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Published by meteorit, 2019-03-11 05:28:42



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Revival of Ancient Civilization

Presented by


Ancient Civilization of Archipelago
Filling Periodization of History - Lost of The Great Metallurgy Technology)

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EDITOR Abdul Hofur Ssc
Alexander Murfi
Toto Aji Nugroho Agoesrosi
Ni Made Anta Kesumadewi Sultan Wijaya
Bustanus Salatin
Aldi Dwiyanto Yurioputra Galuh Surya Alam
Bustanus Salatin
Hendrawan Yudi Susanto M Aziz
I Gusti Ngurah Adi Wicak- Prajogo Soebroto
Joe Agustine
CONTRIBUTOR Faqih Albuztumi
Saputra Sahid Al Tegalle
Suyanto Ilham Pradesa
Arik Hariyono Angin Timur
Tomomi ‘Sakura’ Ijuin
Acep Irawan Syarief Thayeb
Mas Karebet
THANK’S TO Sandy Kooswara
Eyang Abiyasa
Rikno Hariyadi Igdk Sanjiharta
Wayan Mustika Bimo Aryo
Tomy Hendrajana Mbah Jenggot
Rahmat Hidayat Catur Cinde
Hadi Dasmito
Budi Santosa Bledheg Samin
Vajra Dinata Rudy Candra Wilwatikta
Sony Mdz Solo
Deddy Endarto Arief Wibisono
Ki Hadjar Poerwatjarita Tony Kristanto
Ahmad Santika
PM. Angga Mulyono
Joko Surono KM Irfan
Sutawijaya NK
Niko Sigit Nurul Burhan
Akhmad Mabarun Junaidi Masriawan
Louisa Marinne Prameswari Uki Fatur
Senopati ing Ngayogyo (Agung) Teguh Bhirawa Putra Dewa
Damar Panji Anom Galeh Jatikusumo Jatikusumo:

Sudarsono Ranawidjaja ADP II
Arifudin Al Mahdi Masben Hadiwidjaja
Triyatno Galih
Agung Budi Setijadji Hayanto Hidayat
Sunu Subroto IB Andhika Paramartha Wiratanu

Nur Purwana Hidayat ADP II
Muhammad Syarifudin
Samson Aji R Budi S PawiroDiwiryo
Ki Joko Adisucipto Mas Wahyujati
Zainal Kaufi
Bagus Wima
Ahmad Hidayatullah


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R Widiyatma Raden Mas Gelung
Bambang Bw Samrat Diwangsa
Mangge Arifin Rio Martino
Samrat Diwangsa Guruh Priyo Jadmiko
Andrianto Hermawan
MN Totok Napak Tilas Jtv
Sunan Kaliprogo
Parto Wijaya Franklin Orzeszek
Didik Pasopati Junaidi Masriawan
Den Mas Dyan AM
Hengky Oktavianto Damar Alit Irwanto
Ryan Cool
Widiyanto Sastrowijoyo Putro Segoro Terto Gumilang
Gending Sriwijaya
Nogo Rolex Zaki Ozz
Câk Bhölör Mustakim Koto
Gagak Mayak Komang Odon
Narayan Narayan
Iponk Alakadarnya Hadi Dasmito
Alexa Ndria
Arzidan Ismail Jimmy Hariyanto Eka Wijaya
Yogie Hendro Triyogo
Poerwanto Uki Fatur
Muhamad Hanafi Lukman Pratama

Ades Miyanto Zainal Kaufi
Agus Kencono Supo Cantrix alam
Ronald Richardo Suwito Santri Mbeling
Kidipo Noyo Eric Sandi Soeharso
Frenky Simamura
Mawarq Nifa
Agunk Yudi Pemayun Damar Panji Anom
Sudarsono Ranawidjaja
RVC Nur Purwana Hidayat
Sultan Wijaya Reza Mirwanda
Hamid Andra Nasution
Fauzi Deta Novian Anantika Putra
Abe Turang Esap Mundi Hartono

Wind free
Abdul Hofur Ssc

Ryan Cool
Kadek Ari Errawan
Wawan Lotic Sheehan

Beka Haka Hodo
Kang Din Asuryana

Risana Hamarta Prasetiawan
Rista Aji

Mas Wahyujati
Didik Pasopati
Bustanus Salatin

Astawa Gede
Ahmad Hidayatullah
Ismail Putera Ibrahim

John Art
Nafi Ajatasatru

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We thank God for creating this e-album. As its blessing and favour, we

can finish our ambition. We also appreciate all participated in here. Their
determinations and spirits have improved this e-album accomplishment so
much. Each of us synergised in the purpose of making the teamwork stronger.
This e-album tells much valuable knowledge about some artefacts
that is predicted made using iron meteorite materials (wrought iron).
In this e-album, there are so many meteorite phrase mentioned.
Furthermore, its understanding refers to meteorite material until it is
proven by laboratory research. The texture in the artefacts is so unique
with many layers that make a question on how to make it in the ancient
period and which technology that can make such developed heirloom.
Though meteorite compositon from iron, nickel, titanium, silica, and
other metal elements, only a few can be created by the masters. The
titanium needs minimum heated more than 2.000 degrees Celcius.

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Hence, what technology in the past that was feasible with that heat.
The meteorite heirloom can surviva; for thousand years, even buried in
soil or water. For example, the cracks in meteorite blades are fibrous,
logically natural process needs a long time. The art of metal forging
was the highest technology in the ancient period base metallurgical
science. The entire team of this study is under the name of Landhep
Agung, the people who gathering together to offer something for
Indonesia’s beloved country is “gemah ripah loh jinawi” (peaceful
dan prosperous along with very fertile land). By this e-album, readers
can realise how rich Indonesia in cultures. Hopefully, this electronic
album may trigger awareness of young people to explore our culture.

The first chapter describes what the axe, axe type, axe function
in the stone age, bronze and metal, the use of axe in religious symbols
and daily life is. The team consists of various background people,
such as businessman, civil servants, cultural observers, heritage
collectors, teachers, special talent (indigo). The second chapter
displays many photographs of meteorite axe. Some of the shaped
have some manifestation with sword, trident, spear, and others.
Every region in Indonesia has their axe due to daily axeing function as
cutting trees, splitting woods, and others. At a glance, this meteorite
axe seemed like wood. The third chapter contains a summary of
free opinion about ancient culture in the past lover’s community of
friends, an opportunity that has been opened for days to complete
the e-album presence. Some of the team members who are very
important in their contribution to rare heirloom behind the scenes.

Those are what we can say about this e-album. This e-album is still
very far from perfectly. We apologise for every mistake we made, either
intentionally or unintentionally. Should the readers have some responses,
critics, and advices, we kindly wait for those for future improvement.

Jakarta, March 2019


Head of Landhep Agung

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Tomomi ‘Sakura’ Ijuin

Tomomi ‘Sakura’ Ijuin, a Japanese national, was born in Düsseldorf,

Germany in 1983. She graduated Culture and General Education from
the Tokyo Broadcasting Arts & Movie College (Jikei Gakuen COM Group).
She currently works as an organic & wellness tourism Ambassador for
the Bali Post Media group for good will and the promotion of Indonesia’s
art and cultures since 2011. She is also the Secretary General of the
specified non-profit corporation called World Kids Museum. WKM cultivates

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friendship of the children of the world through art mainly in Japan and
Indonesia and aims to expand to the rest of the world in the near future.

We are able to easily do our daily activities because of the helpful
tools we have in our lives. When humanity began, many amazing
things started to happen here on Earth. The stories made by people
throughout the years became the history of the world as we know it.

Nature plays a big part in our history, it helped us fulfill
and sustain our needs to survive. One of the tools that humans
have created to make our lives easier is an axe. In its early
beginnings, people carved stone to make these magnificent tools
in order to survive. It is used to hunt, fish and even make homes.

As the time goes by, axe became more than just a tool for hunting
and surviving in human civilization. After the primitive ages (time
periods), religion became more prevalent and, in some cultures, the
axe became a spiritual symbol. It also grew into becoming a symbol of
power and authority to the leaders of nation kingdoms. Fallen into the
wrong hands, it is used as a weapon of war to fight and conquer. But
the axe can do more than just take a life. It can also create, as it is an
important tool for farming and building activities. A single axe contains
many wisdoms as it can tell you when, where and how people lived
in the past. Whether it is stone or bronze, the materials used can help
pinpoint the exact date of when the axe is made and tell us a story of
the people of that time. One of the most special axes are made with
none other than a meteorite, which can be found at the Landhep Agung.

Holding an axe in your hands is like holding the history of our civilization.
Axe have played a very important role in our life and have helped us
endure and survive to the society we know today. Axe can be used for
positive things but also negative. Given to the wrong hands, it can used
to take a person’s life. We are all given a choice of how we use an axe. It
is an extremely helpful tool that can simplify and improve our way of life.

“Having a dream is like holding an axe in your hands, if you swing it
for the right reasons, it will help pave the way to a brighter future.”
It’s important to understand and appreciate our past because history

is a trace that WE ARE ALL ONE.

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The use of technology in
the ancient civilization of
the Indonesian archipelago
was already quite advanced.
It can be proven when we
examined the artefacts:
stone, metal, pottery or
precious stones in jewellery.

Also in the field of science

to survive in life, example

household appliances, tools

of agriculture and animal

husbandry, weapons,

medicine and many others.

One element of technology that

is considered very important is

Traces of Past Metal the mastery of metal technology.

Civilization of The Indonesian Because of the knowledge
Archipelago of the metal field has made a

Deddy Endarto significant domino effect for
Observer History & Culture of East Java other areas. Metal technology
in the Indonesian archipelago

Civilization of Indonesian contributed by the availability
Archipelago allegedly by of material in large quantities
expertise very old aged; there provided by the volcanoes
are those who say hundreds that exist. The uniqueness
of thousands of years earlier. that occurs bound in metal
Accompany by evidence processing technology both
of the findings of artefacts, species selection, mixed
and ancient humanities are composition melting furnace,
spread almost evenly in where every area of a specific
this region (Sumatra, Java, customary territory has its
Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara, formulation (The Pattern) itself.
Sulawesi, Maluku to Papua). The test of modern science

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when examining past metal as part of his creation.

civilization technologies. Moreover, it challenges

The results revealed that the modern science to

materials suspected to be seek answers to past

absent in the archipelago and technology that has lost.

even contains metallic materials I congratulate the drafting

derived from space (meteorites). team of LANDHEP AGUNG,

who has explored this e-album

When discussing the smelting and disseminated digital

furnace, modern science must evidence of masterpiece

again think hard to uncover the work from our predecessors

success of its predecessors in metal technology. May the

to reach the very high kiln next descendant child be

temperatures that in the modern inspired to be able to work

era still complicated to achieve as high as his ancestors.

in the medium-scale industry

that packed with technology.

The legendary story about the Friday Pahing, August 25th, 2017

past civilization in East Java Wuku Sinta, Je Year, Windu Sangara

that reached me. Personally, JAYA - JAYA - WIJAYANTI
it said that our predecessors Deddy Endarto untuk
were able to create a magnetic
aisle at specific mountain peaks. PERADABAN NUSANTARA
Which functions as a safety tube GLORY - GLORY - GLORIOUS

Deddy Endarto for
The Indonesian Archipelago civilization

meteorites that fall to the earth

so as not to be burned out by

the friction of the atmosphere as

it enters the Earth from space.

If only the invention of meteorite-
containing metal artefacts only a
few, I might ignore the legend’s
story. However, it not found in
the field, many custom areas
in the Indonesian archipelago
already use meteorite

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It took about five years to logically at that time, there was

realise the desire to create an also a great heirloom of the

electronic album associated Indonesian archipelago, which

with the heirlooms of the had seemed to disappear

Indonesian archipelago from the general conversation

which, according to the initial about its existence.

analysis contains meteorites.

By rule of thumb or what

To ensure the composition of commonly known, the

the present metal mixture in presence of meteorite

the heritage slats need further heirlooms will be known

research, but considering in the Jenggala and

the expensive research Singosari periods until the

costs and the limitations of mid-period of Majapahit.

technology in this country.

Moreover, along with the

In the personal opinion of the increasing scarcity of

authors, it is necessary to meteorites and also wrought

hold a symposium or seminar precious iron techniques the

which discusses the existence more advanced and able

of the inherited heirlooms of to make the prestige of the

the Indonesian archipelago higher level of difficulty and

which was presumed to exist continue to grow in the era

even before the ninth century of Mataram after the entry of

AD known as the ancient Islam on the island of Java.

civilizations or the Megalithic.

The existing meteorite

With the discovery of the heirlooms are increasingly

megalithic site (Gunung rare to find. Its existence

Padang site Cianjur), which seemed to suddenly buried

is estimated to be older than with the emergence of the

the Egyptian culture and much heirloom legacy of the famous

more significant than Borobudur master at the time with his

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masterpiece of golden creation metal elements? Theamount of

with a more beautiful and meteorite variety is very large.

more prestigious form. The However, only a few can be

palace heirlooms began to made inherited by the masters.

emerge from the hand’s of For further discussion attempted

powerful masters and famous. regarding this meteorite will

be discussed separately.

The texture of heirlooms

meteorite that looks so As a general illustration, if their

complicated with thousands meteorite contains titanium,

of layers on the blade that then the required heat is at least

seems impossible we can above 2,000 degrees Celsius.

count it makes us always ask

how heirlooms were made? Was the question than using

what technology to produce

Various stories revolved about such high heat? Is there a

the process of making, from missing periodicity? Facts have

things that can be logical shown the current variety of

to stuff outside of logic. Is artefacts founded, and also

it true that the heirloom the legacy of the Indonesian

contains the meteorite? archipelago deserves tobe

dug deeper into existence.

The first series of electronic

albums raised the issue of an Meteorite heirlooms in which

axe which displays the wrought great titanium mixture will

iron of the great Indonesian be able to withstand rust

archipelago. Iftruecontains attack for periods estimated

meteorites, how to melt to thousands of years.

meteorite stones that require

heat to thousands of degrees. Though we deeply understand,

the ability of the heirlooms

In general, what known that are estimated to contain

as iron meteorite contains a mixture of meteorites

elements of iron, nickel, will be able to survive

silicate, titanium, and other thousands of years even

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buried in the soil or water. than the writing section.

If you look closely, the cracked The primary purpose of
cracks found in the heirlooms this e ~ album presence is
are known to be very strong, to invite readers to realise
logically the natural process completely how rich this
takes quite a long time. country not only from the side
of natural resources but also
Compared with metal elements from a variety of cultures that
that only use iron only, then the have thousands of islands.
object will soon be destroyed Not all young people have
when experiencing oxidation the opportunity to witness
with the surrounding air. first hand the beauty of our
Similarly, although as small ancestral heritage. It is this
as a hair or paper thin though spirit that initially inspires the
still intact because the rust creator to be with those who
is only limited to stick to the share the same vision, doing
surface alone, this fact is work together, no matter how
indeed a proof of the progress small it may bring benefits.
of the past civilization of our
ancestors in the art of metal The material presented in this
forging which is now known e-album like salt on the beach.
as metallurgical science. Hopefully, this step can be
followed by by other friends so
What has written in the e ~ that our treasurer insights could
album as an introduction to be widened. The opportunity
the series of the existence of to come to the museum is
forging meteorite archipelago felt less and less from the
is indeed going to come out years, so if it continues to
of the unhampered writing beleave undoubtedly will have
standards that exist, so we do a less good impact and need
not use the e-book terminology. to be immediately solved.
The term of e-album One such idea is through the
becomes more appropriate unlimited dissemination of
because the presence of the information through effective
image is more dominance and efficient social media.

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movement of the Indonesian

Since the information is very archipelago more targeted.

difficult to obtain because the

reference is minimal and difficult In this e-album

to achieve, what is in this compilation team

e-album we agreed first limited consists of several people

to the initial trigger for further with different backgrounds,

research and for which already some are writers, as well

based on a particular study as work as a remarkable

can still be developed again young mastermind,there are

from another point of view. businessman, entrepreneurs,

civil servants and private,

Writing in the first chapter cultural observers, heritage

(introduction), also, to briefly collectors, teachers, people

alluded to what the axes, with unique talents (indigo)

types, functions in the stone as well as people who for

age, bronze and metal the last 5 years are close

used to axe in religious compilers and have many

symbols and daily life is. discussions related to

precious iron weapon of

The authors also requested Indonesian Archipelago world.

writings from several

speakers to convey The purpose of the compilers

their views or opinions brings opinions or view

That is free and candid for points from these diverse

taking pictures of the real backgrounds, to show to all of

conditions in the field. Even the us that the world outside there

writer is on average beyond are still many people who want

the main players in the world and care to do something for

of iron precious weapon or this nation. More of love and

precious iron. This is in line respect the long history of this

with the initial goal of continuing country journey and not merely

to expands the scope of its eyes eroded by sparkling

readers precisely from outside foreign influences that will

the iron valuable weapon lover make the next generation

community. For the cultural love can forget the history of

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the Indonesian archipelago. is very close to Ganesha or
Begawan Parashu Rama or
Furthermore, entering chapter, Eyang Bargowo in puppet
the authors specifically display story on the island of Java.
photographs meteorite axe
(wrought iron), here we invite If observed, every axes
readers to see more closely how each have their uniqueness.
the ancient civilization artefacts. Still associated with
For example, many people from manner, even this diverse
Bali well known about axe, but forms and many that
when we asked about axe’s resemble the shape menu.
meteorite they said never seen it.
At first glance from the
At least though only limited compiler experience, most
to look at the photos in the people from a distance see
e-album, but to be able to give it as wood, but when they
a more detailed pictures, then try to pick it, up, they realise
the magnitude of heirloom it is not wood (innumerable
(cm) and weight dimensions layers upon layer on the
as (grams) are immediately heirloom looks like wood
known. The manifestation of fibre). This experince is
intersection between antiques what the authors mean as
also has emerged from the an invaluable heritage of
first, for example, axe with the Indonesian archipelago.
a sword, axe with a trident,
axe with spear and others. Chapter III (as well as a
concluding chapter) contains
In Bali and the other urban a summary of an iron precious
cities in Indonesia must have its weapon lover’s community
picture when hearing the term of friends, an opportunity
of a shaft. Because in everyday that has opened for days
life is used to cut down trees, to complete the e-album
splitting wood and others. presence. However, it is not
entirely willing to provide
Moreover, still about religious input or constructive criticism
life in Bali, the figure of the axe and hope for the future.

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Acknowledgements are

also conveyed to all

friends, whether directly or

indirectly involved in the

preparation of this e ~ album.

It is not possible for us
mentioned their names
one by one, even though
some of them are very
worthy to the contribution
of their services to get the
rare heirloom, but some
of them still choose to
be behind the scenes.

This e~album is very far from

perfect, as the first edition

of course in time will later

develop towards perfection.

Various improvements

need to made for the spirit

of offering something

more comprehensive for

the country. Sincerely for

waiting and sharing opinions

making some corrections.

Arik Hariyono
Jakarta, March, 2019

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Forging Technology Objects
Heirloom of The Indonesian Archipelago

By: Ki Hadjar Poerwatjarita

Humans and cultures revolve the past, even though more lost.
in three forms: culture,
sosiofact, and artefacts. On this occasion, we will not

describe the period of the ancient
Since prehistoric times, humans times-the history of relics of the
have used weapons for survival. past. Regarding the period of
The quality of the weapons history, we will convey at another
produced also continues to opportunity. In Southeast Asia,
grow, from prehistoric times many weapons made of high-
- ancient times – medieval quality metals. In Indonesia,
times, until the new age. Over weapons such as “keris”, spear,
the objects of the relics of the and sword built on the element
past, prehistory is divided of earth metal combined with
into two periods, namely the the metal from the sky obtained
stone age and the metal age. by melting the meteorite rock.

Every era has different In the discipline of the most
techniques in producing recent cultural studies, cultural
weapons. Technique in products always experience the
making weapon participates reinterpretation of meaning from
experienced evolution or time to time. Such phenomena we
development from time to call the postmodern period where
time. These developments, of definition still contested. Scientific
course, consider the value of studies cannot easily shift this
use. The findings of artefacts cultural reality. The mental nature
such as reliefs, inscriptions, of the eastern society is in the
descriptionsof“lontar”aswellas physical and spiritual dimension.
manuscripts, though few, were
able to contribute to the building The East uses three ways of
of historical constructions of thinking of once, namely: mythic,

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ontological, and functional. Of Based on the assumption of
course,thisdoesnotfittheWestern the Serat Pustaka Raja Purwa
societieswayofthinkingregarding we can give the mythological
the philosophical developmental interpretations of the concept
tradition; where the old way of “Mother Earth Father of
of thinking replaced by a new Space” underlying the idea
way of thinking revolutionarily of creation. The heirlooms
and can be massive accepted. produced in the royal era

contained minerals consisting
Regardless of the data of the of iron, steel, and blade pattern.
inscription, our poets have written
historical studies of the ancestors Blade Pattern in “Keris” taken
of the Indonesian nation. For from meteorite raw materials
example, the information for which of course very rare and
making “keris” for the first time expensive. The teachings of
in Java land which is marked by “Mother Earth Father Space”
the “anembah warastraning beautifully recuperated in the
rat” (152 AD). Mpu Ramadi first form of artefacts by the masters
performed the making of “keris” by melting the minerals derived
duringthereignofKingMahadeva from earth and minerals from
Buda of Medhangkamulan. The meteor rocks that fall from space.
first keris that created was “Sang Thus, heirlooms for the Eastern
Larngatap” and “the Pasopati”. nation not only serve as weapons

of war but have mythic-religious
The information contained in functions. This theme will be
sheet Pustaka Raja Purwa, the expressed at length on another
writings of our scholars in the past, occasion as well. The technique
have always been considered of making heirloom weapons is
fairytalesbyWesternresearchers. by mixing the metallic materials
The impact, until now, our which processed using forging
nation no longer interpret all the conducted over the forge.
phenomena in our way of thinking.
All the photocopies of the Western As the use of the metal ores
idea then came to a generation from meteorites for Blade
that was nervous about itself. Pattern apply, they are usually

heated (covered like a boiling

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procedure) with a non-copper heated. Then it is forged into
container, then clumps of dirt one rod of material that is split
will appear. Then the surface again into two parts. Between
of a manufactured weapon the two pieces, then inserted
cleaned smoothly. Another another steel. The three metal
favourite way to do is to process rods are later joined together by
the blade pattern metal material heated and repeatedly forged.
that is forged or galvanised,
cut, then forged continuously Below we submit the table
to produce weapons blade comparison of the use of
pattern. The method used by metal materials and keris
unifying white steel with flames folding techniques (regarding
rock through a kind of welding the era) results of research
process. The material is then Harsrinuksma & Lumintu.
cut into five elongated and
square shapes. The pieces The results of this study would
then arranged stacked and be enough to give us a picture of

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how complicated the production Axe weapons are needed by

of a special heirloom in the past. coastal communities to build

wooden boats. The shaft is also

Next, we will look at how our required by the inland people to

ancestors filtered out ancient cut timber and to tighten the flesh

mythology derived from of animals Even to this day; the

Purana sources. Backyard leather puppets still use an axe

found a small number of metal to pierce the skin. The discovery

weapons with axe pattern with of the ancient heirloom- shaped

weight reaching 9 kg. There are axe, for a while we can interpret

many thoughtful commentaries that in Java, there has been a

in response to these findings. group of people who worship

the heroism of Bhargawa.

On this occasion, we will deliver

an analysis based on ancient The worship is not aberrant

storiesthatalreadyexist.Parasu behaviour. The reason,

Rama or Rama Bargawa is a Bhargawa itself and then get

spirited figure of a knight with the label as the incarnation of

Brahmanic blood. One form of Vishnu, which later shifted by

narrative that still holds a big axe Arjuna Sasra Bahu. Thus, it is

in the realms of Ramayana and possible that axes of iron, steel,

Mahabharata. Although it may and titanium-meteorite swords

be called a duplicate, it is more that found were the heirlooms of

appropriate to call it telesan. greatness for the sake of ritual,

not a weapon of the war that

In mythological studies, we used for everyday purposes.

are familiar with the concept Tlasinrat, Klaten,
of mimesis. Humans tend to

produce behaviour as well as August 24th, 2017

objects based on old references.

For example, the action of the

ascetic (imitate the brahmans

and clerics of the past), make the

building of the palace (mimic the

pattern or mandala universe).

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Precious Iron Forging Technique (Wrought Iron)

By: Vajra Dinata

The history of Indonesian Ar- buildings scattered throughout
chipelago civilization, divid- the universe of the Indonesian
ed into three parts name- archipelago, proving a change
ly the Prehistoric Period, the of civilization based on the clas-
classical period (Hindu-Bud- sification of technology tools and
dhist) and the Islamic Period. materials in use at that time, rang-

ing from stone, bronze and iron.
The prehistoric period began from
millions of years ago to about In archaeology, the Iron Age is
the 5th century, the classical pe- a state of development of hu-
riod around the 5th-15th centu- man culture in which the use of
ry, and the Islamic period from iron for the manufacture of tools
the 15th century to the present. and weapons is very dominant.

The use of this new material, in
The lack of a written record of the a society, often includes chang-
historyofIndonesianArchipelago- es in farming practices, religious
civilization in the past makes it dif- beliefs, and artistic styles, al-
ficult to uncover this past perenni- though this is not always the case.
al, so to make a theory, we must
gatherevidenceandartefactsthat Classically, the Iron Age is con-
scattered throughout our mar- sidered to begin in the Dark
velousIndonesian archipelago. Ages of Greece in the 12th cen-

turyBC and the Ancient Near
The discovery of artefacts in the East,11th century BC in India,
Indonesian Archipelago civili- and between the 8thcentury BC
zation is in the form of tools of (CentralEurope) and 6th century
stone, fragments of pottery, stat- BC(Northern Europe ) in Europe.
ues of stone elephants, jumping
stones, sarcophagi, paintings The iron Age relates to a stage
and hand stamps on cave walls, in which iron production is one of
stone and bronze statues. The precious Iron Forging Technique
stupa inscriptions and temple (WroughtIron)ByVajraDinatathe

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most complex forms of metal- orite. So not all meteor rocks

crafts. The hardness of iron, high that fall into the earth contain

melting point, and abundant iron iron and can be made evenly.

ore source, make iron more pre-

ferred and cheaper than bronze, Iron in wrought iron has a very dis-

which affects the choice of iron as tinctive texture resembles wood,

the most commonly used metal. also, to secure, not easily bro-

ken and resistant to rust, if the

Objects of the iron age not found age-consumed need to be fibrous

because of its easy to rust. because of the way of making it

The relics of ancient iron arte- traditionally in the forging and

facts in Nuswantara especially folding. Such as photo samples.

come from the classical period

of Hindu Buddhism (5M-15M) Europe has been very intensive,

and the Islamic Age, because so there are many exchanges

at that time, contact with oth- and transfer of technology be-

er nations in Asia and Europe tween nations. Iron weapons

was so intensive that there was and artefacts that can survive to

much exchanging and transfer this day can be made of various

of technology between nations. iron(ironwhichhasotherelements)

and is a type of wrought iron.

Iron weapons and artefacts

that can survive to this day can In the past, our ancestors gained

be made of various iron(iron iron in various ways, some ob-

which has other elements)and tained from the sand of the sea,

is a type of wrought iron. In rocks of the earth containing

the past, our ancestors gained iron and iron meteorites from the

iron in various ways, some ob- sky that fell to the earth. Espe-

tained from the sand of the sea, cially this last one, of all meteor

rocks of the earth containing rocks that fall to earth, only about

iron and iron meteorites from 5.7%arejusttypeofironmeteorite.

the sky that fell to the earth.

So not all meteor rocks that

Especially this last one, of me- fall into the earth contain iron

teor rocks that fall to earth, only and can be made weapons.

about 5.7% type of iron mete- page | 25

Iron in wrought iron, has a very dis- wrought, more rust resistant, not
tinctive texture resembles wood, because of mystical, but if un-
also too loud, not easily broken scientific can prove scientifically.
and resistant to rust, if the-con- Thistypeofironbar,whenviewed
sumed need to be fibrous, be- atthemicroscopiclevel,hassilica
cause of the way of making it tra- that becomes the flux that coats
ditionally the forging and folding. the iron. This coalition prevents

the exchange of electrons from
Ore followed by the process of iron to oxy-Bloomeries (a fur-
forging and recurring preparation. nace in which iron ore is melted
Iron produced from this traditional and produces ferrous metals) is

used charcoal-heated smelters in can be done, among others:
the form of small pots or ladles, 1. Using an electron micro-
where there poured and then scope to see the cross-sec-
closed,withathinlayerofcharcoal. tional structure of iron.

2. Spectrometry to deter-
The charcoal blew by the air; the mine the percentage of met-
heat produced will melt the iron al and any chemical ele-
gen in the oxidation process. Need ments present in the iron.
more metaphorically further in 3. 3D Neutron X-Ray Im-
metallurgy weapon iron findings aging, to estimate when
in Indonesian Archipelago such the last iron is in the heat.
as kris, axe, spear, and memory. 4. Carbon Dating C14, if there

is any remaining wood or oth-
Currently, several searches er organic material still at-

page | 26

tached to the iron artifact.
This coalition prevents the ex-
change of electrons from iron to
oxygen in the oxidation process.

An iron battle axe with its original wooden haft still intact. Circa10th
/11th century in date, it recovered from the Robe River, Co Mayo, Ireland.

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Jakarta, 20 Agustus 2017

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The Falling Star Meteorite !


Bintang Jatuhku Let this paper begin with the
Waktu aku sedang sendiri lyrics of a song titled Bintang
adakah kau tetap mengerti Jatuhku belonging to the band
semua temanku telah pergi PopPunk from Yogyakarta
dan engkaupun tiada disini Endang Soekamti, which
Malam-malam seperti ini in my opinion can represent
sungguh sangat tidak berarti the feeling when looking at
mula-mula bintangpun pergi the night sky called dark,
dan langitpun gelap sekali craving the falling Star:
Meteorite. Not much to do
“other than just wait and see”.

Hingga aku sadarkan diri It’s interesting in July –August
engkau lewat di depanku every year, as quoted from: h t
Bintang jatuh kau janjiku t p : / / e a r t h s k y. o r g / a
jangan kecewakan aku stronomy essentials/earthskys-
jangan pernah kau coba tuk meteor-shower-guide,

wujudkan dirimu dulu August 11-13, 2017 is the
Mungkin memang sudah day of meteor shower from
Constellation of Perseus
takdirku Stars, known to international
semuanya harus begini astronomers as “The
tak ada yang dapat ku Perseid Meteor Shower”,
where ever in 2015 so
lakukan many falling stars moved
selain hanya wait and see from Perseus Constellation
Star dubbed “Skyfall”.
Jika aku sadarkan diri
engkau lewat di depanku Who is Perseus? He was a
figure in Greek mythology
By: Endank Soekamti who was able to chop off

page | 31

the head of Medusa The creations, as evidenced by

Warmed Lady of the Gorgon, the air friction in the Earth

who was immortalized Shield’s atmosphere with the

by the Greeks giving the chunks that make it smoldering

name of the constellation increasingly eroded the air it

of stars in the dark sky. passes to fulfill the laws of nature,

following Earth’s Gravitational

This constellation in China is Style Core Earth Magnet to

called Tianchuan or Sky Ship, land on Earth Mother Earth.

a ship built as a memorial to

the great flood disaster that The admiration of the eteorite’s

has the destructive force characteristics of how it is

that usually falls in August. present on earth, what its mineral

content is: iron or stony iron,

Based on the science of “titen” from where the constellation

(meticulously scrutinize) can moves and falls onto the

be concluded meteor that earth, and how to get it more

came to earth in this August, “accidental”, makes Meteorites

it can be said a large-energy more unique and a special place.

meteor, bringing energy

changes on earth, especially Surely it is no accident that

the Northern Hemisphere the Mustika of Heaven is

weather, according to present to the earth without His

the location of this star permission. Surely with the above

constellation in the sky north. characteristics, harmony with

the nature of our ancestors kris

As we have seen that master of Indonesia, in the 12-

Meteorid is known as sky 13 centuries Meteorite became

special objects, which of a favorite as a maker of kris.

course with the above

description, this month is the Excepted from (

month of harvest meteorite. w w w. m e r d e k a . c o /p e

The particular meteor is that r i s t i w a / c a r a - e m p u -

it is processed by pure nature t a n a h - j a w a - d a p a t k

before there is metallurgical a n - m e t e or- untuk-bahan-

touch of the human taste keris.html) reportedly so:

page | 32

“Benny explained that another The admiration of the Meteorite

research onducted by Prof. Dr. will not be cracked by the

Ir. Mardjono Siswosuwarno who times. The end of this paper

is also a lecturer of Materialist I close, with a small story

Engineering (Materials of childhood experience

Engineering) Bandung Institute first, where Mom told me:

of Technology strengthens the

raw material of kris especially “Son, when you look up at

in the era of Majapahit and the night sky, and you see the

Mataram Sultan Agung stars moving, you quickly ask

many use meteor material. Him whatever is good, your

dreams. It will come true “...

The big question is where Keep watch ready with the

the masters get the meteors spirit, Let’s wait and see .....

as the material of kris, spear

and sword. “The old masters Pudakpayung - Semarang,

like to stay up tirakatan (do August 25th, 2017

something ascetic (fast, etc)

in order to fulfill a wish or Day 400 assignment

commemorate an event) and on the island of Java

see the sky a lot, when there Home base

is a falling meteorite rock

they hunt him search through

the method of alignment with

nature / nature transformation.

The meditation method or
concerned for the masters in
Java is a conventional method
of detecting metal. The move
was done because they the
master believe in addition to
having a great content, the
material from the sky has a
tremendous natural power.

page | 33

The Maker of the Meaning of the Heritage Is

By: Tomy Hendrajana

Iron precious weapon or be preserved its existence.
Precious Iron very attached However, those who can judge
to the cultural life of the these objects inheritance or just
Indonesian nation. Shapes ordinary objects are ourselves.
and types are diverse, and the Rinjani, August 23rd, 2017
most and often we encounter .
are kris, sword, spear and Rinjani, August 23rd, 2017
“badik” (a small dagger).

Besides being a practical
weapon of war or simply used
as a symbol, “tosan aji” is also
commonly encountered in the
form of working tools for the
daily life of Indonesian society.

The types include machetes,
“kudhi”, “kacip”,
“nanggolo” (fish catching
tool), sickle and an axe.
The manufacture of these
tools mostly uses stone
materials, ferrous metals,
bronze and also meteorites.

The use of iron and meteorite
to get a better quality of
equipment, especially in
durability. Of the many tools
that we rarely encounter is the
axe, which in its use is very
flexible as a tool of stonework
as well as a practical
weapon. In the present era
the remains of the relics are
many who consider it as an
heirloom, and indeed it should

page | 34

Indonesia Rich in Cultures

By: Rahmat Hidayat

The Indonesian archipelago the Indonesian archipelago
is famous for its various Heirloom is a meteor element.
cultural treasures. Both the Meteor rocks that fall to the
material culture and non- earth through very high heat
material culture, which makes are essential elements in
the world famous archipelago. the making of heirlooms.

One of the ancestral In the culture of the Indonesian
heritage cultures that are archipelago, the union of iron,
highly admired by the world the steel derived from the earth
is related to the material with meteor stones derived
culture that is the presence from the sky, is like the union
of Indonesian archipelago of the mother (earth) with
heirloom which has long been the father (space) that can
recognised by the world as produce new compounds that
a unifying tool of the nation. are extraordinary both from

the physical and metaphysical
My study related to the in the study community of
culture of the nation, which is the Indonesian archipelago.
the existence of Indonesian
archipelago heirloom which so Meteor became an heirloom,
far is not foreign in Indonesian the people of the Indonesian
society is Indonesian archipelago call it a meteorite
archipelago heirloom whether heirloom. Although a complex
it is keris, spear, and sword. understanding of the
Which created from the art community associated with the
of master in the era who heritage, if in my opinion, only
can process iron, steel and dominant berdetnya whether
other supporting elements. or not a lot or at least the

meteor content of an heirloom.
Equally important in making

page | 35

During this time due to the lack heirlooms of the Indonesian
of writing on how, composition, archipelago, now with this
etc., in the making of heirlooms electronic album, we are
made of meteor, can be said very easy to access the
as the science of making nation’s children. Limitations
the lost heirloom, in addition of space distance and time
to the increasing scarcity of do not dampen the spirit of
materials (meteor stones) the nation to continue and
are also rarely the current develop the national identity
master masters who are good one of them with a culture
at making heirloom meteorite associated with the Indonesian
like the former masters. archipelago heirloom.

Therefore considering the Congratulations and success
limitations of literature/writing I said to accompany the
on the science of making the electronic publishing of
meteorite heirlooms, the task this album. Thanks to the
we are now as the successor entire team of compilers
of the nation, should take of the Landhep electronics
care, save and preserve album whose name I can
the nation’s high culture, so not mention one by one,
as not to be lost in the era. for his willingness to work
and share with the nation’s

I strongly support the big step, children through the electronic
for the preparation of this publishing of this album.

electronic book, because dg
technology, we can take the Glory my country, Glory my
positive side, with the aim is

none other than to preserve Greetings of culture,

the culture through technology. Gending, Probolinggo,

Hopefully, our children and August 21st, 2017

grandchildren in the future,

there is no reason that there

is no literature on the Meteorit

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Ganesha god from My Point of View

By: Wayan Mustika

GaneshaisaGodofSciencewho Lotus Flower / Book: Symbol of
has four hands. Ganesha has Science. Ganesha, the figure
many titles, including Ganapati of this fat God and elephant-
and Wigneswara. Each name headed is familiar in our daily
has different meanings and lives. Ganesha becomes an icon/
symbolizes various aspects symbol of important institutions,
of the character of Ganesha. schools, or study centres as a

symbol of science and wisdom.
The name Ganesha is a
compound word in Sanskrit, Ganesha has a large head with
consisting of the word Gana, twolargeearsandanarrowedeye.
meaning group, crowd, or Big head symbolizes us as human
grouping system, and Isha, beings should use more sense
meaningrulerorleader.Hereisthe than physical in solving problems.
symbolic meaning of Ganesha:
Prayer beads: The unfinished While the slanted eye
Knowledge Symbol; Symbol of means concentration. The
Wisdom & Spiritual Knowledge. mind must be directed to

positive things to improve
Axe: Symbol of Disintegrating reasoning and knowledge.
Obstacles and Obstacles; Coat
of War Nature. Ivory broken): The Ganesha also has two large ears
symbol of self-sacrifice to solve that teach us to listen to others
problems that hinder progress. more. We always hear, but rarely
Snake Shawl that propagates dowelistentootherswell:“Listento
upward: A magnificent Power the utterances that purify the soul
Symbol. The saucer contains the and absorb knowledge with your
sweetness sucked by the trunk: ears.” Ganesha broke one ivory
Symbol of Pleasure obtained to scratch the Scriptures on the
after blocking obstacles and top of the table. One ivory means
obstacles; The endless emblem unity. This symbol suggests that
of the Source of Science. man should unite for one noble

& holy purpose. Then Ganesha

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also had a small, almost invisible, in Ganesha’s left hand is a
mouth as she closed her trunk, bowl of candied milk. Finally,
greedily “inhaling” the candied there is a mouse that is always
milk of knowledge in her hands. near Ganesha. Rats, like the

nature of the original animal,
That little mouth teaches us are animals that are full of lust.
to control the motion of the He ate anything to satisfy the
mouth and tongue. The point desires of his stomach. Thus
is that we have to reduce the rats become symbols of lust
no-nonsense talk. While the in Ganesha. Then why the rat
prolonged trunk symbolizes became a Ganesha mounted
efficiency and high adaptation. heavy & high body is this?

Switch to the great Ganesha Mice or lust should be

body: subdued. We must be able

The first thing we see must to make passions as vehicles

be his stomach because the so we can control them, but

stomach is indeed bloated. many humans are now the

Ganesha is always spoiled vehicles of their own lust.

by Parvati’s mother, wife of

Lord Siva as a favourite child. Writer’s Point of View

Belly stomach symbolizes the The elephant’s head shape: the

balance in accepting the good elephant’s head represents the

and bad world turmoil. The world form of an intelligent thought

is overwhelmed by something or has a large brain capacity.

in pairs, the two opposite pairs. Elephant ears: elephant ears

There are happy, it is also sad. mean sensitive to all information

There is noon, there is also night. means it can absorb all

There is a gloomy face of sadness information regardless of right

behind our joyful laughter. And or wrong its information, wide

on the contrary, there is joy and ear describes the absorption

spirit behind our loneliness. That of information from the public

is life, and we must realize it. (from all sides). Elephant

eyes: elephant eyes that look

The Ganesha symbol holds an narrow or narrowly symbolize

axe. Axe means crushing all attentively on everything.

obstacles in the work. Meanwhile, Elephant’s nose: represents

page | 38

the ability to predict far ahead. wood splitting, as part of nature)

Body fat: it means having enough

data for consideration in making Ivory: a natural weapon that

a decision. Generally used as comes from the body of an

a symbol of intelligence such elephant, meaning it can master

as the shape of a statue that aspects of the most important

resides in the Prambanan temple aspect of the human body

so that it can be used to arm

As for the brief explanation of themselves naturally / without

the trunk / nose of the Ganesha the help of tools outside the body.

statue dangling towards the bow

on the left which contains the Driving mice

blank (Indonesian version), this The context of the meaning of

can be interpreted as follows, if it mice refers more to the nature

would predict something should of these mice. First, the mice

be done with careful and detailed have a resilient nature, the

logic considerations, so that fighting ability to survive is also

when a reason or a prediction high, has a good production

submitted can be clearly ability and has a keen sense

accepted by various parties or of smell. Although on the

circles. Ganesha hands other one hand including animals
than holding a bowl. The rest that seem weak but. on the

holds something: Prayer Beads: other side of the mouse has

implies that we learn something a high level of intelligence.

should be done in sequence (not

arbitrary). Axe: deciphering a

multi-function weapon in addition

to being used for self-defense,

can be interpreted as a leader

(because at the time the axe

is considered as a symbol of

strength and firmness), or it can

be interpreted to predict or predict

the state of nature, so as to align Nusa Dua, Bali, 20 Agustus 2017
itself with nature (axe function can

also be interpreted as a tool of

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The Story of the Journey Know the Meteorite Heirloom

By: PM. Angga

When getting information who can teach me about it.
that I can give a free opinion
or point of view about the The longer I became more
heirlooms that allegedly sensitive with the energy of
contain meteorites, especially things, then I began to gather
about the axe heirloom some amulets and stuffing stuff,
discussed in this electronic after a long time with amulets
album, frankly it is an honour and stuffing I was interested
for me to be able to share in “keris” and “badik” because
experiences related to this. I felt the “energy” of “keris”

and “badik” was much above
It is said that this is a proud than the talisman I have ever
moment for me personally kept (then lost one by one).
because the ancient heirlooms
that look to contain a mixture of Awhile interact with kris and
meteorite stones are one of the increasingly feel the existence
fillers of my long story of life. of energy harmony, around

the end of 2013 I began to
For that moment when I was see heirlooms meteorite
asked to write an opinion about heirlooms uploaded on the
personal experience related to FB. The more I noticed there
the heirloom, of course, I have was a sense of curiosity to
to recall the origin I started to get to know him more closely.
like and know these heirlooms.

Since the beginning of
My interest begins with my interest in that kind of
the “strangeness” of being heirloom is due to its energy
able to feel the “energies” element contained in it,
of an object, and I also then I began to feel a flow
start looking for someone of pure energy that made

page | 40

my curiosity getting bigger.

Indeed, I have to admit that

That’s why I began to interact the uniqueness of meteorite

more closely with some heirlooms will feel many folds if

heirlooms of meteorites that they hold the heirlooms directly,

I had the opportunity to hold starting from the painting to

directly. I am increasingly the cracks/fragments inscribed

aware that the heirlooms on the meteorite heirloom,

of the meteorite have their as if giving us a hint that this

own unique energy and heirloom has passed through

from what I feel some of the great history of world

these heirlooms have the civilization that may have not

pure energy (this is from my been solved by scientists.

own understanding side).

This writing is my subjective

So I began to save some of view of seeing the heritage

the heirlooms of the meteorite, from the esoteric heirloom is

and it is true that this type of then look at the value of art,

heritage does have a great because for me every object has

mystery for me, plus references its own memory and only the

concerning the heritage are energy embedded in the object

very minimal even almost that can tell about the long

nothing. And if anything just history that has been through.

circulated in certain circles.

Palu, August 21st, 2017

Meteorite heirloom for me

still leaves a great mystery

how our ancestors at that

time have been very familiar

with aligning the energy

contained in the meteorite

so as to use it in their daily

life, it can be seen with some

kind of heirloom meteorite

that is shaped outside of the

attack weapon or survive. page | 41

My First Love On Heirlooms

By: Toto Aji Nugroho

The beginning of my interest very heavy test, ranging from
in the iron precious weapon the burn (forging) to punch
when I was in high school (trials) until finally become
around 1994 (so caught his an iron precious weapon
age was old). At that time I that beautiful and reliable.
read the local Daily Newspaper
in Yogyakarta that discusses An iron precious weapon
the process of making an that I get first if also through
iron precious weapon. It the process of fasting, but
turns out that the process is fasting that I do in the form
extraordinary: from material of modern fasting. If first the
selection, ceremonial process, master Iron precious weapon
tool preparation process, maker should fast up to 40
the process of forging to the days, but I fast with saving.
process of ritual prayer by The intention of saving
the master when forging iron here is the money parent
precious weapon and others. consignment a month should
be to eat and other needs,
What appealed to me was the I instead chose to dowry
forging process of starting kris. So when it should really
iron and “pamor” that burned save food and refrain from
up to thousands of degrees buying other necessities.
Celsius until forging a fold and
blow-up thousands of times. Seeing the axe of our
ancestral relics made
This is what really amazes thousands of years ago, really
me of iron precious weapon. amazed and amazed at how
If applied in everyday life extraordinary the old masters
and work, it can be reflected were. Moreover, thousands of
that as a human will always years ago, there was no such
always be tested from light to thing as heavy equipment to

page | 42

dig rocks in search of metal in
the soil and at that time all the
equipment was very limited
It is a legacy of iron precious
weapon in the form of an
axe is a great work that
is extraordinary and we
should preserve. Fortunately
for us, today who, though
only able to enjoy through
photos is a wonderful
opportunity and grace.
Bekasi, August 23rd, 2017

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A Little Myth About the Heirloom

By: Joko Surono

I started this paper before strong in upholding the truth.
praying and praise to God
Almighty with the presence This is felt important considering
and presence of the masters the highest value in life that
in ancient times who have must be gripped tightly and
presented various types of taken forever to face the various
heritage relics is a masterpiece disturbances and temptations in
that not only became a symbol the world that will never run out
of Indonesian culture but also or disappear into the fusing of
has received world recognition. the times as it is also revealed

in chanting revelation kolosebo.
The ancient master has been
able to blend the unity of Revealing the history associated
heaven and earth through with my experience ever
his great work of heirloom. served in the territory of the
It also embedded the great island of Papua, it turns out
philosophy of a process of in Papua precisely in Babo
concern from its formation one district that oversees 8
to the process of becoming villages located in Bintuni
a sharp and sharp object Bay District, West Papua.
but not leaving a very
beautiful artistic element. Where are the beautiful

memories of the acquisition
Realizing the symbol of life for of an heirloom ever
humans to promote virtue, to obtained by our great
appreciate life and life so that leaders Mr Proklamator
the real form of solid heirloom Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno.
like a very strong steel is also
expected of humans through Unfortunately, the name
the process of the journey of and type of this heritage
life filled with these concerns have not been recorded in
can give birth to a strong soul a definitely written source,

page | 44

but only limited word of precious cultural heritage by
mouth circulating in the area. preserving and preserving it.

It is said that he once had an So a bit of writing that I can say
inheritance in Babo, precisely may be useful. We apologize
at “Mount of the Prophet (locals for any shortcomings due to
call by the name of Mount the lack of knowledge and
Keramat)” along with a person knowledge available to me,
named Cosmos Website on mature suwun (Thank You).
the run for attempted murder to
be committed by the Japanese
army in the era of the outbreak
of World War II in 1942.

He survived the assassination
attempt by bringing the
heirloom, although he was
eventually captured and exiled
by the Dutch on 25 January
1942 during a massive attack
on Babo airport which was
the base of the Japanese
army’s defences at the time.

The evidence of the attack can
still be seen when we visited
in this region until now. We
know together, Ir. Sukarno is
known as a clever and forward-
booking figure, but he also
loves the cultural heritage
of our national inheritance.

Even countries in different parts page | 45
of the world also recognize it.
Therefore, hopefully, it also
inspires us all to love this more

Weapon Arms For Me

By : Niko Sigit

The weapon is the soul of a force at the time.

soldier. The weapon is like “mini

and in tuna” for their owners. It Arrowsarejusttargetingandkilling

can not be separated between in one human life only. Without

soul and body, therefore the having such a devastating effect

weapon is alive and growing as a single cannon blast. Again,

with its owner. that weapon is the biological child

of culture and civilization itself.

Weapons are holy and sacred

to their owners. Weapons are The more isolated the tribe the

a real picture of cultural history more will be left behind weaponry.

from time to time. The description Of course, this is my guess as a

of how a human being is able to writer.

live, survive, and blossom for

his future offspring. In addition, weapons are the fruit

of the cultural interaction of one

Of course so, if we still remember nation with the culture of another

how a weapon is able to defend nation. Cultural syncretism can

itself or at the same time be able be seen from the motifs and

to eliminate existing civilization. forms of the curve of weapons

that represent the culture of its

The Aztecs were part of a time.

civilization that collapsed

because of the history of war. Today’s modern tapping

With its sophisticated weapons technology can also be extracted

of that time, the Spaniards from inspiration by comparing

successfully destroyed the entire from one tap to the next.

Aztec Tribal culture effectively.

Stories in the Mahabharata
We can imagine how the arrows and Bharatayuda Pamphlets
with limited reach against the Exposition, for example, we could

cannon with a large explosive have compared the capabilities

page | 46

of his patriotic American missile that accompany his era. This

technology with his Pasopati interaction also affects the

Raden Arjuna weapon. exchange of technology that is

up to date at that time.

The ability to hunt wherever and

wherever targets that have been How a weapon is forged with a

“locked” to be destroyed are the particular technique for example.

same capabilities as those of The right mixture and dose for

the Pasopati Weapon. a sharp and powerful forged

weapon of just how much of a

Weaponsintheculturaltreasures period of its kind and so on.

The Indonesian nation is not

stand alone is only seen as a Likewisethehereditaryknowledge

tool for survival, self-defence or is derived and of course, that

for war. knowledge will continue to be

perfected in the next generation.

The weapon in my writing is, The uniqueness and scarcity of

of course, a sharp weapon. the materials used to make the

This weapon for the nation of weapon can imply the level of

Indonesia is an art masterpiece knowledge of someone who is

of technological advancements skilled in the field.

of its time.

Unique artworks with rare

Indonesian nation with materials are artwork that is

interaction with other nations not only expensive in price but

has technological leads that can also create even mythical

have been qualified and select charms for those who wear

a match. How come? Through them. The impact of authority

interaction with other nations, with supernatural powers is, of

we know religion with a package course, the goal of possessing

of civilizations. the weapon.

We can easily distinguish Regardless of how sacred and
between a Hindu temple and eerie of a weapon of our nation’s
a Buddhist temple. Similarly, work, heirlooms of this heritage
his influence on the weapons must be upheld. We can imagine

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how the technology of that era roots.

could create a masterpiece of

weapons that were not only We have superior technology

effective for warfare but also since ancient times. It is precise

could create an awe how these with the roots of this culture should

art objects were created. we be able to take tremendous

inspiration for the progress of our

Artwork created and intended civilization forward.

not only used in his day but also

can be a “reminder” that our Like a Chakra weapon from a

nation is a remarkable nation. King Krishna who is able to

Nations that choose to compete make the day into night, so does

with other nations in this world. the opposite. Night becomes

It is precisely our pride and self- daylight. Therefore, I personally

confidence to be the children welcome and of course will spread

of the nation, to be begun and the picture of this masterpiece of

excavated from our own culture. our nation because this is what

we really are.

A culture deeply rooted in

the profound beliefs and Itisourresponsibilitynowtoimpact

philosophies of the universe. the new cultural paradigm.A

The creation of the Indonesian culture that builds a tough

nation in the arts of weapons civilization. A culture that builds

always rests on the great a holistic national consciousness

natural consciousness (macro without any division of difference

cosmos) and the small realm so that we become a developed

(microcosmos). nation because of the progress

of civilization that we uphold from

The picture of the two universes time to time.

is always expressed in every

motive in the weapons it makes.

Therefore, I as a person is very

supportive and very proud if Samarinda, 24 Agustus 2017
there are children of the nation

who try to uplift our own cultural

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Meteorite Axes, Inheritance and Future Capital

By : Akhmad Mabarun

History is what shapes us today, many other heirlooms.
leaving behind the inheritance The achievements of our
of the past from the ancestors ancestors in civilization will
is a reminder and proof of the surely become a lesson for
whereabouts of our ancestors. us of their future generation,
One of them is a meteorite that what they have achieved
heirloom that we rarely hear and proven through their
before, almost evenly among inheritance, should be
the fables and fantasy, that preserved and developed
our ancestors had a high-tech by us both in values, in spirit
civilization in the time before us, and in real work. To complete
the majority of us are sceptical of information about the cultural
the evidence, that our ancestors heritage of the ancestors,
have reached a high civilization, more specifically the culture
until in 2016 in Meteoritics and of forging meteorites, would
Planetary Science journals require a strong reference
it was confirmed that the and evidence from the
pharaoh dagger knife is made civilization of our ancestors.
of meteorite, we finally realize
that meteorite processing This is due to the lack of
technology has been so available information about
advanced even before our nation the progress of the forging
entered its written history era. culture of our ancestors’
meteorites. The presence
To be proud of, our ancestors of the “Landhep Agung”,
had already attained the same which publishes e ~ album
capability in terms of meteorite “the revival of ancient axe
processing technology, this civilization (wrought iron)” is
can be proved through their certainly a fresh breeze in
remains in the form of meteorite filling the gap of information
heirlooms, which are the that is still very less about
form of the axe, cudgel and the progress of the meteorite

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forging culture. Furthermore, it our ancestors, we are a great
is expected to do more serious nation, advanced and civilized.
research related to this matter,
so that even this nation not Jakarta, August 25th, 2017
just guessing it. Truth contains
a meteorite or not certainly
understandable after getting a
laboratorium by the experts and
of course using the adequate
equipment. Honestly as ordinary
people we need to get enough
access to participate in enjoying
our ancestral heritage more
easily and in different forms,
so it will help us to understand
our nation’s past, heritage
and cultural progress, so as
to make us realize that since

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