Commendations: Lion Don Noland
• Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow Past Council Chairman
• 100% Governor Award
• Two-time recipient of Lions International
President’s Certificate of Appreciation
• Lions International Leadership Award
• International President’s Award
• Haywood Snipes Award
Participation and Service: Candidate for
• Represented fellow Lions at numerous International
State and District Conventions and Director
eleven International Conventions
• Attended eight USA/Canada Forums
Presented at Reno, NV in 2004
• Served as a technician along with Lion Betty
for an eyeglass mission trip to Papantla,
Mexico in 2014
• Served Scouting as Committee Chairman
and Institution Head
• Served as President of the Duchesne High
School Band Parents and on the committee
for Foresight, the annual fundraising gala
• Retired January 1, 2016 after 30 years in
the electrical supply industry
Heed the Past, Live the MD 26
Present, Dream the Future
In the spirit of ‘We Serve’, Lion Don stands
ready and committed to support the leadership,
improving communication and understanding
across all levels of Lions. Together we care and
can accomplish so much.
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A Legacy of Service... Families that volunteer
together, grow together...
Inspired by the example of his uncle, Lion
Harold Steck, Midland, TX; Lion Don joined the • Married to wife Lion Betty for 45 years
Bennettsville, SC Lions in 1973. An active member
of the Harvester, MO Lions since 1980 with 100% • Three grown children Lion Jason (Kim),
attendance, he has faithfully served his club and Garrick (Amy), and Erin (Matt)
fellow Lions as President, Vice-President, Treasurer,
and currently Secretary. A Progressive Melvin • Eight grandchildren
Jones Fellow, Lion Don has served his District
with distinction as a Zone and Region Chairman, • Lion Betty is past president of the St. Peters Lions;
Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer (1988-89) and as Zone, Lions World Services for the Blind, and
District Governor and Vice Council Chairman Leader Dog Chairman
• Parents of two Eagle Scouts
His service to Multiple District 26 includes a term
as Council Chairman (1996-97), member of the • Lion Jason serves as Director of Development
Constitution and By-Laws and GLT Committees, for Saving Sight
MERL Team Chair, and Chairman of the State
Convention Committee. He chaired the 2011
Missouri Lions State Convention in St. Charles,
MO. It was through these positions that he was
introduced, and served on the Board of the
Missouri Lions Eye Research Foundation, now
Saving Sight, for eight years, serving as President
from 2006-08.
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