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Published by db326411, 2019-11-04 11:52:22



SWBAT to state how changes in technology affect I Do, You Observe
the workplace and society and apply practices to
deter, detect, and defend against identity theft for Explicit Instruction/Modeling
a business and personal safety IOT analyze and (Pencils Down, Eyes Forward)
create a healthier personal social media presence
AND create a public service announcement for I Facilitate, You Think
digital wellness and internet safety. (Whole Group)

Questions, Questions,

I Assess & Assist, You Do

Guided Practice

I Observe, You Do (Solo)

Independent Practice

I Do, You Observe Students will use Everfi: Ignition Digital
Wellness & Safety to explore and understand
Explicit Instruction/Modeling the importance of maintaining a safe and
(Pencils Down, Eyes Forward) healthy online presence.

Teachers will demonstrate how to access and use
the online platform.

I Facilitate, You Think As a whole group, ask students to open their
wallets/purses and find any items that reveal their
(Whole Group) personal information. Discuss how those items could
be used to steal their identity. Then ask students to
Questions, Questions, think about items in their parents wallets/purses.
Questions!!! What are some differences?

BMA-IBT-2.6, 2.9 SWBAT to state 1. What is identity theft and how can it be
how changes in technology affect the prevented?
workplace and society and apply
practices to deter, detect, and defend 2. What are the basics of internet safety and how do
against identity theft for a business they apply to me?
and personal safety IOT analyze and
create a healthier personal social 3. How can web information management systems
media presence AND create a public be used to process and store information?
service announcement for internet

I Facilitate, You Think As a whole group, instructors will lead the class in a
(Whole Group) discussion about social media, its advantages,
disadvantages, rules to follow within a business, and
Questions, Questions, the consequences for not following established rules.
Questions!!! ❏ How can social media be used positively in

BMA-IBT-2.6, 2.9 SWBAT to state business?
how changes in technology affect the ❏ What does your social media presence say about
workplace and society and apply
practices to deter, detect, and defend you?
against identity theft for a business ❏ Is it really that serious?
and personal safety IOT analyze and ❏ Why is it beneficial to have a positive social
create a healthier personal social
media presence AND create a public media presence?
service announcement for internet

I Facilitate, You Think Teachers will formatively assess students' developing understanding of the
content and or process (as many as possible/every student is the goal).
(Whole Group) 1. What are the positive and negative aspects of an online community?
2. How do you engage with others online in a respectful manner?
Questions, Questions, 3. What are the potential consequences of spending too much time
4. What steps can you take to keep personal information private online?
5. What is a digital footprint and how is it created?
6. When is it appropriate to seek the help of a trusted adult?
7. How do you protect your digital data from compromise?
8. What is phishing?
9. How do you detect signs of malware?
10. How do you differentiate between created and curated content?
11. How do you evaluate content for accuracy and bias?

I Assess & Assist, You Do Students will use Everfi: Ignition Digital Wellness
& Safety to explore and understand the
(Pairs) importance of maintaining a safe and healthy
online presence.
Guided Practice
❏ Connections & Community
❏ Safety & Privacy
❏ Screen Time & Offline Time
❏ Technology & Data
❏ Rights & Literacy
❏ Evaluating Content

During this period, teachers will assess Students will create a public service announcement--brochure,
individual students' ability to demonstrate powerpoint, flyer, prezi, video, song/rap--for digital wellness & safety.
mastery of the content/process and capacity The PSA must answer each of the questions below.
to transfer that new ability to another
learning opportunity and/or discipline with 1. What are the positive and negative aspects of an online community?
automaticity. 2. How do you engage with others online in a respectful manner?
3. What are the potential consequences of spending too much time
I Observe, You Do (Solo)
Independent Practice 4. What steps can you take to keep personal information private online?
5. What is a digital footprint and how is it created?
6. When is it appropriate to seek the help of a trusted adult?
7. How do you protect your digital data from compromise?
8. What is phishing?
9. How do you detect signs of malware?
10. How do you differentiate between created and curated content?
11. How do you evaluate content for accuracy and bias?
Students will complete Digital Wellness & Safety Summative Assessment

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