English: Loud - producing or capable of producing much noise Example: “The thunder was loud during the storm.” BM: Kuat - menghasilkan atau mampu menghasilkan banyak bunyi Contoh: "Guruh kuat semasa ribut ---------------------------- English: Bright - giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining Example: “The stars were bright in the night sky.” BM: Terang - memberi atau mencerminkan banyak cahaya; Bersinar Contoh: "Bintang-bintang itu cerah di langit malam ------------------------------ English:
Fragile - meaning “easily broken or damaged” Example: “The vase was very fragile, so they handled it with care.” BM: rapuh - bermaksud "mudah pecah atau rosak" Contoh: "Pasu itu sangat rapuh, jadi mereka mengendalikannya dengan berhati-hati