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Published by , 2017-01-20 09:23:49





Redding Communications has provided award-winning,
across a spectrum of industries since 2003. For the past
Our healthcare clients have included multi-specialty phy
region’s largest networks – Cone Health, with six hospita
than 75 physician practices.
Projects we have completed span the healthcare environ
Department to creation of a system-wide hand hygiene
worked with virtually every specialty area, including wo
cessation, orthopedics, urgent care, new physician recru

• We speak the language of healthcare, fluently. Thank
an insider’s understanding of the complexities of hea
• We embrace creativity with purpose. We look at clie
practicality. How can we achieve the client’s purpose
way of telling a story, a simpler way of explaining a c
into higher ROI.
• We know clients are our reason for being. Customer
We pride ourselves on our careful attention to client
that your organization moves at the speed of medici

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

results-oriented advertising and marketing services to clients
t decade, healthcare has been a key area of focus for our agency.
ysician practices, allied healthcare organizations, and one of the
als, a number of ambulatory and urgent care centers, and more
nment, ranging from a re-branding of a Children’s Emergency
campaign to medical practice website development. We have
omen’s and newborn health, cardiology, oncology, tobacco
uitment, nurse recruitment and more.

ks to our many years of work in the medical field, we have
althcare – and the challenges facing the medical field today.
ent needs through a dual lens of innovation and
e by thinking outside the box? We look for a better
complicated idea, a more engaging concept that translates
service is of paramount importance in our agency.
ts’ needs and our fast response time. We understand
ine – and we’re there, right alongside you.



Our healthcare work has won regional, national and inte
how much our campaigns resonate with their audiences
surprising that one of our proudest accomplishments is
Relations & Marketing Society, recognizing our “Dr. Germ
return on investment (ROI) for the health system. It was
Carolina hospitals to receive recognition in recent years

WHAT WE DO: • Website De
• Email Mark
• Strategic Marketing • Search Eni
• Advertising Campaigns • Blogs
• TV Commercials • Social Med
• Print Collateral • Inbound M
• Facebook ads • Animated B
• Rebranding • Package D
• Logo Design • Product Ph
• Copywriting • Pay-Per-Cl
• Radio Advertising • Multi-Medi
• Billboards • Education
• Content Marketing
• Video Production

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

ernational awards for creativity, and our clients often tell us
s. We love producing work that has an impact. So it’s not

an award we received from the Carolinas Healthcare Public
moutski” handwashing campaign for yielding a proven
s one of only six campaigns from all North and South
s for proven ROI.

esign • Direct Mail
keting • Power Point
igine Optimization • Event Planning
• Google Adwords
dia Marketing • Cause Marketing
Marketing • Brainstorming Sessions
• B2B Marketing
Banner Ads • B2C Marketing
Design • Competitive Research
hotography • Social Media
• Analytics
ia Campaigns
Program Design


Medical Group o

Spartanburg Regiona

Magazine ad


for little patients

From newborns and toddlers to tweens
and teens, at the Medical Group of the
Carolinas – Pediatrics we provide care
for patients of all sizes. So whether your
kids need a regular checkup or more
specialized care, our team is ready with
the experience and compassion to help
your little ones grow. Because while they
may be small, their health is a big deal.

To find a doctor at one of our four
convenient locations, please visit

SRHS002_MGC_Pediatric_Campaign (Upstate Parent_7.75x8.84)_r5.indd 1 4/13/16 10:48 AM

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

of the Carolinas

al Healthcare System
Twitter ad (800px x 320px)

Online display ad (728px x 90px)


U.S. Figure Skating Cham

Cone Heal

Moses Cone Health System The resul
Official Medical Services Provider. Exceptional healt

U.S. Figure Skating Championships Moses Cone Health Syst
as the Ofcial Medical S
U.S. Figure Skating


1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

mpionships Ad Campaign

lth System

lts are in. CLICK HERE
thcare wins again.
to visit website
tem is honored to serve
Services Provider for the
g Championships.

• JANUARY 22 - 30


80 Years of Carin

Annie Pen

Annie Penn used to care In May 1946, Ma
for the people of Reidsville birth to triplet

on her back porch. Five minutes la
birth a

1930 2010

Inspired by her example, her sons founded 1930
a state-of-the-art hospital in 1930.
Even then, Annie Penn Hosp
Annie had by then passed away, but she was still fondly remembered for her kindness and generosity. to handle a comple
From the day it opened its doors, the hospital that bears her name has made a huge difference in the
lives of the people of Reidsville and the surrounding area. Thanks to the vision of founders Charles and We promised world-class medical care when we
Jefferson Penn, patients could get world-class care without the long drive that had been necessary Fultz quadruplets was just the latest opportunity
before. It was a place where Annie’s caring spirit was joined with the most advanced medical national and local attention — appearing in ads
equipment and knowledge of the time. That spirit is still thriving at the hospital in the heart of Reidsville. to quietly providing excellent care to the people i
The building has undergone many renovations, and the technology is the best this new century has to
offer. But when you think about Annie taking care of her neighbors with dedication and compassion,
you realize that some things haven’t changed at all.

Annie Penn Hospital • 618 South Main Street • Reidsville, NC • 27320 4/28/10 2:54:23 PM Annie Penn Hospital • 618 South M • 336.951.4000 www.mosescone.c

MCON591_AnniePenn_80th_AnnieAd_N&R(9.556x13).indd 1 MCON591_AnniePenn_80th_FultzAd_RR(9.89x13).indd 1

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

ng Ad Campaign

n Hospital

ary Fultz gave In its early years,
ts, as expected. Annie Penn Hospital featured

ater, she gave a remarkably advanced
again. X-ray machine.

1930 2010

2010 When we opened a new Emergency Department in 2009 — again,
it featured a remarkably advanced X-ray machine.
pital was more than ready
ex medical situation. Today, the technology is different. But the dedication is the same. We promised world-class
medical care back then, and we haven’t stopped providing it in the 80 years since. These days,
e opened our doors in 1930, and the birth of the our physicians can use our state-of-the-art MRI machine to help them diagnose patients. One day
to deliver on that promise. The girls got a lot of in the future, somebody will invent an even better technology — and you can be sure, we’ll be
and news reports for years — but we went back using it to care for our patients.
in our community.

Main Street • Reidsville, NC • 27320 Annie Penn Hospital • 618 South Main Street • Reidsville, NC • 27320
com • 336.951.4000 • 336.951.4000

4/28/10 2:53:10 PM MCON591_AnniePenn_80th_XrayAd_N&R(9.556x13).indd 1

4/28/10 2:52:39 PM


to visit website


Children’s Emergency Depa

Moses Con

Mural from exam room 3 Murals by Carol Upton and Barbara Richardson Mural from exam room 4

Faster treatment so they’ll So much new sp
room for a sp
get back to being fighter PILOTS.
At The Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, we have just com
At The Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, we have just completed a major expansion of our Children’s Emergency Department and ou
expansion of our Children’s Emergency Department and our services. More space and more staff means even faster treatment for all o
space and more staff means even faster treatment for all our young patients. And weʼve taken the opportunity to cover the walls with fun
And weʼve taken the opportunity to cover the walls with fun, colorful murals, so your ill or injured child will be cared for in a reassuring, kid-
your ill or injured child will be cared for in a reassuring, kid-focused space. The new Department is open 24/7. Expanded technology and s
new Department is open 24/7. Expanded technology and service that can help your child is right here in the building, provided by doctors a
your child is right here in the building, provided by doctors and nurses who are are board-certified in pediatric care.
board-certified in pediatric care.

©2009 Moses Cone Health System. All rights reserved.
©2009 Moses Cone Health System. All rights reserved.

1200 North Elm Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 • 1200 North Elm Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 • mosesco

MCON439_ChildrensED_Ads(9.556x11.5)FINAL.indd 3 MCON439_ChildrensED_Ads(9.556x11.5)FINAL.indd 2

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

artment Launch Campaign

ne Hospital

Murals by Carol Upton and Barbara Richardson Mural from exam room 5 Murals by Carol Upton and Barbara Richardson

pace there’s even Such advanced technology we
pace shuttle.
even built a future city.
mpleted a major
ur services. More At The Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, we have just completed a major
our young patients. expansion of our Children’s Emergency Department and our services. And weʼve
n, colorful murals, so taken the opportunity to cover the walls with fun, colorful murals, including the
-focused space. The City of Tomorrow above. Itʼs a fitting theme, as those walls surround the new
service that can help state-of-the-art technology we have installed. More space and more staff
and nurses who means even faster treatment for all our young patients, available 24/7.
Expanded technology and service that can help your child is right
here in the building, provided by doctors and nurses who are
board-certified in pediatric care. THE MOSES H. CONE©2009 Moses Cone Health System. All rights reserved.
5/3/10 4:34:20 PM 5/3/10 4:33:57 PM
1200 North Elm Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 •

MCON439_ChildrensED_Ads(9.556x11.5)FINAL.indd 1


to read case study


Birth and Baby Cla

Cone Heal

We know pregnancy symptoms can be

Let us provide some relief.

Enjoy a series of five weekly Birth & Baby classes that will help you and your labor
prepare for childbirth and parenting including the care and safety of your baby. Enligh

include pain relief options for a pleasant birthing experience, helpful Cesarean inform
the role your partner can play in all of the excitement. You’ll even be treated to a
The Women’s Hospital of Greensboro. Classes begin approximately eight we
before your due date, so call 832-6682 to register. FEE: $45 per couple.
The next series of classes start Monday, March 26 and Monday, Ju
1617 NC Highway 66 South, Sui
Kernersville, NC 27284

“ ”H E E E H E E E H O O O O O O O O
Let us teach the both of you to breath easier.
Enjoy a series of five weekly Birth & Baby classes that will help you and your labor partner
prepare for childbirth and parenting including the care and safety of your baby. Enlightening topics
include pain relief options for a pleasant birthing experience, helpful Cesarean information and
the role your partner can play in all of the excitement. You’ll even be treated to a tour of
The Women’s Hospital of Greensboro. Classes begin approximately eight weeks
before your due date, so call 832-6682 to register. FEE: $45 per couple.
The next series of classes start Monday, March 26 and Monday, June 4.
1617 NC Highway 66 South, Suite 101
Kernersville, NC 27284

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

ass Newspaper Ads

lth System


e a pain in the... Neck
r partner Stomach
htening topics
mation and
a tour of

une 4.

ite 101


Inviting all 3 of you.

Birth and Baby classes start March 26 and June 4.

Enjoy a series of five weekly Birth & Baby classes that will help you and your labor partner
prepare for childbirth and parenting including the care and safety of your baby. Enlightening topics

include pain relief options for a pleasant birthing experience, helpful Cesarean information and
the role your partner can play in all of the excitement. You’ll even be treated to a tour of
The Women’s Hospital of Greensboro. Classes begin approximately eight weeks
before your due date, so call 832-6682 to register. FEE: $45 per couple.
The next series of classes start Monday, March 26 and Monday, June 4.

1617 NC Highway 66 South, Suite 101
Kernersville, NC 27284


to visit website


Weight Loss N

LeBauer H

Get smart
about weight loss.

Are you struggling to manage your weight? Is your
weight putting your health in jeopardy? Optifast® may
be your solution. The Optifast Program is designed to help
improve your health and renew your self-esteem. It works
because it is medically supervised and provides lifestyle
education and personal support to help you lose the
weight and keep it off.

• Participants lost an average of 52 lbs.
• The average decrease in cholesterol is 15%.
• Blood glucose is lowered by an average of 29%.
• The average decrease in blood pressure is 10%.

Classes are offered at LeBauer HealthCare Guilford/Jamestown
and are taught by a registered dietitian.

Call 855-2933 for more information.

4810 W. Wendover Ave. • Jamestown, NC 27282

OPTIFAST® Monday - Friday • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

MCON623_OptiFast_Ads(8.31x5.75)JN.indd 1 3/17/10 10:40:57 AM MCON62



Classes a
and are tau



MCON623_OptiFast_Ads(8.31x5.75)JN.indd 3

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

Newspaper Ads


Finally springtime.
The weight is over.

Are you struggling to manage your weight? Is your
weight putting your health in jeopardy? Optifast® may
be your solution. The Optifast Program is designed to help
improve your health and renew your self-esteem. It works
because it is medically supervised and provides lifestyle
education and personal support to help you lose the
weight and keep it off.

• Participants lost an average of 52 lbs.
• The average decrease in cholesterol is 15%.
• Blood glucose is lowered by an average of 29%.
• The average decrease in blood pressure is 10%.

Classes are offered at LeBauer HealthCare Guilford/Jamestown
and are taught by a registered dietitian.

Call 855-2933 for more information.

OPTIFAST® 4810 W. Wendover Ave. • Jamestown, NC 27282
Monday - Friday • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

23_OptiFast_Ads(8.31x5.75)JN.indd 2 3/17/10 10:41:20 AM

ose the weight. CLICK HERE
Gain the benefits.
to visit website
re you struggling to manage your weight? Is your
eight putting your health in jeopardy? Optifast® may
e your solution. The Optifast Program is designed to help
prove your health and renew your self-esteem. It works
cause it is medically supervised and provides lifestyle
ucation and personal support to help you lose the
ght and keep it off.

• Participants lost an average of 52 lbs.
• The average decrease in cholesterol is 15%.
• Blood glucose is lowered by an average of 29%.
• The average decrease in blood pressure is 10%.
are offered at LeBauer HealthCare Guilford/Jamestown
ught by a registered dietitian.

Call 855-2933 for more information.

4810 W. Wendover Ave. • Jamestown, NC 27282
Monday - Friday • 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

3/17/10 10:41:38 AM


Greensboro Bal

Cone Heal

We don’t do
but we p
when yo
need us

1200 North Elm Street, Greensbor

MCON753_OnStage_Ad(8.5x11)_Final.indd 1

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

llet Program Ad

lth System

o pirouettes,
our kids
s most!

ro, NC 27401

9/17/10 12:58:45 PM


to visit website


Greensboro Grassho

Cone Heal

We are here wh
your child a

You do your best to protect your children, but
get hurt we are ready to help 24/7. At The Mo
H. Cone Memorial Hospital, our expanded
Children’s Emergency Department provides
even faster treatment for all our young patien
The newest technology and services to help
your child are right here, provided by a team
of doctors and nurses who are board-certied
in pediatric care. There’s no reason to go
anywhere else.

1200 North Elm Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
MCON612_Hoppers_Ad(6x9)FINAL.indd 1

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

oppers Program Ad

lth System

hen life throws CLICK HERE
a curve ball.
to visit website
t if they

3/8/10 1:03:30 PM


National Hospital W

Cone Heal

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

Week Newspaper Ad

lth System


to visit website


Employee Appreciatio

Cone Heal

MCON339_Thanksgiving_Ad_Poster.indd 1

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

on Thanksgiving Poster

lth System

©2008 Moses Cone Health System. All rights reserved. CLICK HERE
11/24/08 11:14:55 PM to visit website


Nurses Week Thank

Cone Heal

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

k You Newspaper Ad

lth System


to visit website


International Civil Rights Center

Cone Heal

They asked for the
a place at
the counter.
What they got Fo
was a place STE
in history.
On that February day 50 years ago, four
courageous men faced injustice with calm
dignity. Their act helped fuel the movement
1/20/10 10:57:57 AM
that swept segregation from American
society once and for all.

To those men, and to the museum which
honors them, we offer our admiration
and gratitude.

Franklin McCain • Joseph McNeil
Ezell Blair Jr. • David Richmond

MCON582_ICRCM_Congrat_Ad_NR(9.556x11.5)FINAL.indd 1

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

and Museum Support Campaign

lth System

It wasn’t on
e MeNU. But Justice
1/29/10 3:52:50 PM
was served.
_ICRCM_Congrat_StripAd(7.611x1.75).indd 1
1/29/10 3:53:28 PM
our Men WALKED to
woolworth’s and
EPPED into history.

_ICRCM_Congrat_StripAd(7.611x1.75).indd 3


to visit website


Relay for Life M

Cone Health System - R


We believe that proactive involvement in cancer-related
programs and survivor techniques is a great way to work
through and reach beyond cancer to reclaim your life.

501 N. Elam Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27403 • 336-832-1100 •

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

Magazine Spread

Regional Cancer Center

CANCER PREVENTION SERIES Oral Cancer Screenings Breast Cancer Support Group
Sept. 15, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Third Tuesday of the month,
Ovarian Cancer HealthServe Community Health 7 - 8:30 p.m., second-floor
Monday, Aug. 7, 6 - 7 p.m. Clinic, 1002 S. Eugene Street. conference room.
Moses Cone Regional Under 40 Breast Cancer
Cancer Center, second-floor After Hours Mammography Support Group
conference room. Screenings Fourth Monday of the month,
For women who have no current 7 - 8:30 p.m., second-floor
Prostate Cancer problems. There is a fee. For an conference room.
Monday, Sept. 11, 6 - 7 p.m. appointment, call 832-6515. Lung Cancer Support Group
Moses Cone Regional Every other Tuesday, 5 - 7 p.m., Second Tuesday of the month,
Cancer Center, second-floor The Women’s Hospital of 6:30 - 8 p.m., second-floor
conference room. Greensboro. conference room.
To register for any support group
WELLNESS Prostate Cancer Screenings or for more information, please
Free. For men who have no call Terry Moore-Painter, Chaplain
Yoga insurance, have Medicaid and/or at 832-0364.
Every Wednesday, 6 - 7 p.m. Medicare or who are unable to
Moses Cone Regional Cancer afford to visit their regular physi- THE HELPER’S JOURNEY
Center, second-floor cians. Registration is required. See A Program for Caregivers
conference room. below for registration information. Third Wednesday of the month,
Moses Cone Regional Cancer 6:30 - 8 p.m., Radiation Oncology
Fitness Classes Center, first-floor Conference Room (ground floor),
Tuesdays, 2 - 3 p.m.; Sept. 18, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Regional Cancer Center.
Fridays, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Sept. 19, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. To register, please call Terry Moore-
Pyramids Wellness Center, Main Painter, Chaplain, at 832-0364. Free
Campus, 21-A Oak Branch Drive. Annie Penn Hospital Specialty
Clinics, Reidsville EVENTS
RETREAT Sept. 26, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Cancer Survivors Day
Join us Saturday, June 3,
Day of Mindfulness: CANCER SUPPORT GROUPS 2 - 4 p.m. as we celebrate the
A Meditation Retreat Survivor in all of us. Free to all
for Cancer Patients For cancer patients and their loved the community.
Call HealthConnect at 832-8000 ones. All classes held at Moses
for date, time and location. Cone Regional Cancer Center. Pdupcfs!8-!3117
Register now for our annual
SCREENINGS Cancer and Football mammography scholarship fundraiser.
For men (patients or family
Cervical Cancer Screenings members) whose lives are
Free. For women who have no
insurance, have Medicaid and/or affected by cancer.
Medicare or are unable to afford Second Monday of the month,
to visit their regular physicians. 7 - 8:30 p.m., second-floor
Registration is required. See below conference room.
for registration information.
Monday, Aug. 21, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Prostate Cancer Support Group
Moses Cone Regional Cancer Third Monday of the month,
Center, first-floor. 7 - 8:30 p.m., second-floor
Monday, Aug. 28, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. conference room.
Moses Cone Regional Cancer
Center at Stoney Creek, 945 Golf Coping with Recurrence and
House Road West Stage III/IV Cancer
Third Tuesday of the month,
2 - 3:30 p.m., second-floor
conference room.

To register, call HealthConnect at 832-8000 or 800-533-3463 from outside the Triad calling area unless noted otherwise.


to visit website


Hand Hygien

Cone Heal

Marketing Channels included:
• Life size standee at entrances
• Strategically placed posters
• Educational video
• Internal email design
• Lobby displays
• Flyers
• Brochures
• Community events with

Dr. Germoutski appearances

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

ne Campaign

lth System


to read case study


Nursing Ann

Cone Heal

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

nual Report

lth System


to visit website


Urgent Care

MedCenter K

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

e Direct Mail



to visit website


Physician Recrui

Cone Heal

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

itment Brochure

lth System


to visit website


20th Anniversary H

The Women’s Hosp

The state’s first freestanding women’s hospital A new era in women’s care Greensboro’s maternity center

In the 1980s, The Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital leadership had a vision for a new The Women’s Hospital of Greensboro opened By the mid-1990s, the number of deliveries
hospital, one that would be designed and equipped to meet the special needs of women November 5, 1990, and by 9:40 a.m., the squall at The Women’s Hospital had surpassed 4,000
and infants. This hospital would be at the leading edge of healthcare, offering the latest of a baby boy had signaled the start of a new annually, and the Moses Cone family of hospitals
obstetrical concept – homelike rooms for giving birth – in addition to providing patient- era locally. In addition to its homelike rooms, also was growing. In 1995, The Women’s Hospital
centered care, imaging studies and health education for women of all ages. the hospital featured the area’s first Level III and Moses Cone Hospital became Moses Cone
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), a women’s Health System. They were joined two years later
To fulfill this vision, Moses Cone Hospital purchased Humana Hospital-Greensboro unit, a Breast & Ultrasound Imaging Center and by Wesley Long Community Hospital. In 1995,
in 1988. Following an extensive renovation project, the hospital reopened in 1990 as a Women’s Education Center. In 1992, the first The Women’s Hospital became the Triad’s first
The Women’s Hospital of Greensboro. It was the first freestanding hospital devoted Women’s Only 5K Walk & Run was held, with hospital to offer stereotactic breast biopsy. In
exclusively to women and infants in North Carolina. proceeds going to the Mammography 1998, all maternity services were consolidated
Scholarship Fund. at The Women’s Hospital.

1991: 3,358 deliveries 1996: 856 participate in 5th Women’s Only
1991: 375 babies treated in Level III NICU
1991: First nurse midwife joins staff 5K Walk & Run
1994: 172 people volunteer at The Women’s Hospital
1999: 5,435 deliveries
,90 - ,94
,95 - ,99
,00 - ,04

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

History Wall Display

pital of Greensboro

Growing to meet needs ,05 - ,10Keeping pace with advances 2010 and beyond

With the number of births up more than 50 The Women’s Hospital has continued to innovate. A resource for women, today and tomorrow
percent since the hospital’s opening, The Women’s In 2006, it became the first Triad hospital to offer
Hospital undertook a $17.5 million expansion in new mothers the opportunity to donate their As The Women’s Hospital looks to the future, we remember our founding mission: to serve the special
2000. The new 40,000-square-foot wing opened newborns’ stem-cell rich umbilical cord blood to healthcare needs of women and newborns. Over the decades to come, we will continue to be passionate
in July 2002, featuring 18 new birthing rooms, Carolinas Cord Blood Bank. In 2007, the Center about providing leading-edge care, serving as a place of wellness and healing for women throughout their
six additional Level III NICU beds and a new, larger for Maternal Fetal Care opened at The Women’s lives. From the miracle of birth to the mystique of menopause and beyond, our vision is to be the resource
Women’s Education Center with a broad array of Hospital in partnership with Wake Forest that women turn to for healing, health and hope.
resources to serve women at all stages of life. By University Health Sciences, offering state-of-the-art
2004, the Women’s Only 5K Walk & Run had raised prenatal screenings and other services. In 2010, 1990-2010: 20 Years of Delivering Babies and Caring for Women
$200,000 for mammography scholarships. a new maternity admission unit opened, providing
faster admissions. Number of deliveries born: 105,116 • Heaviest baby: 12 pounds, 4 ounces • Lightest baby: 15 ounces
2000: 5,774 deliveries; 67% of moms breastfeed
2002: Red Hot Mamas® educational program debuts 2008: 100,000th baby born, 7:29 a.m., November 18
2003: 215,968 meals prepared by dietary services 2009: 6,556 people attend health education programs
2004: Oldest participant to complete the 2010: 5,921 deliveries; 82% of moms breastfeed
2010: 577 babies treated in NICU
Women’s Only race is 80 years old


to visit website


Rebranding and W

Guilford Or

A Division of Southeastern Orthopaedic Specialists, P.A.

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

Website Redesign



to visit website



Don Redding
Don has more than 20 years of experience in branding
marketing, advertising and website development,
working with local, national and international companie
across numerous industries in North Carolina and Texas
As President/CEO of Redding Communications for
the past 13 years, Don has developed multiple award-
winning campaigns, many for the healthcare industry.

Deanna Thompson
Deanna has more than 20 years of experience in
developing concept and copy for advertising, websites
brochures, magazines, books and other collateral.
A former hospital public relations director, she is adept
at writing copy targeted to specific healthcare
audiences. She has won multiple state and national
awards for her work.

Chris Boggs
Chris has more than 18 years of experience in web
development and also has done extensive work
with organic web marketing, search engine
optimization and search engine management. He has
built over 100 websites with WordPress, including
projects for large, international corporations as well as
for small, local organizations.

1325 N. Main St. High Point, NC 27262 • 336.887.3090 •

g, Christine Adkins

es Christine is a multidisciplinary designer with degrees
s. in graphic design and photography. She combines her
knowledge and experience in these areas to deliver
outstanding creative to clients and their audiences.

Hannah Hughes

t Hannah is one of our design enthusiasts, with a degree
in graphic design from Appalachian State University.
Approaching projects from a fresh, creative perspective,
she has developed elegant, well-crafted designs for
clients across a wide spectrum of industries.

Kim Brigham

Kim handles day-to-day project management, client
correspondence and research. In addition, Kim manages
lead generation, assists with the development of
marketing plans and monitors client online presence.




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