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Katie's- informational writing - Synchronized Swimming (3)

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Published by Katie Ruddick, 2018-12-13 10:26:44

Katie's- informational writing - Synchronized Swimming (3)

Katie's- informational writing - Synchronized Swimming (3)

Synchronized Swimming

By Katie Ruddick




I dedicate this book to Coach Alissa, my
Synchronized Swimming coach. You have done
so much for Synchronized Swimming here. I
want to thank you for teaching me everything
that I know.

Image by m01229


Table of Contents

What is Synchronized Swimming? Pg.4
What are your Basic needs? pg.5
Figures. pg.6
Competition. pg.7
Routines. pg.8
Landrilling. pg.9
Stretching. pg.10


What is Synchronized Swimming?
Synchronized swimming is a sport that takes place underwater.
There are many parts to it. Some of the topics in Synchronized Swimming
are Figures, Routines, Landrilling, Stretching, and many more.

What is a practice normally like?

Well when you arrive your coach and the rest of your team should be

getting ready/warmed up for the session. When you start the session you

will do some stretching and a warmup. When you do you warm up you

most likely will do around 10-20 lengths of the pool then you will do

stretching length. Stretching lengths are lengths of the pool when you

stretch. Most of the time you would do some sort of move involving the

splits like a walkover. During the session you will work on your routines,

and figures, so that if you have a show coming up then you have lots of

time to practice. Pg.4

What do you need for Synchronized Swimming?
When you go to a practice you can’t show up without anything
with you. That is why you need basic needs.

What do you need?
In Synchronized Swimming some of the your basic needs are
caps, goggles, nose clips, your training swimsuit and a yoga mat.
Some of the other things you might need are a swimmers
backpack, snacks, water, running shoes, socks, and sports clothes
for stretching. You might also want some extra nose clips, caps,
and goggles.


Figures is another topic in synchronized swimming. It is different from the
other topics, but it isn’t to different. Figures are sorta like a very short routine.
It is 4-5 moves put together.

How do you perform a figure at a competition?
When you go to a competition to compete you must have four figures
practiced and ready to perform. When you get there will be four stations, and
four judges at each station. When your coaches are putting you in your spot in
line to do your figures you will be next to the persons whose number is before
your’s and after yours. When it is almost your turn to do your figure, you slip
into the water. When it is time for you to do your figure you eggmeter out and
the judges will say a number. If it is your number you nod your head, and if it is
not your number you shake your head. When the judges say to begin you can
begin. When you are finished your figure you eggmeter of to the side then
climb out.



When you go to compete at a Synchronized Swimming competition you stay
for several days. You stay for around 7-9 days. The reason why you have to
stay for around a week is because there are different days of competition. One
of the days is solo’s, one is duo’s, one is trio’s, and the last day is routines,
figures, and rewards. Even if you aren't doing a solo, duo, or trio that doesn’t
mean that you can’t support the rest of your team. Competition’s are super
fun. They are a way to get an inspiration for moves or skills that you want to

These are people waiting in line for a figures

Some rights reserved by Suzanne Schroeter



Routines are another topic in Synchronized Swimming, but there are
also some topics in routines.

Group routines Small routines

Group routines is a topic in A small routine is pretty
routines. A group routine is a much a group routine but
normal routine. Your whole team they just have less people.
is in a group routine, but in there Solo’s, duo’s, and trio’s are
age categories. For a group all small routines. When
routine you must have four or you go to a competition
more people. If you go to a you have to perform a
competition you have to perform group routine, bhut do you
a group routine. have to do a small routine?
The answer is no you don’t
by have to do a small routine.



Landrilling is another topic in Synchronized Swimming. Landrilling is a way to
practice your routine without going into the water. Some people may ask what
comes out of landrilling?
Well what landrilling does is it allows you to practice your routines out of water,
and memorize them. You can landrill anywhere, you could landrill during school,
at home, in bed, outside, and other places that you can think of. Also in
Synchronized Swimming there is something called counts. Counts are when you
count from 1-8 and when you couriograph your routines you put a certain move
on a count. Landrilling can also help if you count well you are landrilling so that
you can memorize what move goes on what count.



Stretching is another topic in Synchronized Swimming. Stretching is something that is
very important when you do Synchronized swimming. If you stretch than you will have
flat splits, and be able to do specific competitions, and more advanced things. But if
you don’t stretch than you wont have the ability to do as much. When you stretch
somethings that you might want to have are a yoga mat, running shoes, and socks,
stretching bands, sports clothes, and an extra pair of helping hands.


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