By James Geiss Period 2
The important thing about
dreams is that you escape
reality. You either have a good
dream, or a nightmare. They
can be rewarding, or
painful. They can change your
day. But the important thing
about dreams is that you
escape reality.
The important
thing about a
decision is that
you decide. You
can take control of
what happens, you
decide how you are
affected, you can
be hurt by them.
But the important
thing about a
decision is that
you decide.
The important thing about
laughter is that it cheers
spirits. It makes others happy,
it makes you happy, sometimes
you cant control it. But the
important thing about laughter
is that it cheers spirits.
The Internet!
The important thing about
thoughts is that you own them.
They can inspire, bring joy, or just
the opposite. But the important
thing about thoughts is that you
own them.
The important thing about an
opinion is that it’s yours. It can
be based on other’s, completely
random, or just like everyone
else’s. But the important thing
about an opinion is that it is
The important thing about
the Earth is that it has
everything we need. It
doesn’t need us, we
destroy it, and there’s
nothing like it. But the
important thing about the
Earth is that it has
everything we need.
The important thing about light is
that it’s everywhere. It controls
darkness, shows 1,000 words, and
let’s us see all.
But the important thing
about light is that it’s