Issue 3. March 2017 +44 (0) 20 8274 5000
2017 is flitting by and
our Spring NewsCall is
here. Welcome to our
online newsletter that
looks at interesting
happenings in the world
of telephone surveys.
Insight Show has flown past with a wave
of new enquiries, new people and new
thoughts. So here are a few “Who’d have
thunk it!” stories from the past few
months that have sprung to our
attention. Phil Bird, MD
• Two-thirds of white men without college degrees approve
• Whites' approval twice as high as other major racial, ethnic groups
Among major U.S. demographic groups, older white men without a college degree are most
likely to approve of the job Donald Trump is doing as president, according to data compiled
by Gallup Inc. Read more
SME optimism about
2017 high, despite
uncertainties says AMEX
February 19 2017, Market Business News
A survey of a representative sample SME optimism about the future is high
of senior executives and decision according to a new global survey from AMEX.
makers in over 3,200 SMEs in 15
countries – including 300 in the
United Kingdom – finds them
confident about the future
performance of their businesses and
optimistic about the economy.
Read more
IIssssuuee#3:.[DMaAteR]CH 2017 +44 (0) 20 8274 5000 www.sampDleoalnosrwSeirtsA.cmomet
New poll shows majority of Older isn’t
necessarily wiser,
U.S. families touched by but age can change
us profoundly
Source: Sunday Mar 12, 2017, CBS NEWS Saturday 4 March 2017. THE GUARDIAN
Cancer has touched the lives of most In the autumn of 1971 a Yorkshire
American families, according to a recent landlord, Jack Showers, declared that
CBS News Poll. the New Inn at Appletreewick would be
the first non-smoking pub in the world.
Fifty-four percent of Americans say they or The consumption of tobacco on the
someone else in their immediate family has premises was banned: no pipes, cigars
been diagnosed with cancer at some point. or cigarettes. In an age when you could
Forty-six percent said no. light up on tube trains and airliners, when
you flicked ash into the gravy of just-used
Cancer seems to have affected Americans of dinner plates, when the offer of a fag was
all income levels and geographic locations, a ritual courtesy, a pub that barred
particularly Americans age 50 and over. smoking was an extraordinary
Women report having a cancer diagnosis in phenomenon: Read more
their family more often than men do.
We’ve moved
When it comes to the amount of spending by
the federal government on cancer research, We’ve just settled in to our new office
39% of Americans think there has been too at Wembley. Come and see us here
little spent compared with other medical
research -- a slightly higher percentage than 9th Floor
said so back in 2009. 1 Olympic Way
Read morehave rushed to enhance the London
research tools they offer to suit. Read HA9 0NP
IIssssuuee#3:.[DMaaterc] h 2017 +44 (0) 20 8274 5000 www.samplDeaonloswr eSrist.cAommet
The Insight Show was a great
success this year and the
jellyphones went down a treat
at our stand.
Just 6% Plan to Splurge Our next show will be
with Their Tax Refund Research & Results in
Munich, 25 to 26 October
March 6, 2017, PRNewswire
Saving, Spending on Necessities Hit New Highs
In the meantime, if you’d like
Just 6% of U.S. adults who expect to receive a tax to find out more or you’d like
refund this year plan to splurge on something such one of our leaflets, please get
as a vacation or shopping spree, according to a new report. in touch
The most popular uses for the money are much more
practical: save or invest it (34%), spend it on
necessities such as food or utility bills (29%) and pay
down debt (27%). Read more
Sample Answers is social Ask for one of our
Follow us on facebook, twitter
and linkedIn and stay in touch 3
with our news
IIssssuuee#3:.[DMaaterc] h 2017 +44 (0) 20 8274 5000 www.samplDeoanlosrwSerist .Acommet
Poll: GOP should
keep money for
Medicaid expansion
What’s your point of 24 February 2017, ASSOCIATED PRESS
Add Medicaid expansion to the list of
Tell us what you think. Obama-era health care provisions that
Americans want to keep.
Send us a message on facebook, twitter,
LinkedIn, drop us a line or pick up the A new poll finds that 8 in 10 say lawmakers
phone: should preserve federal funding that has
E: [email protected] allowed states to add coverage for some 11
T: +44 (0) 20 8274 5000 million low-income people.
@sampleanswers The survey released Friday by the
nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation
comes as the nation's governors gather in
Washington for their annual winter meeting,
with Medicaid much on their minds.
Read more
All the facts, articles, photographs and We hope you’ve enjoyed this newsletter and
resources printed here are true as far as we that it’s sparked some thoughts on some of
know and are linked to the original source the content raised. If you’d like to follow up
for the full story. We take no responsibility any of the subjects contained in these
for inaccuracies and have reproduced articles, please reach out to us here.
excerpts from each article with credits and
links to the creators. Sample Answers Ltd. Contact Us
do not take any responsibility for the
opinions expressed and put them forward Contribute a news story
purely for our readers’ interest. We
welcome your feedback. If you’d like to contribute a news story here
for our consideration, send it to:
[email protected]