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Aadvika is SABCC's yearly magazine

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Published by sabcc IT, 2020-12-07 00:10:04

Aadvika 2020

Aadvika is SABCC's yearly magazine

Aadvika 2020

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Aadvika 2020

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Aadvika 2020

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Aadvika 2020

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Aadvika 2020

Through The Lens

By: Aditri Pal

Oh, what a beautiful night,
I looked up at the sky with all my might.
In the vast dark space, I saw were only stars,
Suddenly, I saw a bright light gleaming far.

Could it be? Yes, it was the moon,
Hanging in the distance, floating like a balloon.
All of the craters and silence, not a single sound,
Only shimmering dust, not a single mound of rock or any cloud.

Look! There are first men in a rocket,
focused, aiming for their target.

One was touching down and was upon the moon,
Making history that will speak volume.
Stellar stars, making the night sky,
and constellations twinkle with delight.

the marvellous Milky Way, our home galaxy,
the planets, all making the Solar System our family.
the stupendous shooting stars making our wishes come true,
I love space because we are always learning things new.

Oh, what a beautiful night,
It makes me stay behind.

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Aadvika 2020

The Rainforest

Swinging through the trees
The sharp air now a breeze
The vines slick in the drizzle
The bark on the trees brittle

The distant waterfall
Won’t stop it’s shushhh
For it waits for none at all

The birds start chirping
Early in the morning
Then when the time comes
They migrate far over their lifetimes

The jaguar hunts for its prey
The moment it wanders away
It is seen and noted
It’s fate already decided

The insects, too have an interesting life
For while others may strife
For food and shelter
They live as helpers

In the rainforest
The animals and weather and struc-
All live and survive together

- Shaumprovo Debnath

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Aadvika 2020

My pet, my best friend – Pluto
By, Risheen Barman

Pluto is my pet dog. He is now 8-months old. His birthday is No-
vember 18th. We brought him from the Animal Care Services. Pluto is a
Labrador and Terrier mix breed dog. He is brown in color. Pluto loves to
eat cheese, chicken, and animal crackers. His favorite game is to look for
bugs in our yard.

Pluto also likes to chase squirrels and lizards. My mom bought
him chew toys. He likes to run, jump, and play. I take Pluto for a walk
every evening. I love Pluto and he is my best friend.

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Aadvika 2020

By: Avaneesh Pal

“It’s not our disabilities, it’s our abilities that count.”

-Chris Burke, Down syndrome advocate.

Last summer, on my trip to West Bengal, India, I volun-
teered at a school for differently-abled children. At first,
all I wanted was the proof of work that I would be able to
submit here, at my school. But my experience there helped
me more than those submitting the paperwork ever would.
It gave me a new perspective on life itself, for which I am
very grateful to the children there.

It all started at Lopez Middle School, where NJHS (The
National Junior Honor Society) gave me the assignment
for the volunteer hours to be completed over the summer.
My grandparents found the Bidhan Chandra Pratibandhi
Karmakendra, ABLING THE DISABLED, (named after
Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, former Honorable Chief Minis-
ter of West Bengal and inaugurated by Mother Teresa), as a suitable special needs school
for me to finish the assignment by working there. I, at the moment, was unaffected much
by that decision. But then the first day of the volunteering came and I developed cold feet
as a result of the nervousness because of the unknown I was heading into, but was also
convinced that I would be able to do some good by volunteering in the school.

My first day at the school, the principal allowed me to sit with the Intel-
lectually Disabled children. To put it crudely, they were mentally chal-
lenged. We often think of people like them as conceptually abnormal.
But in my experience, we couldn’t have been further from the truth. To
me, personally, those kids were as close to God as anyone I’d ever seen
before. They didn’t care for my clothes, where I came from, how much
money my family had, or judgmental about my appearance. All they
saw was the person I am, something I wish I would see more. They
were jovial, cheery, and like any other human being in the viewpoint of
their feelings. In fact, I believe that their feelings were heightened

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Aadvika 2020

They laughed a significant amount more than the av-
erage person. There was one boy, who I believe was
older than me, who would at least wave every time
he saw me, or hug me. They even played games on
my phone sometimes and I could see the fascination
and inspiration in their eyes. They came alive with
excitement and the look on their faces was one I will
not forget.

After a week with them, I moved on to the children
with hearing impairments. They were just as jolly if not more, and it was a complete joy
working with them. I was even allowed to give them homework, which they completed
like all the other classwork. They even wanted to play cricket with me, which I unfortu-
nately did not have the chance to do. I had the opportunity to see how they learnt sounds,
which was through technology that implanted sounds beyond their ears, allowing them to

2 weeks later, after many hours of volunteering
and truly enjoying the time I had, it was time
for me to leave and come home. At that mo-
ment, I realized how much my time there actu-
ally meant to me and the kids there. I realized
that people with disabilities are far more alike
to us than we believe. I realized that the stereo-
type of the disabled people being dull is not
true at all. They were actually quite fun to be
around. We were all equally sad for my depar-
ture, and I regret not being able to do more ac-
tivities with them, like playing cricket.

The last day of my being there, one of the teachers, with whom I had grown a friendship of
sorts, walked with me and taught me about Indian history and parts of its culture I hadn’t
known about until then. I also took some pictures with the school’s arts and crafts class,
where I was further reminded of the exceptional skills of these differently abled kids. Soon
after, there was an event at the school, to which I was invited. We got there and saw an ex-
emplary performance by students of the school dancing to Rabindrasangeet and Bollywood
numbers. They were able to convey their emotions on their faces even if they couldn’t hear
the songs. This showcased the wide range of abilities they had to make up for the ones they
didn’t. They were as good, if not better, as anyone I had ever seen before.

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Aadvika 2020

My experience with the Bidhan
Chandra Pratibandhi Karmakendra
left me with life lessons and
knowledge that was priceless and
amazingly valuable to me. Perhaps
this was the reason my grandparents
chose the school for me, and for this I
am thankful. I sincerely hope that the
school and these kids have a bright
future, because they deserve it. They
do not, however, deserve to be treated
differently than anyone else, because
nothing makes them more different
than us than the way they are be-
haved towards. That summer, I be-
came a changed person. I went
through a period of self-realization
and found myself not greatly differ-
ent from the children I had grown
close to in India. They helped me
view the world a vastly different way.
I began to see the positives as well as
the negatives and I realized that the world is amazing, despite its flaws. To this day, I still
remember the children’s faces, a reminder to me that all clouds have a silver lining, a

memory that I will cherish for many years to come.

San Antonio Bengali Cultural Community 60

মন্নে খবে Aadvika 2020

অনেন্দম োয়

এপার-ওপার নেন্ন েন্র বাযাঁ ন-
স্াতাঁ ন্র তু ই টপনরন্ে টেনল জল,
েভীরতা মাপনব বন্ল এন্স্-
ডু ব-স্াতাঁ ান্র টপনল নে তার তল?

ডু ব নদন্েনেস্ আন্েও জানন েন্তা,
ভানস্ন্েনেস্ টেেু েু স্ম্বল,
ডু বন্ত না হে আবার এনল টশন্ষ-
তবু মন্নর খবর নে বা রানখস্ বল?

পােল হন্ে মন মাঝেোর টখানাঁ ্জ-
টখাোনল টতার টলাো েম্বল,
আবার, হাবুডু বু টখনল ননরুন্েন্শ-
বুেনল নে িাতু নর না েল?

তন্েনষ ্ত না হে টমন্ন ননলাম,
মন দনরোে নপনরনত েলমল,
হৃদেনন্দর টপ্রম টজাোন্র টভন্স্-
তবু মন্নর খবর নে বা টপনল বল?

San Antonio Bengali Cultural Community


ননিঃস্ঙ্গ Aadvika 2020

অনেন্দম োয়

তু নম মখু নিনরন্ে ননন্ল-

েখন আনম টতামার টিান্খ দৃটি টহন্ননেলাম,

না নে নতু ন েন্র তাোন্ব বন্ল
টিন্ল নদন্ল পরু ান্না ধ্বংস্স্তুন্প-

জানা হন্লা না আর!

শযাওলার মন্তা পােন্রর খানঁা ্জ খানঁা ্জ
নশেন্ি নশেন্ি আচ্ছন্ন জান্ল আেন্ে রইলাম আনম,

েত শত জল বন্ে িন্ল আমার পাশ নদন্ে
এে, দুই, নতন, নেন্শারীর নামতা পিাে পিাে,

মান্ে মান্ে জন্লর যাক্কাে টস্ আন্িপনৃ ্ি জনিন্ে োো বাযাঁ ন
নেঁা ন্ি টবনরন্ে নেন্ে বলন্ত ইন্চ্ছ েন্র-

আনম োন্বা টতামার স্ান্ে; তু নম নে ননন্ে োন্ব না?
টস্ই বটৃ ি টভজা দারুনিনন দ্বীন্প,
টতামার তু ন্ল ননন্ে োওো ননভৃ ত অন্তরান্ল আনম এো,
টিাখ টবাজা অনভু ূ নতর টোোঁ াে নশহরণ শরীন্রর প্রনতটে খানাঁ ্জ,

তবওু টতামার দৃটি খুনাঁ ্জ টিরা
েহন অন্ধোর শরীন্রর নভতর,
েন্ত্রণা নক্লি শরীর এেবার নন্ি উন্ঠই নস্থর, অনবিল,
দানঁা ্ত দাতঁা টিন্প যরা মুহনূ ্তরষ আনন্দ টিাখ রাঙাে,
না নে এ আমার বদনাম!
ননঃস্ঙ্গ ননজনষ তা অন্িাপান্স্র মন্তা শক্ত েন্র জনিন্ে রান্খ,
আনম এো, এো, এো – শুযু শরীন্র টজন্ে ওঠা েন্েেটে ঘাস্
জীবন্নর স্জীবতা শুন্ষ খাে,
জানন না নে টপন্ল তার দাম!

আনম োন্বা টতামার স্ান্ে স্ােী

স্ােীহারা শনূ য ননঃস্ঙ্গতা টিন্ল টরন্খ-

San Antonio Bengali Cultural Community


Aadvika 2020

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Aadvika 2020

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Aadvika 2020

San Antonio Bengali Cultural Community 74

Ingredients for Tawa Goat Fry:

-Goat meat with bones- 500 gms
To be pressure cooked with:

- Salt- 1 tsp
- Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
- Ginger garlic paste- 2 tsp
- Water- 200 ml

- Onions, sliced- 2 medium (150 gms)
- Green chillies, halved & slit- 2
- Curry leaves- 2 sprigs

- Red Chilli powder- 1 tsp
- Coriander powder- 2 tsp
- Fennel powder- 1 tsp
- Garam masala powder-1 tsp
- Crushed pepper- 1/4 tsp

- Refined oil- 4 tbsp
- Salt for seasoning - 1/4 tsp

- Pressure cook the goat pieces with the items
indicated for 2 whistles.

- Once the meat is tender strain the pieces and set

the mutton stock aside for use later. 75


- Heat oil in a kadai or pan. Add the curry leaves and give a stir. Add
the cut green chillies & again stir.
- Now add the sliced onions and fry on medium heat for 10 mins till
light brown.
- Add the strained boiled mutton pieces (without the stock) and mix
& fry on high heat for around 2 mins.
- Add the red Chilli powder, mix & fry on medium heat for 1 min.
- Now add the mutton stock and mix & fry on high heat for 7-8 mins.
Fry till the liquid nearly dries up.
- Add the coriander, fennel, Garam masala powders & crushed
pepper, mix and add a splash of water (2 tbsp).
- Fry on medium heat for 3-4 mins till the masala coats the mutton
pieces well.
-The dish is ready to serve . It tastes delicious with white rice ..

Cheers !!! 76

Aadvika 2020

Chocolate Bundt Cake with leftover coffee

Recipe by Poulami Majumdar

Often at home we have excess brewed coffee. You can now make delectable dessert with this leftover coffee. The cake
would not taste so much of coffee but the flavor of the chocolate will be enhanced with the addition.

For cake:

2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour, 2 cups granulated sugar, 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa,2 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon
baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup buttermilk, 1 cup brewed coffee 1/2 cup oil, 2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract, 2
large eggs
For topping
1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips, 1 cup heavy cream, 1 tablespoon coffee liqueur, nuts for garnishing (optional)
Steps to the oven

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour a Bundt
cake pan. Combine together flour, sugar, cocoa,
baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a medium

Combine buttermilk, coffee, oil, vanilla, and eggs
and beat on medium speed until well blended. Then
slowly add the flour mix and beat until well blend-

Pour cake batter into prepared Bundt pan, and bake
in preheated oven for about 45 to 50 minutes. Check
if the cake is done. Then let it cool in pan on a wire

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Aadvika 2020

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Aadvika 2020

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Kid's Fashion Show





Kid's natak this year depicted a plot showing how unprecedented
corona virus situation can impact young mind but how young mind can
still have positive outlook towards it eventually thriving for a positive

outcome - Maa Shakti, pervaded in in all elements of society
eventually wins over evil, be it mahisasur or corona.




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Aadvika 2020

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Aadvika 2020

Chanar Jilipi (A Bengali dessert)

- Dr Madhumita Majumdar

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Aadvika 2020

শুেনি বক পাও?

রাতজাো আোন্শর গুমন্র ওঠা োন্না
অনভমানী িাদাঁ োর নবরামহীন বােনা-

শুনন্ত নে পাও?
ওই টে এে আতনষ াদ,নারীর নিৎোর,
টোঁ িা বুন্ের এে রক্তাক্ত হাহাোর

শুনন্ত নে পাও?
জ্বলন্ে এখন্না টে টস্ই আগুন,টস্ই মন
পিু ন্ে স্বপ্নগুন্লা, এ এে অস্পশৃ য দহন-
লুন্োন্নার ঘর টখানাঁ ্জ টস্

ভন্ের স্ান্ে লনু ্োিু নর,

লক্ষ্মীহারা মান্ের োন্না নবদীণ ষ টস্ টোজােরী।
রান্তর টোন্ল ঘুমাে টস্ টে নননশর স্ান্ে স্ঙ্গী,
ননঠু র স্মাজ ওন্ো এ টেমন নপশাি েঝন্ড-

টভন্বন্ো নে?
টস্ও টতা টদন্খনেল লাল নীল স্বপ্ন,

রটঙন হৃদন্ে েন্রনেল ভান্লাবাস্ান্ে েত্ন ।
হঠাৎ এে দমো হাওো উনিন্ে নদন্লা টস্ রঙ,
বটৃ ি এন্স্ ভানস্ন্ে নদন্লা েন্ত্নর টেৌবন -

টদখন্ত নে পাও?
নেন্ন প্রানোন্ে টিন্ল নদন্লা পান্শ

San Antonio Bengali Cultural Community


Aadvika 2020

রক্ত টরখাে োতর মনো স্মাজবুন্ে ভান্স্ ।
শুনননন হেন্তা তার টশষ ডাে ো-
ভু ন্লওনে তার টস্ই লনু ্োন্না নামো !
মানষু হন্ে মানষু মানর ,আমরাই টতা স্মাজ েনি
রুখন্ব টে এই েনিন্ে পিা নবষাক্ত টস্ মহামারী।

তন্ব শুনন্ত নে পান্চ্ছা
তার গুটে পান্ের আওোজ?
আোশ জনু ্ি আিাঁ ল টমন্ল টমাহমে টস্ স্াজ-
জােন্ে জেৎ ভাঙন্ে টনশা স্মে হন্েন্ে টশষ,
আস্েু টস্ টভার টেোে নারীর পরন্ন রণ-টবশ ।

টদখন্ত নে িাও ?
নারী পুরুষ আল্পনা নদে টদান্র -
টোজােরীর স্ন্ন্ধয প্রদীপ জ্বলুে ঘন্র ঘন্র ।।

স্সু ্মিতাে কলম ~

San Antonio Bengali Cultural Community


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