TEMA 2: Penerokaan Unsur dalam Alam
Bidang Pembelajaran Air dan Larutan
5BAB Water and Solution
IMPORTANT concepts
Sifat fizik air seperti takat beku
dan ketumpatan
Physical characteristics of
water such as freezing point
and density
Peringkat dalam sistem Elektrolisis air dan kesan
pembekalan air seperti bendasing terhadap takat
pengenapan dan penurasan lebur dan takat didih air
Stages in the water supply Electrolysis of water and the
system such as effect of impurities on the
sedimentation and filtration melting and boiling points of
Bekalan air seperti kitar AIR DAN
semula air LARUTAN Faktor mempengaruhi kadar
Supply of water such as WATER AND penyejatan air dan kadar
recycle of water SOLUTION keterlarutan seperti suhu
Factors that affect the rate
Kaedah pembersihan air seperti of evaporation of water and
pendidihan dan penurasan the rate of solubility such as
Water purification methods such the temperature
as boiling and filtration
Larutan, koloid, pelarut air dan bukan air
Solution, colloid, water and organic solvents
Air ialah bahan kimia yang lut sinar dan tidak berwarna yang merupakan komponen utama cecair Bumi.
Larutan merupakan campuran dua bahan, iaitu zat terlarut dan pelarut. Zat terlarut ialah bahan yang
larut di dalam cecair dan pelarut ialah cecair yang melarutkan zat terlarut.
Water is a transparent and colourless chemical substance that is the main component of the Earth’s
liquid. A solution is a mixture of two substances, i.e. a solute and a solvent. The solute is a substance
that dissolves in liquid and the solvent is a liquid that dissolves a solute.
Sifat Fizik Air Physical Characteristics of Water BAB
1. Water is a chemical compound that can be broken
1. Air ialah sebatian kimia yang dapat dipecahkan kepada 5
hidrogen dan oksigen dengan menggunakan elektrik down into hydrogen and oxygen by using electricity
melalui proses elektrolisis. through the process of electrolysis.
2. The melting point of ice and the freezing point of
2. Takat lebur ais dan takat beku air ialah 0°C. Takat didih water is 0°C. The boiling point of water is 100°C.
air ialah 100°C. 3. Impurities increase the boiling point of water but decrease
the freezing point of water or melting point of ice.
3. Bendasing menaikkan takat didih air tetapi
menurunkan takat beku air atau takat lebur ais. Evaporation of Water
1. Evaporation of water is a process that occurs on the
Penyejatan Air
surface of water which changes water into water
1. Penyejatan air ialah proses yang berlaku di permukaan vapour at any temperature.
air yang menukarkan air menjadi wap air pada 2. The humidity, surrounding temperature, exposed
sebarang suhu. surface area of water and movement of air affect the
rate of evaporation of water.
2. Kelembapan udara, suhu persekitaran, luas
permukaan air yang terdedah dan pergerakan udara Solution
mempengaruhi kadar penyejatan air. 1. A solvent is a liquid that is used for dissolving a
Larutan substance (solute).
2. A solute is a substance that dissolves in a solvent.
1. Pelarut ialah cecair yang digunakan untuk melarutkan 3. A solution is a mixture that is formed when one or
suatu bahan (zat terlarut).
more solutes dissolve in a solvent.
2. Zat terlarut ialah bahan yang larut dalam suatu pelarut. 4. A suspension is a cloudy mixture formed from the
3. Larutan ialah campuran yang terbentuk apabila satu
solute that is insoluble in a solvent.
atau lebih zat terlarut melarut dalam suatu pelarut.
4. Ampaian ialah campuran keruh yang terbentuk daripada Solubility
1. The solubility of a substance is the maximum quantity
zat terlarut yang tidak larut di dalam suatu pelarut.
of solutes which can dissolve in 100 ml of solvent at
Keterlarutan a certain temperature.
2. The temperature of solvent, rate of stirring, size
1. Keterlarutan suatu bahan ialah kuantiti maksimum of solute and volume of solvent affect the rate of
zat terlarut yang dapat larut di dalam 100 ml pelarut solubility of a solute in a solvent.
pada suhu tertentu. 3. A colloid is a mixture of two or more solutes that are
distributed evenly. The colloid does not form a clear or
2. Suhu pelarut, kadar kacauan, saiz zat terlarut dan isi precipitate mixture.
padu pelarut mempengaruhi kadar keterlarutan zat
terlarut dalam pelarut. Organic Solvents
1. Water cannot dissolve organic dirt such as oil and
3. Koloid ialah campuran dua atau lebih zat terlarut
yang tersebar secara sekata. Koloid tidak membentuk grease.
campuran jernih atau mendakan. 2. Alcohol, kerosene, acetone, turpentine and ether are
Pelarut Bukan Air examples of organic solvents that dissolve organic dirt.
1. Air tidak dapat melarutkan kotoran organik seperti Water Supply System
minyak dan gris.
1. Water purification methods include boiling, filtration,
2. Alkohol, kerosin, aseton, turpentin dan eter adalah chlorination and distillation.
contoh-contoh pelarut bukan air yang dapat 2. Before they are purified, rainwater and river water are
melarutkan kotoran organik. collected in reservoirs. The water is then pumped into
water treatment plants.
Sistem Pembekalan Air 3. The sequence in water purification in
water treatment plants is as follows:
1. Kaedah pembersihan air termasuklah pendidihan, water reservoir, filtration tank, oxidation
penurasan, pengklorinan dan penyulingan. tank, coagulation tank, sedimentation
tank, filtration tank, chlorination tank,
2. Sebelum dibersihkan, air sungai dan air hujan fluoridation tank and storage tank.
dikumpulkan di empangan. Air ini kemudian dipamkan
ke loji pembersihan air.
3. Urutan pembersihan air dalam loji pembersihan air
adalah seperti berikut: takungan air, tangki penapisan,
tangki pengoksidaan, tangki penggumpalan, tangki
pengenapan, tangki penurasan, tangki pengklorinan,
tangki pemfluoridaan dan tangki penyimpanan.
Nota Grafik
Standard Kandungan Tarikh:
5.1 Sifat fizik air
5.1 AKTIVITI Sifat fizik air Kontekstual
PERBINCANGAN Physical characteristics of water Buku teks m/s 96 – 97
1 Lengkapkan jadual di bawah tentang sifat fizik air.
Complete the table below about the characteristics of water.
(a) Warna air/Colour of water (b) Ketumpatan air/Density of water
Isi padu air/Volume of water = 200 cm3
Jisim air/Mass of water = 200 g
Air Ketumpatan air = 200 g = 1 g/cm3
Water Density of water 200 cm3
Warna/Colour: Tidak berwarna/Colourless
(c) Tegangan permukaan air (d) Tindakan kapilari air
Surface tension of water Capillary action of water
Tegangan permukaan membolehkan Kebolehan air untuk bergerak melawan
graviti melalui ruang yang sempit.
ayak-ayak terapung di permukaan air.
Surface tension enables a daddy longlegs to The ability of water to move against gravity
in narrow spaces.
float on the surface of water.
2 (a) Namakan proses X dan Y. Kemudian, tandakan ( ✓ ) perubahan haba semasa air membeku dan
mendidih./Name processes X and Y. Then, mark ( ✗ ) the heat change when water freezes and boils. TP1
Haba diserap ✓ Haba diserap
Heat is absorbed Heat is absorbed
Ais/Ice Haba dibebaskan Air/Water Haba dibebaskan Gas/Gas
✓ Heat is released Heat is released
Proses X: Pembekuan Proses Y: Pendidihan
Process Y: Boiling
Process X: Freezing
(b) Air bertukar menjadi ais pada takat beku
The water changes into ice, at the freezing point.
(c) Air bertukar menjadi gas pada takat didih
The water changes into gas, at the boiling
Ingat! Tegangan permukaan ialah daya lekitan antara molekul air di permukaan air.
Tindakan kapilari ialah daya lekitan antara molekul air dan daya lekatan antara molekul air dengan
dinding bekas melalui saluran sempit.
The surface tension is the cohesive force between water molecules at the surface of water.
The capillary action is the cohesive force between the molecules of water and the adhesive force between the
molecule of water and the walls of a container through a narrow vessel.
5.2 EKSPERIMEN Komposisi air Tarikh:
KBAT INKUIRI The composition of water
Buku teks m/s 97 – 98
Tujuan Menjalankan elektrolisis untuk menentukan
Carry out electrolysis to determine
(a) komposisi air
the composition of water
(b) nisbah hidrogen kepada oksigen dalam satu molekul air
the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in a molecule of water
Bahan dan Air suling, asid sulfurik cair (atau asid hidroklorik cair), kayu uji, mancis, set elektrolisis,
Radas silinder penyukat 10 ml, penitis, pembekal kuasa arus terus 12 V, wayar, klip buaya,
suis, jam randik/Distilled water, dilute sulphuric acid (or dilute hydrochloric acid), wooden
splinter, matches, electrolysis set, 10 ml measuring cylinders, dropper, 12 V direct current
power supply, wires, crocodile clips, switch, stopwatch
Prosedur Y X
Air suling ditambahkan Silinder penyukat BAB
dengan beberapa titik Measuring cylinder
asid sulfurik cair
Distilled water is added 5
with a few drops of
dilute sulphuric acid
Rod karbon (elektrod)
Carbon rods (electrodes)
12 V
1 Sediakan susunan radas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.
Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
2 Tambahkan beberapa titik asid sulfurik cair ke dalam air.
Add a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid to the water.
3 Hidupkan suis dan alirkan arus elektrik selama 10 minit.
Turn on the switch and allow electricity to flow for 10 minutes.
4 Catat isi padu gas yang terkumpul di dalam silinder penyukat X dan Y.
Record the volumes of gas that are collected in measuring cylinders X and Y.
5 Matikan suis apabila kedua-dua silinder penyukat itu telah penuh dengan gas.
Turn off the switch when both measuring cylinders are full of gas.
6 Uji gas dalam silinder penyukat X dengan kayu uji bernyala.
Test the gas in measuring cylinder X with a burning wooden splinter.
7 Uji gas dalam silinder penyukat Y dengan kayu uji berbara.
Test the gas in measuring cylinder Y with a glowing wooden splinter.
8 Catat pemerhatian anda./Record your observations.
Galeri Info
Set elektrolisis yang digunakan dalam aktiviti ini disebut
sel elektrolitik. Sel elektrolitik menggunakan tenaga
elektrik untuk menguraikan sebatian kimia. Proses yang
berlaku disebut elektrolisis.
The electrolytic set used in this activitiy is called an
electrolytic cell. An electrolytic cell uses electrical energy to
decompose chemical compounds. The process that takes
place is called electrolysis.
Keputusan Silinder Isi padu Ujian bagi gas Jenis gas
penyukat gas (cm3) Test for gas terbebas
PAenrabliisnicsangan Measuring Type of gas
cylinder Volume of released
5 gas (cm3)
Menghasilkan bunyi ‘pop’
X dengan kayu uji bernyala Hidrogen
10 Produces a ‘pop’ sound with Hydrogen
a burning wooden splinter
Menyalakan kayu uji berbara Oksigen
Y 5 Lights up/Ignites a glowing
wooden splinter
(Jawapan murid/Student’s answer)
1 Apakah proses yang digunakan dalam aktiviti ini? TP1
What is the process used in this activity?
BAB 2 Namakan elektrod X dan Y./Name electrodes X and Y. TP1
(a) Elektrod X/Electrode X: Katod/Elektrod negatif/Cathode/Negative electrode
(b) Elektrod Y/Electrode Y: Anod/Elektrod positif/Anode/Positive electrode
3 Apakah nisbah isi padu hidrogen kepada oksigen yang terkumpul dalam aktiviti ini?
What is the ratio of the volumes of hydrogen to oxygen collected in this activity? TP2
Hidrogen/Hydrogen : Oksigen/Oxygen
= 10 cm3 : 5 cm3 = 2 : 1
4 Apakah nisbah hidrogen kepada oksigen dalam satu molekul air? TP2
What is the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in a molecule of water?
5 Label atom hidrogen dan oksigen dalam rajah. Kemudian, bulatkan jawapan yang
betul. Simbol bagi atom hidrogen dan oksigen masing-masing diwakili oleh H dan O.
Label the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the diagram. Then, circle the correct answers.
The symbols for hydrogen and oxygen atoms are represented by H and O respectively.
(a) Atom oksigen
Oxygen atom Simbol molekul air
Symbol of the molecule of water
Praktis (b) Atom hidrogen / Hydrogen atoms
6 Apakah tujuan menambahkan beberapa titik asid sulfurik cair ke dalam air suling?
Kesimpulan What is the purpose of adding a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid into the distilled
water? TP2
Untuk meningkatkan kekonduksian elektrik air suling
To increase the electrical conductivity of the distilled water
7 Bolehkah air suling tulen dielektrolisiskan? Berikan satu sebab. TP2
Can pure distilled water be electrolysed? Give one reason.
Tidak . Air suling tulen ialah konduktor elektrik yang lemah .
No . Pure distilled water is a poor conductor of electricity .
Satu molekul air mengandungi dua atom hidrogen dan satu atom oksigen .
One molecule of water contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
5.3 EKSPERIMEN Kesan bendasing terhadap takat lebur ais dan takat didih air PBD
INKUIRI Penemuan
KBAT The effect of impurity on the melting point of ice and boiling point of water Inkuiri
Tujuan Buku teks m/s 99 – 100
Mengkaji kesan bendasing terhadap takat lebur ais dan takat didih air
To study the effect of impurities on the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water
Bahan dan Air suling, kiub ais, garam biasa, bikar 250 ml, termometer, penunu Bunsen, tungku
Radas kaki tiga, kasa dawai, kaki retort/Distilled water, ice cubes, common salt, 250 ml beaker,
Prosedur thermometer, Bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauze, retort stand
Air suling/Distilled water Panaskan BAB
Rajah (a)/Diagram (a) Rajah (b)/Diagram (b)
1 Sediakan radas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah (a) dan Rajah (b). 5
Set up the apparatus as shown in Diagram (a) and Diagram (b).
2 Catat takat lebur ais (suhu tetap)./Record the melting point of ice (constant temperature).
3 Catat takat didih air suling./Record the boiling point of distilled water.
4 Ulang langkah 1 hingga 3 dengan menambahkan satu spatula garam biasa ke dalam
ais dan air suling bagi setiap aktiviti./Repeat steps 1 to 3 by adding a spatula of
common salt to the ice and distilled water in each activity.
Keputusan Takat lebur ais = 0 ºC
The melting point of ice
Praktis Takat lebur ais + garam biasa = – 2 ºC
Kendiri The melting point of ice + common salt
Takat didih air suling = 100 º C
The boiling point of distilled water
Takat didih air suling + garam biasa 102 ºC
The boiling point of distilled water + common salt =
(Jawapan murid/Student’s answer)
1 Apakah kesan penambahan garam biasa terhadap takat lebur ais dan takat didih air?
What is the effect of adding common salt on the melting point of ice and boiling point
of water? TP2
Garam biasa mengurangkan takat lebur ais tetapi meningkatkan takat didih
Common salt decreases the melting point of ice but increases the boiling
point of water.
2 (a) Berapakah takal lebur ais/What is the melting point of ice? TP1
(b) Ramalkan takal lebur ais jika sedikit garam biasa ditambahkan kepadanya.
Predict the melting point of ice if a little common salt is added to it. TP3/KBAT
Lebih rendah daripada 0°C/Lower than 0°C
Kesimpulan Bendasing mengurangkan takat lebur ais tetapi meningkatkan takat didih air.
Impurities decrease the melting point of ice but increase the boiling point of water.
5.4 AKTIVITI Penyejatan air dalam kehidupan harian PBD
PERBINCANGAN Evaporation of water in daily life Kontekstual
Buku teks m/s 104 – 105
1 Nyatakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar penyejatan air. Pilih jawapan yang betul. TP2
State the factors that affect the rate of evaporation of water. Choose the correct answers.
(a) Semakin tinggi kelembapan udara, semakin (rendah, tinggi) kadar penyejatan air.
The higher the humidity is, the (lower, higher) is the rate of evaporation of water.
(b) Semakin tinggi suhu, semakin (rendah, tinggi) kadar penyejatan air.
The higher the temperature is, the (lower, higher) is the rate of evaporation of water.
(c) Semakin kecil luas permukaan air yang terdedah, semakin (rendah, tinggi) kadar penyejatan air.
The smaller the exposed surface area of water is, the (lower, higher) is the rate of evaporation of water.
(d) Semakin laju pergerakan udara, semakin (rendah, tinggi) kadar penyejatan air.
The faster the movement of air is, the (lower, higher) is the rate of evaporation of water.
2 Tandakan ( ✓ ) aplikasi penyejatan air dalam kehidupan harian. TP1
Mark ( ✓ ) the applications of evaporation of water in daily life.
BAB (a) ✓ (b) (c) ✓
Pengeringan ikan atau kelapa Pemprosesan air mineral Pengeringan pakaian basah
Drying wet clothes
Drying fish or coconut Processing of mineral water
(d) ✓ (e) ✓
Penghasilan garam Minyak wangi di badan Ubat gegat mengecil
daripada air laut/Production
of salt from seawater menghasilkan bau/A perfume Mothballs become smaller
on the body gives out a smell
3 Lengkapkan pernyataan tentang prinsip penyejukan peti sejuk. TP4/KBAT
Complete the statements about the cooling principle of a refrigerator.
Diserap Penyejatan Menyejat Menurun Dibebaskan Praktis
Absorbed Evaporation Evaporates Decrease Released Kendiri
Sebuah peti sejuk berfungsi berdasarkan prinsip penyejatan cecair penyejuk. Apabila cecair
ini menyejat menjadi wap, suhu akan menurun kerana tenaga haba diserap
daripada persekitaran dalaman dan dibebaskan melalui tiub-tiub logam di belakang peti sejuk.
A refrigerator works on the principle of evaporation of a cooling liquid. When the liquid evaporates
to become vapour, the temperature will decrease as heat energy is absorbed from the
internal surroundings and is released through the metal tubes behind the refrigerator.
Eksperimen Wajib 2: Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar penyejatan air (rujuk silang m.s.189 – 190).
Compulsory Experiment 2: Factors affecting the rate of evaporation of water (cross-reference pp. 189 – 190).
Standard Kandungan Tarikh:
5.2 Larutan dan kadar keterlarutan
5.5 EKSPERIMEN Larutan cair, larutan pekat dan larutan tepu PBD
INKUIRI Penemuan
KBAT Dilute, concentrated and saturated solutions
Buku teks m/s 106 – 107
Menyediakan larutan cair, larutan pekat dan larutan tepu
To prepare a dilute solution, concentrated solution and saturated solution
Bahan dan Hablur kuprum(II) sulfat (garam), air, bikar 50 ml, spatula, rod kaca
Radas Copper(II) sulphate crystal (salt), water, 50 ml beaker, spatula, glass rod
1 Masukkan satu spatula hablur kuprum(II) sulfat ke dalam 25 cm3 air dan kacau dengan
rod kaca./Add one spatula of copper(II) sulphate crystal to 25 cm3 of water and stir with BAB
a glass rod.
2 Ulang langkah 1 dengan dua spatula hablur kuprum(II) sulfat.
Repeat step 1 with two spatulas of copper(II) sulphate crystals.
3 Ulang langkah 1 dengan menambahkan hablur kuprum(II) sulfat sehingga tidak larut
lagi dalam air./Repeat step 1 by adding copper(II) sulphate crystal until it does not dissolve
any more in water.
4 Catat pemerhatian anda./Record your observations.
Pemerhatian Adakah semua 5
garam larut?
Kuantiti kuprum(II) sulfat Warna larutan Does all the salt dissolve?
Amount of copper(II) sulphate Colour of solution
1 spatula Biru muda Yes
1 spatula Light blue
2 spatula Biru Yes
2 spatulas Blue
Lebih daripada 2 spatula Biru tua No
More than 2 spatulas Dark blue
Perbincangan Kenal pasti jenis larutan yang terhasil. TP2
Identify the types of solution produced.
Larutan tepu Larutan cair Larutan pekat
Saturated solution Dilute solution Concentrated solution
Kuantiti garam Larutan terhasil Maksud
Amount of salt Solution Meaning
1 spatula Larutan yang mengandungi zat
1 spatula Larutan cair terlarut yang berlebihan.
Dilute solution A solution that has excessive
amount of solute.
2 spatula Larutan pekat
2 spatulas Concentrated Larutan yang mengandungi sangat
solution sedikit zat terlarut.
A solution that has very little solute.
Lebih daripada Larutan tepu
2 spatula Saturated Larutan yang mengandungi banyak
More than 2 solution zat terlarut.
spatulas A solution that has a lot of solute.
Kesimpulan Terdapat tiga jenis larutan yang mengandungi kuantiti zat terlarut yang berlainan, iaitu
larutan cair , larutan pekat dan larutan tepu .
There are three types of solution that have different amounts of solute, which are
dilute solution , concentrated solution and saturated solution .
5.6 EKSPERIMEN Larutan dan ampaian Tarikh:
KBAT INKUIRI Solutions and suspensions
Buku teks m/s 107 – 108
Tujuan Menunjukkan perbezaan antara larutan dengan ampaian
To show the differences between a solution and a suspension
Bahan dan Serbuk natrium klorida, serbuk kanji, air, bikar 100 ml, rod kaca, spatula
Radas Sodium chloride powder, starch powder, water, 100 ml beaker, glass rod, spatula
1 Masukkan satu spatula serbuk natrium klorida ke dalam 50 cm3 air di dalam sebuah
Pemerhatian bikar dan kacau dengan rod kaca./Add one spatula of sodium chloride powder to 50 cm3
of water in a beaker and stir with a glass rod.
2 Catat pemerhatian./Record the observation.
3 Ulang langkah 1 dan 2 dengan menggunakan serbuk kanji.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 by using starch powder.
BAB Bahan Pemerhatian Adakah bahan larut?
Substance Observation Does the substance dissolve?
Serbuk natrium Larutan jernih terbentuk. Ya/Yes
klorida/Sodium A clear solution is formed.
chloride powder Tidak/No
Ampaian terbentuk.
Serbuk kanji
Starch powder A suspension is formed.
Perbincangan Lengkapkan ruang di bawah. TP2
Complete the spaces below.
3 Larutan/Solution Larutan
2 Zat terlarut/Solute • Larutan natrium klorida Solution
• Serbuk natrium klorida Sodium chloride solution
Sodium chloride powder Zat terlarut
1 Pelarut/Solvent
• Air/Water Ampaian
Praktis 4 Bahan yang melarut dalam suatu cecair. Zat terlarut
Kendiri A substance that dissolves in a liquid. Solute
Kesimpulan 5 Cecair yang melarutkan zat terlarut untuk membentuk Pelarut
suatu larutan. Solvent
A liquid in which a solute dissolves to form a solution.
6 Campuran yang terbentuk apabila zat terlarut melarut Solution
dalam suatu pelarut.
A mixture formed when a solute dissolves in a solvent. Ampaian
7 Campuran keruh yang mengandungi zat terlarut yang
tidak melarut dalam suatu pelarut./A cloudy mixture
containing a solute which is insoluble in a solvent.
1 Larutan mengandungi zat terlarut yang larut dalam air.
A solution contains a solute that dissolves in water.
2 Ampaian mengandungi zat terlarut yang tidak larut yang terampai dalam air.
A suspension contains an insoluble solute that is suspended in water.
5.7 AKTIVITI Keterlaluan zat terlarut, koloid dan pelarut semesta PBD
KBAT PERBINCANGAN The solubility of solute, colloid and universal solvent
Buku teks m/s 109 – 112
1 Nyatakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar keterlarutan zat terlarut dalam air. Pilih jawapan
yang betul. TP2
Explain the factors which affect the rate of solubility of a solute in water. Choose the correct answers.
(a) Semakin (kecil, besar) saiz zat terlarut, semakin cepat zat terlarut itu akan larut di dalam air.
The (smaller, bigger) the size of the solute is, the faster the solute will dissolve in water.
(b) Semakin (rendah, tinggi) suhu, semakin cepat zat terlarut akan larut di dalam air.
The (lower, higher) the temperature is, the faster the solute will dissolve in water.
(c) Zat terlarut lebih mudah larut jika campuran itu (dikacau, tidak dikacau).
A solute dissolves more readily if the mixture is (stirred, not stirred).
(d) Semakin (kecil, besar) isi padu pelarut, semakin cepat zat terlarut akan larut dalam pelarut.
The (smaller, larger) the volume of solvent is, the faster the solute will dissolve in the solvent.
2 Kaji pernyataan di bawah tentang koloid./Study the statements below about colloid.
1442443 1442443
Koloid ialah suatu campuran dua atau lebih zat terlarut yang tersebar secara sekata. Koloid tidak 5
membentuk campuran jernih dan juga tidak terenap.
A colloid is a mixture of two or more solutes that are distributed evenly. The colloid does not form
clear mixtures and also does not settle down.
Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, kelaskan koloid kepada emulsi dan busa dalam peta dakap di bawah.
Based on the above statements, classify colloids into emulsions and foams in the brace maps below. TP1
Susu getah/Latex Mayonis/Mayonnaise Krim pencukur/Shaving foam
Minyak ikan kod/Cod liver oil Gelembung-gelembung dalam Span mandi/Bath sponge
Susu segar/Fresh milk minuman bergas/Bubbles in
Krim putar/Whipped cream carbonated drinks
Emulsi Minyak ikan kod/Cod liver oil
Emulsions Susu segar/Fresh milk
Susu getah/Latex
Jenis koloid Span mandi/Bath sponge
Types of colloid Krim pencukur/Shaving foam
Krim putar/Whipped cream
Busa Gelembung-gelembung dalam minuman bergas
Foams Bubbles in carbonated drinks
3 Air digunakan sebagai pelarut secara domestik dan juga sebagai bahan mentah dalam industri
pembuatan makanan dan minuman, pertanian dan perubatan. Air digunakan untuk melarutkan
pelbagai jenis bahan. Apakah nama yang diberi kepada air sebagai pelarut? TP1
Water is used as a solvent domestically as well as a raw material in the manufacture of food and
beverage, agriculture and medicine industries. Water is used for dissolving various types of substances.
What is the name given to water as a solvent?
Pelarut semesta/Universal solvent
Eksperimen Wajib 3: Faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar keterlarutan zat terlarut (rujuk silang m.s. 191 – 192).
Compulsory Experiment 3: Factors affecting the rate of solubility (dissolving) of solutes (cross-reference pp. 191 – 192).
5.8 AKTIVITI Pelarut organik (Pelarut bukan air) PBD
PERBINCANGAN Organic solvents Kontekstual
Buku teks m/s 112
Nyatakan jenis pelarut organik berdasarkan kegunaannya dalam kehidupan harian. TP2
State the types of organic solvents according to their uses in daily life.
Turpentin Aseton Alkohol Eter Kerosin
Turpentine Aceton Alcohol Ether Kerosene
(a) (b) (c)
BAB Alkohol/Alcohol Turpentin/Kerosin Turpentin/Turpentine
• Penyediaan syelek Turpentine/Kerosene • Mencairkan cat
Preparation of shellac • Menanggalkan kesan Diluting paints
minyak hitam
5 Removing tar stains (f)
(d) (e)
Alkohol/Alcohol Aseton/Aceton Aseton/Aceton
• Penyediaan kosmetik • Menanggalkan varnis • Penyediaan lakuer untuk
seperti minyak wangi kuku dan gincu perabot kayu
Preparation of cosmetics Removing nail varnish Preparation of lacquer for
such as perfume and lipstick wooden furniture
(g) (h) (i)
Turpentin/Kerosin Alkohol/Alcohol Eter/Ether
• Melarutkan iodin untuk • Pengekstrakan minyak
• Menanggalkan kotoran cat menghasilkan larutan dan lemak seperti dalam
baharu iodin sebagai antiseptik makanan kucing
Removing dirt of fresh Dissolving iodine to Extraction of oil and fat
paint produce iodine solution as like in cat food
an antiseptic
Praktis Galeri Info
Alcohol can be used to remove chlorophyll dirt and permanent marker ink on a white board.
Amyl acetate can also be used to remove lipstick and nail varnish.
5.9 EKSPERIMEN Standard Kandungan Tarikh:
5.3 Pembersihan dan pembekalan air
Kaedah pembersihan air Penemuan
Water purification methods Inkuiri
Buku teks m/s 113 – 115
Mengkaji pelbagai kaedah pembersihan air
To study various water purification methods
Bahan dan Air kolam, air klorin, bikar, corong turas, termometer, kaki retort dan penyepit, kertas
Radas turas, rod kaca, penunu Bunsen, kasa dawai, kelalang penyulingan, kondenser Liebig,
penyumbat berlubang, penutup kaca, sisip kaca, mikroskop
Pond water, chlorine water, beaker, filter funnel, thermometer, retort stand and clamp, filter
paper, glass rod, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, distillation flask, Liebig condenser, stopper with
a hole, cover slip, glass slide, microscope
Prosedur Penurasan/Filtration Penyulingan/Distillation
Kertas turas Termometer Air keluar Kondenser Liebig
Filter paper Thermometer Water out Liebig condenser
Air kolam Kaki retort Air kolam BAB
Pond water Retort stand Pond water
Corong turas
Filter funnel Serpihan Air masuk 5
porselin Water in
Baki Porcelain Panaskan
Residue chips Heat Air suling
Distilled water
Hasil turasan
Pendidihan/Boiling Pengklorinan/Chlorination
Air kolam Air klorin
Pond water Chlorine water
Panaskan Air
Heat Water
1 Sediakan radas-radas di atas untuk membersihkan air kolam.
Set up the apparatus above to purify pond water.
2 Catat pemerhatian anda tentang air yang dikumpulkan dalam bikar.
Record your observations on the water collected in the beaker.
3 Titiskan setitik air yang dikumpul di atas sisip kaca.
Place one drop of water collected on a glass slide.
4 Tutup dengan penutup kaca dan perhatikannya melalui mikroskop.
Cover it with a cover slip and examine it under a microscope.
5 Bincang bersama guru anda tentang kehadiran mineral.
Discuss with your teacher about the presence of minerals.
Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Projek (PBP) 4: Audit air di rumah atau sekolah (rujuk silang m.s. 185).
Project-Basic Learning (PBL) 4: Water audit at home and school (cross-reference p. 186).
Pemerhatian Tandakan ( ✓ ) jika bahan itu hadir dan ( ✗ ) jika bahan itu tidak hadir dalam air.
Mark ( ✓ ) if the substance is present and ( ✗ ) if the substance is not present in the water.
Kaedah Kehadiran/Presence of
Zarah terampai Mikroorganisma Bahan terlarut
Filtration Suspended particles Microorganisms Dissolved substances
Distillation ✗✓ ✓
Boiling ✗✗ ✗
Chlorination ✓✗ ✓
✓✗ ✓
BAB Perbincangan 1 Apakah kepentingan pembersihan air? TP2
What is the importance of water purification?
5 Merawat air supaya selamat digunakan
Nota To treat water so that it is safe to be used
2 Kaedah manakah yang menghasilkan air tulen? TP2
Praktis Which method produces pure water?
Kendiri Penyulingan/Distillation
3 Nyatakan fungsi air klorin./State the function of chlorine water. TP2
Membunuh/To kill mikroorganisma/microorganisms.
4 Mengapakah air suling tidak sesuai untuk diminum? TP2
Why is distilled water not suitable for drinking?
Air suling tidak mengandungi mineral./Distilled water does not contain minerals.
5 Negara yang tiada bekalan air dapat menyediakan bekalan air melalui kitar semula
air. Lengkapkan langkah-langkah di bawah tentang kitar semula air. TP4/KBAT
Countries with no water supplies can supply water through the recycling of water.
Complete the steps below about the recycling of water.
Mikroorganisma/Microorganisms Klorin/Chlorine Sisa pepejal/Solid waste
Peringkat primer Peringkat sekunder Peringkat tertier
Primary stage Secondary stage Tertiary stage
Sisa air Mikroorganisma Air bersih
Waste water Clean water
mengurangkan bahan
Menapis keluar semua organik pepejal. Bahan seperti klorin
sisa pepejal daripada Microorganisms reduce
the solid organic ditambah untuk membunuh
air. substances. mikroorganisma .
A substance such as
Filter out all the
solid waste from the chlorine is added
to kill microorganisms .
Kesimpulan Air dapat dibersihkan melalui penurasan , penyulingan , pendidihan dan pengklorinan .
Water can be purified by filtration , distillation , boiling and chlorination .
5.10 AKTIVITI Sistem pembekalan air PBD
KBAT PERBINCANGAN Water supply system Kontekstual
Buku teks m/s 115 – 117
Nyatakan tangki-tangki yang terlibat dalam sistem pembekalan air. Kemudian, lengkapkan ruang kosong
di bawah. TP4/KBAT
State the tanks involved in the water supply system. Then, complete the spaces below.
Penurasan Penggumpalan Pemfluoridaan Simpanan Pengklorinan
Filtration Coagulation Fluoridation Storage Chlorination
Pengenapan Membunuh Pengoksidaan Oksigen Zarah terampai
Sedimentation Kills Oxidation Oxygen Suspended particles
Kapur mati Alum Penapisan Pereputan gigi Ultraungu
Slaked lime Alum Screening Tooth decay Ultraviolet
(b) Tangki penapisan (c) Tangki pengoksidaan (d) Tangki penggumpalan BAB
Screening tank Oxidation tank Coagulation tank
• Menyingkirkan • Oksigen dilarutkan untuk • Alum menggumpalkan
bendasing pepejal menyingkirkan rasa dan bau zarah terampai./ Alum
besar. busuk./ Oxygen is coagulates the suspended particles.
Removes large solid dissolved to remove the
impurities. unpleasant taste and smell. • Kapur mati mengurangkan
keasidan air./ Slaked lime
Pam reduces the acidity of the water.
Alum Kapur mati
Alum Slaked lime
(a) Takungan/Empangan (e) Tangki pengenapan / Sedimentation tank
• Zarah-zarah kotoran yang besar dan berat
• Menyimpan air sungai. tenggelam di dasar tangki./Big and heavy
Stores river water. dirt particles sink to the bottom of the tank.
• Sinaran ultraungu Garam fluorida Air klorin
dalam cahaya Fluoride salt Chlorine water
matahari membunuh
sebahagian daripada Pam
bakteria dalam air. Pump
Ultraviolet rays
in sunlight kills some
of the bacteria in the
Ke tangki simpanan
To storage tank
(h) Tangki pemfluoridaan (g) Tangki pengklorinan (f) Tangki penurasan
Fluoridation tank Chlorination tank Filtration tank
• Garam fluorida, iaitu natrium • Klorin membunuh • Penapis pasir
fluorida mengurangkan mikroorganisma yang berbahaya menyingkirkan
pereputan gigi . dalam air. zarah terampai .
Fluoride salt, i.e. sodium fluoride Chlorine kills dangerous Sand filters remove
reduces tooth decay . microorganisms in the water. suspended particles .
Arahan: Jawab semua soalan.
Instructions: Answer all questions.
Bahagian A/Section A
1 Antara yang berikut, yang 2 Rajah 1 menunjukkan suatu Apakah gas P?
radas untuk mengkaji
manakah tujuan pengoksidaan elektrolisis air berasid dengan What is gases P?
menggunakan elektrod karbon.
dalam proses pembersihan air? Diagram 1 shows an apparatus A Hidrogen B Oksigen
to study the electrolysis of acidic
Which of the following is the water by using carbon electrodes. Hydrogen Oxygen
purpose of oxidation in water PQ C Plumbum D Nitrogen
purification process? Rajah 1/Diagram 1 Lead Nitrogen
I Menyingkirkan bendasing
Removes impurities 3 Apakah yang berlaku apabila
sedikit garam ditambah ke
II Menambah kandungan dalam air?
What happens when a little salt
oksigen is added to water?
A Mendidih di atas 100°C
BAB Increase oxygen content Boil above 100°C
B Membeku di atas 0°C
III Menyingkirkan bau dan rasa Freeze above 0°C
C Menyejat dengan lebih
5 yang kurang menyenangkan cepat
Get rid of smells and discomfort Evaporate faster
IV Membunuh mikroorganisma D Menjadi berasid
Become acidic
Kills microorganisms
A I dan II B III dan IV
I and II III and IV
C II dan III D I dan IV
II and III I and IV
Bahagian B/Section B
1 Lengkapkan teka silang kata tentang kaedah pembersihan air.
Complete the crossword puzzle about the water purification methods.
4P 4C
3P G O
1P E N Y U L I N G A N I
2P E N U R A S A N 2F I L T R A T I O N
Melintang/Horizontal Menegak/Vertical
1 Menyingkirkan semua bahan. 3 Menggunakan haba./Use heat.
Removes all substances. 4 Menambah air klorin./Add chlorine water.
2 Hanya menyingkirkan bendasing terampai.
Only removes suspended impurities. [4 markah/4 marks]
Bahagian C/Section C
2 (a) Gambar foto 1 menunjukkan John meminum air sungai secara terus.
Photograph 1 shows John drinking river water directly.
(i) Adakah tindakan John betul? Berikan satu alasan. TP5/Menilai
Is the John’s action correct? Give a reason.
Tidak. Air sungai masih mengandungi mikroorganisma yang
mungkin menyebabkan penyakit.
No. River water still contains microorganisms that may cause disease.
Gambar Foto 1/Photograph 1 [2 markah/2 marks]
(ii) Cadangkan apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh John sebelum meminum air itu. Terangkan. TP3/Mengaplikasi BAB
Suggest what John needs to do before drinking the water. Explain.
John perlu mendidihkan air sungai untuk membunuh mikroorganisma di dalamnya sebelum
meminum air sungai itu./John must boil the river water to kill the microorganisms in it before drinking
the river water.
[2 markah/2 marks]
(b) Gambar foto 2 menunjukkan kebocoran paip air bawah tanah di sebatang jalan raya. 5
The photograph 2 shows leakage of an underground water pipe on a road.
Apakah yang boleh anda lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah yang
ditunjukkan dalam gambar foto di sebelah kiri? TP4/Menganalisis
What can you do to solve the problem shown in the photograph on the left?
Melaporkan kepada jabatan air yang berdekatan tentang kebocoran
paip air bawah tanah./Report to the nearest water department about the
leakage of underground water pipes.
Gambar Foto 2/Photograph 2 [2 markah/2 marks]
(c) Kini, banyak keluarga di Malaysia menggunakan penapis air yang mengandungi turus ultraungu.
Today, many families in Malaysia use water filter containing ultraviolet columns.
Gambar Foto 3/Photograph 3
(i) Pada pendapat anda, apakah bahan-bahan dalam air pili yang dapat disingkirkan oleh penapis air
ini? Terangkan. TP4/Menganalisis
In your opinion, what are the substances in the tap water that can be removed by this water filter? Explain.
Penapis di dalamnya menyingkirkan zarah-zarah terampai dan sinaran ultraungu membunuh
mikroorganisma./The filter in it removes suspended particles and ultraviolet rays kill microorganisms.
[2 markah/2 marks]
(ii) Bolehkah air yang disalur keluar melalui penapis air ini diminum terus? Terangkan mengapa.
Can the water that comes out through this water filter be drunk directly? Explain why. TP5/Menilai
Ya. Air yang disalur keluar melalui penapis air ini tidak mengandungi mikroorganisma.
Yes. The water that comes out through this water filter does not contain microorganisms.
[2 markah/2 marks]