Have Fun Learning
Learning should be fun! Too often financial education is dull, boring and fear-
based. Many financial experts want to educate you on how risky investing is and
why you should trust them. That is not the Rich Dad philosophy on learning. We
believe that learning should be fun and cooperative and lead you toward
becoming smarter about money so you can tell the difference between good and
bad financial advice.
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Rich Dad's Wisdom:
The Power of Words
Words are gasoline for your brain. If you improve your financial vocabulary, you
will become richer and richer. The good news is: words are free. Which proves,
once more, that it does not take money to make money. To expand your
vocabulary beyond the financial terms in the glossary you’ll find on the Rich
Dad web site you might consider acquiring a dictionary of financial terms. When
you look up financial words on a regular basis (or look the definition of a term
you hear but do not understand) you may find yourself becoming richer and
An example of the power of words: When people advise you to get out of debt,
do they know what they are talking about?
When you buy a bond, you are buying debt. For example, a U.S. T-bill is a
bond—an IOU from the U.S. government. So when you buy a bond you
are buying debt... debt that is an asset to you and a liability to the
government. So debt can be good. Some of the richest people in the world
(as well as financial institutions) get richer becausethey invest in debt.
When a banker says your house is an asset... ask yourself: Whose asset is it? By
definition, assets put money in your pocket and liabilities take money from your
pocket. When you look at your bank’s financial statement, you can better see
whose asset your home really is...
To improve your brain’s financial power... improve your financial vocabulary.
Words are fuel for your brain!
from Robert Kiyosaki
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