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Published by , 2018-12-17 21:27:35

LASA Application 2018-2019

LASA Application 2018-2019

October 3, 2018 LASA Recruitment Calendar, 2018-2019
Roadshow at AISD Performing Arts Center (Black Box Theater),
6:30–8 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

October 17, 2018 Roadshow at Patton Elementary School, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

October 30, 2018 Roadshow at Murchison Middle School, 6:30–8 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

November 5, 2018 Roadshow at Kealing Middle School, 6:30–8 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Sept & Oct, 2018 Visits to AISD Middle Schools and numerous private/parochial schools.

November 14, 2018 LASA Showcase Night at LASA High School from 6 – 8:00 p.m.

January 12, 2019 LASA Admissions Test-students do not need to register or bring anything for the test,
simply show-up at LASA 15 min before the test as we will begin promptly at 9 or 12:30.

• students with last names beginning with A-L (9 a.m.-noon)
• students with last names beginning with M-Z (12:30-3:30 p.m.)
*If you are providing a hard copy of your application, you may submit on this day.
*Students who need testing accommodations should email
[email protected] no later than Monday 1/7/19.

January 19, 2019 LASA Admissions Test-students do not need to register or bring anything for the test,
simply show-up at LASA 15 min before the test as we will begin promptly at 9 or 12:30.

• students with last names beginning with M-Z (9 a.m.-noon)
• students with last names beginning with A-L (12:30-3:30 p.m.)
*If you are providing a hard copy of your application, submit on this day.
*Students who need testing accommodations should email
[email protected] no later than Monday, 1/14/19.

January 19, 2019 Admissions Deadline *If you mail items (report cards, English/social studies and
math/science teacher recommendations, STAAR/EOC, or other standardized test
scores) these items must be postmarked or emailed by the end of this day.

Jan 22-Feb 15, 2019 Shadowing period for potential LASA students.

March 1, 2019 Admission decision letters mailed on this date.

March 5, 2019 Accepted students will receive a second letter that is mailed on this date that contains
several forms. One of these forms is the Magnet Agreement Transfer (MAT)
form. The MAT must be returned to the school by the deadline below
indicating whether you accept or deny the placement.

March 15, 2019 Student’s MATs are due to LASA by this date.

TBA Welcome to LASA meetings with PFLASA Parents to welcome new families.


Request to Shadow at LASA High School

Spring Semester, 2019

Students who have applied to the Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA) High School for the 2019-2020 school year may visit
LASA High School for a day between January 22 and February 15, 2019. Students will accompany (shadow) a student one grade
above them and attend their classes for that day. Prospective students are encouraged to take part in this shadowing experience. You
can submit your application early to ensure that you are able to shadow as we have limited shadow spots for all applicants.

On the scheduled day, students must report to the library upon arrival at LASA. The library is located on the second floor at the top of
the main stairwell. Plan to arrive at LASA no later than 7:50 a.m. The school day begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. Students
must make arrangements to be picked up by a parent or guardian by no later than 4:00 p.m. Students need to bring paper, pen, pencil,
a book to read, and either a lunch from home or money to buy lunch ($3.05) in the cafeteria.

In order to participate in shadow day, students must:
 have a completed LASA application on file.
 return this form (along with a completed application) as soon as possible in order to shadow.
 Understand that shadow dates are given to students on a first come, first served basis (we do not have enough time

for all applicants to shadow). Families will be contacted by e-mail and/or phone to confirm the date.

Students must inform their middle schools of their plans to shadow at LASA prior to the day of shadowing. LASA will provide
students with a letter verifying their day spent at LASA, which students will need to submit to their middle schools upon their return
for attendance purposes.

Because LASA is committed to providing the best possible shadowing experience for every student, we must limit the number of
students who shadow on any particular day. Therefore, students may or may not receive their first choice of dates. Also, due to the
high demand for this opportunity, students who need to cancel or forget to come on their appointed day may or may not be given the
chance to reschedule. If students are not completing this form electronically, they must print it, complete the form, scan it and sent to
[email protected] or they can mail it to LASA High School, 7309 Lazy Creek Drive, Suite #225 Austin TX 78724 Att:
Adela Sifuentes. If you have any questions, please call 512 414-LASA or visit

Choice of Dates to Shadow:

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
1st choice date 2nd choice date 3rd choice date

_________________________________ Gender Identity: ___Female ___Male ___ Prefer Not To Respond
Student Name

_____________________ ______________________
Current School Current Grade

________________________________________ _______________________________________
Student Email Address Parent Email Address

________________________________________ ______________________ ___________________
Parent Name
Daytime Phone Evening Phone

Current math level: ___________________________

Anticipated foreign language course and level at LASA* ___________________________

What fine arts are you interested in seeing? (Please list two.)* ______________________ ______________________

What electives are you interested in seeing?(Please list two.)* ______________________ ______________________

*See next page

*See next page 10

Liberal Arts and Science Academy High School

2018-2019 Academic Course Listing

Signature Courses: Astronomy AP Japanese IV
Bio Technology Latin I-III, V
Each is 1 semester long and is a two-period block. Bio Technology Internship AP Latin IV
Engineering Design Spanish I-VI
Electronic Magazine (9th) Forensic Science Honors Spanish IV
Science & Technology (9th) Medical Microbiology AP Spanish IV
Great Ideas (10th) Modern Physics
Planet Earth (10th) Organic Chemistry I-III Journalism:
Pathophysiology Newspaper I-III
English Core: The Wicked Problem Project I-II Newspaper Editor
English I Journalism Independent Study
English II Social Studies Core: Yearbook I-III
AP English III (Language) World Geography Yearbook Editor
AP English IV (Literature) AP World History Yearbook Independent Study
Language Arts Electives: AP U.S. History
American Film Analysis* AP Government* Visual Arts:
American Voices AP Macroeconomics* AP Studio Art: Drawing
Book Club Social Studies Electives: AP Studio Art: 2-D Design
Creative Writing* AP European History AP Studio Art: 3-D Design
Literary Magazine I-III* AP Human Geography Art I
Philosophy AP Microeconomics* Ceramics II+
Psychological Makeup of Hitchcock AP Psychology Drawing II+
Amateur Radio* Painting II+
Characters Constitutional Law* Printmaking II+
Screenwriting* Contemporary Social Issues* Sculpture II+
Song Writing* Ethnic Studies
Facing History* Performing Arts:
Mathematics Core: Street Law* AP Music Theory
Algebra I Choir I-IV
Geometry Technology Electives: Dance I-IV
Algebra II AP Computer Science Drill TEAM
Precalculus The Art of Cinema Musical Theatre I-II
4th Math @ LASA Audio Video Production (AVP) Technical Theatre I-IV
Mathematics Electives: Advanced AVP Theater Arts I-IV
Advanced Mathematical Reasoning AVP – Practicum
AP Calculus AB Computer Science Intro Instrumental Music:
AP Calculus BC Computer Science Advanced Band I-IV — Marching, Concert,
AP Statistics Computer Science – Practicum
Computational Problem Solving* Digital Electronics Symphonic & Wind Ensemble
Differential Equations Fashion Design Guitar I-II
Independent Study in Math Graphic Design, Advanced Jazz Band I-IV
Linear Algebra* Graphic Design 3 Orchestra I-IV — Chamber, Concert,
Logic, Set Theory, and Proofs* Robotics I-IV
Multivariable Calculus* FTC/FRC Robotics Camerata & Honors
Number Theory* Web Applications Piano I-II

Science Core: Languages other than English: P.E. and Athletics:
Biology American Sign Language I-III Individual Sports
Chemistry Chinese I-III, V Dance - Aerobic
AP Physics AP Chinese IV UIL Athletics – football, volleyball...
4th Science French I-III, V & VI
Science Electives: AP French IV Miscellaneous Electives:
Anatomy & Physiology German I-III, V Delta (health)*
AP Biology AP German IV PRALS I-II
AP Chemistry Italian I Firefighter I-II
AP Environmental Science Japanese I-III, V Sports Med I-II
AP Physics C How To Be An Adult*
AP Physics II Sports Medicine I-II
Advanced Engineering Design


*semester long

LASA Magnet Endorsement

The Magnet Endorsement signifies that students have gone above and beyond the state and
district requirements for graduation.

To receive the LASA Magnet Endorsement a student must complete:

• All four signature courses
• Up through level 3 of the same language of a Language Other Than English (LOTE)
• 4 years of math at LASA
• 4 years of English at LASA to include, English 1, 2, AP English 3 and AP English 4
• 4 years of science at LASA to include biology, chemistry or AP Chemistry, AP Physics

and an Advanced Science
• 4 years of social studies with at least 3 credits received at LASA, credits must include

World Geography and AP World History
• 1 year of credit in technology (students will choose from an approved list)

Typical LASA High School Four-Year Plan

Details will vary from student to student.
Electives during the junior and senior year must be aligned to LASA’s Magnet Endorsement.

Freshman Year Sophomore Year Junior Year Senior Year
Electronic Magazine (blk) Planet Earth (blk) AP English III (Language) AP English IV (Literature)
Science & Technology (blk) Great Ideas (blk) Core Mathematics Science Elective
English I English II AP Physics Core Mathematics
Core Mathematics Core Mathematics AP U.S. History AP Government (0.5)
Biology Chemistry LOTE (if needed for AP Macroeconomics (0.5)
World Geography AP World History
Lang. Other than English LOTE (if needed for Magnet Endorsement) Electives to complete four-
Electives to complete four- period day
(LOTE) Magnet Endorsement)
In-school Elective In-school Elective period day

Students may begin taking dual credit courses with Austin Community College during the summer after
9th grad year (Tuition is free for up to twelve credit hours).

Students are encouraged to take LOTE Courses through AP Level IV because many colleges will provide
up to 12 credit hours with a passing grade and, possibly, up to 15 credit hours with a 4.0 grade average. *

• Core curriculum courses may be taken in middle school, via credit by exam or dual credit. Courses required for graduation

may not be taken via dual credit, distance education, or through any other external provider during the second semester of
senior year without express written permission from the principal before the school year begins.

• *To find AP credit information for selected colleges, please visit, .

Liberal Arts and Science Academy High School

7309 Lazy Creek Drive Suite #225, Austin TX 78724-3211
(512) 414-LASA Fax (512) 414-6050

Nurturing Innovation & Curiosity

Dear Prospective LASA Student:
Welcome to high school! I want to thank you for your interest in the Liberal Arts and Science Academy High
School. LASA is an advanced academic magnet, meaning that every core class, English, Math, Science and Social
Studies provides a more enriched and accelerated curriculum than what the state of Texas expects for high school
students. The LASA class of 2019 has 39 of Austin ISD's 41 National Merit Semifinalists.
In addition to core classes, we offer advanced courses in Robotics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Video
Production, Multivariable Calculus, Environmental Science, 2-D/3-D design, and 8 different foreign languages. We
also offer vast opportunities to participate in UIL athletics, academics, and fine arts competitions. Students who are
certain about what they wish to study in college come away with the skills and knowledge to succeed in that area
and, frequently, they graduate with college credit, either in the form of Advanced Placement tests or Dual
Enrollment with Austin Community College. For example, last year 845 students combined to take 2,513 AP exams
and scored a passing rate of just over 96.1%. For students who are less sure about what they wish to study at the
collegiate level, we offer the opportunity to explore a variety of interests from Pathophysiology to American Film
Analysis and Linear Algebra to Song Writing. Regardless of the topic, our teachers create curious learners by
developing each student's competency in teamwork, problem solving, research, and written, spoken, and electronic
We have a very diverse student population. We are lucky to have students from zip codes all across Austin. This
diversity encourages even richer discussions and debates in class. In addition it allows us to have clubs and
organizations that match any and all student interests. We have nationally-ranked programs and national contest
winners in Robotics, Newspaper, Science Olympiad, Quiz Bowl, Math Club, Siemens-Westinghouse, Intel Science
Fair, Japan Bowl and Amateur Radio just to name a few. Our students compete as Jaguars in every UIL sport
available as well as having club teams in lacrosse, water polo and Ultimate Frisbee. Additionally, we are home to
“The One, The Only,” the highly decorated and world-traveling Jaguar Band.
The LASA application has several parts. As part of our decision-making process, LASA needs to see your grades,
teacher recommendations, and standardized test scores. In addition, we require written responses, including an
essay, to help us understand who you are as a student and your future goals. The first three items can be sent to us
using our online application system or they can be mailed, emailed, or hand-delivered to us. Remember, the only
way we can see you as a whole student, is to have ALL parts of the application turned in by the postmark deadline
of January 19, 2019. Applications that are missing any piece will not be considered.
We, the faculty and administration of LASA, look forward to reading your application, meeting you along the way,
and beginning the first day of your high school experience with you. Should you or your parents have any questions,
please call the LASA office at (512) 414-LASA or visit Thank you for your interest.

Stacia Crescenzi
Principal, LASA High School

LASA educates socially responsible leaders, problem solvers, and thinkers through a nationally
recognized, rigorous, innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum.


Liberal Arts and Science Academy High School

Admissions Rubric for 2019-2020

Criterion Score of 5 Score of 4 Score of 3 Score of 2 Score of 1 Score of 0

Application and Student Polished and Responses are Responses Responses have Written Missing the
Responses highly organized organized and answer the grammatical errors responses are application or the
responses with polished with question but or other technical undeveloped
(Each item is scored less advanced have no depth and frequently student
individually and advanced vocabulary and of thought problems. stray from topic. responses.
averaged.) vocabulary, voice and lack
depth of consistency in B’s and C’s in Any core course Missing one or
7th and 8th core course and depth of thought. advanced mostly regular core grade below 70. both report cards.
grades from Report thought. vocabulary.
Cards. (Each grade level All A’s and B’s curriculum
is scored individually.) If All A’s in mostly in mostly Pre- B’s and C’s in courses.
applying for a grade Pre-AP or Magnet AP or Magnet mostly Pre-AP
other than 9th grade, we core curriculum core curriculum or Magnet core
require report cards or courses or all
transcripts for the courses. A’s in regular curriculum
current and previous core curriculum courses or
mostly A’s in
school year. courses. regular core

EOC/STAAR or other STAAR test STAAR test STAAR test STAAR test scores STAAR test Missing STAAR
Standardized Test scores are in the scores are in the scores are in the scores.
Scores. The FINAL upper tier of the scores are in are in the “Did Not Meet”
lower tier of the “Meets”
STANDARD is used for “Masters” the “Masters” performance “Approaches” performance
all STAAR tests. Each performance performance range. (Other range. (Other
range. (Other range. (Other tests: Between performance range.
test section is scored tests: Between the 75th and tests: 64th
separately and averaged tests: 95th the 85th and 94th 84th percentile (Other tests: percentile or
for the final rubric score. percentile or percentile when Between the 65th lower when
higher when compared to when and 74th percentile compared to
compared to grade level or compared to grade level or
grade level or age age group.) grade level or when compared to age group.)
age group.)
group.) grade level or age


Teacher Checklist and Checklist and Checklist and Checklist and Checklist and Missing one or
Recommendations comments score comments score comments comments score comments score both teacher
score the the student as
(Each recommendation is the student as the student as student as “Average.” the student as recommendations.
scored individually and “Clearly “Excellent,” “Above “Below
representing the Average.”
averaged.) Outstanding,” top 10% of Average.”
representing the students the
teacher has
top 5% of taught in their
students the age group.
teacher has taught
in their age group.

LASA Admissions Test The average of The average of The average of The average of the The average of Did not take the
Scores (Each test section the raw scores the raw scores raw scores falls the raw scores LASA admissions
the raw scores falls between falls between
is scored separately.) falls between 90th between 40th—59th falls at or test.
–99th percentiles 75th—89th 60th—74th beneath the 39th
percentiles percentiles percentiles
inclusively within inclusively inclusively inclusively within percentile
within the within the inclusively
the current the current within the
current current applicant pool.
applicant pool. applicant pool. applicant pool. current
applicant pool.



Application for the 2019 - 2020 School Year

Name of Applicant: Last Name: First Name: MI:______

Current Grade:_____ Date of Birth: AISD Student ID Number:

Gender Identity: Male_____ Female_____ Prefer Not To Respond_____

Were you ever enrolled in Austin ISD? YES_____ NO_____ UNSURE_____

Would you be the first generation to attend college? YES_____ NO_____ UNSURE_____

Race: Check all that apply:

□ Black/African-American □ Am Indian/Alaska Native □ Asian □ White

□ Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander □ Latino □ Decline/Choose not to answer

How did you find out about LASA? Please check all that apply

□ LASA School Presentation □ LASA Roadshow □ Teacher/Counselor □ LASA Showcase

□ Sibling Attended LASA □ Friend □ Other:_____________________________________

Current School:_______________________________ AISD Assigned High School:

Student Email Address:__________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Last Name:__________________________ Parent/Guardian First Name:

(just one parent/guardian) (just one parent/guardian)

Complete Home Address:________________________________________________________________________

City:___________________________ State:___________ ZIP:_______________

Telephone Number(s) Home: Work:

Parent Email Address (just one) :__________________________________________________________________

Do you currently live within AISD’s boundaries? YES____NO____ AISD District Employee: Yes_____ NO_____

You must live within Austin ISD boundaries by the due date of the application.
Any out-of-district applications will not be considered.

Please visit for more information .
Please visit to find if your current address is in Austin ISD

If no, when do you plan to move into AISD?____________________________________________

On a separate sheet(s) of paper, address the following prompts. *Take a risk with your responses and go
somewhere unexpected. Be serious if the moment calls for it but feel comfortable being playful if that suits you,
too. LASA staff recommends that your short answers and essay response should be read by a trusted adult before
you submit them to LASA. Short answers should be 100-150 words. Essays should be 350-650 words.

Short Answer: If you could meet with any person, living or dead, for an hour, who would it be, what would you say
to him/her, and why would you pick that person?

Short Answer: What is something you wish people knew about you but you are nervous to tell them? What would
be different if people knew this about you?

Short Answer: Give us your top five list. Possible examples are: Favorite Movies, Most Influential People in My
Life, Best Snack Foods. Be creative and do not feel limited by these examples. Create a title for your list.
Conclude with a short paragraph that explains why you chose this top five list.

Essay: Pretend you are required to spend the next year of your life in either the past or the future. To what year
would you travel, where would you go and why would you travel there?


Application for LASA High School *Postmark deadline is January 19, 2019
Please share any additional information about you that you wish for us to know.

Please check to make sure that you have done the following to ensure that you are submitting your
best, most complete application.

Have you included a valid email address? This is how we will contact you if there are problems with your
application and to give reminders of upcoming events.
Have you written three short answer responses and one essay response?

Submitting Report Cards and Standardized Test Scores

Your STAAR scores and report cards from AISD’s information system will automatically be entered if you have
attended Austin ISD schools the last two years. If you have not attended Austin ISD, you will need to submit a copy
of your report cards and a copy of an equivalent exam to STAAR (please see third bullet below* for equivalent
exams) in our online application system (link is on our website) or you can submit a hard copy of your scores if you
are submitting a hard copy of your application.

I understand that I will be considered for admission to LASA only after all of the following items have been
received by LASA. If I am submitting a hard copy of my application, I understand that I will submit only copies of
requested forms as none of the items will be returned. Finally, I understand that any extra items submitted, e.g.,
principal awards, honor society documents....will not be considered in the application process.

• This submitted application form (either electronically through our online application system or a hard copy
of your application. Please only submit an electronic copy or a hard copy but not both.).

• Photocopies of your most recent report card from the 2018-2019 (final semester report card which means
you will send this at the end of the semester but before the 1/19 deadline) school year, as well as your final
report card from the 2017-2018 school year only if you did not attend an Austin ISD school. If you want
first priority to shadow, please feel free to submit your application before the deadline and then email your
semester report card to the school at a later date but before the deadline.

• Photocopies of most recent STAAR/EOC scores or another standardized test score within the past two
years (*ITBS, ERB, PSAT, SAT, etc.) only if you did not attend an Austin ISD school. If you are
submitting a test score, it must have a reference to your national percentile rank.

• Two teacher recommendations by the deadline through the AISD Common Application.
• Ensure that you pick a day to take the LASA admissions test - CogAT (check calendar for dates and times).

Parents, if your child has a current testing accommodation plan because they are in special education or
504, please follow the procedures posted to our website on the Recruiting Calendar.

If you are sending a hard application, please send all documents to: Liberal Arts and Science Academy High
School, 7309 Lazy Creek Drive Suite 225, Austin TX 78724. Attention: Application 2019-2020.

*You will receive a confirmation email or phone call from LASA once we have your completed application. If
you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact Ms. Koerth at [email protected].
Before you contact Ms. Koerth, please check your spam or filter folder to ensure that the confirmation email
from LASA was not blocked. Again, please do not contact the office to check the status of your application as
we do not have an application department and processing 800+ applications, especially right before the
deadline is time consuming and we will not be able to return all of these inquiries. Please follow our process
and trust that we have received all of your application materials if you have received a confirmation email or
phone call. The deadline for receiving the application is January 19, 2019.

Student Signature 5

Student Recommendation and Evaluation Form to be completed by an

English or social studies teacher

The application postmark deadline is January 19, 2019.
Prospective student, please type or print the following boxed information clearly in black or blue ink (Teachers can also
complete this form electronically if the student sends them the form in the Common Application).
Parent and Student: The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, provides
students the right to inspect their records. This includes letters of recommendation submitted in the application process.
LASA carefully reviews all letters of reference. However, we find that letters written in confidence are most useful in
assessing a candidate’s qualifications and promise. By using the Student Recommendation form you are automatically
waiving your right to view these letters of reference. Contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

Student’s Name _________

(last name) (first name)

AISD Student ID Number ________________ Grade:_____ Current School ______

Recommending teacher: Please complete the remainder of the form in black or blue ink, and mail the form directly to LASA
High School, 7309 Lazy Creek Drive Suite 225, Austin TX 78724 or email to [email protected]. Teachers, you
can also complete the form electronically if the district sends you an email with the recommendation form link.

Please list the courses in which you have taught this student, and for each one, the type of course (e.g., regular, honors, pre-
AP, magnet, etc.) and the grade the student earned in the course:



Please place check marks in the boxes that represent your evaluation of this student in comparison to other students in his or
her age group whom you have taught. If you mark any box as Clearly Outstanding or Below Average, please expand on that

rating on the back of this sheet.

No Basis for Category Below Average Above Excellent Clearly
Evaluation Average Average
(Top 10%) Outstanding

Academic Achievement

Academic Potential

Intellectual Curiosity

Effort and Determination

Submits Work in a Timely Fashion

Ability to Work Independently



Willingness to Take Intellectual Risks

Concern for Others

Honesty and Integrity


Maturity (relative to age)


Respect Accorded by Faculty

Respect Accorded by Peers

Emotional Stability

Personal Character

Overall Rating

(over) 6

LASA Recommendation Form • Postmark deadline January 19, 2019

Please answer these questions for Middle AND any Private/Charter/Home School Applicants:
Does your school offer honors/pre-AP/magnet classes in English or social studies? (Circle one.) Y N
May any student take the courses or is there a process for eligibility? (Circle one.) Any student Process
If there is an eligibility process, please explain:

If so, what are the names of the English and social studies courses that your school offers?

How long have you known this student?
What words first come to your mind to describe this student?

Disregarding test scores, please rank this student’s academic performance in your class(es):

top 5% top 10% top 25% other

What are the student’s significant strengths and weaknesses? (You may wish to consider facility with
language, quality of writing, presentation and discussion skills, work habits, reaction to setbacks,
problem-solving skills, leadership, and rapport with teachers, peers, and others.)

Please add any additional information that will give us a more complete picture of the student.

Printed Teacher Name Teacher Signature Date

Mail the completed form directly to LASA High School, 7309 Lazy Creek Drive Suite 225, Austin TX 78724 or fax it to (512)
414-6050 or email to [email protected].

Questions? Please call 512 414 LASA or visit

Student Recommendation and Evaluation Form to be completed by a

math or science teacher

The application postmark deadline is January 19, 2019.
Prospective student, please type or print the following boxed information clearly in black or blue ink (Teachers can also
complete this form electronically if the student sends them the form in the Common Application).
Parent and Student: The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, provides
students the right to inspect their records. This includes letters of recommendation submitted in the application process.
LASA carefully reviews all letters of reference. However, we find that letters written in confidence are most useful in
assessing a candidate’s qualifications and promise. By using the Student Recommendation form you are automatically
waiving your right to view these letters of reference. Contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

Student’s Name _________
AISD Student ID Number
(last name) (first name)

Grade:_____ Current School

Recommending teacher: Please complete the remainder of the form in black or blue ink, and mail the form directly to LASA
High School, 7309 Lazy Creek Drive Suite 225, Austin TX 78724 or email to [email protected]. Teachers, you
can also complete the form electronically if the district sends you an email with recommendation form link.

Please list the courses in which you have taught this student, and for each one, the type of course (e.g., regular, honors, pre-
AP, magnet, etc.) and the grade the student earned in the course:



Please place check marks in the boxes that represent your evaluation of this student in comparison to other students in his or
her age group whom you have taught. If you mark any box as Clearly Outstanding or Below Average, please expand on that

rating on the back of this sheet.

No Basis for Category Below Average Above Excellent Clearly
Evaluation Average Average
(Top 10%) Outstanding

Academic Achievement

Academic Potential

Intellectual Curiosity

Effort and Determination

Ability to Work Independently

Submits Work in a Timely Fashion



Willingness to Take Intellectual Risks

Concern for Others

Honesty and Integrity


Maturity (relative to age)


Respect Accorded by Faculty

Respect Accorded by Peers

Emotional Stability

Personal Character

Overall Rating

(over) 8

LASA Recommendation Form • Postmark deadline January 19, 2019

Please answer these questions for Middle AND any Private/Charter/Home School Applicants:
Does your school offer honors/pre-AP/magnet classes in math or science? (Circle one.) Y N
May any student take the courses or is there a process for eligibility? (Circle one.) Any student Process
If there is an eligibility process, please explain:

If so, what are the names of the math or science courses that your school offers?

How long have you known this student?
What words first come to your mind to describe this student?

Disregarding test scores, please rank this student’s academic performance in your class(es):

top 5% top 10% top 25% other

What are the student’s significant strengths and weaknesses? (You may wish to consider facility with
language, quality of writing, presentation and discussion skills, work habits, reaction to setbacks,
problem-solving skills, leadership, and rapport with teachers, peers, and others.)

Please add any additional information that will give us a more complete picture of the student.

Printed Teacher Name Teacher Signature Date

Mail the completed form directly to LASA High School, 7309 Lazy Creek Drive Suite 225, Austin TX 78724 or fax it to (512)
414-6050 or email to [email protected].

Questions? Please call 512 414 LASA or visit


(#) – Designates where members of the class of 2018 matriculated and corresponding number enrolled
Agnes Scott College The University of Georgia Queen’s University
The University of Alabama (1) University of Glasgow (1) University of Redlands
University of Alabama at Birmingham Gordon College Reed College (1)
Alfred University Goucher College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1)
Allegheny College Grinnell College (1) Rhode Island School of Design (1)
American University (3) Guilford College Rhodes College (4)
Amherst College Hamilton College-NY Rice University (3)
Angelo State University (2) Hampshire College (1) Rochester Institute of Technology
Arizona State University (1) Harvard University (2) University of Rochester
The University of Arizona Harvey Mudd College Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
University of Arkansas Haverford College Rutgers University
Auburn University University of Hawaii at Manoa Saint Louis University
Austin College (3) Hendrix College (2) Saint Mary’s College of California
Austin Community College (3) Hiram College Sam Houston State University
Bard College (1) Hofstra University San Diego State University
Barnard College (1) Hope College University of San Diego
Bates College University of Houston (3) University of San Francisco
Baylor University (1) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Santa Clara University
Beloit College Indiana University at Bloomington Savannah College of Art and Design
Boston College Iowa State University Scripps College
Boston University (1) Ithaca College Seattle University
Bowdoin College Johns Hopkins University (1) Sewanee: The University of the South
Brandeis University (1) Kalamazoo College Simmons College (1)
Brigham Young University University of Kansas Skidmore College
University of British Columbia Keele University Smith College (1)
Brown University (1) Kenyon College University of South Carolina
Bryn Mawr College Lafayette College University of Southern California
Bucknell University (1) Lawrence University Southern Methodist University (1)
California College of the Arts (1) Lehigh University Southwestern University (1)
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Lewis and Clark College (1) University of St Andrews
University of California, Berkeley (1) Louisiana State University St. Edward’s University
University of California, Davis Loyola Marymount University (1) St. Lawrence University
University of California, Los Angeles (1) Loyola University Chicago St. Mary’s University
University of California, San Diego Macalester College St. Olaf College (1)
University of California, Santa Barbara Manhattanville College Stanford University (2)
University of California, Santa Cruz (1) Marist College Stephen F. Austin State University (1)
University of Cambridge (1) Marquette University Swarthmore College
Canisius College (1) University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Syracuse University (1)
Carleton College (2) University of Maryland, College Park (1) Tarleton State University
Carnegie Mellon University (2) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2) University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Case Western Reserve University (2) University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2) Texas A&M University (8)
Champlain College (1) McGill University (1) Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi (2)
College of Charleston Miami University, Oxford Texas A&M University, Galveston
University of Chicago (1) Michigan State University Texas Christian University (1)
University of Cincinnati (1) University of Michigan (1) Texas State University (5)
Clark University Middlebury College (1) Texas Tech University (2)
Clemson University University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (1) University of Texas, Arlington (2)
Cleveland Institute of Art University of Mississippi University of Texas at Austin (66)
Colby College University of Missouri University of Texas, Dallas (14)
Colgate University Missouri University of Science and Technology University of Texas, San Antonio (6)
Colorado College (1) Monash University University of Texas, Tyler (3)
University of Colorado at Boulder (5) Montana State University, Bozeman Trinity University (3)
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (1) Mount Holyoke College (1) University of Tsukuba-Japan (1)
Colorado School of Mines University of New Mexico (2) Tufts University (1)
Colorado State University New York University (1) Tulane University (2)
Columbia University (1) North Carolina State University (1) University of Tulsa (1)
Concordia University, Montreal (2) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Union College-NY
Cornell College University of North Carolina School of the Arts Ursinus College
Cornell University (6) University of North Texas (5) Utah State University (1)
Cuesta College (1) Northeastern University (2) University of Utah (1)
Dartmouth College (1) University of Notre Dame Vanderbilt University (3)
Davidson College (1) Oberlin College (1) Vassar College (1)
Denison University Occidental College University of Victoria
University of Denver The Ohio State University Villanova University
Drexel University Okayama University Virginia Tech
Duke University (1) The University of Oklahoma University of Virginia
Earlham College (1) Olin College of Engineering Washington University in St. Louis (2)
Eckerd College Oregon State University University of Washington (2)
University of Edinburgh (1) University of Oregon University of Waterloo (1)
Elon University University of the Pacific Wellesley College (2)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-AZ Pennsylvania State University (1) Whitman College (1)
Emerson College University of Pennsylvania Willamette University
Emory University (1) Pepperdine University College of William and Mary (1)
The Evergreen State College University of Pittsburgh Williams College
University of Florida Pitzer College (1) University of Wisconsin, Madison (2)
Fordham University (1) Pomona College (3) The College of Wooster
The George Washington University (1) Pratt Institute (1) Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Georgetown University University of Puget Sound (1) Yale University (1)
Georgia Institute of Technology Purdue University

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