July 12, 2021 July 12, 202P1age 1
The Excargo Times
Truck Inpections
July 14-17th, 2021
We will be conducting A level 1 inspection, or the
quarterly inspections at North American Standard
our Wallisville Yard! Inspection, is the most
thorough DOT inspection.
The Importance of Pre-Trip Inspections
It’s a detailed inspection of
Do a walk-around inspection: Check the brake system: Look at both the truck and the truck
See if anything on the truck looks your truck’s brake pads and drums to driver. The inspector will
damaged or out of place. Check your make sure they aren’t cracked, dam- examine your seat belt, tail
mirror brackets, doors, windows, aged, or loose. Be sure to test your lamps, steering wheel,
steps, and weather stripping to make brakes, making sure you push your exhaust system, and every-
sure everything is working. brake knobs in before testing. Then do thing required for driving
a static brake check, applied pressure safely.
Check your lights: Check all lights, test, low pressure warning signal test,
He or she will also look at
documents like your driver’s
license, medical certificate,
waiver, and hours-of-service
If you do ever get pulled
over for a Level 1 inspection,
remember to keep the inside
of your cab clean, have your
paperwork easily available
or together in a three-ring-
binder and always be
pleasant and polite to the
lenses, and headlights to make sure and check your emergency valves.
there isn’t any fogging or cracking.
Inspect the inside of the cab: Look
Check the engine compartment: at your truck’s windshield, mirrors, de-
Look at your water pump, radiator, froster, windshield wipers, hazard sig-
air compressor pump, and power nals, turn signals, and gauges to make
steering pump to make sure they sure everything is working properly.
aren’t cracked, damaged or loose.
Test the engine and horns: Check
Check your tires: Check the air that the engine is working properly by
pressure to make sure it’s at the rec- revving the engine and testing your
ommended psi and make sure tires horns.
are free from bumps, cuts or abra-
sions, don’t have nails in them, and
have plenty of tread.
Page 2 July 12, 2021
Welcome New Drivers!
Alfredo Lopez
will be running
OTR lanes and
help with
Orange lane.
Alfredo Lopez 742
Cesar is assigned
to Orange and
Local fleet. He
will be running
local and will
shadow Manual
Aguilar 363.
Cesar Herrera 743
July 12, 2021 Page 3
There will be 3 pods
of 4 desks on the
Wallisville floor
plan. Twelve work-
stations total for the
operations team.
We are excited to see
this space come
together next week
when the CDM
design team
completes the
There will be a nice
recptionist desk near
the front door that
doubles as an
We will have a nice
conference room
space with a
projector and screen
for any trainings,
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Page 4 July 12, 2021
Ready to Work Plan
GRB operations
move is estimated
to be ready July
construction is
still on track to be
ready for later in
the year.
There will be 8 desks at GRB for
dispatch and customer service, a
round desk available for meetings
or an extra workstation, and a
desk for Jamie in Office 5.
This will be operations temporary
home until Wallisville is ready to
We appreciate everyone’s pateince
as we balance the Gulf schedule
the next few weeks.
July 12, 2021 Page 5
Help the dispatcher guide the driver to the port!
Tips for Driving in the Rain Hydroplaning is the
technical term for what
1. Wait Until the Weather Improves if Possible. occurs when your tires lose
2. Double Check Your Car’s Equipment. traction with the road due
3. Slow Down. to excess water on top of the
4. Turn On Your Headlights. road. The result is that your
5. Use Your Windshield Wipers. vehicle begins to slide
6. Maintain a Safe Distance Between Cars. uncontrollably.
7. Avoid Heavy Braking. If you start to hydroplane,
8. Watch Out For Standing Water. let off the accelerator (gas
pedal) slowly, and steer
straight until you regain
control. If your car starts to
spin, turn your wheel in the
direction that the vehicle
is spinning, slowly. Do not
turn your wheel against the
direction it has begun to
spin. Do not jerk the wheel
sharply in one direction or
the other, as you could flip
your car due to over
Page 6 July 12, 2021
10 Steps to
effective listening
1. Face the speaker and 8. Try to feel what the
maintain eye contact. speaker is feeling.
2. Be attentive, but 9. Give the speaker
relaxed. regular feedback.
3. Keep an open mind. 10. Pay attention to what
4. Listen to the words isn’t said—to nonverbal
and try to picture what cues.
the speaker is saying.
5. Don’t interrupt and
don’t impose your
6. Wait for the speaker
to pause to ask
clarifying questions.
7. Ask questions only to
ensure understanding.
July 12, 2021 Page 7
Operation Safe DriverWeek
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
2021 Operation Safe Driver Week is
July 11-17.
During that period, law enforcement will
be looking out for both commercial
vehicle drivers and passenger car drivers
engaged in risky behavior on the road.
Please congratulate In addition to speeding, law enforcement
Gloria Martinez for will look for other dangerous driving
another PERFECT behavior, such as:
2 Reckless and aggressive driving
Mrs. Martinez was
inspected by La Porte Distracted driving
PD and during the Tailgating
inspection there were Improper lane change
NO VIOLATIONS Not using a seatbelt
DISCOVERED. Impaired driving
This is her 3rd perfect
inspection this Year!
Page 8 July 12, 2021
Port of Houston History
On April 26th, 1956, the Ideal-X left the Port of
Newark, New Jersey, to the Port Houston, Texas, which
was called 5 days later. It carried 58 35-feet (8 feet wide
by 8 feet high) containers, along with a regular load of
15,000 tons of bulk petroleum.
The first government
funded dredging of the
Houston Ship channel
began when residents
of Harris County voted
unanimously to invest in
the project. The Houston
ship channel was dredged
to a depth of 25 feet for
$1,250,000. The first deep
water vessel called the
Satilla arrived on June 14,
1914. It was a steamboat
that would open shipping
lanes between New York
City and Houston. Later
that year in November,
President Woodrow
Wilson official opened the
ship channel, and it became
a vital link for oil supply
during World War I.
Largest Gulf Coast container
port, handling 69% of U.S. Gulf
Coast container traffic
#1 U.S. port in foreign waterborne
#1 U.S. port in total foreign and
domestic waterborne tonnage
#3 U.S. port in terms of total
foreign cargo value
July 12, 2021 Page 9
Birthdays Anniversaries
Patricio Villafranco-707 6/30 Enrique Olivo-647 7/14
Carlos Montoya 7/8 Juan Fiscal-450 7/26
Stacie Stewart 7/14 Nelson Vela 7/29
Willie Johnson-692 7/16
Christy Yuen 7/19
Carlos Pizano-675 7/26
Santiago Naranjo-671 7/27
For Comments, Suggestions, and News Stories,
Please contact Lexie @ [email protected] *1182