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Flip Book Layout Annual Report 2017

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Published by Amber, 2018-02-08 17:40:56

Annual Report 2017

Flip Book Layout Annual Report 2017

Connecting families with resources



sierra nevada children’s services

SNCS Teammates

Board of Directors: Administration: Family & Provider Services:

Dennis Fournier Craig Phillips Justine Riley
Board Chair Executive Director Program Director
Ed Scofield Katie Filimonov Nikki Sander
Vice Chair Quality Assurance Director Senior Family Support Specialist
Doug Summers Christine Hoxsie Angel Flores
Treasurer Human Resources Administrator Family Support Specialist
Karen DiPillo Richard Mantle Stephanie Brooks
Secretary Director of Finance Family Support Specialist
David Jones Mary Whittlesey Alicia Barney
Member Staff Accountant Loyalton Family Support Specialist
Ryan Dowling Jessica Norman
Technical Operations Coordinator Truckee Family Support Specialist &
Tracy Zenor Sierra County Community Coordinator
Marketing Coordinator Rene Slay
Wanda Magnusson Education Director
Office Facilitator Lourdes Vose
Resource and Referral Director
Lucia Stewart
Training Coordinator

Resource Serving Nevada & Sierra Counties
& Referral July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017

SNCS administers several programs to support parents, ASSISTANCE & SUBSIDY
caregivers and childcare providers in Nevada and Sierra
counties by offering the following: 1,115 total 548 childcare 519 parents were
individuals referrals, 225 able to be employed
• Subsidy programs to help eligible families pay for received family social or educated, or other
childcare services while they work, look for work, attend technical services referrals, need met, while 793
school or recover from incapacity. Families can enroll assistance 342 childcare
through CalWORKs, Alternative Payment Program, or provider technical children received
Family Child Care Home Education Network. assistance  child care through
our subsidy programs
• C hildcare and community resouce referrals to help
consult and assist parents in finding a childcare provider WORKSHOPS & SITE VISITS
and additional resources to meet the families’ needs.
Supported 162 284 participants 100 site visits
• I mprove quality of child care by offering professional childcare providers attended 24 conducted at
development workshops, trainings, technical and provider childcare homes
financial assistance and health & safety incentives to by conducting workshops to enhance
childcare providers. workshops, giving
referrals & offering learning
• Increase capacity of family childcare through the environments for
Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP). Family childcare technical
providers receive financial support with licensing costs, assistance children
start-up expenses and incentives according to their

• T he Learning Center (TLC) contains a Lending $1,658 in $1,918 paid $3,576 in total
Library and Play Space. Parents and childcare providers educational for CPR supports given to
can choose from a variety of Science, Technology, materials purchased
Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM) and developmentally for 27 providers & reimbursements childcare
appropriate materials for children of all ages. assistants as for provider providers
incentives to attend licensing
• P laygroups help parents, caregivers and children learn CCIP workshops
new skills by participating in activities with a trained
facilitator who guides parents on the value of interactive PLAYGROUPS & LENDING LIBRARIES
play with their infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
1,373 participants Opened our 1,021 educational
• Children’s Community Chest program provides a attended 159 Learning Center items were checked
discretionary fund to meet the needs of children in playgroups
Nevada County when there are no other community to 6 partner out from our 3
resources available. Typical requests to benefit a child agencies allowing resource libraries
include avoiding eviction, urgent utility payments, them to host 38   & outpost library
family car repair, summer camps and more. family educational

• Community events include Family Socials, Parent sessions
Advisory Café, Appreciation Evening (honors childcare
providers and partners) and Family Appreciation Day. COMMUNITY OUTREACH

$5,104 funded to help 24 families via Children's Community Chest 
15 events held or partnered with in the community
1,325 total giveaways (boFoOkRs,RCEaFEpRsEfNoCrEK: ids & so much more)


Family Appreciation Day

Connect families, childcare providers & the community

The 2nd annual Family Appreciation Young families were able to meet With six childcare providers facilitating
Day “Magic Tricks with SNCS” local childcare providers and learn arts and crafts, families also learned
brought nearly 300 attendees--almost what their facility offers and how about the importance of play. Childcare
tripling last year’s attendance! to choose quality child care. provider Carolyn Tate wanted to “help
The purpose of this event is to celebrate families understand that play is not
children and caregivers by letting them Family Appreciation Day separate from learning. Creating,
experience a free, fun-filled, magical day promotes learning moving, discussing, and observing are
with art activities, games, magic show, how kids learn through play.”
balloons, face painting, music and food. through literacy, play, This was a great opportunity for families
Giveaways galore! Nearly 500 items creativity, imagination, to become aware of our services and
were given out to families, such as: bonding, interaction and resources we offer, such as: childcare
free children’s books, cook books (to referrals for all families, childcare
promote healthy, affordable meals) safety community support. subsidy programs, parent education,
helmets and tote bags. family social events and The Learning
Center−play space and lending library.

Look What’s New

Sierra Nevada Children’s Services continues to meet the community Baby Steps Playgroup, Leader Jolene Hardin
demand for more playgroups. Baby Steps, for 9-18 months old,
meets the increasing need of families with infants and toddlers to
socialize in a group setting. Jessica Lime (mother) says, “Baby Steps
is the best playgroup! It has taught me how to better observe and
support my son in his development, on his own time. So thankful to the
Soroptimist for keeping this playgroup going. This is the only playgroup
like this in Nevada County and we look forward to it every week!”

The addition of a second Tots & Twos playgroup met the need of an
overflowing waiting list. Having two sessions allows more families to
engage in a positive group experience as toddlers transition out of Baby
Steps. SNCS thanks Soroptomist International of the Sierra Foothills,
Walmart Community Grant, Wells Fargo Foundation and Walton’s
Grizzly Lodge Stein Family Foundation for funding playgroups.

SNCS began hosting quarterly Family Social events this year.
An increasing number of families choose our library and play
space as their location of choice to socialize with their children.
Many families, who either currently attend one of our playgroups
or are on a waiting list, have expressed interest in participating in
additional activities. Family Socials give families an opportunity to
enjoy activities, learn new concepts, engage in creative play, meet
members of the community and build positive relationships.

The Parent Advisory Cafe also launched this year with high
interest! The PAC is a great opportunity for families to enjoy a
hot cup of coffee and share in meaningful conversations about
supportive childcare services.

Fall Family Social “Pumpkin Collage”

Winter Family Social “Pajama Party” Spring Fling Family Social “Dirt & Worms”

Financial Report

Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

Revenue: REVENUE

California Department of Education

Nevada County

Parent Fees

Foundation Funding, Fundraising,
Donations & Other Income


Total: $3,691,416

Expenses: EXPENSES

Childcare Subsidy Programs

Operating & Administration

Resource & Referral Programs

Early Educator, Parent Education,
Special Programs & Fundraising Costs


Total: $3,665,688

Change in Net Assets: $25,728

Depreciation, disposals & additions ($3,816)
to equipment

Net Assets, beginning of the year $485,301

Net Assets, end of the year $507,213

Donors & Volunteers

“I can’t even describe how “Thank you for being “I just want to say
much this means to me and there for my family thank you! So very
my family. I can’t thank you when we needed you... much. We’ve been
we are on our way, struggling, and with
and your faculty enough.
Thank you again so much recovering and no power, things
making it.” were very bleak!”
for everything.”

Agilent Employee Giving Campaign Doug & Jody Summers Mark & Katie Filimonov
Al Yates Douglas D. Jaso Mary Wamser
Alan K & Cledith M Jennings Foundation Dylan Bridges Montoliva Vineyard & Winery
AmazonSmile Foundation Emily’s Catering & Cakes Nancy Ayers
Amber Johnson eScrip Neva Monigatti-Lake, M.D.
Autumn Lee Frances M. Ferrell Nevada County
Antonio Ayestaran Custom Catering Fred Dean-Turner Patricia Wolfe
Bank of America Employee Giving Campaign Ginger Witchek PG&E Your Cause
Benedict & Gretchen Barretta Haley Wolfe Polly Frey
Bernard & Diana Bradshaw Jacki Shroeder Raley’s
Bernice Wheeler Jackie Pascoe Randolph Scott & Co.
Beverly Cooper Jayden Dowling Robert & Juli Kaplan
Bierwagon’s Donner Trail Fruit Jean Velikonia Robert Ng
Bill Case Jeff Barton Robertson, Woodford & Summers LLP
Blended Metal Saxophones Jessica Zenor Robinson Enterprises
Briar Patch Co-op Joseph J. Bell Roger & Jean Poff
Brooklyn Riley Judy & Kerry Bruton SaveMart Supermarkets
California Department of Education Judy Haynes Sean Riley
California Teleconnect Fund Karen & Hank DiPillo Soroptimist Int’l of the Sierra Foothills
Caps for Kids Katy Fletcher SPD Markets
Carol V. Melton Keith Minor Susan Wilson
Carolyn Tate Kelly Sanders Telestream, LLC
Catherine Ayers Kevin Glauner & Kristin Jenkins Terry Lawrence
Center for Nonprofit Leadership LAFD-GV Branch Retired The Center for the Arts
Cheryl Mack & neighbors Lee & Nellie Blakemore United Way California Capital Region
Clover Seely Lisa Swerdlow Val Camp
Craig Phillips Lorelly Sussman Walmart Community Grant
Daniel Zenor Lorrayne Whiting WGL Stein Family Foundation
David Lobenberg Maria Rubalcava Wells Fargo
Dennis Fournier Westamerica Bank
Mariah Zenor

“I found SNCS to be a welcoming and professional environment
from day one. GPOPS playgroup has been the perfect fit for us-
safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for our busy toddler...

and new supportive friendships with other grandparents.”

Connect with Us

Grass Valley Office Loyalton Office Sierra Nevada Children’s Services
is a community-based, nonprofit
420 Sierra College Drive 701 Main Street childcare resource and referral
Suite 100 Suite 1 agency that has served families,
Grass Valley, CA 95945 Mailing: P.O. Box 1139
530.272.8866 Loyalton, CA 96118 early childhood professionals
Fax 530.272.1354 530.993.1288 and the community since 1978.
Fax 530.993.1512
Truckee Office Our mission is to enrich
iwniwnwfwfoow@[email protected] the community by supporting
10075 Levon Avenue LeLet’ts’sGgeett sSoocciaial!l!
Suite 201A quality child care and
Truckee, CA 96161 empowering families to
Mailing: P.O. Box 3239 aspire to lifelong success.
Truckee, CA 96160
Fax 530.587.0899

sierra nevada children’s services

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