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Published by abettsabovetherest, 2019-04-30 01:27:08

Mission's Conference Handout


When Your Ministry Falls Apart:
Stress, Failure, Depression & God's Goodness

Thomas Slawson - SW 235 Session 4 & 8

Most Christians who commit their lives to full-time ministry of-
ten envision themselves serving long-term in one place. While
many succeed, others encounter obstacles and circumstances
and suddenly find their dreams of a particular ministry gone.
The fallout from "losing" a ministry can lead to many struggles
such as stress, depression, financial hardship, and even health
problems. We will explore several paths to healing from the
wounds of "losing" a ministry.

Who Sinned? - Viewing Disability Through the Eyes of Jesus

Thomas Slawson - SW 235 Session 2 & 6

There are an estimated one billion people with disabilities in the
world. In many countries people with disabilities are often mar-
ginalized. Some cultures view disability as a curse or a matter of
shame. Such was even the case in Jesus' day. But in John 9, Je-
sus displays his glory by healing a man born blind, and through
this affirms that he is the Messiah. We will examine this passage
and explore the mission field of ministry to and through the dis-
abled community.

What does rescuing slaves have to do with advancing the Gospel

IJM Leader - SW 206 Session 2 & SW 234 Session 6

When Christians sacrificially love and serve people around the 51
world, the world notices. When Christians disengage from sacri-
ficial love and service, the world also notices. In this seminar, we
would discuss how followers of Jesus can really engage in the
work of justice to show the world the God of the Bible – one who
is perfectly just and loving.

Seminar Descriptions

Preparing for Missions:
The Five Key Trainings You Should Get Before Going to the Field

Kevin King - SW 225 Session 3 & 7

This session shows the global trend of urbanization and inter-
prets that trend from a missiological perspective. The popula-
tion of the world is moving toward cities and will never retreat.
This global reality should dramatically affect our paradigm of
missions and inform our ministry emphasis and strategy. This
session will suggest practical missional opportunities in light of
increasingly urbanized contexts.

Urbanization: Changing Our Paradigm of Missions

Kevin King - SW 225 Session 1 & 5

This session shows the global trend of urbanization and inter-
prets that trend from a missiological perspective. The population
of the world is moving toward cities and will never retreat. This
global reality should dramatically affect our paradigm of mis-
sions and inform our ministry emphasis and strategy.

Reflection on Racial Reconciliation

Diana Collymore - SW 235 Session 1 & 5

This seminar will share the impact on a group of African-Amer-
ican students who spent 6 weeks with university students in
Rwanda summer of 2018 with practical application to the Amer-
ican university context.


Do Americans Have a Role in World Missions?

Diana Collymore - SW 235 Session 3 & 7

Yes they do - if they can learn to enter into equitable cross-cul-
tural partnerships and "de-colonize" their approach. This sem-
inar will discuss how that can happen as well as the potential
impact with examples.

Making Disciples Among the Nations in
U.S. Colleges and Universities

Scott Harris - SW 347 Session 2 & 6

For decades Christians have prayed that the Good News of Jesus
would reach the variety of peoples throughout the 57 countries
of what is called the “10/40 window”. One of the ways God has
answered those prayers is to bring many of them to the U.S. for
studies. At the point in time, the vast majority of international
students in the U.S. come from 10/40 countries. We will discuss
how to best make disciples of Jesus among international stu-

What Role does Hate Play in Missions?

Kevin Van Horne - SW 347 Session 7

This seminar will walk through the story of Jonah- the most
successful cross-cultural evangelist the world may ever know.
However, as a dominant culture believer he imagined that God-
who made the sea and the dry land- only had redemptive pur-
poses for his own people. He sought to thwart God's plans for
those outside his nation and received God's direct attention for
it. Whether we try to thwart God consciously or subconsciously,
God has a message for us.

Missions Partnership in the Middle East and North Africa

Tanya Van Horne - SW 343 Session 6

Christianity began in this region and the Church has deep and
ancient roots there. Though indigenous Christian populations
are dwindling, faithful ministry continues. Learn how our broth-
ers and sisters int eh region are reaching their neighbors and
how partnership with them can bring Gospel transformation.


Seminar Descriptions

What is Suffering's Roll in Missions?

Rachel Roleder - SW 401 Session 1 & 5

Come join us as we look at how to identify suffering, how to iden-
tify Christ in suffering and how to own your suffering for Jesus.

Reaching Israelis: Stories from Israel

Levi Hazen - SW 201 Session 8

Stories and practical suggestions for sharing the Gospel
with Israelis

A Life of Ministry

Kyle Kostreva - SW 223 Session 1

Quite simply, Jesus calls us to a life of making disciples. Life,
however, is not quite so simple. Ministry, marriage, children, and
“the affairs of everyday life” often collide, yet they are insepara-
ble in our effective witness. Join us for 30 years of lessons on
thriving in ministry and family.

Know Your Why

Kyle Kostreva - SW 223 Session 5

Knowing why you are doing what you are doing is at the core of
getting to your “sweet spot”, having staying power, support rais-
ing, avoiding burnout and rust-out, and bearing much lasting
fruit as Jesus called us to in John 15:16. Can you articulate your

54 “Why”?

Embracing Life as Adventure

Andrew Matteson - SW 234 Session 3 & 7

What words would you use to describe the Christian life? How
we share our walk with Christ is critical. Learn how an adventur-
ous God has a life full of adventure for you to share with others.
Believing this reality adjusts your ministry goals, perspectives,
your view of God's mission and even your church services!

Sharing Christ in Tribal and Animistic Culture

Ron Hartwig - SW 234 Session 4 & 8

The very core of any culture is their worldview. Rarely does any-
one conscientiously think about their beliefs and values in the
midst of a normal conversation, but if we want to clearly com-
municate Christ to a person from a Tribal or Animistic world-
view, we need to adjust our message, and approach.

Learning to Speak to Yourself about Your Identity in Christ

Norm Hubbard - SW 201 Session 2 & 6

When life gets difficult, we often fill our inner airwaves with a lot
of negative self-talk about ourselves and God. (“Why me? How
could You let this happen?”) This workshop will explore how peo-
ple passing through hardship and confusion can stay anchored
to central truths about their identity and God’s.

Power and Vulnerability in Ministry

Tom Young - SW 301 Session 2 & 6

What is real vulnerability? What does it look like in real life? And
why is it so important for healthy and fruitful ministry?


Seminar Descriptions

Women's Sexual Health and Wholeness

Judy Groters- SW 211 Session3 & 7

What's uniquely challenging for women who want to honor Christ with
their sexuality in today's hookup culture? How do you live pure without
disowning your sexuality? What is the meaning of sex and sexuality?
Couldn’t God have made this easier for us? What's his plan?

Men's Sexual Health and Wholeness

Mike Kozlarek - SW 319 Session 3 & 7

 Staying pure in today's sex-obsessed, porn-crazed culture grows harder
and harder. How do yo`u live pure without disowning your sexuality?
What is the meaning of sex and sexuality? Couldn't God have made this
easier for us? What's his plan?

Reaching Native Americans in North America

David & Joanna Boucher - SW 345 Session 1 & 5

What are some ways that missionaries can make a good impact
when arriving on Reservations? We will discuss how to carry out
ministries that will make lasting results among people who dis-
trust non-natives.

The Persecuted Church:
How Do We Pray for Our Brothers and Sisters?

Rebecca Lufkin - SW 317 Session 2 & 6

How do we pray for our brothers and sisters? Join us for an inter-
active session of praying and resources to build up your prayer
life for the global church


Stakeholders in Missions: What if I don't want to go overseas?

Rebecca Lufkin - SW 301 Session 2 & 6

What if I don't want to overseas? Explore your part in God's story
around the world while remaining in the States working towards
your passions and not feeling guilty about it.

Choosing an Agency

Joshua Oh - SW 333 Session 3 & 7

Strategies and tips for wading through all the information about
mission agencies and how to find the best fit for you

Baseball and Bible Studies in a Mexican Neighborhood

Chris Ophus - SW 345 Session 4 & 8

This workshop will tell the story and teach the lessons of sever-
al churches in a mostly Mexican neighborhood working to both
make disciples of Jesus and see the church deeply involved in
holistic change.

The Gospel and the Green Card

Chris Ophus - SW 317 Session 3 & 7

This workshop will look at challenges and opportunities for the
mission of Jesus in the current immigration debate.

Am I Missionary Material? 57

Shelby Honig - SW 347 Session 1 & 5

A brief synopsis of famous missionaries: Their personalities and
background. Do I fit the mold?

Seminar Descriptions

Shame & Community & Missions

Carissa Gibson - SW 301 Session 3 & 7

We all have it. No one wants to talk about it. And not talking about it
perpetuates it. Learn how to identify and combat the narrative of shame
we tell ourselves and what it looks like to develop a resiliency against
shame here and overseas.

Thriving in the Face of Adversity

Alvin Hull - SW 301 Session 1

How do we thrive in ministry when we face adversity, no fruit, and the
silence of God? Attrition studies show that many missionaries give
up and leave the field in their first 5 years and many leave before ever
seeing any fruit. Why? Let’s prepare to thrive with the principles for
lasting the long haul.

Clinging Fiercely to God in Missions

Alvin Hull - SW 301 Session 5

What spiritual dynamics in the life of the missionary would cause them
to leave their ministry? We need to learn the tools that will help us cling
to the Lord and remain on the field.

The Gospel and Human Flourishing
In Africa through Classical Education

Erica Robertson - SW 333 Session 2 & 6

  In Africa, where Rafiki serves, young men and women are taught
to cram, test and forget with their eyes fixed on survival. Christian
Classical Education offers a way to free the hearts and minds of our
African friends to appreciate the fullness of God and His creation.

Creating True Generational Change

Ginny Hansen - SW 222 Session 6

Our circular business model is designed to create generational change

58 amongst vulnerable communities by halting the cycle of poverty.

Being an Introvert is not a sin!

Andrew Miller - SW 225 Session 4 & 8

In many ways our world is set up for extroverts.  Ministry and missions
seems to be geared more for extroverts.  Come and learn more about
how introverts can be used in ministry all over the world!

Ministry From Weakness

Chrissy Odean - SW 211 Session 1 & 5

Can the brokenness in our stories bring others to Jesus? Does our sin
disqualify us from engaging in ministry? How do we maintain a sense
of calling amidst suffering? What is the narrative that God is writing
in your life and our world? Join Chrissy Odean, a cancer survivor with
missions experience in Uganda and Philadelphia, as she explores these
questions and more.

Moral Purity: A Narrow Road that Leads to Life 59

Gary Murray- SW 225 Session 2 & 6

We must deliberately choose obedience; set up strategies, in advance,
to live out purity; and prepare ourselves to recognize and avoid pitfalls.

Strong and Courageous

Brittany Gardner- SW 225 Session 6

Highlighting fears and obstacles that present barriers to serving in
missions and addressing ways to overcome them

Cross Cultural Teaching

Bob Murrary- SW 225 Session 4, 6 & 8

This seminar will explore various techniques and methods to consider
when teaching in any setting. Every classroom involves working with
students from different cultural backgrounds.

Seminar Descriptions

Made in His Image

Brittnay Gardner- SW 328 Session 3

When working overseas, missionaries of color often experience
challenges directly related to their cultural and ethnic identities. There
are unique struggles experience by Asian Americans serving in Asia,
African Americans serving in Africa and different cultures coming
together to work on multicultural teams. This workshop will discuss
finding our true identity in Jesus, while celebrating how He created us
and representing Him wherever we are.

Loving your Neighbor: Serving the Immigrant Next Door

Eric Mason- SW 349 Session 1 & 5

Gain further insight into what it means to live and minister to Muslims
and Hindus in the Chicago-land area. Learn more about the immigrant/
refugee experience and why it is so important for Christians to be salt
and light while welcoming immigrants and refugees.

Communicating Christ to Hindus

Anil Yesudas- SW 347 Session 4 & 8

Focus on the Hindu World in India and in the Diaspora. Encouraging
colleagues to establish Christ-centered, conservative, culturally
contextual, communicating communities. Exploring possibilities of
investing our energy and resources in, infrastructure for training,
support, media, cultural artifacts, service and worship space for Biblical
practice of faith within Indian-Hindu cultural context.

Trafficked Women: Bring Hope to the Hopeless

Sunita Rodricks- SW 349 Session 4 &8

Human Trafficking is one of the most profitable business in our world
today. Millions of women are being trafficked everyday. It is a very dark
world. Instead of cursing the darkness we can take the Light of Our Lord
Jesus Christ and bring hope to the hopeless.


Leading Muslim & Hindu Kids on the Path to Christ

Beth Mason- SW 349 Session 2 & 6

Have you wondered how to share the gospel & mentor Muslim and
Hindu children? Come hear what it looks like to do life with, love on,
and be the hands of Jesus to Muslim and Hindu kids and their families

How men and women become great missionaries

Raimie Bateman, THM & Stephanie Bateman - SW 201 Session 7

The face of the global church is male and female. And whichever you
are, you are vital to the success of the Great Commission. Come and
learn the essential skills that can make or break you as a modern-day
missionary. Without these skills you will wash out in less than two
years. With them, you can become exceptional.

Why Your Giftedness Matters

Raimie Bateman - SW 201 Session 3 & 5

God designed you to change the world. He has uniquely gifted you. And,
that giftedness is essential to your person. With a clear understanding,
you will find increased satisfaction in serving Christ. Without it you will
struggle from job to job in a search for significance. Find out how to
understand your giftedness and apply that to the mission field.

How to Build your Dream Job in Missions or Die Trying

Raimie Bateman, THM - SW 201 Session 3

Long-term effectiveness in missions does not come easy. It's no nine-
to-five. Yet, there is a beauty in missions people are not talking about. If
you work with the right people, they will help you design a job just for
you. Avoid becoming a cog in the machine. Come and hear about how to
build and live your dream in missions.


Seminar Descriptions

Be a Disciple who makes Disciples

Mindy Snell- SW 333 Session 4 & 8

Learn what it means to be a disciple who makes disciples and take
home practical tools that equip you to start today, right where you are!

Using Technology to Introduce Jesus to the Whole World

Sandi Dalton- SW 206 Session 4 & 8

Technology has changed the landscape of the world when it comes to
the fulfillment of the great commission. Billions have access to any
sort of information instantaneously via their computers or cellular
devices. This seminar would help students understand the tools they
have at their disposal to reach their own diverse backyard as well as
offer opportunities for students to use their training to communicate
the gospel to an audience of billions.

Urban Cohort

So You Want to Be Off Campus?

Unity Ostercamp- SW 401 Session 2 & SW 4 Session 6

Are you interested in urban cross-cultural immersion living during your
time as a student? Do you attend church in one of our already existing
neighborhoods and would like to be more involved? Then come find out
how you can be part of the Urban Cohorts program from current students
and staff. We will be sharing the good, the bad, and the amazing about
living incarnationally in Chicago neighborhoods. Cohorts is looking for
students who are looking for a way to live out Jesus in the city by loving
their neighbors, living in community, and learning about culture.


Three Essential Attitudes for Gospel Ministry

David Hernandez- SW 226 Session 4 & 8

This quote was given to a young missionary and comprises three of the
most essential attitudes for fruitful ministry. Throughout our lives God
is continually forming His people into Christ likeness. Often we find
God has to give attitude adjustments on several levels. We will discuss
three areas of attitude adjustment essential for ministry.

Effective Evangelism in Rural and Small Town Communities

John Adams- SW 335 Session 4 & 8

People often need to see the reality of Spirit-produced life change before
they are ready to consider faith in Christ. Allowing people to see your
commitment to Christ may be the key that God uses to unlock their

Ministry is........ (Not what you expected)

Steven Washburn - SW 226 Session 2 & 6

We have a plan, we've learned skills, we've studied the Bible and we
are ready to serve God in the ministry He has call us to. Then our
hopes and dreams collide with real, messy, ministry. Ministry is a joy
and discouragement. Seeing others come to know Christ and others
rejecting Him. Delights of seeing God and work and pounding your
head against the wall when you can't see His work. Sometimes our
expectations of ministry can be the reason that it is so heard. This
is a discussion on how to avoid the bitterness, frustration and let the
difficulties of ministry work for you and your heart to serve God.

The Unexpected Benefit of Ministry Missions Relationships

Steven Washburn - SW 226 Session 3 & 7

To prepare for potential conflict inherent in missions and ministry work
and how to use it to our advantage. Conflict WILL Happen. We all must
be prepared. Not handling conflict situations can spell ministry failure.
Handling it faithfully leaves it in God's hands to work and potential


Seminar Descriptions

Spiritual Leadership for the Majority of Todays Churches

John Adams - SW 335 Session 3 & 7

 In most cases effective pastors do not serve in a large church or with
multiple staff. This seminar will offer insights from experience as a to
building an effective ministry with the spiritual potential to transform
en entire community with the Gospel

Tool Box for Building Gospel Ministry Relationships

David Hernandez - SW 226 Session 1 & 5

Discuss some of the tools for learning about and understanding
the people and culture of those we hope to reach with the Gospel
message. Some of the principles to be discussed; becoming a student
and sleuth of people. Using polite inquiry to learn and show interest
in people, learning to appreciate differences in culture, creating Gospel
opportunities through the familiar.

Reaching the Unreached- In Chicago and
Other Major U.S. Cities

Keith Wiederwax and Sean Fox- SW 401 Session 3 & 7

The Strategy of the International Neighborhood Network Current status
and update on progress in Chicago's West Ridge neighborhood Update
and opportunities available in Chicago, Savannah, Knoxville and other
U.S. Cities

The Irish Worldview of Celtic Spirituality
In West Ireland Today

Tim Cummings- SW 333 Session 1 & 5

This looks at the questions of worldview, animism and it’s residual in
folk religion in The West of the Republic of Ireland in a church planting


Displaced but Not Defeated:
What I Learned from the Keliko of South Sudan

Susha Roberts- SW 317 Session 1 & 5

What I learned about identity, purpose, resolve, victory and faith from
Keliko people living in Uganda.

Bible Translation is a Team Sport

Bonnie Nystrom- SW 317 Session 4 & 8

We're in an era of unprecedented worldwide acceleration of Bible
translation. To reach the remaining language communities in need of
God's Word in their own heart languages will take unprecedented team
work. Conversation will include the nature of the team and roles to be




a west-meets-east easter celebration

An Easter celebration like never before.

Anastasi 2019 is a conference that purposes to bring believers
from the East and West in a unique celebration of Christ's
resurrection in Thessaloniki, Greece, creating meaningful
relationships that strengthen one another, in light of the
present challenges facing the church and the world of Islam.


But God.

Images are representative.
© 2018 Christar


Do you want to make a difference in this world
for Christ? People in Papua New Guinea are
asking for someone to come and share the
Gospel with them. It is not a small commitment.
It will take training, a willingness to make
a village your home, and another language
and culture your life. You will be
forever changed. And so will the men and
women waiting to hear God's Word.

Are you willing?

Finisterre Vision



Impoverished churches deserve leaders
who can teach the Bible and follow
Jesus well. We deploy forward-thinking
missionaries to develop those leaders
around the world.

Join us for coffee, lunch, or dinner this
week. RSVP our Executive Director at
706.248.5358. Our treat!

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DayStar Native Outreach

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