The Very Bad
Day By:Noah Erickson
The Bad Day
The wind howling wooo wooo I can hear the snow from the massive
blizzards snow hits my car as it is broke down on the highway.
Bob woke up in the morning to get ready
for his first day at work at burger king. He
looked outside and seen a monstrous
blizzard outside. It was very very slippery
outside so then he decided to see if he will
still have to work today and his boss
Jimmy said that he was told to go into
So Bob got ready to go then he started to go to
the steelhead diner in Seattle. Then he saw his gas
gauge on his car and he stopped at Casey's and got
gas. Good thing he got up really early because it was
his first day of work. So he went to eat breakfast at
the steelhead diner. He ordered french toast and
orange juice for his drink.
It was 7:00 AM and his duty started at 8:00 AM
but he wanted to get there early. So he went to work and at halfway from
burger king and the steelhead diner his car he bought yesterday
broke down it was a 2011 Chevy Silverado truck. Then he tried
to call into work but his phone was dead and he did not have a
car charger, he was caught stranded, so he decided to walk to
work from where he was.
He was walking to his work and a guy in a car politely asked him if he
needed a ride so Bob said yes and the guy seemed friendly so Bob trusted
the guy. But bob did not know that the guy was not nice or friendly he was
a kidnapper! Bob did not know and the guy knocked out Bob out and Bob
was brought to a dark eerie alleyway.
Bob did not know were he was when he woke up and then he looked
around for a way out when he saw a knife so he scooted over too it too
picked it up too cut the ropes that he was tied too then he cut them and
skrted across the street, skeeeeeeerrrrttt all the way to burger king and he
was free.