- and how they work!
Created by: Colin,
Nate, Autumn,
Jace, Katie,
Bethany, Nicole,
Ryan, Aubrey, and
Monarchy is a form of government where the king or queen
gets the last say in anything that the citizens may propose.
In an absolute monarchy only 1 person holds the power.
In constitutional monarchy the power is shared by the leader
and an organized government with laws.
Who Holds The Power and How do They Get It?
● The king and queen are the people who have the majority of the power in the
● Also, when they die, the oldest son or daughter will be the king or queen
● But if the queen or king does not have a son or daughter the people choose a
new king and queen
● Then the same thing happens until the next generation of kings and queens
● The king or queen becomes the ruler because they believe that they were
chosen by god to become king or queen and rule the nation
The people hold up
the king because he
has all the power.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Monarchies
Advantages Disadvantages
● If the leaders are ● The child of the king is ● The people have no ● The leader might
good, the country taught how to be a king say in who the not take the job
will prosper. at a young age. leader is since they seriously because
were thought to be he/she was born
chosen by god. into power.
● A great leader will rule ● A leader takes his/her’s • It is very hard to
for all his life. job very seriously throw out a bad
because he/she was born leader. ● Only some people can be a
into power.
● The leader doesn’t have to deal with elections
so they can focus on other things
Monarchy History
● King George The III was England's longest ruling monarch.
● King Charles VI of France would refuse to take a bath and at one point he thought that he was made of
● King Henry VIII was not meant to be king. His brother was king but he died at 15 years old.
● Monarchy originated from Sumer and Egypt.
● James I of England wanted everyone to have a bible so he wrote his own.
● Augustus Caesar of Rome’s last words before dying were “I found a Rome of bricks; I leave to you one
of marble
● The American state Louisiana was actually named after Louis XIV of france.
● Louis XIV of france owned 1000 wings and 413 beds.
This is queen Elizabeth
Here are some famous
Leaders Country(s)
United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and
Leader’s currently many other countries.
Queen Elizabeth ll Denmark
Saudi Arabia
Queen Margrethe ll Netherlands
King Salman Thailand
King Willem-Alexander
King Vajiralongkorn
Wanna learn more?
If you wanna learn more about Monarchy, feel free to watch this video!
If you go into schoology, you can look up Monarchy, and find out what brainpop has
to say about Monarchy!
Man with crown
King and Queen
Thank You For
Why is everybody all a ruler? Because everybody has crowns!