Colonial life
Table of contents
What were the 13 colonies ?
Did they have jobs like a dentist ?
What were colonial schools like?
Did colonists wear party dresses?
Did they play twister?
Heal me please !
I am NOT going to eat that !
Welcome to the 13 colonies
HI , my name is phoebe . I will This was one of the first
tell you about my great settlements . so what were the
ancestors who were called 13 colonies ?well ,there were
Colonists. The first question , the new england colonies
What are the 13 colonies ? They :connecticut,massachusetts
were places where people bay,new hampshire and rhode
settled from Europe but were island . for the middle colonies
still ruled by their kings. The 13 :delaware,new jersey, new york
Colonies were ruled by the same and pennsylvania and , southern
king if you are wondering , you colonies : georgia maryland
will find out ! sir walter was a ,north carolina ,south carolina
courtier who convinced queen and virginia .
elizabeth that there was a new
territory that was a paradise.
Queen elizabeth said that if this
was true, she would own it and
call it virginia
Watch a video about the 13 colonies!
Did they have jobs like a
No they did not have jobs like a
dentist.boys learned to build , catch
fish,make tools ,bake bread , wheels and
how to print papers .they learned how
to do all this by helping a craftsperson
.starting around age 4, boys did as many
chores like girls .Boys also learned to
knit, make clothes, candles and learned
to make soap , helped pick berries ,feed
the animals and gathered eggs . boys
also might plow the fields or pick
crops . they chopped wood and went
hunting and fishing .girls would have
the jobs of gathering eggs and helping
their moms cook for the family they
would also feed chickens girls would
help make candles soap and clothes .
most girls wouldn't go to school
because they became housewives at early
ages .
:MEN:colonists worked hard .they grew GIRLS: learned how how to spin wool
their own food and made their own into yarn and they wove yarn into cloth .
furniture and plates . most of the time , {other jobs }:BLACK SMITH : they worked
they worked outside .B with iron , steel and tin . and they made
tools like hammers .BRICK MAKER :they
WOMEN:women worked at home . they made bricks from clay . sometimes
made candles ,butter,soap and yarn .they families worked with the brick maker
cooked ,served and took care of their .COOPER:the cooper made barrels from
children .also, colonial women made wood . the cooper had to be strong to
most of their own clothes . know how to bend wood the correct
way.MILLINER they sold fabrics ,jewelry
and other goods .they also made
clothing.PRINTER AND BINDERS:printer
and binders printed newspapers,books , and
notices . SHOE MAKER: women and men
were shoemakers they sold ready made
shoes and crafted custom made shoes and
boots .
What were colonial schools like ?
Boys went to school for 3 years girls went less . they went long enough to learn how to
read and write . after that , girls would usually work at home . some children went to a
dame school . this was a private school .it cost a lot of money so, most of the time ,
parents just paid for their children to go altogether . Parents paid for their children's
books . students used a quill pen to write.they dipped the sharp point into the ink and they
wrote .children wrote on a piece of slate and chalk was used over and over.the school day
lasted just a few hours . in the late morning , students might have recess . they played with
marbles and other games. A school year was only 3 months and school was only held until
Now , we have many classes and many teachers in schools . and we use paper and pencils
that have led and don't need to be dipped in ink . and school lasts a year and that's a lot
more than 3 months . and what happened when students misbehave?they were punished
harshly . they got whipped or hit by a tree branch. Also, nowadays , if we got into
trouble, we might just go to the principal's office or your teacher might say , “ knock
it off “If they forgot their lessons , they would have to sit in the corner dunce cap on
their head this cap was very tall and they would put it on the kids head in front of
everybody . it was embarrassing . it made you look very stupid . you probably wouldn't
want to go to the schools it colonial times because they got whipped .
Did colonists wear party dresses?
Clothes were expensive and took time to make . most people just had two outfits.girls and
women wore long dresses that covered their elbows and ankles. At home , they wore
dresses so that their dresses would not get dirty. Clothing was also heavy and not very
comfortable.everyone helped make clothes grandmothers usually carded the wool by
brushing it between two rough boards . this made the wool fluffy. Mothers and daughters
put the wool on a spinning wheel to turn it into thread . fathers and sons worked the loom
to turn the thread into cloth .
mothers used a needle and thread to sew the cloth into clothing BOYS:.boys dressed like
their fathers men wore linen shirts, stockings and leather shoes .their breeches coats and
tricorn hats were made of wool . men might wear silk cravats and wigs . babies wore
simple cotton gowns . many men and boys did not wear long pants . they wore knee high
pants called breeches .when they were not outdoors in cold weather , they wore long
woolen stockings . zippers were not invented yet , so, pants had buttons instead . men and
boys wore vests and jackets .
GIRLS :. women wore dresses or skirts .under these was type of skirt or slip called a
petticoat . they wore stockings and leather shoes inside women and girls wore cotton
caps .
Did they play twister?
No , they did not play twister . this is they also sang and made was played
however a game we have now .Some games at churches and parties . they played instruments
that the colonists played that are still such as : english guitar, fiddle and the
popular today are: walking on stilts , ring harmonica . families enjoyed hearing the music
toss , sack races, flying and folk songs . now , kids pretty much like
kites,marbles,bowling and spinning a top. In electronics like:phones and computers , ipod and
1750, there weren't any video games . still , tv. But in colonial times , mostly , they played
people had fun . they played outdoor and outside because there were no computers or and
indoor games . marbles were fun for them . electronics like we use now . and I bet that you
so were board games ,such as backgammon can't bear 2 weeks without electronics . now ,
and checkers colonists also played nine pin we still play some of the instruments that the
bowling .and jump rope. And ran races with colonists played , but now we also have other
old sacks .they also sang and made instruments such as : violin , viola , cello base , was played at churches and flute clarinet, trumpet and trombone . we also
parties . they played instruments such as : have other games now like : monopoly, hangman
english guitar, fiddle and the harmonica . , twister and candy land . life is much different
families enjoyed hearing the music and folk nowadays .
songs . now , kids pretty much like
electronics like:phones and computers , ipod
and tv. But in colonial times , mostly , they
played outside because the
Heal me please!
If you got sick , herbs would almost always work . but if you were unlucky , they wouldn't .
you're mom would move your bed close to the fireplace. Now doctors have medicines to help
you and are big help but back then , they were not much help and many were untrained . and if
they were , they would cost a lot more than what most people could afford .people didn't know
about germs or viruses . medicines were made of plants or even … COW POOP! Your mother
would make you as comfortable as your mom does now . and then she would think of a kind of
medicine to give you . and if you get sick now , the doctor is not as expensive and now at your
house sometimes you can manage without a doctor like if you have your own medicines in your
own house . and you probably have cups to drink medicine from and you might even have a
thermometer . but when people got sick they were not very hopeful because of the 50/50
chance of them living .
I am NOT going to eat that
Most farmers had small farms .some had large farms called plantations . these
were mostly in the south . tobacco , cotton and corn were the main crops . so
were barley and sweet potatoes . the sold cotton and tobacco to england . the
other crops were sold in colonies or eaten by the farmers and their
families.many plantations also had apple and peach trees . the first colonists
grew most own their own food . they learned to grow corn,pumpkins and squash
. they learned this from the native americans . the native americans were there
before the colonists .
people were afraid to drink water from rivers because it was dirty and many
people got sick from it . instead , they drank cider . they squished the apple until
all the cider came out and they could drink it . most people cooked their food
over the fireplace . the fireplace was a pot with vegetables in it and it hung over
a open fire all girls and women had to be very careful to not burn their dresses
in an open fire . also , many people had an oven for baking bread , cookies , and
other pastries .FUN FACT : sometimes on special occasions , they would have
pudding made out of eggs and sugar .
Did colonists wear party dresses?
Clothes were expensive and took time to make . most people just had two outfits.girls and
women wore long dresses that covered their elbows and ankles. At home , they wore dresses
so that their dresses would not get dirty. Clothing was also heavy and not very
comfortable.everyone helped make clothes grandmothers usually carded the wool by
brushing it between two rough boards . this made the wool fluffy. Mothers and daughters
put the wool on a spinning wheel to turn it into thread . fathers and sons worked the loom
to turn the thread into cloth .
mothers used a needle and thread to sew the cloth into clothing BOYS:.boys dressed like their
fathers men wore linen shirts, stockings and leather shoes .their breeches coats and tricorn
hats were made of wool . men might wear silk cravats and wigs . babies wore simple cotton
gowns . many men and boys did not wear long pants . they wore knee high pants called
breeches .when they were not outdoors in cold weather , they wore long woolen stockings .
zippers were not invented yet , so, pants had buttons instead . men and boys wore vests and
jackets .
GIRLS :. women wore dresses or skirts .under these was type of skirt or slip called a
petticoat . they wore stockings and leather shoes inside women and girls wore cotton caps .
Play a colonial game !
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Click on the link if you want to play a
colonial game !