Abolish Marriage!
1. We believe that marriage is an outdated institution that grew out of and retains traces of
patriarchal societies.
2. We believe that the institution of marriage belongs to the state. Or the church. Not both. If
religious institutions want to claim it as their own, then the state should authorize civil
3. We believe that love should not be a transaction; it should be a commitment.
4. We believe that marriage puts strain on the naturally occurring bonds between people in its
tendency to reinforce gendered roles and expectations.
5. We believe that humans can coexist within partnerships without having a religious or state
figure pronounce them married.
6. We believe that the institution of marriage has played a key role in centuries of oppression for
7. We believe that a romantic arrangement should not confer benefits from the state on citizens.
8. We believe that single people should have the same or more benefits as married people,
particularly in regard to tax breaks and other financial incentives.
9. We believe that marriage is just another means of legislating morality.
10. We believe that no marriage should be binding until individuals reach the age of 25, at which
point their brains are done developing, and they have enough world and personal experience to
carefully choose a partner.