, Mourinho has decided to
drop, two-time Chelsea player of
year, Juan Mata from the first team.
Mourinho told sky sports that in
order for Mata to be playing week
in week out, he needs to “adapt his
game” and improve his versatility.

This has been met by a contrast-
ing of opinions of people in the
football world. Andre Villas-Boas
of Tottenham and former manager
of Chelsea are surprised by Mata’s
omission and thinks he should be
an automatic starter. However Ian
Wright, a retired Arsenal footballer,
believes that Mata should listen to
his manager and change his game
Personally, I agree with Ian Wright.
When a new manager comes in he

What You Missed .

What you missed...

As a teenager, I can safely say that playing vid-
eo games is an extremely fun experience, whether it
is finding out the puzzle to unlock a door to salvage
your best friend or to save the universe from an im-
pending doom that could endanger everyone, whichever
way you look at it a game is a game and it is still
Let’s roll back the few years and find out what video games were
like in the 80s and 90s, now you may think to yourself ‘No thanks,
I’m only into the new stuff’, however take some time out to appre-
ciate what made your typical modern game, so without further ado
let’s take a blast from the past.
Think of a character that is blue, laid-back, cool-headed and can
move at the speed of sound, that’s right it’s Sonic, ever since
diving into the world to fight against injustice, this blue hedge-
hog with a slight human resemblance shows that his main ambition
is to look for adventure and conquer the forces of evil, especial-
ly his arch-nemesis Doctor Eggman, an obese scientist, who is con-
stantly dreaming to dominate the world, however his plans are al-
ways foiled. Sonics first appearance was in 1991 which turned out
to be a huge hit; it was liked for its sense of speed and the game
visuals. Throughout the years sonic games have vastly improved in
graphics and gained more supporters, but take nothing away from
the original game which created one of the most diverse video game
characters on the planet.
Imagine a world in which a small fat plumber runs across
different worlds in order to save the beautiful prin-
cess from an overgrown evil turtle, well, it sums up the
game Mario. This adventure takes place in a fantasy world in which
a minute red character defeats the mushroom enemies, this concept
has been a massive hit being one of the best and most original
games in the world.
So, you may have missed the original release date for these games,
however there is always time to play and enjoy them. So why not?
Kick back, relax and enjoy the old-school gaming experience!
By Kabir Dhaliwal


Kajol J: Do you eat deep fried mars bars?
Mr Dunford: As a matter of fact, I have
never tried it because I find the thought of
it disgusting but I have tried a deep fried
burger in Aberdeer and found it absolutely

Kajol J: Do you own a kilt?
Mr Dunford: Well, to tell the truth, I used
to own three kilts when I was younger, BUT
not anymore! One was for fashion, fitting
in with the crowd. Another one was for my
pipe band I used to plan my bagpipes in
and my last one was for wearing with my

family although it was a wee bit small as my mum brought the wrong size!
Mr Dunford: Well, to tell the truth, I used to own three kilts when I was younger, BUT not
anymore! One was for fashion, fitting in with the crowd. Another one was for my pipe band I
used to plan my bagpipes in and my last one was for wearing with my family although it was
a wee bit small as my mum brought the wrong size!

Kajol J: First experience of Haggis?
Mr Dunford: My first experience of Haggis was when I was very young and since that day I
have loved it! I always used to want my parents to buy me some when I was younger; it was
one of my favourite foods! But unfortunately when I came to England, I was appalled that
the big Tesco did not sell Haggis, so obviously I just had to complain. Surprisingly, when I
went back to Tesco recently, I found that they started selling Haggis... I was over the moon!

Kajol J: The big question we’ve all wanted the answer for is what made you leave Scotland?
Mr Dunford: Scotland was getting very boring and so I just needed a change of scene. I
have always wanted to live in London as I have just loved the lifestyle here!

Kajol J: Can you play the bagpipes?
Mr Dunford: No, I can’t the play bagpipes. However, I can play an instrument which accom-
panies the bagpipes called the snail drum in his school band

Kajol J: What do you think of the staff?
Mr Dunford: So far, they have been very nice and fun to get on with it. Although, I am very
surprised that no one in the staff room laughs when I say the word ‘wee’ as if I have to say so
myself, I do use it a lot.
Kajol J: Well moving on to the more important question, what do you think of the pupils?
Mr Dunford: I must admit that the pupils here and very well mannered and are such positive
students. They are all willing to get on with their work and learn!


Get the Hal-
loween look
Latest trends …

for your nails Nail art


First start off
with a base coat
and then start to
apply a coat of
clear black nail

Then pick a white
nail polish of your
choice and create
small spots over
the nail.

Then go over this
and extend the
spots in order to
make a skull shape.


Finally get your
black nail polish
and draw two black
spots like above.
Finish off with a
top coat

Day To Night ...

Add a
white Change
scarf and from your
a cardigan day time
of your boots
choice and rock
with some a killer
brown pair of
boots to wedges in
complete order to
the look look the

  part for
a perfect
Add a white night time
scarf and a going out
cardigan of outfit
your choice
with some
brown boots
to complete
the look


Get the latest trends
and fashion tips for
this season.

Whats Trending In The Fashion
World ?




Smell this today !!

Why not try the new
concealed wedged
Dorothy Perkins


  New Essie
sleek col-
Black leather lection
jackets are Just apply
definitely in and go!
New look

  Choose from 6



Make-up is to enhance your
features, not disguise you.

  Cat eyes…
Cat eyes is a simple and casual look, the
eyeliner is there just to define your eyes –
nothing more. Anyone can pull off certain
types of cat eyes:
• If you have round eyes, a thinner,
sharper shape would do. Keep the flick/tail
• If you have wider eyes, you could get
away with any sorts of styles, a thick line,
thin and different lengths.

Kayleen McAdams (lily Collins’ make-up

artist) tips…

1. Start with a swipe of black pencil

  along the top lash line, as it then will be
easier to get the cat-eye shape you want.

2. Tick up in the corner

3. Top it with a matching stripe of gel


A touch up on eye lashes…
Add medium lashes to get that extra boost
in eye lashes. Allison Williams’ make-up
artist wanted her eyes to be, “strong, but
still beautiful.” More mascara creates dra-
ma, more eyeliner creates shape. A soft,
nude colour has been used on her lips, to
not dominate her features.

Editors Column

Dear students,
Welcome back to a
new school year, I
hope you had a great
holiday. Long Close
is ever changing,
for the first time
ever in Long Close’s
history; we now have
a student magazine.
“The Student” is a
magazine for the
students, by the
students. So, if you
have any topic that
intrigues you, let
me know or ask some of our columnists.
After all, it is for your enjoyment.
This magazine consists of many types
of articles including interviews with
new teachers, fashion, tech, music,
sport, agony aunts and much more. I
would recommend reading our regular
article ‘twin topic’ where the twins
Kahinaat and Aarzu debate controver-
sial issues. Hope you enjoy. This is
“The Student.”
Alex Nnadi, editor in chief


Latest tech news

so along with the arrival of the new iphones (5s and 5c) came the latest soft-
ware update IOS 7. This “all new design” totally revamps the look of the in-
terface; the brand new lock screen resembles the look of the android phone.
After you’ve got past to the two toned lock screen you’ll find that your apps
have changed ever so slightly to a minimalistic square. The system fonts have
also changed slightly along with the status bar indicators and new sounds
to entice you into hours upon hours of staring at a screen and ignoring any
social contact.
If you are fed up with having to go into settings to turn off your 4g and air-
plane mode than IOS 7 has got your back, with the brand new control centre
you can quickly access commonly used settings such as,WIFI, BLUETOOTH,
AIRDROP and AIRPLAY. There is also a brand new flashlight feature which is
extremely useful to users and will take away the trouble of having to down-
load a flashlight app from the app store.
Overall IOS 7 is a complete overhaul from IOS 6 with a dashing brand new
look and great brand new features which will be extremely useful and exit-
ing to use. IOS 7 has revolutionised apple software and raises expectations to
a whole new level for the next update.
Apple IOS7: 4/5


Unlike the Capitol Hill crisis in the USA, where approval rates are
heading towards zero and a total shutdown, the Iceland trip was the
exact opposite. All parties involved were in unanimous agreement that
the Iceland trip was an unforgettable experience...
Day 1: The much anticipated day was here and the even more eagerly
awaited waiting was finally over. This day was the day we departed for
Iceland... To my misfortune the lock on my suit case was stuck and the
plan was for Mr Sargeant to heroically pry it open once we reached Ice-
land. What would I do without my wardrobe! Nonetheless, the journey
was something out of the spectacular with all of us over excited and
bubbly - we would all fail the Olympic drug testing with our exuberant
energy. The plane journey was filled with an amazing atmosphere & vibe
which is unforgettable! We had many a laugh... And this was all in just
the first few hours of not even landing at our destination yet.
Day 2: Waking up for an early start, we were in the coach ready to leave
at 8am with our tour
guide Fanny. My suitcase lock was thankfully broken and the wonder of
my wardrobe was at my command. Today was the day our breath was
taken away. Iceland is a magical place and for most of us girls it was a
place that we imagined when playing princess games when little with the
magnificence of the rocky landscapes and the waterfalls being truly spe-
cial. It was a great day for knowledge, education and adventure.
Day 3: Again we were up and ready on the coach at 8am with our tour
guide. Today we visited the split between the Eurovisa and America
plates. We saw the cracks and learnt how they were created. We also vis-
ited the ‘Golden waterfall’ with a beautiful love story behind it... A young
girl & boy would call to each other from opposite sides of the waterfall
every day until the boy proposed. However, the girl told him to cross the

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