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Published by Jack Loehr, 2023-05-01 11:32:36

The Horrible Day Story

Jack has a super bad day

The Horrible Day Story Written by: Jack Loehr

Ding ding ding! His alarm went off Jack wakes up and he realizes he is late for work. He quickly gets ready by hopping in the shower then he gets dressed, brushes his teeth, he makes eggs and toast to eat.

He realizes he brushed his teeth before breakfast so he goes to brush his teeth again. He starts to get nervous because he heard a rumor once someone was late and he got fired.

He quickly got ready and hopped in his car. He realized he forgot his keys. He goes inside and gets the keys.

His wife says, “What did you forget?” He says “My keys.” He goes back out to the car. Now he realizes he forgot his phone. He goes inside to pick it up and his wife says

“What did you forget now,” she says “my phone” and he gets in the car. Now he is mad now he forgot his wallet. He gets out of the car and goes inside. His wife says “What did you forget now?”

He gets in his car and finally pulls out of the driveway. He was driving to work and a lighting struck in front of him he got shocked and hit a tree. He quickly gets out of the car then a tree falls on his car he worry about getting a new car. He called his wife to drive him to work.

When he gets in the car she says, “Good thing you remeber to get your phone” Him and his wife laugh. When they were driving there he told his wife about the rumor and about what happened on the way to work.

She said, “Wow, hopefully, you don't get fired and we will talk about what new car you will get when you get home”. When they got there his wife said good luck.

When he got to work he took a deep breath and went to his mr. Joe's office, his boss. Jack started speaking fast He said, “My car broke dow-” his boss interrupted him and said go work and that's what he did

When he went home that night he texted his boss and said what will happen because I was late. His boss said nothing will happen, just continue your day. YES

“Maybe the 2002 saturn S-series SC SC1 for $995,” he said “Yeah, that could work,” said his wife. “Did you get fired from your job?” he said “No” “Good,” she said “But we will look at some more cars tonight”. “ Hopefully I don't forget a lot of things again.”

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