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Published by marcbmorgan, 2020-01-14 18:07:10

Boost Report Final November 2017

Boost Report Final November 2017

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 43


Cited Sources

Afterschool Alliance. “Taking a deeper dive into afterschool: positive outcomes and promising
practices.” (2014). URL:

Annie E. Casey Foundation (2017). The Kids Count Data Center. URL:

Cauthorn-Wade, Paula Marie. (1993)."Children in self care: parents' perceptions and attitudes."
Master’s Thesis 613 URL:

CityData (2017). Waterbury, Connecticut (CT) Poverty Rate Data. Information about poor and
lowincome residents. URL:

Collins, K., Connors, K., Davis, S., Donohue, A., Gardner, S., Goldblatt, E., Hayward, A., Kiser, L.,
Strieder, F. Thompson, E. (2010). Understanding the impact of trauma and urban poverty
on family systems: Risks, resilience, and interventions. Baltimore, MD: Family Informed
Trauma Treatment Center.

Connecticut State Department of Education:

Constantine, M. G., Chris D. Erickson, R. W. Banks, and T. L. Timberlake. (1998) "Challenges to the
career development of urban racial and ethnic minority youth: Implications for
vocational intervention." Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 26(2), p.

Cooper, H., Valentine, J.C., Nye, B. and Lindsay, J.J. (1999). Relationships between five after-
school activities and academic achievement. Journal of educational psychology, 91(2),

CT Voices for Children news release (2015). Trends in Poverty and Median Income in Connecticut:
Summary of 2014 American Community Survey Census Data URL:

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Durlak, J. A., R. P. Weissberg, and M. Pachan. (2010)."A meta‐analysis of after‐school programs
that seek to promote personal and social skills in children and adolescents." American
journal of community psychology 45(3-4), p. 294-309.

Goldstein, J. S., S. G. Little, and K. A. Akin-Little (2003). "Absenteeism: A review of the literature
and school psychology’s role." The California School Psychologist 8(1), p. 127-139.

Kerrebrock, N., and E.M. Lewit (1999). "Children in self-care." The Future of Children, p. 151-160.

Klopfenstein, K. (2005). "Beyond test scores: The impact of black teacher role models on
rigorous math taking." Contemporary Economic Policy 23(3), p. 416-428.

Lang, J. M. and C. T. Bory (2012). A Collaborative Model to Support Children Following a
Caregiver’s Arrest: Responding to Children of Arrested Caregivers Together (REACT).
Connecticut Center for Effective Practice & Child Health and Development Institute of
Connecticut, Inc.

Mamis, J. (2012). Boost!ing New Haven Students: United Way’s Role in Education Reform. United
Way of Greater New Haven. Blog post. Submitted on 12/04/2012, 11.17am by Cara
Rosner. URL:
ways-role-education-reform Visit on 07/12/2017

Posner, J. K., and D. Lowe Vandell (1995). "Low‐Income Children's After‐School Care: Are There
Beneficial Effects of After‐School Programs?." Child development 65 (2), p. 440-456.

Ruteere (2013) in Raja, K. (2013) Poverty and Racism Inextricably Linked, Says UN Expert.
Published on line on: Social Watch. Poverty Eradication and Gender Justice
(12/11/2013). URL:

Schinke, S. P., K. C. Cole, and S. R. Poulin (2000). "Enhancing the educational achievement of at-
risk youth." Prevention Science 1 (1), p. 51-60.

Sexton, P. (2003). "The Impact of After School Programs on Juvenile Crime." Conroe ISD Police.

Shernoff, D. J. (2010). "Engagement in After‐School Programs as a Predictor of Social
Competence and Academic Performance." American journal of community psychology 45
(3-4), p. 325-337.

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 45

Smith, K., and Casper, L. (1999). Home alone: Reasons parents leave their children unsupervised.
Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New
York, 25–27

Vandell, D. L., and L. Shumow. (1999). "After-school child care programs." The future of children.

Additional Resources

The Afterschool Alliance:
Institute for Educational Leadership:
Coalition for Community Schools:
National Parent Teacher Association:


Appendix I: Student Survey Questions

I am a
 Boy
 Girl
 ….

My birthday is ….

I am
 Black/African American
 Hispanic/Latino/Latina
 White
 Native American

Which school do you go to?
 Gilmartin
 Duggan
 Carrington
 Duggan

Which grade are you in?
 PreK
 Kindergarten


B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 47

Do you attend an afterschool program?
 Yes
 No

Where do you go on days you do not attend an afterschool program?
 Meet friends
 Go somewhere else

(only for those indicating they meet friends)
What are some places you and your friends go?

 Somebody’s house
 Mall
 Park
 Sports club

(only for those indicating they attend an after-school program)

Which days do you attend an after-school program?
 Monday
 Tuesday
 Wednesday
 Thursday
 Friday

Which afterschool program do you attend
 Soccer

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 48

(only for those indicating they (also) do something else than
meeting friends and/or attending after-school program)

Who is with you where you are??
 Parent(s)
 Grand parents
 Aunt/uncle
 Siblings
 Foster parents
 Adult friends
 My friends
 Nobody
 Staff

What are some of the things you do after school (check all that apply)

 Watch TV  Play sports

 Play video games  Read a book

 Play with other kids  Go online

 Have a nap  Take a shower

 Eat …

 Do homework

Where do you go which days?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  
Friends     
Afterschool     
Other  

Would you like to attend an after-school program?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 49

Do you think your parent/caregiver would like you to attend an after-school program?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe

What kind of program would you like to attend and/or what are your interests?

Sports Feeling good School Art/Music Other Skills

 Basketball  Team  Math  Singing  Cooking
 Soccer building  English  Dance  Woodwork
 Football  Science  Music  Spanish
 Baseball  Increasing  Literature  Paint  Photography
 Martial my self-  Reading  Drawing …
esteem … …
 Tennis  Learning
… how to

 Improving
my self-

 Learning
ways to
cope with


Do you have any other comments?

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 50

Appendix II: Caregiver Survey Questions

I am the child’s
 Mother
 Father
 Step mother
 Step father
 Grandmother
 Grandfather
 ….

I am
 Black/African American
 Hispanic/Latino/Latina
 White
 Native American

Please tell us about your residence
 I/we are renting
 I/we bought this home
 I/we currently live in a shelter
 I/we currently live with friends

How many bedrooms do you have?

How many under 21 live in the house?
 None

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 15

Who else lives with you at home (check all that apply)
 My husband/wife
 My boyfriend/girlfriend
 My mother (in law)
 My father (in law)
 My partners children
 Other family
 Foster children
 Pets

Which language(s) are spoken in your home(check all that apply)?
 English
 Spanish
 Albanian
 Sign language

What challenges does your household face (check all that apply)?
 Paying utility bills
 Access to laundry machine
 Transportation to/from work
 Transportation to/from unexpected placed and unexpected times
 Healthy food to eat
 Any food to eat
 Access to health care
 Violence within the house
 Unsafe neighborhood
 Not a safe place to sleep
 Long term unemployment

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 52

 Mental health issues
 Medical issues
 Household pests (cockroaches, rodents, bedbugs, etc.)
 Over crowded
 Undocumented household members
 Discrimination
 None

Does your child attend an afterschool program?
 Yes
 No

(only for those indicating their children meet friends)
Which days did your child attend an after-school program in the 2016-17 school year?

 Monday
 Tuesday
 Wednesday
 Thursday
 Friday

Which afterschool program did your child attend
 Soccer

Does your child meet friends after school?
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 53

(only for those indicating their children meet friends)
What are some places your child goes with his/her friends?

 Somebody’s house
 Mall
 Park
 Sports club

Does your child go to your or someone else’s home?
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes

(only for those indicating their child goes to your or someone
else’s home
Who is with your child(ren) when he/she comes home?

 Parent(s)
 Grand parents
 Aunt/uncle
 Siblings
 Foster parents
 Adult friends
 My friends
 Nobody
 Staff

Would you like your child to attend an after-school program at his/her school?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 54

If you answered “no” or “maybe”, what are the reason(s) you may not want your child
to attend (check all that apply)

 No transportation
 Too expensive

 I would like my child home with me

 My child works
 Unable to pick child up as I will be at work late

afternoon/early evening (around 5-6pm)

 My child is not interested in after-school programs

 My child needs to do homework

How many hours do you currently work?

 I am currently unemployed

 I am a home maker

 1-8 h/w

 9-16 h/w

 17-24 h/w

 25-33 h/w

 34-40 h/w

 41/50 h/w

 51-60 h/w

 More than 60 h/w

Which days of the week do you work?

Morning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Afternoon     
Evening     
Night     
NA     
    

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 55

What will be the impact on your work if your child will attend an after-school program?
 No impact
 I will need to leave to pick up younger children
 I can work more hours

What could be some benefits of your child attending after-school program?
 I can work more
 My child is at a safe place at school
 My child can learn new skills
 MY child can do his/her homework
 My child can learn new things

Research has shown that attending a quality after-school program can have benefits
for children, which do you hope to apply to your child(ren)?.

 Reduce absenteeism
 Increase grades
 Increase attendance
 Improve school engagement
 Increase chance to graduate high school
 Increase chance for child to attend college
 Increase social connection with other students

B T S - Boost! A pilot in four Waterbury public schools P a g e 56

What kind of program would you like your child to attend?

Sports Feeling good School Art/Music Other Skills

 Basketball  Team  Math  Singing  Cooking
 Soccer building  English  Dance  Woodwork
 Football  Science  Music  Spanish
 Baseball  Increasing  Literature  Paint  Photography
 Martial my self-  Reading  Drawing …
esteem … …
 Tennis  Learning
… how to

 Improving
my self-

 Learning
ways to
cope with


Would you be interested in talking more with us about improving your child’s school

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

Would you be interested in volunteering at an after-school program?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe

Please leave your email address if you answered “yes” or “maybe” to one of the
above questions and/or want to participate in a raffle to win a price

Please leave us any additional comments/tips concerns you may have

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