April 2019
This Month’s Highlights March 14, 2019 [email protected]
Vendor, Seller, and Buyer registration is Called to order: 7:05 pm
underway for the Parkwood Community Yard Sale!
Visit bit.ly/PWCYS to sign up! Guests: None
Check out the calendar for public events. Many Attended:
of the events offered at the Community Center are
free!! Leigh Hutchison
Chris Classen
In an effort to bring the Parkwood Press back to Jenny Edwards
monthly frequency, the Newsletter Committee has Elizabeth Mitchell
been created and is chaired by Olga Rodriguez. Irene Bowditch
Jenna Meehan
Residents interested in getting involved may contact Don Bryson
[email protected] Olga Rodriguez
Dawn Dampier
Volunteers are welcome in the Community Garden Deniz Chen
every Sunday (as weather permits) at 10am-12pm Hannah Hiles
Marsha Brooks
Contact [email protected] with any questions! Marie Dean - Absent
Summer Anderson
The Signage Committee is currently installing new
signs in the Parkwood Trail areas. Contact us or visit Adjourned: 8:57 pm
the HOA office to request a map of the trails!
The HOA Board of Directors meets the Contact the Board
2nd Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.
All Board Members:
Standing Agenda [email protected]
Welcome Guests The President and other officers of the Board:
Guests are invited to make brief comments at this time. Please keep [email protected]
statements to two minutes or less. Additional opportunities to speak
during the meeting are limited. Please only comment when asked. District reps have email addresses in this format
(Be sure to use your district number):
Call to Order, Roll Call [email protected].
Committee Reports Report standards violations
The order of these reports may be changed at the request of a committee by calling the Parkwood Office or emailing
chair in order to accommodate timely information. Preference is given to
committee chairs who do not serve on the board. [email protected]
Executive Committee Communications Committee
Finance First Monday, 7 p.m.
Parks, Lawns, Ball Field [email protected]
Playgrounds Events Committee
Garden Meetings vary
Parks and Open Spaces Planning Committee*
Bylaws Review* [email protected]
Annual Meeting*
Additional Reports as needed Finance Committee
[email protected]
Unfinished Business
Garden Committee
New Business Saturdays at 10 a.m. at the garden
Approval of Minutes [email protected]
Adjournment Parkland Planning Committee
Third Tuesday, 7 p.m.
*These are technically special committees but with multi-year charters.
[email protected]
Parks, Lawn, and Ballfield
The Monday before the Board meeting, 7 p.m.
[email protected]
Executive Committee Hannah Hiles
➢ We are having a desk built for the front office that will not only fit our space needs, but also [email protected]
hopefully provide more longevity than the flat pack furniture we’ve been using over the years.
➢ We will be adding Clock In/Out functionality to PayChex when we revisit our account with them
this month.
➢ Roof repair over the file room is complete, and the painting for the Masjid parking lot is
underway. This project should completed very soon and will include “towing enforced” signage.
➢ We are having Tamarea complete the NC Public Notary course at Wake Tech Community
PASSED MOTION: To propose to the Eagle Scout that he communicate with the Parkland Planning
Committee Chair regarding his Eagle Scout plans, and consider another building option besides the
Little Free Library, with the board to approve final designs and locations.
Recommendation: Create a running list of “Parkwood Projects” to facilitate interaction between
associations such as the Boy Scouts who are seeking to initiate a specific change within the
PASSED MOTION: To spend up to $2500 on 20 new chairs for the Community Center.
Finance Committee Elizabeth Mitchell
Discussed Mr. Ganley Status report [email protected]
● Resident Address Removed- statement of claim has been submitted. We should receive funds
in April
● 6 outstanding accounts - 1 file closed, 2 on payment plans, 1 submitted paperwork to receive
funds, 2 in foreclosure process
Next special meeting where we will be discussing CC payoff options - March 31st @ 2:00pm
PASSED MOTION: Bad debt write off for bankruptcy discharge of $230.47
Events Committee Hannah Hiles
No report submitted.
[email protected]
Parks, Lawn, & Ballfield Committee Leigh Hutchison
Presentation: Colleen gave a brief presentation about the projects the Northeast Creek Stream Watch group was [email protected]
doing to help improve the condition of the waterways in the area and educate community children: 1) March 16th
Stream Clean Up (materials available contact: [email protected]); 2) March 19th presentation at Lowes
Grove School: Clean It and They Will Come: 3) Interactive maps showing flood hazard zones available on website:
Northeast Creek.org
The committee discussed the extension contract, FEMA request, and special projects as follows:
1) Dragonfly Pond Works 1 year extension: Chair (Leigh Hutchison) confirmed that contract was submitted by HOA,
and received by Tyler Cooper at Dragonfly Pond Works.
2) FEMA Review process for repair funds: Chair (L. Hutchison) received confirmation from Mike Dupree (Durham
Co. Soil & Water Div.) that the Parkwood requests had moved forward, and follow up is in progress.
3) Special Project Updates:
a) Euclid pond drain replacement project: Steven Berkowitz reported that he had sent out revised specs, and
he and Bill Mitchell were in touch with contractors (including Dragonfly Pond; Phillip Nazo Landscaping;
Fosters) to get additional bids (total 4) by March 15th
b) Beaver Dam Analogs project: Derek Treuer had no developments to report, however it will be discussed
further when feedback has been received re: FEMA funds.
c) Sedwick Park Walking Trail: S. Berkowitz discussed project updates, and potential cost of a hard surface
trail and installation of a bridge over the spillway. The committee agreed to scale back and consider a lower
cost walking trail along edge of the wooded area to the top of the dam, leading to an outlet on Pelham, with
benches for a view of the lake.
Parks, Lawn, & Ballfield Committee Leigh Hutchison
Continued from previous page
d) Video Inspection: S. Berkowitz confirmed that the City of Durham would provide a video inspection of the
pipe system off of Travis Circle* to determine whether areas may need to be resealed.
1) NC Forest Service Sustainability Evaluation: D. Treuer confirmed that the report has not yet been [email protected]
completed, but is expected within a few weeks.
2) Signage Committee: D. Treuer confirmed that the Signage Committee had accomplished its goal,
and provided a photo of the prototype sign with heron logo. The committee approved the prototype
as well done, and agreed to go forward with placement of the other signs after confirming location
of gas and water lines.
Plantings and Signs at Parkwood entrance (RLC Updates): Chris Classen discussed options for
flower beds and grass or ground cover at the front entrance (and confirmed that planting trees
would have to be postponed until Fall). C. Classen has discussed additional projects with RLC
including removing railroad ties, and spreading mulch for garden beds annually; both projects
approved by committee (motion to spend $2,000.00 for mulch approved at Feb. 14, 2019 HOA
Board meeting) .
PASSED MOTION: PL & BF is asking for $2350 for RLC (outside of the scope of the main RLC contract) to
remove railroad ties, plant annual flowers at the entrance and Haledon Ct. and mulch the Seaton Rd flower beds
and the Revere entrance.
7) Bill Mitchell agreed to provide the RLC scope of work to be posted to the HOA website. He also agreed to
continue to treat small fire ant mounds as needed (last treatment done in January 2019).
Parks, Lawn, & Ballfield Committee Leigh Hutchison
Continued from previous page
8) Ball Field: Purchase of new tractor and donation of old tractor: James Beidler confirmed purchase of the new
tractor for ball field ($2,000 approved by HOA Board at Feb. 14, 2019 meeting). He also confirmed an attempt
to donate the old tractor to TROSA (who did not want it); the old tractor will be donated and removed from
9) New Business: [email protected]
a) Track damage Custer Circle: J. Beidler reported rut damage on Custer circle from A T & T vehicle
trenching equipment and confirmed that they should not be laying fiber on HOA property; B. Mitchell will
look into appropriate contact.
b) Addition of crosswalks: J. Beidler has identified appropriate areas for crosswalks: at intersections of
Revere and Euclid; Blanchard and Euclid Roads; Revere and McCormick, and he has contacted the City
to paint stripes for crosswalks.
c) Update on tree removal activities: B. Mitchell reported that due to the rain cut trees had not yet been
removed from area below Sedwick, and large dead pine was felled to avoid damage to adjacent home.
d) Update on pilot study on using aqueous solution of soap and salt to control invasive plants on trails: B.
Mitchell reported that 2 applications of the solution damaged and slowed ivy growth, however 3-4
applications may be necessary to actually kill the ivy. Very limited use of roundup on poison ivy behind
ball field was OK’d by rangers.
e) Update on laser - leveling of ball field: J. Beidler reported that $2,700.00 was approved by EC Committee
via email to go forward with laser leveling and rolling of ball field to prepare field for use by Leagues.
Committee discussed next step of EC committee notifying HOA Board to ratify the decision.
f) Resurfacing and Expanding Community Center parking lot: the committee discussed the history of the
proposed project, and determined the next step would be to get additional bids for the job.
Communications Committee Jenny Edwards
We are completely focused on production of the March newsletter. [email protected]
Tamarea has completed the data entry of the postcards -- we received far more than we had thought
we would. We will present a summary at the meeting.
Jenny is happy to go on record as "I stand corrected."
Details of the data we have collected [were shared with Board.]
PASSED MOTION: To nominate Olga Rodriguez as Chair of the Newsletter Committee and empower
her as her first act to identify community members to participate. The Communications Committee will
assist in this, including put an ad in the March PP.
Playgrounds Committee Hannah Hiles
Plants will be delivered from Cure Nursery on the 15th! [email protected]
We will be planting at the Tot Lot from the 16th - 17th.
We are in need of a truck for picking up compost on Saturday morning.
Garden Committee Chris Classen
The garden is planting in between raindrops. Cabbage, spinach, lettuce, carrots, radishes. Growing
are beets and collards with more planting this weekend.
We were denied the grant from Durham but it looks like we may be able to share in the grant that
Hannah Hiles got for the Tot Lot improvements. Chris Classen is working out the details.
[email protected]
Parkland Planning Committee Mike Brooks
FEBRUARY 19, 2019 MINUTES [email protected]
Vision Statement: Preserve the diverse, established community and natural environment while also creating
opportunities for improvements to the common open spaces to encourage accessibility, recreation, community
cohesion and social opportunities for all residents.
I: Attendees: Mike Brooks (Chair), Chris Classen; David Hamill; Steven Berkowitz; Mike Brooks; David Sokal; Rob
Shoaf; Leigh A. Hutchison.
II: Minutes of January Meeting: Committee agreed to naming convention for minutes of including the first and last
names of the speaker in the first paragraph, and only the first initial plus last name in subsequent references.
II: Priority Projects:
Wayfinding Signage cost updates: The committee determined that the FedEx quote for aluminum signs was most cost
effective; the signs are on a thicker backing and guaranteed for 5 years of outdoor exposure. The committee agreed to
show the prototypes for the 12 x 18 ($22.05) and 6 x 12 ($15.00), and agreed to a total of 10 signs. The committee
agreed that the initial signs would be for the trailheads.The Committee agreed to recommend that the Signage
committee purchase one 12 x 18 prototype sign (Parkwood Pathways (heron) sign and one arrow sign). The PPC
committee would then review, approve, and decide where to locate the signs.
Update: NC State Forest Service: The NC State rangers gave a brief presentation and completed a site visit on
January 31, 2019. They seemed familiar with the areas reviewed, and confirmed that a report would be forthcoming.
Naming of existing and future trails: The committee agreed that the guiding principle in naming the trails should be
primarily descriptive and also reflect the characterization of the trail (i.e. where it leads). M Brooks suggested setting
up recognition plaques where appropriate, and the committee agreed.
Landscaping Updates: C Classen provided an update on the Parks, Lawns & Ballfield Committee’s efforts at the front
Parkland Planning Committee Mike Brooks
Continued from previous page
Possible Next Projects: D Sokal provided a topographical map of the area where a new trail has been proposed across [email protected]
and near the dam at Sedwick Park. S Berkowitz and D Sokal discussed options for the best location of the path which
may run along the edge of the playground area (which would allow room for future expansion of the playground area),
and then across a bridge over the actual dam area (approx. 45 ft long with a 2 foot slope). The committee agreed to
make a recommendation to put in the path at Sedwick Park first, and to check into the cost of a bridge. All agreed that
it would potentially be an expensive project that would require presentation of specific details and approval by the HOA
The committee agreed that the project would offer improvement to the trail system, would increase the attractiveness
of Sedwick Park, and would alleviate the need for a sidewalk along Sedwick and on the lower part of Pelham Rd. The
committee agreed that the project may also require a subcommittee or working group to gather the required
information, get cost estimates from contractors, and provide project details for the Board to approve.
Parkwood Press: The committee discussed the need for a monthly newsletter to send out updates of new PPC
projects and events, and confirmed that the cost of bulk mailings would be more feasible if some homeowners were
able to opt out of the print version, providing both digital and print options to the community.
Beaver Dam Analogs: The committee agreed to move forward with the project if possible, but to await D Treuer’s
return for an update.
Parkland Planning Committee Mike Brooks
Continued from previous page
Crosswalks: M Brooks announced a press release by the DOT: Durham Hosts Second Downtown Wayfinding Project [email protected]
public meeting, and encouraged people to attend if possible to get information from city officials. He has asked about
ADA requirements for trails and crosswalks, and suggested that we ask the City/County Transportation Dept. if we can
get a permit to do the work ourselves in order to move forward with it (and get off the long waiting list waiting for the
city): Durham Transportation Dept.
Public meeting on new wayfinding system-Wed., Feb. 20, 4-6 p.m. at Durham Armory.
Parkwood Maps: M Brooks agreed to send the PDF of the large-scale Parkwood map to committee members as a
PDF, and to make it available in print as well (cost $35.00).
III: New Business: D Hamill suggested creating test strips on Parkwood trails using different types of the trail
materials we had considered using. For example, some sections (approx. 20 feet long) of the trails could be made of
wood chips, some gravel, some using the honeycomb underlay if needed.M Brooks suggested possibly using a grant
to make some trails handicapped accessible.
Meet the Board Leigh Hutchison, District 1 - At-large
Parks, Lawn, & Ballfield (chair), Parkland Planning
Parkwood Association Office
Chris Classen, District 2
www. parkwoodnc.org Garden (chair), Parkland Planning
1417 Seaton Road
919-544-2161 Jenna Meehan, District 4
[email protected] Events, Playgrounds
Executive Team Don Bryson, District 5
Bylaws, Parkland Planning
Hannah Hiles, President, District 4 - At large
Playgrounds (chair), Events (chair), and Communications Olga Rodriguez, District 5
Background - Librarian and Smalltime Homesteader Events, Playgrounds
Irene Bowditch, Vice President, District 4 Dawn Dampier, District 6 - At-large
Events, Playgrounds, and Communications Finance, Bylaws
Background - Pharmacy Administration
Deniz Chen, District 6 - At-large
Elizabeth Mitchell, Treasurer, District 3
Finance (Chair) and Events committees Marsha Brooks, District 7
Background - Assistant Marketing Manager Parkland Planning
Jenny Edwards, Secretary, District 2 Marie Dean, District 8
Communications (chair), Bylaws, Annual Meeting Finance
Background - Clinical Social Work
Summer Anderson, District 8 - At-large
Tamarea Parker, Administrative Assistant Communications, Finance
For more information about your Board members, find us at ParkwoodNC.org (community pages).