MAY 2019
The Parkwood Association Neighborhood Newsletter
Spring Fest 2019
Letter from the Editor
Hello Parkwood!
You may have already read the minutes and seen the posts--after some Parkwood Board
feedback the Parkwood Press will be a monthly newsletter again! We’d like
to thank everyone who responded to the survey, we received a surprising Hannah Hiles, President, Distr. 7
number of responses and now have some data which helps us understand
who reads the Parkwood Press. Irene Hui-Bowditch, VP, Distr. 4
At the March board meeting, it was decided that I would chair the new
Parkwood Press subcommittee of the Communications team. So far, with Jenny Edwards, Secretary, Distr. 2
only one month in, I’m glad to say we have a team of 8 Parkwood residents
who are helping in some way! I’m very grateful, since a monthly Elizabeth Mitchell, Treasurer, Distr. 3
newsletter is not an easy task!
I’d like to invite anyone who has any interest in any part of the newsletter Leigh Hutchinson, Distr. 1 Deniz Chin, Distr. 6
to express that interest by either emailing me or the communications Chris Classen, Distr. 2 Dawn Dampier, Distr. 6
committee. Even if it’s just a one-time article or information you’d like to Jenna Meehan, Distr. 4 Marsha Brooks, Distr. 7
share or ideas of content you’d like to see. We have some members that Don Bryson, Distr. 5
would write an article with only a topic prompt! Olga Rodriguez, Distr. 5 Marie Dean, Distr. 8
Summer Anderson, Distr. 8
Thank you for taking the time to check this month’s Parkwood Press and Parkwood Office
appreciating all the work that goes into it. Phone: (919) 544-2161
Email: [email protected]
Olga Rodriguez
[email protected]
[email protected] Office Hours
Parkwood Press Committee Members Mon: 1:30pm - 6:30pm
Tue-Fri: 10am-3pm
Tamarea Parker Derek Truer Sat & Sun: Closed
Don Bryson Elissa Truer
Mike Brooks Isabel Rodriguez
Steven Berkowitz Ann-Marie Crosmun
Thank you for your work!
The Music Man
Sounds of Music in the Neighborhood
By: Ken Hoover
Several years ago, I was hanging around outside kibitzing with my HVAC guy while he was tuning up my AC.
We were talking about music and the special joys it brings when you get involved in things like church and
community choirs and hobby groups where you share modest skills or explore the deeper meanings of great
music. He was putting his tools away and told me he had to get to his piano lesson on time. It was a long-time
ambition. He had finally brushed aside all excuses and now, in his late 60s, he was having a ball playing
simple piano pieces and getting better at it all the time.
Since then I have been encountered by several such adventurous and ambitious amateur musicians. A
neighbor found the cello she had not had time for during the years of child rearing and work. Now, in
retirement, the strings of her instrument have been tuned up and the sweet, warm sounds of the bow dancing
over the strings waft out the window on warm spring days enhancing the neighborhood with sonic aroma that
is as sweet to the ears as the flowers and blue sky are to the eyes and nose.
A singer who remembers the wondrous days of singing in a high school chorus has now joined in with a group
of women who make glorious music together for very appreciative audiences. Another polished up his trumpet
from high school and college days and now plays in one of the pretty good community orchestras in the area.
A flute player, a couple of blocks away, challenges the birds in and out of season. And perhaps dozens of
guitarists have dusted off that faithful companion which can entertain in a myriad of venues, in an endless
variety of styles.
While all of this is going on, I find myself wondering if there might be a way to support Parkwood musicians,
perhaps some sort of music club or such. If you might be interested in exploring possibilities for sharing our
enthusiasm for music; if you have any ideas, thoughts or suggestions, please send a note to
[email protected]. Who knows what is possibly just waiting around for the right opportunity?
Parkwood Community
Yard Sale
May 4th 7AM-11AM
We're partnering with Trosa
to take any usable items left
Parkwood Elementary - Celebrating our Sponsors
By: Laura Rodriguez, Parkwood Resident since 2012
It was a rainy February morning as I dusted off my old digital SLR and slung it around my
neck. Feeling the weight of the heavy camera I looked much more official than I felt. I
hopped into the car and, literally, a minute later was at the school.
The plan was simple. Get people to hold up the signs I had printed and snap their photo.
While waiting for my guide Sandra Quammen, head of the PTA, I walked over to my
daughter’s classroom to get a glimpse of her world. As you can imagine, she was absolutely
tickled to see me there and introduced me to all her friends as they walked in.
The kindergarteners were energized and I was ready to get started. “Hi Ms. Brooks, can you tell me which kids have photo
permission forms?” I asked. A question that would be posed to every adult we ran into that morning. Ms. Brooks, in her Ms. Brooks
way, gave me a big smile and called over a few kids for the photoshoot. You’ve never seen so much excitement with absolutely no
idea as to why. Today felt special. I reached into my bag and pulled out a sign for them to hold, made sure their little fingers didn’t
cover up the words, and didn’t even need to request a smile. (Snap) Perfect!
Sandra and I met up and started roaming the halls together. We
wanted to get all grade levels with a mix of adults and kids and nobody
was hesitant to participate. I think we were done in an hour.
All of this was for Parkwood Elementary’s new Sponsor Wall at the
entrance of the school. The brainchild of Colleen Ellis, a PTA member
with a daughter in Kindergarten. In her own words:
“Sponsors give invaluable support to our school all year round. They
provide funds to treat teachers throughout the year, money to improve
indoor and outdoor spaces, and they subsidize projects that will
enhance the education of our kids. Our school-based food (and other
necessities) pantry would not be possible without their
generous support. The sky is the limit when it comes to
the support we receive from altruistic sponsors. There is
so much need in our school but there is also endless
potential among our students. Our teachers and staff are
some of the best in the industry and having outside
financial aid allows them to truly shine and work to fulfill
the vast capacities of those who walk the halls.”
The result is impactful. A wall of gratitude and pride for all
of Parkwood Elementary’s sponsors as soon as you walk
in the door.
The Scholastic Book Fair will take place at the school The school’s facebook page is
during the week of April 29th - May 3rd. Come to the
Media Center throughout the school day to find great The new Parkwood PTA Facebook page is:
deals on books for the entire family, and help support
our Media Center.
End of grade testing is coming up and we are always in PTA membership is open to everyone, including community
need of proctors. Proctors will be needed on each members, and costs only $8. By joining the PTA you will be
school day from May 29 - June 10. Even one day of supporting projects that directly benefit students and
proctoring would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to teachers. Simply go to
email the PTA ([email protected]) to to join
receive the link to an online proctor signup form. the PTA.
Please note that all proctors must be registered to
volunteer through DPS. If you've not yet registered, you
can do so here. The form is simple to fill out and
approval is usually very fast.
Pathway Trail Signs
Did you ever wonder where the
Parkwood paths are?
New signs now mark the entrances to each walking path through our forests.
A group of Parkwood volunteers, with the support of the HOA, designed and
placed the green-and-white heron signs marked” Parkwood Pathways”.
These are prototypes for future signs to mark common areas such as parks
and playgrounds in our community. A committee will soon be working on this
In our gorgeous spring weather, please enjoy exploring our trails.
Join the Parkwood Pathfinders!
A group of volunteers dedicated to meeting every Thursday morning.
Enjoy "the wood", make new friends!
Contact Derek Truer [email protected] or (919) 384-5538
Summary of Minutes for April 2019 Board Meeting
Unfinished Business with M. Parker and they are working together to add some new
components to the event. Mediterranean Grill will be open and
Parking lot paving - What is the status? cooking up a delicious breakfast. TROSA will be onsite with a
L. Hutchison - Currently on hold - Stewart Engineering did not large truck for people to move their items to after the event,
pan out - now back to initial process of getting bids. Board should they prefer to donate them instead of hauling stuff back
would like a report next meeting. home
Volunteer Opportunities - projects PASSED MOTION: To approve spending up to $2,800 for the
I. Bowditch - working on a form for committees and other 2019 Parkwood SummerFest June 30th.
board members to identify projects; several pieces of
information are collected, including timeframes and how many PASSED MOTION: To approve spending up to $1,750 from the
volunteers are needed. Would like to ask that board members Capital Improvements budget on storage and organization
collaborate to avoid duplication. needs for the Events Committee for the back room/committee
Committee Reports
Parks, Lawns, & Ball Field Committee - L. Hutchinson,
Executive Committee Chair
A sign in sheet protocol will require that guests sign in when Guest discussed concerns regarding HOA common area
they come to the office for in-person assistance behind her property on Brentwood road; concerns included
We will be implementing the following Robert’s Rules for effective drainage in an area where water accumulates, and the
discussing motions: effect of felled trees on drainage issues. The committee
Round-robin turn-taking so that each person has one chance confirmed the HOA policy of cutting dead and unhealthy trees
to respond. RRO allows for two opportunities, so we would on the 100 acres of common area that are maintained; some
round-robin again. But then we would close discussion. trees are left to lie in wooded areas, where access for removal
is difficult and cost of removal is excessive. When dead and
PASSED MOTION: To give access to the office copier/printer dying trees are reported, they are evaluated by Donald Allen
to Parkwood Residents, allowing for up to 10 pages free, and and a member of the Parks, Lawns and Ball Field committee
to offer jobs >10 pages at cost. The Communications and removed if necessary to prevent property damage. The
Committee will be creating a pricing structure and procedure committee also confirmed that NC State foresters had recently
for tracking cost and benefit. Non-residents will be offered a completed their evaluation of the HOA wooded areas; a report
similar cost-structure per copy. Prices will be advertised online is forthcoming.
and in HOA office. The Committee opened with a discussion of questions by T.
Parker regarding Ballfield rentals. The committee agreed to
Finance Committee - E. Mitchell, Chair purchase mountable combination locks for the 3 entry gates;
3/31 special meeting: continuing to meet and understand our and to continue to offer the ball field for private events (ex.
processes and procedures. As well as financial well-being and family reunions for residents). Private events would require a
accountability $50.00 refundable deposit, and observance of policies for ball
Review PPM March Financial Report field use (such as no loud music and no motor vehicles used on
Communication line item: Asking PPM to include all ball field).
communication expenses under one line item
Office Supplies account clerical error: chair purchase was TABLED MOTION (to be returned to committee): Ball Field
included in Office Supplies instead of Community Center rental would require a $50.00 refundable deposit charged to
supplies Parkwood Homeowners for private rental of ballfield area, in
lieu of a rental fee; to be refunded upon inspection of the field
Events Committee - H. Hiles, Chair after the event.
SpringFest was a success!
First Safety Series will be in May with our Women’s Self Agenda Item I: Guest spoke to the committee regarding the
Defense Workshop, led by Quest Martial Arts! We will be concept of urban food forests, and potential pilot projects for
solidifying future events with the Fire Department, our PAC native plantings in selected common areas.
officer, and other vital components of our safety community to Agenda Item 2: Update FEMA Review: Landowner release
keep this going forms have been submitted to Mr. Hornkohl in addition to
Beer with the Board is coming back! information on Beaver Dam Analogs; project updates will be
The Parkwood Yard Sale (formerly Flea Market) planning is forthcoming.
coming along great; Irene Bowditch has taken the lead on that Agenda Item 3: NC Forest Service Sustainability Evaluation:
Report forthcoming.
Agenda Item 4: Drain replacement project (Euclid pond & Thank you to Garden Committee Volunteers
Goodyear Circle); Progress update: Steven Berkowitz provided Chris Classen, chair Tammy Sofield
updates on two bids and is currently researching options to Alan Classen Bill Sofield
reduce the cost, and consider a 3rd potential bid. Lynne Van Der Merwe Dennis Pechinski
Agenda Item 5: Rescue Lawn Care budget and scope of work: Susan Costa Lori Bowersox
The PL & BF committee provided a copy of the scope of work
and contract to the E.C., and the committee will continue to
maintain a spreadsheet of itemized costs to which updates will Communications Committee - J. Edwards, Chair
be added monthly, to better track expenditures and completed Focused on shifting newsletter to new committee chair, O.
projects. The Spring mulch was recently delivered and spread Rodriguez.
in landscaped areas. C. Classen will follow up with RLC to
Reviewed first issue printed by new office manager and made
confirm removal of railroad ties. B. Mitchell confirmed that RLC plans for continued production.
fire ant treatment was successful. The Parkwood entrance
Next month will be two meetings of newsletter committee and
signs have been nicely repainted and remounted (thank you to communications committee separately.
C. Classen for a job well done!)
Communications will be discussing specifics of scope.
Agenda Item 6: Ball field project update: J. Beidler reported that NOTE: The Parkwood Press committee will review budget for
the invoice was provided to HOA office for the laser-leveling of discussion next month.
the ball field (cost $2,700)
Agenda Item 7: Special Projects: Bill Mitchell has requested Playgrounds Committee - H. Hiles, Chair
that RLC (Rescue Lawn Care) provide a proposal of the cost to We had an amazing group of volunteers come together to help
restore areas in circles that were damaged from the City’s work put all our new plantings in the ground at the Tot Lot! They look
on area pipes. J. Beidler confirmed that a high visibility fantastic! Neighbors at the Tot Lot have volunteered their
crosswalk has been installed at the intersection of Revere and spigots to help with watering. The Parkwood HOA will be
Euclid Roads, per his request. Pilot study to control invasive purchasing a very large hose to run from their house to the new
plants by spraying did not prove successful, so the committee plant beds.
will continue to discuss alternatives. B. Mitchell is keeping a The Playgrounds Committee is working in partnership with the
spreadsheet to track tree removal projects and costs; since Parks and Lawns committee to explore draining solutions for
January one tree was removed, and 7 have been identified in the Tot Lot. Solving the drainage issue will let us complete the
the area behind Wicklow and Clermont; also areas near Tot Lot project, and hopefully get us and open and ready-for-
Emerald Circle and near the lake on Clermont are currently action playground this Summer/Fall!
being evaluated. The FEMA grant may cover the cost of tree We are still exploring options for moving our donated hardwood
removal behind Dedmon Ct. logs from Wake Forest to Parkwood. If any residents have
Agenda Item 8: New Business: Steven Berkowitz will meet with ideas, please contact us.
the elders this week to discuss the situation with the drainage
pipe (that may be clogged) near the Tot Lot.
Garden Committee - C. Classen, Chair Parkland Planning Committee - M. Brooks, Chair
The garden volunteers helped put up 11 new posts and reuse Guest proposed a pilot project to begin planning a Food Forest
the deer netting that was there. We built three new raised beds in Parkwood; utilizing the open green spaces for planting
to replace the rotting ones. We bought sleeved drainage piping edible, native fruit bearing shrubs, trees, and perennials.
and fittings to aid in our wet soil problem. This will be installed The committee discussed procedures for implementing new
4/14. This project uses Durham grant money from the Tot Lot projects as follows: an individual or group 1) proposes an idea,
grant. We piggy backed on to their grant since the weather 2) completes basic research, 3) brings the plan to the PPC to
delayed much of the work they hoped to do with grading and get approval for the plan 4) takes the plan to the PL & BF
therefore had extra money to spend. We have spent $621.27. committee 5) the initiator of the plan needs to be the prime
mover and to recruit others to help out.
We have had crops winter over and some harvested such as C. Classen confirmed that Durham offers neighborhood grants
kale, collards, lettuce, cabbage and turnips, We have spinach, (up to $2,500) with an application period extending from
onions, carrots, radishes, peas and cabbage growing. The January – July, and suggested that this project might be a
warm season crops are going to be planted soon. We have viable submission; she agreed to email the information to D.
planted a selection of herbs as well. Treuer.
The committee also discussed additional potential resources,
C. Classen has replaced the hose splitter at the HOA back such as Stewart Engineering; the 811 extension to confirm
faucet that had a broken lever. We bought a new garden deck information on buried utility lines prior to digging in common
box to store our small items. New netting has been attached to areas; and effective communication with the PL & BF
the gazebo for future vines to climb on. If anyone is interested committee, who would need to coordinate and confirm new
in Mountain Mint from our bee garden, contact C. Classen. projects with Rescue Lawn Care.
Agenda Item I - Priority Projects: Old Playground Equipment: The committee discussed the
A motion to approve the minutes was made, seconded and Playground Committee’s suggestion to use the old equipment
approved by the committee from the Tot Lot on green spaces, but decided not to install
Wayfinding signage update: D. Treuer confirmed that the signs older equipment on green spaces that were not designated
had been designed and produced and the first ones had been playgrounds, primarily due to safety issues. The committee
installed on Newhall, per the PL & BF recommendation, they agreed that playground equipment from the Tot Lot could
had contacted the City to be certain the area was clear of utility instead be installed on existing playgrounds, as appropriate.
lines or pipes prior to installation of subsequent signs. He also
confirmed that the Pathfinder group would be working on the
Red Hydrant trail on Saturday, and will determine other areas
to install signs.
M. Brooks discussed including smaller signs to help people
orient to the trails, and having a map on the webpage to show
the routes. Treuer suggested that another subgroup be
developed to install the additional signs and naming the trails,
though the Signage group could provide a list of names that D & D Gutter and Roofing
had been discussed.
M. Brooks discussed options of an Eagle Scout proposal to
create a display case with a map of the trails, and possibly also Hi def & Arch. Shingles
an option for handouts as walking guides for trails. B. Egan
suggested that an existing Board at the NE corner of the Ball w/ Stain Guard
Field could be used to mount a large trail map under plexiglass
(3 ft x 4 ft), and C. Classen suggested that another map could
be displayed at the HOA office. In the next newsletter – put a 5v & Ribbed Metal Roofing
brief article to have folks contact the HOA office with feedback
about the prototype signs. M. Brooks and the committee
agreed to move this project forward by creating a specific plan. 5" & 6" Seamless Aluminum
Landscaping Updates: C. Classen confirmed that landscaping
companies could not plant trees at the front entrance until the Gutters
fall, but that RLC would be adding plants to the 2 planters at
the entrance and at Haledon Cir.
Agenda Item II - Next Projects: Copper Gutter 5", 6", & 1/2
Sedwick Park Walking Trail: D. Sokal discussed the proposed
trail project with the committee, and alternatives such as a Round
bridge or boardwalk across the spillway. The committee agreed
that a bridge over the spillway may be too expensive, but a
boardwalk was more feasible. All agreed that it may be best to Leaf Shelter & Leaf Off Gutter
begin by putting a gravel walkway and stepping stones (across
the spillway) and first determine the usage of the trail before Guards
building a boardwalk. All agreed that the first step would be to
create the gravel walkway along the top of the dam. The 919.493.2476 Joe Devlin
committee discussed materials for stabilizing the walkway and
preventing erosion into the lake.
The committee agreed to begin the project as a pilot, to start
with the gravel path at the top of the dam and possibly also
install a few benches. A subcommittee could be formed to
maintain, implement, and carry the project forward. The
subcommittee would need to determine the cost of the project
and specific plans, and coordinate with the PL & BF committee.
Crosswalks: In the recent Parks, Lawns & Ballfield Committee
meeting, J. Beidler suggested installing high visibility Scan This QR Code with your
crosswalks at Blanchard and Euclid Rds., and also at Euclid Smartphone to Place an Ad
and Revere Rds, to slow drivers as they entered Parkwood.
The committee agreed that he should move forward to make Order Today! Or email
this request of the City. UPDATE: J. Biedler's efforts have [email protected]
resulted in the creation of the first crosswalk, at Revere and
Heimlich: The Man
By: Isabel C. Rodriguez, Parkwood Resident since 2017
[email protected]
Thoracic Surgeon Henry Heimlich, the medical maverick and creator of the
maneuver credited with saving thousands of choking victims, passed away
on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at the age of 96.
Dr. Heimlich dedicated his life to saving the lives of others. Heimlich came The Henry J. Heimlich Award for Innovative
up with the technique, which was named after him, in 1974 after reading Medicine presented to Dr. Heimlich by The
about the high rate of deaths in restaurants by diners which had been
attributed to heart attacks but were in fact diners Physicians Committee for Responsible
choking on food. Medicine
"It made me Heimlich believed that repeated slaps to the back of the person struggling with food
appreciate obstruction could force the blockage deeper. To prove his method, he took anesthetized
how wonderful lab dogs, blocked their windpipes with hunks of meat attached to strings in case of
it has been to emergency and developed the technique that would send his name around the world.
be able to
save all those Dr. Heimlich himself had the opportunity to have
used his maneuver on a resident of the Cincinnati
lives" retirement home where he lived. "It made me
appreciate how wonderful it has been to be able to
save all those lives" he once told the
Cincinnati Enquirer.
To learn more about Dr. Heimlich, check this link:
The charismatic Dr. Heimlich promoted
his own technique, including
appearances on late-night television talk
show with Johnny Carson.
If you find yourself alone and choking, it Heimlich: The Life-Saving Maneuver
is possible to perform the maneuver on The Heimlich Maneuver requires no
yourself by leaning over a fixed equipment, no great strength and only
horizontal object, such as a table edge, minimal training. It simply calls for the
a chair, or a railing. Press your rescuer to stand behind the choking
abdomen against the edge to produce a victim, apply the thumb-side of a fist to a
quick, upward pressure. Repeat until spot just under the diaphragm and
the object is expelled. between the lungs. By pushing sharply
on that spot, a surge of air from the
lungs would then expel the blockage.
What better time to review the
procedure that has saved so many lives
and may allow us to save one, one day.
What's Happening at the Contact the Committees
& Board
Parkwood Community Center
All Board Members: [email protected]
Gentle Yoga w/ Vickie Power Yoga w/ Vickie President & Officers: [email protected]
Pashion Wheeler
Mondays @ 7pm District Reps: [email protected]
Every 2nd, 3rd, & 4th (be sure to use your district number)
Thursday @6pm
Report Standards: [email protected]
Triangle Bead Society Stitch n' Bitch
Every 1st Thursday Wednesday Communications Committee: [email protected]
@ 7pm @ 8pm Meets 1st Monday, 7pm
Come Out, Dig In Events Committee: [email protected]
Sundays 10am Community Garden Meetings vary
Did you know? Finance Committee: [email protected]
You can host your own Garden Committee: [email protected]
neighborhood or private event, too! Meets Saturdays at 10am, Garden
It's FREE to host a community event (must be open and free to the Parkland Planning Committee: [email protected]
public) and only $5 for residents to rent out the Community Center for Meets 3rd Thursday, 7pm
private events! Contact the HOA office to add your next event to our
Parks, Lawn & Ballfield: [email protected]
calendar. Meets Monday before Board meeting, 7pm
*Visit to view the up to date
Community Calendar and Association News before
attending an event!
Come join Parkwood Board members and
BEER neighbors on
Friday, May 10
WITH 6:30pm-8pm
at the Glass Jug
NEIGHBORS Meet neighbors and board members and talk
about issues that matter to you! Look for the
table with our sign!